I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 40: Forbidden Forest Collection and Encounter with Black Hands (1)"

Over the next month or so, the world finally became a little more peaceful.

Rudy also resumed his regular life of three o'clock and one line every day as he wished, namely: dormitory, cafeteria, and library.

The continuous and efficient study progress made the five Harrys who went to the library together every day after dinner to be envious.Especially Harry and Ron, they couldn't wait to open Rudy's brain to see what structure was inside.

The first time these two people saw the legendary 'Library God' with their own eyes, they were almost dumbfounded. This kind of operation that can read books faster than they can flip through books, they just want to replace it!Even Hermione, who has a superb memory, sometimes couldn't help but shake her head when she saw Rudy flipping through the book across from her, saying that she couldn't learn.

Of course, after that night's nearly fatal adventure, Harry and Ron finally knew what pain was, and they stopped making trouble during this period. It was time to train and go to class.Every night after dinner, I go to the library with Rudy and Hermione to study hard.

Even if Draco's lemon head looked for trouble and shoved it in their faces, they ignored him. This feeling of being ignored made the young master very depressed.

It's amazing to say that after this continued for more than a month, one night after Ron completed an after-school homework from start to finish, he actually exclaimed: "Oh my God! I can actually be independent on my own." Homework completed! Harry, can you believe it!?"

Little did he know that Harry opposite him had the same expression, but he saw Mrs. Pince with a warning look behind her, so he didn't scream along with her.

But Ron obviously didn't notice this. He was so excited that he simply stood up, took his homework and showed it excitedly: "Hey, look! I..." Before he could finish his words, he was handed over by a strong hand. He picked up the back collar and took him away.

Hermione, who was sitting next to Rudy, looked at Ron who was cheering and being dragged away for education by Mrs. Pince. She turned her head and asked 'George' in disbelief: "George, are you really brothers?"

Fred spread his hands: "Please, Hermione, I'm Fred."

"Also, although I don't want to admit it, he was indeed conceived after his parents returned from their honeymoon on their wedding anniversary one year."

George, who was sitting on the other side of Harry, echoed, "When Ginny goes to school next year, you will know that Ron was just an accident to the Weasley family."

After hearing this, Fred laughed loudly and nodded in agreement. After that, they both stood up and gave a high-five, and then... they were also arrested and educated by Mrs. Pince...

Hermione rolled her eyes and complained, "I believe they are a family now."

Harry covered his mouth and tried not to laugh out loud, while trying to distract himself, and then he saw the book Rudy was reading.It looks very big and thick. It contains not only various illustrations but also many dense introductions and detailed explanations. Even Harry, who no longer rejects reading, really can't withstand its hypnotic attack.

But out of curiosity, he secretly glanced back. Mrs. Pince, who was educating the three Weasley brothers in front, asked in a low voice: "Rudy, what are you reading?"

Rudy looked at the book and replied casually: ""The Origin and Development of Alchemy", I want to know how to make a rice cooker that can seal Peeves."

Harry was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He understood this sentence, but he didn't seem to understand the meaning. What is...a rice cooker that seals Peeves?What the hell is this?

Hermione acknowledged Harry's puzzled expression, because...she had the same expression when she got the answer a week ago.

At this time, Harry, who was bored, mysteriously put his head next to Rudy, lowered his voice but could not control his excitement and said: "Hey, Rudy, do you remember?"

"We guessed before, that treasure that Voldemort and the Death Eaters want to get!"

"When Ron and I went to Hagrid's place to chat with him yesterday, he spilled the beans!"

Rudy said with a black line: "...Hagrid, you are truly the most strict-tongued man in the entire Hogwarts." '

Harry continued: "He said a person's name, Nick Flamel!"

"But these two days..."

Before he could finish speaking, Rudy continued without raising his head: "But you have looked through the "Research History of the Development of Modern Wizards" and "Encyclopedia of Outstanding Wizards in Modern Times" in the past two days and you can't find the owner of this name. Who, right?”

Harry's eyes widened in disbelief: "How do you know?"

Rudy raised his eyes and said with a smile: "I have read all the books you read, and Nico Flamel is not a modern person, so of course you can't find him in those books."

Harry frowned and asked in confusion: "Not from modern times? What does this mean?"

Without waiting for Rudy to answer, Hermione next to her immediately thought of something. She got up and brought back a "Brick" book that was about the same size as the one Rudy was reading. She opened it, looked for it twice, and pointed at it in surprise. The above content was shown to Harry: "Here! Harry, look! I know, I have seen this name somewhere before!"

"Nicolas Flamel... the book says that he just celebrated his 665th birthday last year, and he is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone."

Harry was still confused, but he picked out one of the words that interested him and asked: "The Philosopher's Stone? What is this?"

Rudy turned the book in his hand to the next page and answered his question casually: "The Philosopher's Stone, also called the Philosopher's Stone, is a magical product of ancient alchemy. Its main function is not only to provide a very large amount of There are only two other than magic.”

"First, the holder can use it to turn all objects it touches into pure gold."

"Second, it can be used with magic potion to create an elixir of immortality, so that people who drink this potion will never die."

Hearing this, Harry almost put his wide eyes on his glasses, and he was so excited that he almost stood up.Fortunately, Rudy stretched out his free left hand and pressed his shoulder, preventing him from getting up.

He said excitedly: "You can make gold and you can live forever! No wonder Voldemort wants to steal this kind of treasure!"

"No, we have to tell Professor Dumbledore! The treasure that Hagrid retrieved from Gringotts and stored in the forbidden area on the fourth floor must be the Sorcerer's Stone! The previous levels that guarded the Sorcerer's Stone were destroyed by us, and it is now very unsafe. !”

Rudy patted Harry on the shoulder and advised: "Okay, don't excite Harry."

"You have to think like this. It's been a month and you haven't noticed before that the Philosopher's Stone is fine. It means that Dumbledore must have been prepared for it. If the sky falls, it has nothing to do with you, a little wizard. You'd better study hard, Ang. .”

As he spoke, he took back the hand holding Harry, touched his chin and muttered to himself: "Speaking of which, I really want to study that thing called the Philosopher's Stone..."

"But according to the current research progress, I may have to complete the rice cooker and flying broomstick before I have time to study that."

Regarding Rudy's daily "nonsense", Harry and Hermione tacitly ignored him. On the contrary, the Weasley brothers, who had returned after being educated by Mrs. Pince, expressed great interest in it after hearing it.

Fred: "What!? Rudy, what did you say that was funny just now?"

George gestured with a broomstick with his hand: "Can you do a broomstick too!?"

(After the two brothers came back from the magic level, they have been pestering Rudy to learn the 'illuminating spell and flash bomb' that can be thrown into the enemy's face. This kind of active thinking that turns ordinary lighting spells into able to turn the tide of the battle is exactly what they want. It was what they needed. They even invited Rudy to join their soon-to-be-opened Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes Workshop. Although he was severely beaten by their old mother shortly after starting the business, they didn't take it to heart at all and gave him a He tried hard to trick Rudy, saying he could be the chief product concept designer.)

Rudy hesitated for a moment, but then introduced the rice cooker to the twins, who both praised the Muggle invention as a great one.As for the flying broomstick, this initial project has now entered an embarrassing bottleneck period due to a crucial issue.

He did crack the secret of the internal and external structure of the broom, and even through the self-study of the magic text during this period, he roughly knew the content of the magic text inscription on the tail, but he had not actually made it with the materials. After all, he could not cut down a tree and make it by himself. To make a broom, it is too troublesome to buy materials from Diagon Alley and mail them to the school, and the quality of the goods is not guaranteed...

Rudy was stunned when he thought of this: 'Yes!Why don't I go to the Forbidden Forest to get some materials and try making a broom?There are so many rare plants and perfect materials in the Forbidden Forest, it’s all in vain if you don’t use them! '

The more he thought about it, the more he was right. He immediately told the twins his idea, and they immediately got unanimous approval from the twins. It was just a joke, it was just a night tour in the forbidden forest. They were not too familiar with this kind of business!

In this way, the three of them hit it off and decided to set off tonight to "borrow something" in the Forbidden Forest.

Hermione watched with a headache as these three "outlaw gangsters" openly discussed how to wander the Forbidden Forest at night. There was nothing they could do about it. She could only secretly pray that the three of them would not make any big noise again and let Gran Fendo is going further and further down the road of negative scores.

What she didn't know was that Ron, who had just returned together, and Harry, who was opposite her, also heard the conversation between Rudy and the three of them. The two of them just looked at each other and understood what the other meant.

Tonight's night tour of the Forbidden Forest, the two Gryffindors must help!


The time soon came to an hour before midnight.

Rudy wore a hooded robe covering his head and a homemade mask on his face, covering himself tightly except for his eyes.After all, if you are going to do bad things, it is better to show your face as little as possible.

Beside the fireplace in the common room, when Rudy came to the meeting point fully armed and ready, he found that the number of people was unexpectedly... too many?

Rudy held his forehead with a headache and asked, "So, why are there so many people?"

Harry and Ron promised awkwardly: "We want to go together too! We promise to obey the command!"

Hermione pointed at Harry and Ron with wandering eyes and defended: "I'm afraid that these two guys will have another accident!"

George and Fred said completely indifferently: "It's okay, little wizard. It's abnormal not to go to the Forbidden Forest for night walks~"

"That's right, we visited all of Hogwarts when we were in first grade~"

At this point, Rudy could only nod helplessly and told everyone to leave as soon as possible and go back early.

Led by the twins, the group passed through several secret passages they had never seen before, and successfully arrived outside the castle of Hogwarts from Gryffindor Tower.

After another journey, they left the castle and came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Before entering, Fred and George changed their playful smiles and very seriously explained the dangers of the Forbidden Forest to Harry, Ron and Hermione, and repeatedly emphasized that the three of them must follow them closely and not run around without permission. After that, everyone entered the Forbidden Forest together.

Walking along the path of the Forbidden Forest, Rudy took out a list from his arms as he walked, looked at the list of materials suitable for making brooms, and began to discuss with George and Fred to determine the locations of most common materials.

As local snakes in the Forbidden Forest, the two of them knew the location of most of the materials very well. Under their leadership, Rudy soon collected many slender oak branches, a thick ash trunk, and a large number of possible uses. The cherished materials arrived.

Fred carried the ash trunk and happily discussed its wonderful uses with Rudy.

Because of the characteristics and texture of ash wood, it can be made into a very perfect arson handle, which is not only conducive to control, but also has very good resistance to evil spells after being enchanted.

In addition to the oak branches that George just found, these oaks were transplanted from Spain and are Professor Sprout's darlings. If the growth environment was not demanding, she would not let them live in the Forbidden Forest. A dangerous place.

It can be said that tonight was a fruitful one. They had completed collecting most of the materials in less than two hours, and only the last thing was left.

Rudy put away the list, followed George's direction and asked, "Is this the only one over there?"

George nodded with a headache and said: "Star Iron, last time Fred and I used a piece when we were making props. We happened to pick it up over there. Just for a piece as big as a fingernail, we both were almost killed. Stab to death by those unicorns!"

"Oh, it was terrible. I remember that Fred got a puncture in his butt. He had to sit on the stool with his left butt for two weeks."

Fred pushed away George who had exposed him with a black look on his face, and retorted unconvincingly: "Come on, didn't you also get a hit on your thigh and have to limp for half a month? "

"Have you forgotten who helps you go to class every day?"

George scratched his head in embarrassment and changed the subject: "Okay, I just want to show that that ghost place is dangerous."

Harry, Ron and Hermione who were following the three of them had no idea what they were talking about. Ron simply asked George where they were going.

George thought for a while and told the three of them: "We are going to the unicorn territory. You three will stay outside and wait for us later. We will come out immediately after we go in and get the things."

"If you meet a unicorn..."

Fred answered: "Then run quickly! Run without looking back!" He glanced at Hermione again, and then added: "Of course, Hermione should be fine, you two must run quickly, Understand?"

The three of them looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, and Harry and Ron even asked angrily: "Why is Hermione okay? We have to run as hard as we can!?"

Rudy explained to the two confused people with a strange expression: "Because unicorns like pure wizard girls, not wizard boys."

Ron almost thought he heard wrong and asked again: "What the hell? Do unicorns still engage in sexism?"

Just as they were discussing why unicorns like to be close to young witches instead of wizards, a dazzling green light flashed in the forest not far in front of them, and then a miserable scream reached them. in the ears.

Rudy frowned and looked in the direction of the flashing green light, and said to the three Harrys: "You just stay here. If we don't come out later, or if anything goes wrong, you should run out of the Forbidden Forest and find Hagrid." ! Let him notify Dumbledore to save us!"

After giving instructions to the three of them, Rudy looked at the Weasley brothers beside him with firm eyes and said, "I know I won't be able to persuade you. In this case, let's go in together, but remember!"

"Safety first, if nothing can be done, we will withdraw directly!"

After hearing this, the two brothers smiled and patted Rudy on the shoulder together: "No problem! We are very strong!"

"Of course, if we run away, not even Filch can catch us!"

Helplessly, he took out two hoods and masks of the same style as his own from the small bag in his arms, motioned for the two of them to put them on, and then the three of them hurried towards the direction where the green light flashed just now.

Continuously passing through dense branches and overgrown forest, after a while, they arrived at the 'crime site' following the still intermittent screams...

[Sports tickets...]

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