I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 24 The Identity of the Thief"

After leaving the library quickly, Rudy was eager to go to the teaching aids room where the broomsticks used for teaching were stored.

The teaching aids room is located on the west side of the first floor of the castle, less than 50 meters away from the auditorium.The library is on the second floor, so the fastest route from the library to the teaching aids room is to go through the corridor on the east side of the second floor of the castle, then transfer to the central corridor, and go to the first floor through the stairs in the central corridor.

After clearly marking the fastest route in his mind, Rudy immediately praised his little brain and must reward him with a chicken drumstick for dinner~

Then, he walked quickly towards the east corridor of the castle where he turned right after exiting the library.

But, he didn't expect...

The weather in Europe is so outrageous. It's only early September, and the temperature outside at night is so low that it makes people question their life.

When he walked through the outer corridor on the east side of the castle, the first half of the journey was fine, but he felt a bit of cold wind blowing over him.But in the middle half, he couldn't bear it anymore...

Because this corridor was built on the east wall connecting the center of the castle, it has an open design, that is, there are no windows and only a ceiling.

If this is the spring and summer, this road is definitely the only way for students to go to and from get out of class. Not only does it have a pleasant scenery, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery east of Hogwarts, but it also avoids the trouble of detours.But unfortunately, it is already September. After the weather gradually turns cooler, when it gets dark, the wind blows so cold that people shiver.

Halfway through the walk quickly, a swirling cold wind whizzed past.Rudy turned around without saying a word and gave up on this shortcut to the teaching aids room.

His grandma’s is so cold!

After retreating from the difficulty, Rudy silently walked back to the corridor outside the library. Finally, he succumbed to the power of nature and took a long detour to the first floor.

However, he originally planned to go straight to the teaching aids room, but because of this incident, he changed his schedule and went to the auditorium.

After reading all afternoon, I feel a little hungry...

Who knows, man's calculation is not as good as God's, and God... there are unforeseen circumstances.

After taking a long detour, Rudy still couldn't escape the fate.

When I came down the stairs from the second floor, someone unscrupulous opened the window at the top of the stairs.Good guy, as soon as Rudy walked down from the second floor, he was hit by a cold wind from the window.

Speechlessly looking through the window at the darkening sky outside, Rudy complained: "Hey, no, I'm so unlucky, why are you bragging about me? Do you still have some sense of justice? No wonder so many people want to go against heaven. ..”

He rolled his eyes and continued walking down. As if he thought of something, Rudy stopped and looked around carefully.

Well, no one!

Then he....

"At the expense of my dear Professor Snape being single for another 20 years, I would like to bless my future student career to be smooth and safe! Jesus bless! Merlin protects me! Thank you Buddha! Amen, thank you Smecta!"

After chanting quickly, he immediately trotted down the stairs.

Perhaps it was the happiness that cursed dear Professor Snape. Rudy came to the door of the auditorium and happily hummed the song of the rice cook: "The rice man... the rice soul... the rice man is the master of others." ~”

"If you cut off the water with a knife, the water will still flow. The only way to solve a thousand worries is to make rice."

"What will we have for dinner today? If I had known earlier, I should have told Red and asked him to add some florist cuisine to our table..."

“It’s hard to describe the delicious food...”

At the same time, the Harry trio on the other side had just suffered a big misfortune...

After meeting Harry's father's trophy together from the courtyard, the trio of protagonists finally reunited.The three of them were originally going to the auditorium together, but they accidentally went up to the third floor through the spiral staircase.They found a locked door at the end of this dark and strange corridor. Hermione reminded Harry and Harry that Dumbledore had said not to come to the third floor when school started.

The three people who gave up the adventure of opening the door were about to leave, but they were blocked by Filch who came after hearing the news. In desperation, Hermione cast a spell to open the locked door at the end of the corridor, which allowed the three people to escape. Filch's manhunt.

What I didn't expect was...

Behind that door, they encountered an even more terrifying existence...

After a wave of frightening 'adventures', the three of them escaped from the third floor in a thrilling manner and came to the auditorium to have some dinner to calm down their shock.

Just like that, by chance, I bumped into Rudy who came to work.

"Oh, hi! Harry! Yo, succubus...ah, the little sister is here too...oh my god, I'm almost too late!" He hurriedly called Harry and Hermione who met him. After greeting him, Rudy immediately ran to the Gryffindor table where food had appeared without looking back.

Grabbing a chicken leg and stuffing it into his mouth, Rudy reached out and made himself a bowl of mushroom soup.

He swore that these two dishes should be regarded as the most normal dishes besides barbecue and steak.Think of the amazing dishes at the freshman dinner that rival the starry sky pie: curried troglodyte frog legs and Albanian-style roasted monitor lizard whip tail.Rudy almost vomited out in disgust. He dared to swear to Superman!He really didn't dare to taste these two things!Fortunately, there are still a few normal-looking dishes that he can eat, otherwise he would probably be sent to the hospital due to malnutrition within two days of being at this school.

The three Harrys who also entered the auditorium one after another arrived next to Rudy. Hermione sat on Rudy's right, Harry on the left, and the coy Ron sat on Harry's left.Harry was originally walking in front, but just when he was about to sit down, he suddenly felt a chill on his back... His keen sixth sense immediately made him bend his stretched out legs and turned a corner. Moved away from the bench and walked to the seat to Rudy's left.

After sitting on Rudy's right side with satisfaction, Hermione nudged her elbow with some dissatisfaction. Rudy, who was stuffing something into his mouth, asked, "Hey, why did you call me little sister?"

"What the hell kind of name is this?"

Rudy: "Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh."

Hermione: ....

The white little hand stretched out in front of Rudy and clenched it into a fist!

Rudy picked up the soup on the spot and took a sip, forcefully stuffed everything in his mouth, wiped his mouth and explained: "In my family, young and beautiful girls are called this...otherwise, What should I call you, Miss Granger?"

Hermione frowned in confusion and thought for a moment, calling a young and beautiful girl "little sister", what kind of custom is this?

'wrong!Young and beautiful girls are called this! ? '

With wide eyes, Hermione grabbed Rudy's right shoulder and couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Have you called all the girls that way!?"

Rudy looked confused. Although he didn't know what he said wrong, this did not prevent him from exerting his full desire to survive.

Shaking his head crazily, he immediately vowed: "No, no! It's impossible!"

Hermione let go of him dubiously, rolled her eyes at him angrily and whispered, "Hermione, just call me by my name."

After saying that, she saw Harry next to Rudy with an expression of "I understand, don't pay attention to me". Her face immediately turned red, and she grabbed Rudy's shoulder with a fierce claw and hurriedly Explained: "Harry and the others also called me that, don't think too much about it!"

Rudy, who was hit hard again, almost burst into tears.

'Am I easy! ?I just want to have a meal, Sir! '

'Damn it, if I hadn't seen you as a lovely young lady, I would have let you know what suffering is in the world! '

'Um! ?Wait, damn, I'm hallucinating again, she's obviously a female devil! '

'It must be due to malnutrition recently, which makes me confused and hallucinating from time to time. '

Harry, who was sitting next to Rudy and watching him and Hermione "flirting", looked envious.

'They have such a good relationship, if only...'

Harry's eyes moved with envy in his heart, and he flew to the Ravenclaw table without noticing.When he spotted the strand of black hair in his field of vision, Harry felt his heartbeat speeding up to 1 revolutions per second! (Tip: AE86)

At this moment, the beautiful figure seemed to feel something and turned her head towards them.

With every gesture, a polite yet elegant smile appeared on her bright and delicate cheeks...

'Oh, my god!She looked over! !She's looking at me!She smiled at me! ! ! '

At this moment, Harry felt as if an arrow had been hit in his heart, and he was so excited that his blood almost surged. He tried hard to maintain a gentlemanly elegance, kept a smile on his face, and peeked in from time to time.

What he didn't know was that the girl he was looking at was indeed looking at him and smiling at him.It's just... that's because the Hufflepuff table is right next to Gryffindor, and right between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

Next to Harry, Ron, who didn't know why Harry suddenly got mad, stuffed two mouthfuls of pumpkin pie speechlessly, then took out a newspaper from his pocket that he hadn't read in the morning, took a look at it, and then tugged on Halide's sleeve. exclaiming: "Oh, look, Harry, look!"

Harry looked depressed as his tacit understanding with the goddess was interrupted. He looked at Ron who was stabbing him unhappily and asked, "What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

Ron didn't see the unhappiness on Harry's face, and continued to greet him with one hand. He handed him the newspaper with the other hand, pointed to a moving photo on it and said, "Look, Harry." !Gringotts has been stolen!"

Harry was shocked when he heard this, and immediately took the newspaper and read it carefully.Originally, he didn't really have much need for money, but when he thought of the girl across from him... No, he had to order a handsome robe later, buy some decent jewelry, oh, maybe he should get a fashionable hairstyle... .

No, now is not the time to care about this. If Gringotts is really stolen, then where are the gold coins his parents left him! ?

After carefully reading the news in the newspaper several times and confirming that it was only a certain vault that had been stolen, and that the vault had been empty earlier before it was stolen, Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the money is fine, as long as it's not his treasury... Hmm! ?Why does the number of this vault look so familiar?

.... Harry stared at the vault number on the newspaper for a long time, and finally thought of whose vault it was!

He sat upright in horror and exclaimed in a low voice: "This is it! I remember whose treasury this is!"

Ron was so excited that he stepped forward and asked, "Do you know!? Whose vault is this!?"

To Harry's right, Rudy and Hermione, who were eating, heard the sound and looked over together.

Harry motioned for the three of them to come closer to him, then looked around at the other students who didn't notice anything strange about them, and whispered: "On the first day of school, Hagrid took me to Diagon Alley, and the first one I went to was Gringotts. .”

"I went to get the money, and Hagrid went to get something."

"He said, this is what Dumbledore needs, and that vault belongs to Dumbledore!"

Ron was shocked. He first glanced at Rudy who was next to Harry with a slightly awkward look, and then looked around. Then he lowered his voice slightly nervously and asked: "Then what could be in here? I mean , what did Hagrid take for Dumbledore?"

Harry shook his head, described the size of the thing with his hands and guessed: "I don't know, it's so big and wrapped in cloth, I didn't see clearly what it was."

Rudy reached for a piece of barbecue, dipped it in some unknown sauce and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing, he said: "Maybe... you can start from... the identity of a thief... Well, this sauce is really salty. ... Let’s see who wants to steal this thing... Gulu, but this barbecue tastes pretty good... In this way, we can know what this thing is through reverse speculation."

After hearing this, Harry immediately looked at the newspaper again, then shook his head and said in frustration: "No, the newspaper didn't say who the thief was."

After wiping his greasy hands, Rudy pinched his chin habitually and simply speculated: "From the known information, we can draw a few simple inferences."

"First of all, Harry said that it was Dumbledore's vault. The things in it were very important, but it was Hagrid who came to get them."

"Then here comes the problem."

"If this thing is so important, why is it Hagrid who comes to get it and not Dumbledore himself?"

"Second, almost everyone in the British wizarding world knows who Dumbledore is, especially the villains. Under such circumstances, this person still has the courage to go to Gringotts to steal, which means that this person No one is afraid of Dumbledore, and he knows what's in the vault."

"Thirdly, as Dumbledore is a decent representative of the wizarding world and the principal of Hogwarts, I think we can already draw a very small range as to who his enemy will be."

Hermione on the side had a smile on her lips. She looked at Rudy in "detective state". In her mind, the young detective in the mall who was always strategizing in the face of danger was perfectly matched with the Rudy in front of her at this moment.

After listening to Rudy's analysis, Harry applauded with admiration, and then asked expectantly: "But who will be Dumbledore's enemy?"

At this time, Ron felt that his opportunity to perform had finally come!

He immediately raised his hand and interrupted: "I know, I know!"

Seeing that the three of them were looking at him with questioning looks, Ron did not show off and immediately whispered: "Dumbledore's enemies are undoubtedly the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his servants!"

Rudy raised his eyebrows: "The person whose name cannot be mentioned? Who is this person?"

Ron glanced at Rudy and felt that now was not the time to dwell on personal grudges, so he replied: "That is a very powerful evil wizard, known as the second generation Dark Lord! We also call him Mysterious Man!"

"His servants call themselves Death Eaters!"

Hermione interjected, "I know, I saw this part of the message before school started."

As she spoke, she looked at Harry, who looked as confused as Rudy, and said apologetically: "Harry, he is the one who killed your parents. It is rumored that you defeated him. He has not appeared since then. Pass."

Harry looked confused: Can this also involve me?

Rudy was even more confused: What kind of operation was this? It failed to kill people, but it also killed himself?It was still done by Harry.

'Wait, why does this operation sound so familiar? '

A terrifying ugly face and related information about him suddenly appeared in the fragmented memory fragments in his mind.

Rudy instantly remembered who this guy Hermione and Ron were talking about. Good guy. After a long time, he was the 'Second Dark Lord' and 'He Who Must Not Be Named'. Rudy thought he was some kind of ruthless character. .

It turned out to be him, noseless Tom... Oh, no, I should have called out with a little respect - Voldemort.

When he thought of this, the memories in Rudy's mind instantly connected, 'the stolen vault', 'the things Hagrid retrieved', 'Dumbledore's treasure', and 'the thief was Tom without a nose'.

It’s unmistakable. This is the plot in the first Harry Potter book, “The Philosopher’s Stone.” This treasure is a magic prop belonging to one of Dumbledore’s friends (what’s his name? He’s an old man anyway), and it’s called the Philosopher’s Stone.What is its specific function?It's like turning stone into gold?

On the table, unlike Rudy who was trapped in memory fragments, the three Harrys immediately became nervous after understanding the identity of the murderer.According to Rudy's reasoning just now, the identity of the thief is self-evident. He is either a mysterious man who has been missing for a long time, or his slaves, the Death Eaters!Harry and Ron were already discussing going to Dumbledore's office to tell Dumbledore their guesses and ask him to be careful.

However, Rudy, who came back to his senses, stopped them. He took a bite of the chicken leg and rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, even you can guess the news, but Dumbledore, an old fox, can't guess it?"

At this moment, Hermione suddenly seemed to think of something, and she said to Harry and Ron with excitement on her face: "Remember the room we entered at the end of the corridor on the third floor before we came to the Great Hall!?"

The two were stunned, looked at each other and said one after another: "You mean it!"

"The treasure Hagrid brought back is behind the trap door under that dog!!"

Hagrid's... that dog?

After listening to their conversation, Rudy remembered that Old Deng and the teachers had given the Philosopher's Stone many levels, and the purpose seemed to be to train Harry and make him grow?

The very first level is Hagrid’s pet, a three-headed dog!

There is a saying that Rudy is still very interested in this kind of creature in mythical novels.

Well, it seems that after finishing killing the horses and killing the chickens for the brooms, I have to take time to see the legendary three-headed dog.

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