I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 47 Halloween Limited, Pumpkin Head Monster (1)"

Harry and Ron had a fight, both hampering the night before Halloween....

The reason was because Harry secretly found Rudy and wanted to order an exclusive 'Conigsego' for Senior Qiu, and Ron who came with him was very dissatisfied after hearing this.

The angry Ron shouted that he was his brother and best friend!When he first learned about the price of the new broom, Harry didn't say anything about buying him one, or even saying he would pay for it in advance!

Now he actually wants to spend more than 3000 galleons for a woman who has not even said a word to him!Ron felt like he was going to explode.

Harry felt guilty and said that he was just thinking about it and didn't really have such a plan... Well, he didn't seem to be particularly confident when he said this... especially when he was separated from the The Hufflepuff table glanced towards Ravenclaw.

This completely stimulated Ron, and his envy caused him to unreasonably have an unpleasant quarrel with Harry, who was in unrequited love. In the end, the two broke up on bad terms.

Knowing that in the charms class the next morning, Rudy looked at the two people who were having a bad temper and said that he was really drunk.Ron, who had always liked to sit on the other side of Harry, actually sat on the other side of Hermione today.Hermione, who was sandwiched between Harry and Ron, asked Rudy, who was sandwiched next to her, "What happened to them?"

Rudy held his forehead and sighed, saying that he didn't know.It is not only difficult to predict the psychology of girls these days, but also how it is possible for boys to behave this way.Every day, he, Lu, just wanted to go to school and do some research and development to make some money. Why was it so difficult?

Just when Rudy was having a headache about how to reconcile two good friends, Professor Flitwick, who was in class, had already completed the theoretical explanation of spells and began to teach the students actual spell-casting techniques and movements.

"Okay, now don't forget that subtle wrist movement we have been training just now." Professor Flitwick said sharply, standing on a pile of books.

"Wave and shake, remember classmates! Wave and shake! When reciting the incantation, be careful not to pronounce it incorrectly."

"Oh, there was once a wizard who accidentally pronounced a wrong pronunciation while chanting a spell. As a result, he found himself lying on the ground with a cow standing on top of him."

Professor Flitwick once again explained the spell-casting movements in detail, while emphasizing the seriousness of mispronunciation of the spell. Then he encouraged the students: "Okay, students, now you can try the feathers in front of you."

Rudy boredly supported his head with his left hand, pointed his right index finger at the feather, and then raised it in a circular motion.The next second, the feathers followed his fingers very flexibly and flew around in the air, like a remote control toy.

Professor Flitwick's head hurt when he saw this scene. He knew that Rudy was a genius, but in this situation, should he praise it or not?That's a boast. Are students supposed to learn how to cast spells without a wand like him?But if you don't praise him...look at the group of students around him, they look at him as if they were a god.

The helpless Professor Flitwick could only pretend he didn't see it, and continued to look for the next student who could successfully cast the spell.

At this moment, Seamus accidentally raised his wand and chanted a curse to the feather in front of him: "Wingardim Leviosa!"

In Professor Flitwick's expectant eyes, instead of slowly floating up, the feather on the table exploded with a "boom"!Seamus was blown up into an explosive head on the spot. Only a pair of eyes and a mouth of white teeth were exposed on the dark face. It seemed to have a comic effect, which made the surrounding students laugh.

Flitwick, who had a headache, could only find two classmates to take Seamus to the infirmary. Then he looked expectantly among the remaining students to see if there was anyone who was outstanding, and pulled them out to use as teaching materials.

In the audience, Ron was waving his wand to cast a spell on the feathers, but no matter how he chanted the spell and waved the wand, the feathers did not move at all.He was already in a bad mood because of the conflict with Harry, and he became even more irritated, so he began to swing his wand up and down vigorously.

This dangerous move almost poked Hermione sitting next to him. Hermione frowned and grabbed Ron's wrist with an unkind expression, warning: "That's not how you cast a spell. You are not waving the wand like this like Seamus." If you go to the hospital like that, you’re going to poke someone in the eye!”

Ron, who was sulking, also got carried away, completely forgetting how amazing Hermione's boxing and kicking skills were, and subconsciously thought she was very annoying, and then said impatiently with a bad tone: "You can do it? If you can do it, then do it!" "

Hermione glanced at him disdainfully, rolled up her sleeves and waved her wand: "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The next second, the feathers on the table in front of her slowly rose up from the table following her command, until they were suspended in the air about four feet above their heads.

Flitwick, who was looking around on the pile of books, immediately spotted this outstanding seedling and exclaimed: "Oh! Well done!"

"Look, students, Miss Granger has succeeded!"

"It's so perfect, I want to give Gryffindor 5 points!"

After hearing Professor Flitwick's praise and extra points, Hermione raised her lips and glanced at Ron proudly.This made Ron, who was already irritable, even more impulsive. He felt that he had been provoked. Coupled with Harry's previous behavior of lusting after his relatives and friends, he became more convinced that women had affected their friendship!

In this way, Ron continued with a dark face until the end of get out of class.Harry finally relented for the sake of his best friend, and wanted to apologize to Ron in a low voice and encourage him again, but who knew that Ron kept his head down the whole time and ignored his various 'little actions'.

As soon as Professor Flitwick said get out of class was over, he got up and ran out of the classroom without giving Harry a chance to apologize.

Rudy and Hermione patted his shoulders comfortingly, and Rudy explained to him depressedly: "Don't worry Harry, he is just in a dead end. When he figures it out, he will get better."

"Besides, you can tell him after the next class. What's the rush?"

Seeing that Rudy seemed to be in such a low-interest state since class today, Hermione asked him suspiciously if he felt unwell.

Rudy sighed, scratched his hair and said distressedly: "I don't know what's going on. In the past few days, I started to have trouble sleeping all night. Even if I read until dawn, I didn't feel any discomfort at all. Perfect for tiredness.”

"The most outrageous thing is that I've been like this for several days. It's like a perpetual motion machine and I don't need to sleep."

"I'm cracked. If my appetite hadn't been very good recently and my appetite hadn't decreased, I would have wondered if there was something wrong with me."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other in confusion and asked in unison: "What? No need to sleep?"

Harry: 'Wouldn't it be possible to practice Quidditch, play wizard chess, and lie in bed thinking about Senior Qiu all night long? '

Hermione: 'Isn't it possible to read and study until dawn every day?So happy! '

Rudy's depressed team waved and walked together towards the classroom for the next class. On the way, he made up his mind to chat with Lao Dengtou when he was free in the evening.

If he doesn't figure out the problem of his inability to sleep today, he won't be able to sleep, and neither will Dumbledore!

However, what surprised the three of them was that Ron did not show up until the end of the next class.Not only that, he didn’t come to class until the last class in the afternoon, and he was nowhere to be seen the entire afternoon.

Today is the annual Halloween. After no classes in the afternoon, Rudy is sitting by the fireplace in the common room reading a book.Harry, on the other hand, was doing homework with Hermione. Facing the worried Harry, Hermione comforted him and said, "Relax, Harry."

"That guy must not want to go to class. He skipped class and went somewhere to have fun. There is a Halloween dinner tonight. I heard that Dumbledore invited the Ghost Pumpkin Circus Dance Troupe to perform. He will definitely show up."

Thinking of his friend's virtue, Harry nodded with relief and began to concentrate on his homework.

As for Rudy... since he has read more and more books, he is now like a mobile library. As long as it is theoretical knowledge, he can complete the contents of the book in just a few seconds. Memorize it, and this library is constantly being updated.

This was confirmed after the tests of Professor Binns from the History of Magic, Professor Flitwick from the Charms class, and Professor McGonagall from the Transfiguration class. The three of them also agreed that Rudy did not need to do what they assigned. theoretical homework.

As for the remaining courses...

Most of the assignments in the herbal medicine class focus on recording the growth cycles and conditions of plants, so Rudy did not get the assignment-free authorization from Professor Sprout.

The Potions class was purely because Old Bat didn't like Rudy. Although he gave Rudy his notes to let him learn the magic above, embarrassment for Rudy was his hobby, and it did not conflict with cultivating him, so he also Rudy was not exempted from his homework.

Even when he went to Snape's office at night during this period, he would teach Rudy how to make potions in his free time, because many of them were potions that could only be made by senior students and some potion masters.Whenever Rudy made a mistake, he would taunt him excitedly, correct his mistakes, and finally put on an expression of "You are so stupid, I'm embarrassed."

Thanks to the fact that there were no Potions and Herbology classes today, he didn't have to do his homework.

Learning was always a long time, certainly for Harry.

In the blink of an eye, the sky outside the window had completely darkened. Rudy and the three of them put on their robes and followed the Gryffindor troops who went out from the tower to the auditorium.Along the way, everyone was discussing the circus dance troupe invited by Dumbledore.

Neville and Seamus happened to come back from the other side of the moving stairs together, and greeted the three Rudys when they met them.

It can only be said that Europeans still attach great importance to Halloween. Today's auditorium can be said to be decorated like the lobby interface of a certain game, full of krypton gold atmosphere.

Thousands of bats were flying around in swarms on the walls and ceiling, and it was as dark as a small dark cloud floating in the low altitude, coupled with various pumpkin decorations with ghostly faces cut out.

In particular, Rudy also saw Hagrid pushing a huge pumpkin-headed lantern, and with the help of Professor Flitwick, he fixed it precariously in mid-air in the auditorium, creating a festive atmosphere.

In the noisy and lively auditorium, Neville, who was sitting with Rudy and others, looked around and strangely asked Harry next to him: "Harry, where is Ron? Isn't he with you?"

When the Na'vi asked about Ron, Harry shook his head in disappointment and said, "I don't know, I haven't seen him all afternoon."

Hearing this, Neville glanced at Seamus next to him in confusion, and then said, "Is that so? But Seamus and I just saw him in the corridor outside the Potions classroom?"

"He seemed to be having an argument with Malfoy at the time, right? Seamus?"

Seamus, who was looking gray and gray for some reason, laughed and said casually: "It should be him, the red-haired one... Damn it, Neville, you can't say we have seen him, so that people know We were punished by cleaning the Potions classroom!"

After hearing this, Harry stood up from the long table, as if he wanted to go find Ron.But at this moment, the lights in the entire auditorium went out, leaving only many pumpkin lanterns flickering with the candles in their bellies.

It's a circus dance show, and the Halloween dinner has officially begun!

Dumbledore took the lead in applauding and made a gesture of invitation, and then the circus performers on the stage began their wonderful performance.

Harry was forced to sit back on his stool and fidgeted, wondering where Ron was now.

About half an hour into the program, Professor Quirrell suddenly opened the door of the auditorium, and the foot wrap wrapped around his forehead was crooked... (Oh, it might be Asan's hat, who knows. ) With a look of horror on his face, Dumbledore waved his hand to restore the lights in the auditorium, and then everyone watched him stumble to not far from Dumbledore's desk.Then, as if exhausted, he screamed "Troll! - in the underground classroom!"

After shouting, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground and passed out.

The entire audience watched him fall to the ground in silence. After two seconds of silence, the auditorium suddenly became a mess, with all kinds of screams and quarrels coming out one after another, leaving Rudy speechless.Isn't it just a giant monster?It's not like hordes of fire dragons are rushing into Hogwarts. Why are you so excited?

Rudy: "No wonder they say people are scary, scary to death."

Hermione on the side couldn't help covering her mouth and burst into laughter after hearing this: "Rudy, aren't you afraid?"

Without waiting for Rudy to answer, Harry and the other two shouted in panic: "Ron! Oh no! Ron was in the underground classroom just now, remember? Neville and Seamus said they had..."

Rudy couldn't help but interrupt him: "Calm down, Harry."

"They just said he was there just now, but not necessarily now."

But Harry couldn't listen. Taking advantage of the chaos, he stood up and ducked out of the auditorium door.

Rudy held his forehead and sighed silently, and then said to Hermione next to him: "Even if Ron is really being chased by a troll, he is a bean bag who basically doesn't know any magic, and he ran over in such a hurry, and rushed Going to die?"

"At this time, the right thing for you to do is to inform the professors and ask them to go..."

Before he could finish his earnest words, Hermione anxiously grabbed his hand, pulled him up from the stool, and shouted: "Okay, hurry up! Rudy, we have to follow!"

"If Harry really encounters a troll, as you said, he will be hammered into a patty!"

Rudy rolled his eyes: '...Well, that's like saying nothing. '

[Sports tickets...]

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