I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 14 decides it’s you!Gryffindor! "

"Wow, who is he? So handsome!"

"His eyes are so charming! Will he be assigned to our academy!?"

"That's enough. You, an old aunt, don't even care about your own virtues!"

"Haha, sixth-grade Obasan actually dares to speak arrogantly!"

"Ah, I didn't see it~ Where did Bichi dare to bark in front of this young lady!"

"What's going on, do you want to do something!?"

"Come here, I'm afraid of you! I've been putting up with you for a long time!"

"See you in the dormitory tonight!"

"Who won't come?"

"Whose grandson!"

"Hmph! x2"


Looking at the students in the audience who were whispering to each other and even getting into a fight for no apparent reason, Professor McGonagall coughed twice again, looked at the expressionless Rudy and shouted: "Next..."

"Rudy Pendragon!"

The moment Pendragon shouted, there were even more discussions in the audience. Most students had obviously heard of the legend of King Arthur, especially in the wizarding world version of the story, King Arthur was Merlin's apprentice!

That's Merlin!Merlin's bearded Merlin! ...Why is it so roundabout?

Of course, the moment they heard the surname 'Pendragon', it was not just the students in the audience who stared at Rudy with wide eyes, but also many professors in the classroom looked over in surprise.Among them, Snape, who had a calm face and a heartless heart, gave Rudy a look that said, "You're lucky, I'll give you a break." He was so angry that he almost jumped up and wanted to rush forward to fight the old bat.

After pouting and ignoring Snape, Rudy's eyes flickered and he discovered that Dumbledore was also looking at him with a smile.When I thought about it, apart from the reaction when Harry came on stage just now, this little old man came to me for the only second time in the whole sorting ceremony!Rudy always felt that this was not a good thing. This little old man wouldn't want to arrange it for me, would he?

With random thoughts in his mind, Rudy walked up to the stage and sat on the stool. He watched with anxiety as Professor McGonagall put the hat on his head.

The Sorting Hat, which had been very active until now, became quiet now. It hesitated and judged: "Well, this is too difficult..."

"Oh, I haven't seen such a noble bloodline for a long time..."

“Bravery, kindness, honesty, honor, humility, sacrifice, it’s hard to imagine seeing them all in the same person at the same time.”

"And this amazing magical talent, and the thirst for knowledge."

"It's difficult, it's really difficult..."

"Emmmm, what about Gryffindor?"

Hearing the tone of discussion above him, Rudy was stunned.

What does this mean?Can't you choose and let me choose?

Beside, Professor McGonagall almost laughed out loud when she heard that the Sorting Hat's first intention was Gryffindor, but due to the referee's absolute fairness and beauty... ahem, she had to calm down.She doesn't show her emotions or anger, she is a professional and must not laugh at this moment!

"Okay, then the decision is yours! - Gryffindor!!" After hesitating for a long time, the Sorting Hat finally surrendered to Gryffindor's will. After all, it was the hat of Gryffindor. When it comes to good things, you must think of your own people, right?

Damn it, I can't hold it back... Professor McGonagall, who was trying hard not to laugh out loud, couldn't hold it in any longer. When the Sorting Hat shouted "Gryffindor", he took the lead in cheering with a smile on his face. Raise your hands.

Others don’t know what’s going on with Rudy, doesn’t she?Dumbledore had slightly revealed something about the child when he handed him over to her.Merlin, that is the blood of King Arthur. It can even be said that Rudy, who has the same pure blood as King Arthur flowing in his body, is another King Arthur.

Although I don't know what Dumbledore meant by 'cloning' at that time, it doesn't matter.After she took over the child from Dumbledore, she immediately arranged for the child to live with her Muggle cousin. It was always right to establish a good relationship first!

Yes, Mrs. Maxey is Professor McGonagall's cousin. (Because Rudy was not yet old enough to go to school at the time)

In a daze, Rudy didn't know how he got off the stage. When he came to his senses, he was already sitting on the Gryffindor bench, holding a gift from Ron in his hand. Grilled chicken legs.

Rudy looked vaguely at the people sitting on his left and right. Ron was on the left and... on the right...! ! !

wipe!Why is she here!

After seeing Ron devouring food on the left, Rudy thought it was Harry sitting on the right, but he didn't expect Harry to be sitting opposite him.So, he looked to his right curiously, and then...

He saw the devil riding his own hammer on the train!The startled Rudy subconsciously wanted to move towards Ron, but Hermione, who was sitting next to him, obviously noticed that he was looking at her, so she turned her head and smiled at him gracefully.

Rudy:....?what's the situation?Has she transitioned?

But I never saw her face from the beginning to the end on the train. Now at first glance, she looks a bit cute...

Ahem, I swear, just a little bit.Well, just a little, no more.

His figure is just a bit upright... He can still recall the feeling of hitting the wall.

With her messy long hair hanging loosely, Hermione took small bites of the pie in her hand. She could feel the boy next door staring at her.Really, why are you staring at people, it's so embarrassing...

Um?Wait, where is he looking?

As Rudy's gaze moved slightly downward...

Hermione obviously remembered what happened on the train and couldn't bear it!

She seemed to have thought of something with her dark face, then stood up and sat down next to Rudy, bringing their bodies together, and then grabbed the right side of Rudy's waist with a confused expression on his face. of soft meat.

Hermione: Granger's mother's secret, the 180° twisting technique!

Good guy, before Rudy could figure out what was happening, his face turned grim with pain and he grabbed Ron's thigh next to him...

Ron: Oh! ! !

Then even Ron's eyes widened with a ferocious expression. Coupled with the fact that he was devouring the chicken drumsticks, his whole expression looked like that of a starving man who had been choked. Harry, who was sitting opposite, was so frightened that he silently lowered his hand. Serve the chicken legs you just picked up.

Immediately afterwards, Harry discovered that something was not right with Rudy next to Ron.His handsome face was wrinkled in pain, and Hermione, who was sitting on his left, was actually next to Rudy.

Harry, a brat, showed Rudy an "I understand" expression, and while giving Rudy a thumbs up, he sighed in his heart.

'Sure enough, he is handsome and so popular with girls. '

'I was fighting to death on the train earlier, but it wasn't long before I threw myself into Rudy's arms. '

Rudy on the opposite side finally couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his head suddenly and wanted to hand it over loudly, but he didn't expect that Hermione beside him immediately grabbed a chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth.

Rudy:! ! ! ? ?

'No, I must be blind to think she is cute, she is simply a devil! '

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Rudy became. He quickly cast a "help" look at Harry across from him. Who knew that after seeing his distress signal, Harry instead made a face of "I understand, I envy you very much." expression.Even the brothers Fred and George next to Harry laughed and gave him a thumbs up.

Rudy was dumbfounded, what was going on! ?Where are the brothers you promised!Are you going to backstab me now?

At this moment, Harry once again recalled his identity as a male pig's foot.After eating half of the meal, he saw a familiar figure on the far right side of the classroom seat. He turned slightly sideways and asked Percy beside him: "Percy, does that Professor Snape teach Potions for all grades?"

Percy nodded curiously and asked, "Do you know him? Yes, he teaches all seven grades. However, after the OWLs exam in fifth grade, you need to achieve excellence in the second semester. Only with an 'O' grade can you continue to take his Potions class."

Harry looked confused: "OWLs exam? What is that?"

Percy stuffed a mouthful of cream into his mouth, thought for a while and explained: "After the fifth grade, there will be an exam called OWLs. After the exam, only students whose scores meet the requirements of the professor and above can continue to choose to enter this school." An improvement class for NEWTs in various subjects.”

"Of course you need to synthesize your own employment ideals before doing this."

After hearing this, Harry still had an incomprehensible expression on his face. Hermione, who was struggling with the soft flesh on Rudy's waist, interrupted and explained: "It's like a college exam in the ordinary world. After that, according to your With certain or even multiple grades, you can choose to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree.”

Good guy, Harry, who was confused at first, became even more confused after hearing Hermione's explanation.He was speechless and found that not only did he not understand the magical world, he had never even understood the original world!

(According to my understanding, Harry's knowledge of the Muggle world is limited to understanding the use of some home appliances, traffic rules, cars and airplanes. As for colleges and universities, degrees, etc., his estimate is limited.)

Seeing that Harry was even more confused, Hermione let go of Rudy's flesh, looked at him in disbelief and asked, "No way? Don't you know?"

This was a bit nerve-wracking. I originally thought that Harry just couldn't understand the magical version, but it turned out that he couldn't even understand the Muggle version.

The relieved Rudy quickly moved his butt towards Ron, and also apologized sincerely to Ron, whose body was also severely injured.Poor Ron felt that he had lost all feeling in his thighs, and he choked on the chicken drumstick in his mouth. He almost felt that he was going to see Merlin.

Originally, Ron would not forgive Rudy so easily, but he just couldn't help it...

Who made them friends?And Rudy also apologized very "sincerely".

That's right, when Rudy apologized, he stuffed several glittering objects into Ron's robe pocket, which shows his sincerity!

Ron was rubbing his thighs that were probably red and swollen just now. After hearing the apologies coming from beside him, he originally made up his mind that he would not forgive Rudy so easily.It's just...it's just that those few hard little things really touched his perseverance.He also wants to stick to his principles...

Oh, well, principles be damned, these galleons were more than he had had in pocket money for several years!

So Ron decisively chose to forgive Rudy, and spent the rest of the meal happily hanging out with Rudy.In this regard, Hermione, who had just finished asking Percy about the details of the OWLs exam, found out angrily that she had gone back to ask a few questions, and no one came back!

She still had a lot to say to him!

Well, as a girl, there are some things you shouldn't be too proactive about, even though he is your idol.And she doesn’t understand him yet, but it’s precisely because of this that she needs to communicate more, even if it’s to restore her image as a lady!

'It's all this damn redhead's fault! '

The angry Hermione did not hesitate to make Ron her number one curse target. When she asked Percy before, she heard that there was a subject dedicated to learning "curses".

'Hmph, don't let me catch the chance. '

Narrowing her eyes and gesturing fiercely at Ron with the knife and fork in her hand, Hermione looked at the two of them with their arms around each other and helplessly forked a piece of barbecue and stuffed it into her mouth.

'Forget it, there is a long way to go, and you will always find opportunities. '

Thinking like this, she felt a lot more comfortable.

'Um! ?This barbecue tastes really good. '

Ron, who was being targeted, had no idea that he was offending a future 'Minister of Magic and the Queen of the Damned' for such an outrageous reason. Otherwise, he would have kicked out Rudy next to him, and then hit him with his backhand. The Galleons in his pocket were thrown into Rudy's face and shouted "Don't even think about insulting my soul with money!".

In this way, in a relatively pleasant atmosphere, the dinner ended.

After Dumbledore welcomed him again and sang the really weird school song, Professor McGonagall stood up from the classroom with a glowing face and ordered the prefects of each house to lead the freshmen of their houses back to their dormitories.

Good guy, judging from the situation, I probably drank a lot tonight... According to Fred and George, they have basically never seen Professor McGonagall smile since they entered the school. Even if they saw her twice today, she actually And drank!

Merlin, this is definitely not their cold-blooded, black-faced dean!


After dinner, after leaving the auditorium with the large group, the Gryffindor freshmen, led by their prefect Percy, arrived at the most important part of the fastest route to the dormitory - the moving stairs.

According to Percy's description, this staircase is quite special. How can I put it...that is, they have their own ideas.

They always like to move around, and now they are here, leading to the bedroom.After a while it won't be so, they will change their position at any time.

Following Percy's explanation, Rudy discovered that Hogwarts has a very strong cultural heritage!Good guy, starting from the corridor outside the auditorium on the first floor where they just came up, all the way to now when they are on their way to the dormitory, there are oil paintings everywhere on the walls!Several of them are works by very famous artists!

If this is sold, it will not take off directly! ?

....Wait a minute, I still have hundreds of millions of pounds in my card and a wealth of gold and silver in my treasury, so why do I need these paintings?

Rudy: ....You suddenly feel that you have lost your goal in life, and you feel powerless?

Um! ?Wait, oh my god, that’s Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa Smile”! ?But...why is she really smiling?wipe!She turned around and looked over! ?

oh!There’s also Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers—Fifteen Sunflowers in a Vase”!Why is this sunflower really spinning?Hey, your melon seeds have fallen off! ?

All the famous paintings he had seen and never seen before were actually moving. Not only Rudy was shocked, but many freshmen pointed at these paintings out of curiosity.

Soon, they walked through a long corridor and came to a large portrait.

The last person in the portrait... Well, how should I say it?She has a plump body, a round figure, a pleasant demeanor, and a sweet smile... Well, I can't make it up anymore, she is a fat aunt, and her appearance reminds Rudy of a housewife inexplicably.

After seeing a large number of people outside the door, she smiled and asked for the "password."

Percy was obviously used to the look of the charterer, and he replied without changing his expression: "Dragon scum."

As soon as the password was given, the housekeeper opened it by herself, revealing the bedroom door behind the painting.

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