I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 39 The Mirror of Erised and the Philosopher’s Stone”

Magic level, the second level - the bundle of devil's net.

In the dark and empty room under the trap door, a dark figure in strange clothes got up in embarrassment, but two completely different voices came from him at the same time.

One of the voices sounded particularly miserable, not only crying but also a little aggrieved.But the other one is different, it is fierce, cruel and particularly penetrating.

Both of these voices came from the same person, that is, the dark shadow that had sneaked into this place—Quillo Quilinas.

It's pitiful to say that when Quirrell just graduated from Hogwarts as a student, he was full of talents. He graduated from Ravenclaw with a solid theoretical foundation.After graduation, hoping to accumulate more practical experience, he set out to travel to Albania, known as the "Dark Forest."

Everything was going smoothly until... he met Voldemort.

Even with his lingering soul, Lao Fu's ability to confuse people is still strong.

In just a few words, he easily deceived this young man who had just graduated and entered the society and wanted to prove himself. He was willing to contribute his insignificant strength to the resurrection of the Dark Lord.

He first returned to school and became the new Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, taking over from the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who was seriously injured and hospitalized.Then, he went to Gringotts in Diagon Alley. In order to help the owner get the treasure hidden in Dumbledore's vault, he defeated the dragon alone! ....Although I didn’t fight in the end...

but!He was commendable for his loyalty and bravery and received verbal praise and spiritual encouragement from Lao Fu. He shouted with joy that he would fight for the return of the Dark Lord, which greatly benefited Lao Fu who was hiding on the back of his head.

Afterwards, when he returned to the academy, he received an invitation from Dumbledore, who said he was going to arrange a magic barrier for a treasure to protect its safety.

Lao Fu was overjoyed when he guessed what the treasure was. He urged Quirrell several times to take the opportunity to steal the treasure when setting up the levels!

However, what they didn't expect was that when he came to the room where the checkpoints were arranged with great expectations that day, he met several other professors who were teaching...

In the end, after learning that he was not the only one to receive an invitation from Dumbledore, the master and the servant suddenly lost their minds and almost couldn't help but curse Dumbledore, an old thief, for being shameless!

In desperation, in order to seize the treasure, he could only find ways to secretly inquire to see what arrangements the other professors had made for his level.

After two days of unremitting efforts, after finally deceiving the two female professors from the two female professors with the appearance of a 'good old man and an honest person', he immediately came here to pass the level tonight.

Although I still don't know what Flitwick and Snape's level is, but the master said it doesn't matter, in the worst case, I will just force it through!The majestic Dark Lord, can't he still handle two small levels?If the Dark Lord wasn't currently trapped, he wouldn't even need to pry about the first two levels!

So, this is the scene where he now enters the forbidden area on the fourth floor at night.

However, he had already known the contents of the first level and made preparations, but he never expected that the three-headed dog with astonishing power in the first level would have been turned to stone when he arrived! ?

He hesitated in his heart, but after hearing the irritable Voldemort's constant urging, he could only bite the bullet and jump down the passage!

Unexpectedly, there were only a few roots of Devil's Net in the big pit that Sprout said was covered with Devil's Net!

Amid the shrill screams, Quirrell struggled to get up. The severe pain in his lower body made him sweat. His right leg was broken!

Quirrell shivered in pain: "Master...Master, can we go to the school hospital for treatment first...I..."

Voldemort hated the iron and cursed: "Trash! Don't you know how to use the levitating spell to come down!? You still go to see a doctor!? Are you afraid that I won't be discovered?"

"Hurry up and go to the next level! If someone gets the magic stone first, you will die!"

After hearing Voldemort's threat, the frightened Quirrell immediately dragged his painful right leg, struggled to climb up the pit, and walked towards the passage leading to the third level.But they found that the third level existed in name only. The key birds in the sky were still there, but the door had already been opened!

Voldemort, who was living in the back of his head, saw this and roared angrily: "Hurry up!"

He nodded repeatedly, quickly passed the third level, ran towards the passage of the fourth level, and then bumped into Rudy and the others who were returning the same way.

Quirrell, who was in a panic, quickly said hello and asked: "Children! Have you passed all the levels!?"

"Oh, I...I received instructions from Principal Dumbledore to arrange the levels."

Looking at Quirrell appearing in the dark shadows, the five Rudys had different reactions. The twins just wanted to send their brother to the doctor quickly, while Hermione looked at Ron who was being carried by Fred with a worried look. Afraid that he might die if he didn't hold on, the three of them just said hello to Quirrell.

Only Harry and Rudy looked at Quirrell with slightly different expressions.

Harry simply reacted to the scar on his forehead because of Lao Fu's appearance, and he grinned in pain.

Rudy felt something was wrong after Quirrell's first words when he saw them.

'When a normal professor sees students staying up late at night and running through dangerous magic levels to pass them, their first reaction would be to ask them if they passed the level? '

'They should either be put in solitary confinement or their points should be deducted, right? '

'There's something wrong with this guy named Quirrell! '

However, considering that Ron's injury really required him to go to the school hospital in time, Rudy didn't think much about it. Anyway, the sky was falling, and Dumbledore's old fox was here, so what was he afraid of?

Knowing that Old Deng was wily and cunning, he pulled up Harry, who was still covering his head, and hurriedly said hello to Quirrell before leaving for the upper floor.

After they left the passage, Quirrell breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the pieces of chess pieces on the ground, and asked Lao Fu in horror: "Master, could they have...?" '

Voldemort answered him firmly: 'Idiot, didn't you notice that one of them was injured? ?They probably haven't had time to go to the next level yet, so hurry up!Rush over to me before Dumbledore notices! '

When he met Rudy and the others before, Quirrell had been pretending to be fine and endured the severe pain in his right leg. He could only continue to rush towards the next level.

The next troll level was set by him, and he could pass it safely with almost no effort, so the only thing he had to deal with was Snape's unknown level!

Unlike Quirrell, who was unsure, seeing that the Philosopher's Stone was about to be within reach, Lao Fu felt unbearably excited!You know, the last time I was in such a turbulent mood was when I had a green light and killed myself after torturing the Potters to death...

Damn it!After he got the Philosopher's Stone and made the elixir to resurrect, he was the first to rush forward and kill the Harry Potter who had caused him to end up like this!

Limping like a big crab, he walked through the corridor that appeared behind the wizard's chessboard and came to the wooden door of the troll level.Quirrell pushed open the wooden door respectfully and said to Lao Fu behind his head: "Master...Master, there is a giant monster here that I specially brought from Albania. I also used magic potions and spells on it. Reinforced, it should be able to withstand Dumbledore for a while..."

"...Huh...this!? This!...this...this! How is it possible!?" Through the blurry light, Quirrell saw the large ruins in the room that looked like a large-scale demolition site, and almost thought I was dazzled, and after wiping my eyes hard, my words became even more stuttering.

Even Voldemort, who was very confident at first, panicked when he saw this "grand occasion" and quickly asked him to take a closer look at what was going on.

The lights in the room were lit. Different from the scene where he could only vaguely see the ruins just now, Quirrell, who saw the whole room this time, was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.There is a crack on the ground directly in front of the wooden door, which extends to the top of the wall in front of the door, as if it had been hammered by something huge and sharp!There were shattered masonry fragments everywhere, and even the giant monster's weapon mace on the ground was shattered into sawdust on the ground.

Quirrell said in a panic with a trembling voice: "Master...Master...Master! Who, who is this!?"

"Is it Dumbledore!?"

Voldemort, who shared Quirrell's vision, was in disbelief at the moment. In order to cause such "injury", the power of this magic was not something that ordinary people could use. As far as he knew, no one in Hogwarts could do it. I'm afraid it's just Dumbledore!

But how is this possible?They hadn't taken action at that time. How did Dumbledore know?

Seeing that the duck on his lips was about to fly, Voldemort couldn't bear it anymore. He ignored Quirrell's screams and pain, forcibly controlled his body, and ran quickly to the door leading to the next level.

After passing through the door, Voldemort raised Quirrell's wand and looked at the entire room carefully, only to find that there was only a table and a few bottles of potions in the room at this level?Without letting down his guard, he continued to step deeper into the room. Unexpectedly, as soon as he put his back foot over the threshold, the door behind him suddenly lit up with purple flames, and the door leading to the next level not far away also lit up. There was a flame, except it was black.

Voldemort chuckled sinisterly: "Huh, it's just Severus' stupid little trick."

After saying that, he waved the wand in his hand, and a black flame rushed out of the wand and rolled towards the black fire blocking the way at the next gate, successfully splitting it in half in a short while.Then he frowned and glanced at the limping leg, and casually used 'Heal as before' to heal the broken right leg.

After stepping on his recovered legs and feet, Voldemort snorted proudly, and happily walked through the black flame door that was divided into two halves amidst Quirrell's series of rainbow farts.

But when he successfully reached the next level, he was dumbfounded.

There was no treasure hiding place as he imagined, nor were there any checkpoint guards. This last room was surprisingly small, and there was even only a mirror as tall as a person in the center of the room?

Quirrell endured the severe pain of his body being eaten away. He couldn't believe that he had only found a mirror after working for a long time?Where is the treasure?The magic stone that can create the elixir of youth! ?

When he came to the mirror, Voldemort controlled Quirrell's hand to touch the mirror. He recognized the origin of the mirror and seemed to be angry. He sneered angrily: "Hahaha, it's really you, Dumbledore." "

"It is so."

Quirrell asked in confusion: "Master, is this...the magic stone?"

Voldemort said sadly: "This is the Mirror of Erised. It will allow the user to see what he wants to see most in his heart. It seems that the Sorcerer's Stone is hidden in magic. If you want to get the Sorcerer's Stone through it, , only certain people who come here can take it out of the mirror.”

Quirrell was so angry that his tooth ached. Seeing victory so close, but unable to do anything, he was unwilling to give in: "But Master! How do we know who is the one who can get the Sorcerer's Stone? There are so many people in Hogwarts, we can't catch them all. Come and try it?"

"What if it's Dumbledore himself!?"

Voldemort seemed to have thought of this, and he sneered: "I know who this person is, just look at it, I have an idea... But before that, I need you to go to the Forbidden Forest to do something for me. .”

As soon as he heard the news, Quirrell, who regained control of his body, shuddered, and suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Last time, his great master told him that he had something to do, so he ran to Gringotts without hesitation, and was almost sprayed into a handful of ashes by the red dragon's breath... This time he was going to the Forbidden Forest, this time What are you going to do again?

Voldemort's unhappy voice came from his heart: "Why, aren't you willing to do it for your master?"

Quirrell quickly and respectfully replied: "How...how...how is it possible!? My master, I'll go right away!"

Voldemort snorted with satisfaction and became silent again.

....The second floor of Hogwarts, the school doctor's office.

Madam Pomfrey, who was forced to open business in the middle of the night, criticized the twins who sent Ron to the doctor very dissatisfiedly. She cursed and cursed for a long time, but she still performed a full-body examination on Ron very dedicatedly.

Not long after, Madam Pomfrey cast a few healing spells on him, covered him with a quilt, came outside the ward and said to the five people waiting: "Okay, he's fine. He'll probably be fine tomorrow if he sleeps." .”

The five people who learned that Ron was okay were obviously relieved, especially Harry and Hermione. The image of Ron choosing to sacrifice himself at the last moment was still vivid in their minds. If he really had an accident, neither of them would feel comfortable.

Rudy, on the other hand, always felt that there was something wrong with Professor Quirrell.But a student who graduated from Hogwarts returned to school as a professor after a short graduation trip. What problems could he have?

Seeing the relief of the children in front of her, Madam Pomfrey added as if gasping for air: "But!"

"I have reported to the principal that your group night outing caused injuries to students. You may face penalty points and confinement."

Hearing this, except for Rudy who was still thinking about Quirrell's problem, the twins, Harry and Hermione suddenly started wailing.

The next day, a meeting of teachers and students was held before the first class in the morning.

Sure enough, in front of all the teachers and students, Dumbledore announced with a serious expression that six Gryffindor students and three Slytherin students had wandered into the castle at night, causing injuries to the students.Deducting a total of 300 points for Gryffindor and 150 points for Slytherin!and punished all students involved with a month-long library confinement.

After the punishment was announced, all the students in the audience started talking, Gryffindor and Slytherin the most.

When they heard that 300 points had been deducted, many Gryffindor students looked at Harry and others differently. Harry and Hermione were about to press their heads under the table.

Only Rudy, George, and Fred were still the same, eating, drinking, and chatting when they should, as if they had nothing to do with them. (Although it really has nothing to do with them)

Fred stuffed a piece of pancake and half a hot dog in his mouth. He chewed hard and poked Rudy with his elbow, who also had his mouth full. Ugh?” (Why is it punishment from the library?)

Rudy: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

George joined in painfully, holding his forehead: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" (What? But we don’t like it! Oh my god, a whole month of library confinement.)

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,, you, on the stand, Professor McGonagall's eyes are filled with bloody red light when she looks at us!)


Rudy: ...

Hermione secretly glanced around at the Gryffindors who were looking at them strangely and whispering to each other, feeling extremely uncomfortable.Harry, who was sitting next to her, was a little embarrassed. If he and Ron had listened to Hermione and went back to sleep last night, there wouldn't have been so many things and Ron wouldn't have been hurt.

As for Slytherin, Master Lemonhead felt really wronged at the moment. He couldn't sleep after thinking about it last night, so he kicked his two boys awake beside him, who were sleeping soundly, snoring and scratching their buttocks.The three of them quietly came to the fourth floor, wanting to see how miserable Potter and the others would be after they were captured. Only in this way could he sleep soundly.

But who would have known that Filch and Mrs. Lorris, who had just escaped from the "turtle shell binding" outside Professor Charms' door, happened to escape from the trap and came here.

Although he had provided information before, it didn't mean that Filch wouldn't arrest him.What's more, all the big guys ran away tonight, and he was teased a lot. Filch was so angry that he didn't care whether this little golden retriever was his informant, so he arrested the three of them without saying a word.

No, the unlucky Master Malfoy inexplicably contributed 150 points to Slytherin.

The students from the other two colleges looked at the counting gem slots in the auditorium that were used to accumulate points for each college's Academy Cup selection, and almost burst into laughter.

They all lamented how terrifying it was that the new semester had just started a few days ago, and Gryffindor and Slytherin were already at odds with each other.He scored hundreds of points in one night and went further and further on the road to compete for the record low number of points in Hogwarts House.


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