I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 25 What are you looking at?What are you doing? "

After stuffing a lot of calories into his mouth, Rudy wiped his mouth and said goodbye to the three of them.

The trio obviously also knew about Rudy being punished by Mrs. Huo Qi, and they all gave him "Come on, I'm sorry, so pitiful" looks, which made Rudy confused.

However, he could probably guess what the three of them were thinking, so he showed a mysterious smile: "Believe me, this will be a memorable day in the history of flying wizards."

"Wait for my good news~"

After saying that, the three of them left the auditorium with expressions of "I don't know what he is talking about, but he seems to be very powerful".

Hermione couldn't help but sigh: "Mrs. Hooch, isn't this embarrassing?"

Harry nodded sympathetically: "I mean, Rudy is so uncomfortable that he deceives himself..."

Ron looked at a loss for words. He shook his head and patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "It's too difficult for him. All the broomsticks from all seven grades are here. Harry, I think I was too excited before. We will meet again tomorrow." Go find him and let me apologize to him, it’s not easy for him either.”

Harry was speechless:...

Hermione stared at him angrily:...

Ron looked innocent: Did I say something wrong? ?

At this moment, Rudy, who didn't know that the three people were talking about how miserable he was behind his back, had just left the auditorium when he met a man covered in black at the corner of the door.Good guy, I thought it was a bat spirit. He was so frightened that he almost pulled out his wand and shouted "Bold monster!".

As a result, if you look closely, you can see the familiar big middle part and this dark outfit.

Yo, isn't this Snape?It was true that enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and he almost took action.

Snape, who had just finished brewing the potion, was planning to come to the Great Hall to have a meal, when he met Rudy who was going out.I don't know why, but Snape felt a little guilty when he saw this kid...

Ahem, that damn curse has none of his business!It's all that old immortal Dumbledore's fault!Yes, that’s it!

After reciting the words in his mind three times in a row, Snape finally returned to his usual dead face. He glanced at Rudy in front of him coldly and said nothing, just looking at him with his hands behind his back.

When Rudy saw him standing in front of him, he thought he wanted to say something to him. However, after waiting for a long time and the two of them staring at each other for a while, Snape finally couldn't help but asked: "When you see the professor, how can you tell me something?" Don’t you know how to say hello? There’s no politeness at all!”

Rudy was caught off guard by this "courtesy of greeting" and was confused. He really didn't expect Snape to stop him here just to ask him to pay attention to his manners! ?

'Did he become stupid while refining the medicine? '

Rudy slandered Snape in his mind for a long time, but still couldn't stand the stalemate with the old bat opposite him. He could only helplessly bend down slightly and shout: "Hello, Professor~"

"Thank you for your hard work, Professor~"

"Professor, have you eaten?"

"Goodbye Professor~"

After saying that, before Snape could speak, he slipped past him.

Looking at Rudy running away, Snape twitched the corners of his eyes. This kid is really getting more and more arrogant!I simply didn’t take him seriously!

'It seems that the next Potions class will let him know what cruelty is!Well, just put him with that Longbottom! '


After Snape's interlude, Rudy finally encountered no more accidents along the way and arrived safely at the teaching aids room at the end of the west corridor on the first floor.

This is said to be a teaching aids room, but in fact most of the things stored there are broomsticks and various Quidditch equipment.Other things are cages, targets, whips, candles and the like. (Huh? Did something strange sneak in?)

The reason why these things are stored in a vacant classroom is mainly because there are too many broomsticks, including competition brooms, damaged brooms, etc., which makes the total number of broomsticks for the seven grades totaling hundreds. So many.

However, after arriving here, Rudy did not feel any pessimism.If you want to ask why, Mrs. Huo Qi didn't tell the brooms that they were not allowed to cast spells?So if you can cast spells, why do you have to do it yourself?

Just start with "Clear Water Like a Spring", then follow up with two combos in the air to "Clean Up", then land on the ground and follow up with "Repair Like New". Wouldn't it be all in one place?No big deal~

After pushing open the door of the teaching aids room and walking into the room, Rudy looked at the surrounding environment and found that the teaching aids room was unexpectedly very clean. It looked like it was cleaned regularly.

Thinking of this, Rudy thought of Red who appeared in the room in the morning. He remembered that he once said that they were responsible for all the chores in Hogwarts... apparently including cleaning the teaching aid room.

'I thought I had to clean the classroom as well. It seems that Mrs. Huo Qi still has some conscience~'

He happily praised Mrs. Huo Qi in his heart. Rudy took off his robe, rolled up his long sleeves, opened the door of the display cabinet closest to him and said, "Then it's time to get to work~"

A handful of slightly old brooms were neatly stacked together in the cabinet. Rudy took out a few and simply sat on the floor, placing them next to him and rubbing his hands eagerly.

Today, someone from Tulu needs to figure out the secret of this thing!

Following the method he found during the afternoon flying lesson, Rudy easily split the broom in half.Then he took out a note from the outer pocket of the robe he took off. Based on the excerpted content above, he carefully began to compare the spells on the broom handle, simulate and inscribe it.

Um?What did you say?Nothing to carve?

This is not easy, just find a broom and try it. If it breaks, just use a backhand to "restore it as before" (repair spell).

Based on the information extracted from the library, Rudy easily re-enacted and successfully learned the control spell words on the broom handle.

According to a comparison of multiple first-grade brooms and fifth-grade brooms, they were produced at different times. Although their appearance is similar, there are some subtle differences in the internal 'control system' and 'internal structure'. Change.

For example, Nimbus 1001 and Nimbus 1500 have some subtle changes starting from the incantation on the broomstick. Most of the first paragraph is the same, and the change is only in the last third of the text.


Looking at it this way, in fact, aside from the necessary operating system and power system, if you want to improve the power of the broomstick, you need to start with materials.Just like improving a supercar, if the entire body is made of carbon fiber...emmmm, it should be very expensive! (Ahem, this is not the point)

'So, I need...huh?etc! '

'No, my purpose is to let something else replace the broom as my mount. Why do I have to study this thing so deeply? '

'If that doesn't work, why don't I just buy a supercar and transform it into a magic car?The speed can easily reach 300km/h, right? '

Almost forgetting the purpose of coming here, Rudy waved his magic wand to restore the broken broomsticks to their original state, and then dismantled a few more.


Just like that, two hours later, Rudy beat Hatcher and walked out of the teaching aids room with difficulty, holding his waist.

Judging by his appearance, those who knew well knew that he had been sitting cross-legged inside for two hours, but those who did not know thought he was doing something shameful in there.

All the way up the spiral staircase, Rudy absentmindedly looked at the moving famous paintings on the wall, wondering if Gryffindor had cat disease. Why did they have to build the dormitory at such a high place?The eighth floor!You don’t even know how to build an elevator for you!No wonder he died early!

After he finished complaining, Rudy just stepped onto a new level and found out after taking two steps.

I seem to have... gone wrong! ?

According to the route in his memory, the stairs on the third floor should have continued upward when he turned left and aimed at the steps on the right. But he was distracted just now. After the stairs rotated and moved and the position changed, he went up without any idea. .

When he saw that in front of him was not the steps leading to the upper floor, but a corridor, he realized that he had taken the wrong step.

He held his forehead speechlessly and sighed, "Oh, I'm getting old." He turned back to the stairs and waited for the stairs to turn back again.

Halfway through, Rudy suddenly exclaimed: "Wait! This is the third floor?"

After screaming, he poked his head into the corridor behind him and took a look.

It's pitch black, the painting style is weird, and the background BGM is very suspicious. Well, this place must be the place where Harry and the others said the three-headed dog was imprisoned. (By the way, why does this damn place have BGM?)

After hesitating for a while, Rudy decided to spare a little of his precious time to see the three-headed dog, a magical creature that can only be found in books.

He strode to the end of the corridor, looked at the locked door in front of him, raised his hand and said to it: "Open the Alaho Cave! (Unlocking Spell)"

With a "click", the lock on the door immediately popped up.

Regarding wandless casting, it is quite outrageous. When I was in the teaching aid room...

After an accidental mistake, he habitually picked up the wand on the ground and wanted to "return to the original state" with a shot, but what he held in his hand at that time was just a fragment of a broomstick that died heroically, and it was not his wand at all.Without paying attention, he cast a repair spell on the broken broom. When he realized that he had picked it up by mistake, the spell was successfully activated!

This made him very curious, could he cast spells without a wand?

After several attempts, he found that he could perfectly cast all the elementary spells he had mastered. Although the power and control were not as perfect as when casting spells with a wand, there was no problem in casting them.

So the question is, can only he do this, or can most wizards do it?

Regarding the matter of casting spells without a wand, he decided to wait and ask the old thief Dumbledore when he had time. If only he could do it, then this could be used as a life-saving skill at critical moments.

After secretly making up his mind to take time to see Lao Dengtou tomorrow, and see if there was a chance to shave his phoenix hair, Rudy came to his senses and opened the door in front of him.

After a creaking sound as the wooden door opened and pushed, Rudy strolled in.In the dark room, the dim light made it difficult for Rudy to see clearly what was inside, but he vaguely seemed to see a large pile of things blocking his face.

So...he raised his hand and fired a "lighting spell" at the ceiling above his head.

An apple-sized ball of bright white light instantly illuminated the originally dark room. Also appearing in front of Rudy's eyes was a huge beast!

It is covered in gray-black fur, thick and strong limbs, and three heads lying on its two front paws!

Now, as Rudy looked at it, it looked at Rudy.

Under the light of the light ball on the ceiling above his head, the three-headed dog narrowed his eyes unhappily.

It is very unhappy now. What happened today?First three brats came, and not long after, another one came. This was because they didn’t take Uncle Lu Wei seriously at all!

Facing the huge creature that gradually stood up, Rudy took two steps back in a panic.

Good guy, for such a big dog, if he were bitten by it, he would die on the spot.There is a symbolically locked small door outside. Isn't this too casual?Isn't Old Dengtou afraid that students will break in and be eaten by him as a midnight snack? ?

Compared to the stunned Rudy, Lu Wei, who was already fully awake, knew his mission very well. When he saw another person coming in, he immediately popped out his claws and assumed a fighting posture of "I am in danger".

The three heads stared at the intruder with ferocious eyes, while they bared their teeth and growled, trying to get closer to Rudy.

Rudy raised his eyebrows and shouted to the big dog approaching: "Look, look, what are you looking at!?"

"Look again, believe it or not, I will make you into a dog meat hot pot!"

The three-headed dog could obviously understand human speech, and its originally fierce eyes were immediately filled with murderous intent. Its sharp blade-like teeth kept biting, making a sound similar to metal strikes. It seemed to be telling Rudy with his actions, "Look at you." how!?"

Oh!This can be tolerated! ?

Feeling a little unsure about whether he could win this thing, Rudy secretly deceived himself, "Don't be afraid, it's just bigger, just bigger..."

After emboldening himself mentally, he took out the wand from his waist and without hesitation released the petrification spell on the three-headed dog that had opened its three bloody mouths in front of him and was about to swallow him.

"All petrochemical!"

Considering that magical creatures may have a certain degree of magic resistance, Rudy directly used [-]% of his power this time, and was always ready to increase the dosage to use his full strength.Because the ancient wand, which was filled with magic power and restored to its original shape, stretched forward, the majestic magic power surged in the narrow room, converging into an invisible hurricane and sweeping across the entire room in an instant.

The next second, a thick, dazzling red light, shaped like laser lightning, shot out from the front of the wand and hit the three-headed dog's forward body.

The three-headed dog that was hit only stared at it, and before it even had time to roar, it froze in place.

The scorching red light dissipated, and after confirming again and again that the big guy in front of him had been immobilized by him, Rudy quickly walked past the three-headed dog that looked like a stone sculpture with a "calm" look on his face, and came to the trap door behind him. .In fact, this thing was originally under its body, but just now he wanted to bite Rudy, so he came forward. Otherwise, the entrance to the door would be directly under the three-headed dog, and Rudy would not dare to go there.

After casting an unlocking spell on the also locked door, Rudy pushed open the trap door and looked down from the empty, dark hole, feeling a little hesitant.

How should this go down?Jump directly down?I'm afraid it's a bit high...

What if there are spike traps down there?Isn’t that GG on the spot?

After touching his chin and thinking for a while, Rudy cautiously cast the floating spell on himself and chose to float down slowly little by little. Although the speed was a bit slow, at least it was safer.

In this way, Rudy kept the light ball of the lighting spell with his left hand, and controlled himself to float downward with his right hand. After about 2 minutes, he finally passed through the narrow passage and entered a wide space.

Strengthening the magic supply of the lighting spell, Rudy controlled the light ball in his left hand to rise into the mid-air of this space.Under the massive magic output, the entire space was illuminated like daylight, clearly displaying everything in the entire space in front of Rudy.

This is a room that is more spacious than the room on the third floor, except for the fact that there is a thick layer of vine-like plants in the pit at the bottom just below the passage opening?It should be a plant... It's still moving... Except for a passage that leads to an unknown place and a few extinguished torches, there is nothing else.

Slowly landing on the flat ground in front of the steps of the vine-like plant, Rudy hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand to recall the light ball suspended in mid-air, and walked towards the unknown passage in the room that led to where.

According to the previous speculation in the auditorium, this should be the place where Dumbledore, the old fox, used the Sorcerer's Stone to catch Tom and train Harry to grow.However, Rudy, who probably has almost forgotten the plot, has no idea what is ahead now, but as the saying goes, wealth is found in danger!

Anyway, Dumbledore probably wouldn't want to kill Harry. All three of the protagonist's children can pass this level, so there's no reason why he can't pass it himself.

And the most important thing is that under normal circumstances, as long as he clears a "maze game" with many levels like this, he can get a lot of good things, and a lot of equipment and experience are waiting for him.Anyway, I’m here, why don’t I go? ?

[Tickets, tickets...]

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