I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 13: Manipulating the Sorting Hat in the Dark"

After crossing the Black Lake, Rudy gave Harry a hand and helped carry the unconscious Ron out of the boat.

Under the leadership of Hagrid, everyone arrived at the gate of Hogwarts Castle. Hagrid pointed to the open castle gate with a lantern and said: "Okay, go in from here and walk along the stairs. There will be The professor is waiting for you there, go ahead."


In the night, the splendid and magnificent castle was certainly eye-catching, but at this moment, it was difficult for Ron to attract the strange gazes of the students around him.

After all...he is probably the only student since the founding of Hogwarts, and even in the future, who has passed by the Black Lake in a boat and was frightened and fainted.

When Ron Youyou woke up, he looked at his classmates who were watching him, and when he recalled his embarrassing incident, he blushed instantly.Most of the students laughed at most when they saw this, although this also embarrassed Ron.

However, until a blond boy with a shiny comb and slanted back hair walked out of the crowd laughing, Ron's expression became completely unbearable.

Draco Malfoy is a villain who is not bad at all in the original novel, although Rudy only remembers the words "slick Malfoy", which is not quite right.But it doesn't matter, he feels that he has hit the target...

By the way, how much oil did you put on this head?Does this hairstyle look really cool?

Rudy was thinking about whether the greasy man was handsome or not, while Ron, who couldn't stand Draco's verbal provocations and laughter, angrily stood up and started a 'just contest' with him. (scold each other)

Just when the two were arguing, a serious female voice sounded from the corridor door in front: "That's enough, you two!"

"What are you doing!?"

The young wizards were frightened into silence by the roar of the Hedong lion. They all stared nervously at the witch in front of them, who was wearing a dark green robe and a pointed hat.

Seeing that her goal was achieved, the witch first introduced herself: "I am the vice-principal of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall."

"From today on, you are the new students of Hogwarts."

"And next, you will follow me in for sorting."

"After joining each college, you will get to know new classmates and professors."

"Since you have come to the college, you must treat the college as your home. Every move you make will determine whether it will have any impact on the college you belong to, whether it will score points or lose points."

"The house with the highest score at the end of the school year will win the House Cup... Now, come in with me and prepare for the sorting ceremony."

After speaking, she turned around gracefully and walked towards the door in front of the corridor.

After Professor McGonagall walked away, Draco, who had just finished arguing with Ron, walked out.He deliberately walked to the first step in front of Harry and said condescendingly to Harry: "It seems that the rumors are true. Harry Potter has really come to Hogwarts."

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy!"

After saying his name with a little pride, Draco was about to continue saying something, but found that Weasley, who he had just argued with, was actually standing next to Potter, and he seemed to have a good relationship with him.This made him unhappy, so he spoke contemptuously of Ron and his father, Mr. Weasley.

Finally, he stretched out his hand arrogantly and said to Harry: "Some wizard families are superior to others. You definitely don't want to make the wrong friends, right? For example - the impoverished Weasley."

"Hahaha..." Looking at Malfoy laughing, Ron was so angry that he was itching his teeth. Just when he was about to open his mouth and fight with the opponent for another [-] rounds, a slightly angry voice came from behind the corridor——

"I remember I said that the sorting ceremony was about to begin, right?!" The visitor was none other than Professor McGonagall, who had returned. She was really furious.Before I even left the gate, I heard that a student had fainted while crossing the Black Lake. As soon as I entered the door, I saw two children quarreling. I had just finished lecturing them and asked them to follow me into the sorting ceremony, but it took half a day after I opened the door. No one came in.

Under the confused looks of so many students and professors, she almost broke through on the spot.

Angrily, I walked back to the corridor with my wand in hand, only to find that these naughty kids were making trouble here again!

I keep reminding myself that those are a group of children, that are a group of children, they haven't been sorted into different schools yet, they haven't been sorted into different schools yet...

Professor McGonagall secretly swore that this little red-haired one and this little golden retriever would never fall into his hands after they were sorted, otherwise they would know how powerful McGonagall was, the ruthless vice-principal!

When the door of the auditorium opened again, what everyone had been waiting for finally came true this time.

The 'murderous' Professor McGonagall, with a dark face, strode at the front, followed by a line of first-year students.They looked around and observed everything in the auditorium. They said it was an auditorium, but in fact it was a large canteen where everyone could have meetings and dinners together?

Hogwarts is divided into four houses, namely: "Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff", so the long table in the auditorium is also divided into four rows, each row consists of ten It consists of a long table, forming four 'long dragons'.The large podium at the front is the teachers' dining table, and is occasionally used as a podium.

On the table of all the students was a glittering dinner plate, a goblet about 20 centimeters high, and a set of silver cutlery. It looked retro and luxurious, with an aristocratic feel.

There were many candles floating in the air in the auditorium, which looked very strange.But if you look at it from the perspective of the wizarding world, this seems normal?

Not only candles, but also the night sky with twinkling stars can be found on the ceiling of the roof as you look higher.

"The ceiling is not real, it is just enchanted..." Hearing the female voice from behind, Rudy trembled for no reason.

It's over... there's a shadow...

A few minutes later, Professor McGonagall led the first-year students from the gate into the front of the auditorium. Located in the open space directly in front of the classroom seats, there was a high round stool with a Dark brown hat.He didn’t know whether it was because it hadn’t been washed for too long, or whether it was just that way. Rudy discovered that the hat actually emitted four kinds of strange light particles: red, yellow, blue, and green, with red being the most numerous.

After experiencing the sword-drawing incident, Rudy felt that there seemed to be some changes in his body.When he stared intently at certain objects, or even people, he could always see a layer of light on their surfaces.For example, Ron's rat spotted 'black and yellow' on the train, the four colors of the hat in front of him, and the professors sitting in a row in the classroom...and so on!I go!What the hell is this?

When Rudy saw the middle of the classroom, he was almost blinded by a large group of dazzling rainbow light.

He quickly closed his eyes and shook his head. When he looked up again, he found that the light in his sight was gone.

Seeing his abnormality, Harry came over and asked, "Are you okay?"

Rudy shook his head, looked at the middle of the classroom and said, "Okay, who is the old man with the white beard in the middle of the classroom?"

Harry originally wanted to say that I didn't know either, but suddenly he remembered the box of chocolate frogs he opened on the train. The person who appeared on the wizard card in the box was him!

Recalling what Ron said at that time, Harry said excitedly to Rudy: "It's Dumbledore! That's Principal Dumbledore! Rudy!"

After hearing this, Rudy thought to himself that indeed, all the teachers present had some kind of light, but this old man was particularly strong, and his meow was colorful. It would be a bit false to say that he could not guess who he was. .

But just in case, wouldn't it be embarrassing if I admitted the wrong person?

During the time when the two of them were whispering, Professor McGonagall introduced the origins of the four major colleges and their respective symbols to the freshmen. After that, she stepped back slightly and pointed behind her and said: "Before the sorting ceremony begins, Professor Dumbledore has A few words for you all."

After she finished speaking, the old man sitting on the chair in the middle of the teacher's chair stood up slowly with his hands on the back of the seat.

He was wearing a brown robe and a lavender cloak.A pair of half-moon glasses rested on his hooked nose, and his blue pupils seemed to be glowing?And his beard, which is as silver as his waist-length hair.

"Before the semester begins, I have a few words to say." After standing up, Dumbledore looked very tall. Judging from his small body, Rudy estimated that his height must be over 180cm.

"Attention all new students, all students are strictly prohibited from entering the Forbidden Forest."

"And Mr. Filch, the administrator, would like me to remind everyone that anyone who doesn't want to be tortured to death should stay away from the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

"Thank you..." After saying that, he slowly sat down again.

After he finished speaking, Professor McGonagall on the side came forward with a piece of parchment in hand and continued to preside over the sorting ceremony: "Okay, then whoever I call next will come up, and I will put the sorting hat on you. "

"Then, you will be assigned to your respective colleges."

Rudy was stunned after hearing this. What the hell kind of method is this?Determining the sorting with a hat?

Then he saw how to use a hat to sort the houses...

Professor McGonagall spread out the parchment with the list on it and shouted: "Then..."

"Hermione Granger."

Among the freshmen in the audience, when she heard that she was the first one to shout, Hermione closed her eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and then murmured to herself, "Oh, okay, don't be nervous, relax..." Slowly He walked onto the stage, sat on the high stool under the guidance of Professor McGonagall, and put on the hat called the Sorting Hat.

Under Rudy's gaze, a face wrinkled up in the wrinkled part of the hat!Then it twisted and made a thinking expression, and within two seconds it shouted without hesitation: "Oh, okay, um, good~"


The students belonging to Gryffindor House in the audience immediately cheered, and Rudy looked confused. What is this?Why are you so excited?After finishing it, I felt a little speechless. Was it so careless?The hat decided the student's sorting with a casual shout.

Professor McGonagall also seemed very happy, smiling and letting Hermione sit down at the Gryffindor table.Then, he continued to look at the list and shouted: "Next, Draco Malfoy."

Xiao Huangmao, whose name was called, walked out of the crowd with an arrogant expression. When he was about to reach the stool, he sat on the stool with a worried look on his face.As for why...his father said that if he was not sorted into Slytherin, he would be beaten severely when he came home...

Fortunately, the result was exactly what he wanted. He didn't even put the hat down. When it was in mid-air above his head, the hat shouted: "Slytherin!"

After knowing that he was sorted into Slytherin, Malfoy showed a satisfied smile and strode toward the Slytherin table.Ron in the audience leaned close to Harry and Rudy and whispered: "There is no wizard who has gone bad who is not from Slytherin."

"Next, Susan Burns!" On the stage, Professor McGonagall continued to call the next person, and the Sorting Hat also gave his assigned answer in an orderly manner: "Hufflepuff!"

When Susan ran off the stage, Professor McGonagall lowered her eyes and looked at the list report: "Ronald Weasley!"

Hearing the name, Rudy subconsciously looked at Ron and asked, "Are there any other new students in your family besides you this year?"

Ron pouted and pointed at himself with his finger.

Rudy quickly scratched his head in embarrassment and apologized... He also complained about the strange name that could be abbreviated.

Under the stage, on the way to the round stool, Ron's stunned expression was even more twisted and uneasy than Malfoy's before.Like the Malfoy family, Mr. Weasley also said something similar, if he is sorted into Slytherin, he should be dealt with well...

He kept praying in his heart until Professor McGonagall put the hat on his head, and the Sorting Hat suddenly shouted: "Aha! Here comes another Weasley!"

"I already knew where you should be assigned."

As he spoke, he shouted loudly without hesitation: "Gryffindor!"

It's so pitiful that when Ron heard the words "Gryffindor", he took a few breaths with great difficulty. Rudy even suspected that if he was sorted into another house, such as Slytherin, Will he be beaten up by the Weasleys in a mixed doubles game when he gets home... (Of course, if Rudy knew that one of the factors that led to being assigned to Slytherin was ambition and shrewdness, he wouldn't have such thoughts.)

After Ron stepped down, Professor McGonagall shouted: "Next, Harry Potter!"

Good guy, after Harry Potter was called out, the students in the audience were all whispering and talking. Even many professors on the stage poked their heads out, which made Rudy once again understand the star effect. powerful.

After sitting on the stool and putting on the hat, the Sorting Hat rarely fell into entanglement and contemplation. It kept mumbling to itself: "Well, it's difficult, it's very difficult~"

"You can see that he is very courageous and has a good heart...very talented and eager to prove himself..."

Seeing that the Sorting Hat hesitated, Harry had an ominous premonition in his heart, so he kept mumbling: "I won't go to Slytherin, I won't go to Slytherin..."

Seemingly hearing his request, the Sorting Hat asked: "Are you sure? You don't want to go to Slytherin?..."

Finally, under Harry's constant appeal, the Sorting Hat actually respected his choice and chose another house: "Then, Gryffindor!"

Rudy in the audience was stunned. Good guy, he even said there was no secret operation! ?This can all be controlled by voice. This thing is really unreliable!Moreover, the reaction of the Gryffindor gang was too great, right?

When the Gryffindor students in the audience heard that Harry was assigned to their house, they all stood up and clapped wildly with excitement, sometimes dancing. The Weasley twins were also in Gryffindor. Many, they shouted the happiest "We got Potter! We got Potter!"

After Harry walked off the stage with a smile and walked towards the long table of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall coughed slightly and stopped smiling, while continuing to read the list and preside over the sorting ceremony...

The sorting ceremony continued, watching the people around him being sorted out one by one, and even Rudy, who didn't call his name, became a little nervous at this moment.

A few minutes later, when all the freshmen except himself had completed their sorting, Rudy finally experienced Harry's feeling of being the center of attention...

Damn it, why do you feel like there is a light on your back?And the old bat with a middle part on the stage is talking about you!Snape!What are you looking at!You old thief!

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