I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 26 Attack of Rudy"

Inside the maze level.

Rudy, who had reached the door leading to the next level, suddenly stopped.

He remembered one thing. If this was the series of levels that Old Deng had prepared for Harry, wouldn't that mean that both the rewards and the levels themselves were good things?

I'm afraid I can't get the three-headed dog back, unless I really make it into a dog meat hot pot... Of course, this is impossible, otherwise Hagrid is afraid he will fight him with his umbrella.

Since the first level is a big dog, then the second level is the mechanism and guard in this room. Who or... what is Dongxi?

Rudy turned around and looked at the large room from head to toe again. It was the same as what he saw when he came down. It was an empty room. At most, there were a lot of spider webs in the corners...

If I were to say the only difference, it might be the mechanism or guard...

Rudy suddenly moved his eyes to the pit under the steps, to the net-like vines facing the entrance to the same path above.I always feel like this thing is a bit weird. Now that I think about it, isn’t this thing the mechanism of this level?

But it’s just a plant, what can it do?Is it possible that I can still stretch out my tentacles and play Tentacle Play?

Stepping forward carefully, Rudy got closer and saw the true face of this thing clearly.A plant that looks like a vine and best of all, it moves!Just seems to be afraid of light?

When Rudy approached with the light ball in his hand just now, these vines intentionally retreated or separated, hiding far away from him, as if they were afraid of being touched.

This thing is probably a good thing, but it's a pity that he can't fit it... huh?etc!He can fit it all in!

A somewhat regretful Rudy was about to leave. As soon as he lifted his front foot, his back foot suddenly thought of the small bag that Snape gave him.

As if sensing Rudy's evil laugh of "hehehehe", the vines swayed and retreated even more.

Taking out the serrated saber he bought in a London shopping mall before entering school from the bag, Rudy leaned down with a smile, and finally struck the trembling vines...

10 minutes later, after patting the small bag with satisfaction, Rudy put away the knife and turned towards the next level, leaving behind a mess of vine roots...

It's really great. After passing the level, you can take the level itself with you. After you clear the level, you can also get a gift package for beginners. Who can refuse such a good thing! ?I really love it. When I meet Old Dengtou, he must tell him to prepare more such level-breaking games. The more the better!

When he thought that the treasure in the next level was waiting for him, Rudy's eyes immediately lit up and he dragged the fluorescent ball of light into the dark passage without hesitation.

This passage is also downward like the trap door on the first floor. The only difference is that this passage has stairs.

Rudy went all the way down to a wooden door. He seemed to hear something vaguely through the door. He leaned on the door and listened carefully. The sound became clearer and clearer.

It is a sound produced by high-frequency vibrations, such as the wings of some insects or birds.So, what is behind this door?

After hesitating for a moment, Rudy took out the wand and held it in his hand, then pushed the door open with the other hand.

For a long time after the wooden door was opened, there seemed to be no dangerous mechanism waiting for him behind the door. Rudy then walked into the room carefully.Then he knew where the sound he heard just now came from...

I saw that the air in this room was full of "birds", which looked like a key with wings.

Well, actually it’s the key.

It's just that someone must have cast a spell on those wings, and if nothing else goes wrong, you will need to use them if you want to pass this level.

Walking forward along the path of the room, Rudy saw a few broomsticks floating in the air halfway, and glanced at the "birds" in the sky. He continued to move along the path and came to the next level. in front of the wooden door.

Like the previous door, this one was of course locked.Based on the broomsticks on the way and the keys flying in the sky, Rudy knew that the key to this door was probably among these little cuties, and it was very easy to open the door, just ride a broom and get the key.Although this may be a bit much...

Touching his chin and rolling his big eyes, Rudy thought of a bad idea.

But just in case, Rudy still wanted to try to see if he could get through the door using normal methods.So, he raised his hand and cast the unlocking spell on the lock of the wooden door: "Open the Alaho hole!"

Receiving the effect of Rudy's magic power, the door lock swayed suddenly. Just when he felt that it was about to open, the door lock seemed to be affected by some external force. After struggling twice, it returned to calmness again.

Rudy frowned and looked at the door lock. He did feel that the door was about to open just now, but there seemed to be another magic force preventing him from opening the door.

'Interesting, are you challenging me? '

'I originally planned to try other methods, but now, hum!I accept your challenge! '

Lifting up the sleeves of his robe, Rudy took out the wand that he had put back just a short time ago and injected it with magic power.

The wand that sensed the magic power instantly changed back to its original shape. Rudy grabbed the middle part of the wand, pointed the front part of the wand at the wooden door and shouted again: "Open the Alaho hole!"

At the same time, Dumbledore was discussing things with Snape in the principal's office. Suddenly he seemed to sense something, raised his eyebrows and said to Snape: "Someone is forcing the door open."

Snape was shocked and asked urgently: "Is it him!?"

After Dumbledore concentrated for a moment, he shook his head and said with a smile, "It's that child."

"Although I don't know how he got in, you have to follow the rules when you go in, what do you think, Severus?"

Snape glanced suspiciously at Dumbledore, who was smiling evilly and taking out his wand to cast spells in the air, and curled his lips and said, "You are always so mean."

But when he thought about Rudy opposite him, he smiled knowingly: "However, I think giving children a little hardship will help them grow. Please increase your efforts!"

In the key room of the third level, Rudy, in the form of a big wand, once again released the unlocking spell on the door lock.Just like last time, when the door lock was about to be opened, an external force suddenly jumped out and blocked Rudy's spell. The two were locked in a struggle.

Rudy, who had been waiting for it to stop it for a long time, saw it appear and immediately increased the output of magic power. The majestic magic power hit the door lock like a huge wave crashing on the shore.When the opponent saw Rudy exerting his strength, he was not to be outdone, and the blocking magic power also strengthened, once again pulling both sides into an anxious state of wrestling.

Rudy frowned and was shocked: "Oh no, I still don't believe it. I must use the unlocking spell to open this broken door today!"

Rudy, who didn't hold back, turned on the power this time, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and under the maximum power of magic output, starting from his body, a layer of light red magic began to overflow from the inside out, gradually spreading on his body surface. Forming a magical coat visible to the naked eye.Then, even the big wand in his hand was covered in a layer of red magic power, which looked like it was covered in red syrup.

Rudy suddenly raised his wand and waved it at the door lock. Rudy, who used all his strength for the first time, released the unlocking spell on the wooden door for the third time: "A-la-ho-hole-open-!! !”

This time, the clearly visible red magic power was like a sharp sword stabbed into the door lock. It leaned forward unimpeded, and soon encountered the external force that blocked its progress for the third time.

Just like the previous two times, the magic power from both sides began to impact back and forth inside the door lock. The powerful magic power began to flow around the room like a strong wind.

After the two were in a stalemate for several minutes, Rudy, who was sweating profusely, began to breathe uncontrollably.This was the first time he used his magic power with all his strength. However, even though he tried his best, the opponent still blocked his attack without any trouble.In fact, the opponent's magic power is as vast as the ocean, and it's impossible to tell where his limit is!

'Who is this guy opposite?Snape's old bat?Or did Dumbledore, that old fox, take action himself? '

'Damn it, I can't bear it anymore...'

Just when Rudy felt that he couldn't stand it and was about to lose, an accident happened...

Under the fierce collision of magic powers between the two sides, the door lock and wooden door used as the medium were just ordinary wood materials after all, and could not withstand the impact of this force. They cracked and shattered into large pieces of sawdust on the spot.

Rudy, who was relieved of his strength in an instant, almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the enlarged wand worked in time, and he slammed the stick on the ground to support his shaky body.

In the principal's room, Snape was shocked when he saw Dumbledore's sudden expression of surprise and asked quickly: "How is it possible!? It's only been two days since school started!? You can't even hold that kid down!?"

Dumbledore smiled and waved his hand and explained: "Of course not. Although I am already a bad old man, I still have two brushes."

Hearing this, Snape breathed a sigh of relief. Good guy, what if that kid suddenly beats the old fox? ?Pack up your gear and run away overnight?

Who knew that before he could finish digesting the last news, Dumbledore, who sat down at his desk and straightened his robes, continued to say leisurely: "However, I'm afraid the legend is true..."

Snape frowned: "What legend?"

Dumbledore: "After King Arthur killed the Red Dragon Emperor, he received the protection of dragon blood. Since then, his bloodline has been sublimated and he has the heart of the Dragon's Furnace that can produce a steady stream of magic power. The Archmage Merlin calls it a magic furnace."

"Although this child has just awakened the power in his blood, it is undeniable that if he continues to grow like this..."

Snape stared in surprise: "You mean, when he grows up, even you won't be his opponent?"

Dumbledore nodded silently, raised his head after careful consideration, looked at Snape in front of him with his old but still bright eyes, and asked: "Nowadays, there are internal and external troubles, and I can't predict Rudy's existence. What impact will his future have on the magical world?"

"In order for him to walk on the right path, he needs a leader with integrity and character to lead him to stand firmly on the side of justice in the future."

"So for this, Severus! I think I need your help."

As soon as he heard this, Snape's alarm bells rang loudly in his heart, and he refused without hesitation: "No! Impossible! Don't think that I don't know what you want to say! I won't...!"

Before he could finish speaking, Dumbledore, who was in high spirits one second before him, looked like he was old and seriously injured in the next second. He half-slumped on the chair, raised his hands weakly and begged: "This is The most sincere request from an old man...~"

Snape: ...fuck me!

Looking at the old fox possessed by the drama queen, Snape felt that the corners of his eyes must be twitching and almost numb.This old thing does this every time!When he didn't agree, he pretended to be ill, looking like he was dying, and then said, "This is the most sincere request from an old man who is very old or who is not going to die soon!"

Depend on!He will memorize it all!But he always gets fooled!

"Okay, okay! I understand, can't I promise you? Hurry up and put away your face!"

"Damn it, I shouldn't have come here tonight!"

The angry Snape cursed and turned away. At the desk, Dumbledore, who was weak just now, immediately sat up with a smile, picked up a candy and threw it into his mouth, not forgetting to stride forward. Snape left and thanked him: "Thank you very much, Severus! You are such a good person!"

When Snape reached the door, he was so angry that he kicked the door outside the principal's room hard.

And...the door is made of thick solid wood, you know.

Snape: ...my hair! ! !

Compared to the old bat who finally left the principal's office with a pout, Rudy in the third level finally recovered a lot after a short rest.He stood up again and headed towards the passage where the door had been shattered into pieces. He must get through here tonight, and no one would be able to stop him!He said it!

Then, Rudy, who was making great progress all the way, came to the room in the fourth level.

Different from the previous three rooms, the room in the fourth level is more spacious and spacious, and it is very humane. After he entered, he lit the torch in the room and illuminated the whole room.

Rudy looked around, and the first thing he saw was the alternating black and white floor tiles on the ground.The path from the entryway extends to the raised tiles on the left and right sides of the room's floor, forming a square... checkerboard?Black and white...this seems to be a chess board.

There are more than a dozen black and white stone carved chess pieces of different shapes on both sides of the chessboard, neatly arranged in both camps, creating a sense of tension between the two armies.

Rudy thought for a moment and realized that he entered the room from the entrance behind the black chess piece, and the exit was right behind the white chess piece. It seemed that the normal way to clear the level was to go first with black and defeat the white chess piece.

This is a bit difficult to handle...

He Lu is not talented. In his previous life, he spent more than [-] years wandering around the online world and traveling to cultivate immortality. He only learned to play Go, which contains the principles of heaven and earth, and chess, which is a game of fighting for hegemony between Chu, He and Han.I have never played this chess before, and it is also a modified and upgraded version of chess - Wizard Chess...

It's difficult. If I had known, Fred and George should have gone over and watched them while they were playing chess during breakfast. After all, improvising is considered a traditional skill.

After pacing back and forth with his arms folded and hesitating for a long time, Rudy began to think of forcing his way through again.

'Since the soft one is not enough, how about... just go for the hard one? '

He cautiously took two steps towards the opposite chessboard. Just past half of the chessboard floor, the two chessmen at the front of the opposite chessboard suddenly stood up and pulled out the two long knives from their waists.

Rudy was startled. His second leg hadn't even landed yet, so he quickly retracted it and stepped back.

Seeing this, the chess piece that was about to attack with a knife froze in place, and sat back after a moment.

In order to test the combat effectiveness of the chess piece, Rudy took out a piece of vine from the small bag and pointed it at the white army chess piece that sat back.Just as he was about to throw it out, the injured vine seemed to sense the crisis and twisted wildly.

Rudy looked at the "cute and flattering" vines on his hand in surprise. He looked at the chess pieces on the opposite side again. He hesitated for a while and chose to take out the wand again.

Since Vine was unwilling to test the sword with his own body, he had no choice but to take action himself.There are only two offensive spells in the elementary spell book, a cutting spell and a fire-making spell. Of these two things, Rudy has only tried the cutting spell. After all, if the latter is a machine or a fire breaks out in the dormitory, it will be difficult.Although, half of his bed was destroyed during the cutting spell test...

After making up his mind to break in, Rudy waved his wand and was about to recite a spell. Before he could say anything, the white chess pieces in front of him suddenly moved back one by one, taking the initiative to make way for him.

Rudy, who raised his wand in his hand, looked at the way the white chessmen in front of him had made way. He put it down in embarrassment and said depressedly: "What's going on? I haven't made a move yet. Why did this make way?" This feeling is almost like I swung the big sword with all my strength, but the opponent who was hit was like a ball of cotton. It was so powerful that I couldn't use it. It was so uncomfortable!

Cautiously and quickly passing through the white chessboard, Rudy was afraid that they would suddenly draw his sword and rush up to chop him to death, so he tightened his wand in fear along the way.However, until he reached the gate of the next level, the white chessmen still kept giving way and remained motionless.

He pushed the door tentatively, and it opened in response.

Rudy looked at the surroundings outside the gate suspiciously. For some reason, he always felt as if someone was watching him. This feeling... was like being broadcast live.

But no matter how he looked, he didn't see anything that looked like a camera. Could it be that he was overthinking it?


[Tickets...cough, tickets...]

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