I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 48 Halloween Limited, Pumpkin Head Monster (2)"

Facts have proved that a small matter that may not have been a big deal in the first place is very likely to evolve into a very complicated and uncontrollable situation under the instigation of the people.

Looking at the chaotic auditorium, Dumbledore stood up with a serious expression and raised his wand. First, he shot a purple light from the wand to attract the attention of the students.Then, after blessing himself with a 'loud voice', he shouted: "Students, please stay calm."

"Prefects, under the leadership of the college principals, immediately lead the students from each college to the dormitories!"

After arranging the work, Dumbledore got up and walked out of the auditorium. When passing by Quirrell, he glanced at him thoughtfully, and then motioned to the school nurse's wife to take the guy on the ground for treatment.


On the other side, Rudy and Hermione followed Harry towards the underground professor. When they arrived at the corridor outside the Potions classroom, they only saw the devastation on the ground, as well as various decorations and displays staggered here and there. .

After carefully checking the overturned debris, the three of them did not find Ron among them, which made Harry couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and comforted himself: "Great, Ron is not here! Does this mean that he did not encounter a troll?" However, before he could be happy for two seconds, Rudy next to him stepped forward, pointed to the many potholes and depressions on the ground and said: "I think maybe No, look at the traces on the ground. If the troll was here alone, then even if it had a low IQ, it would not be waving its weapons and hitting the ground innocently."

As he said that, he pointed to the chaotic scene around him: "As well as everything around here, we can simply deduce that Ron should have encountered the troll head-on by chance, and then he was chased by the troll and fled in other directions. . Halfway through, the troll brandished its weapon and tried to attack Ron, leaving so many marks on the ground and around it."

Hermione listened to Rudy's reasoning with gleaming eyes, and asked Harry the question he wanted to ask most in a cooperative manner: "In that case, where did they go?"

Harry listened to her asking the question he wanted to ask and nodded quickly until he heard Rudy say: "We ran all the way from the auditorium and didn't see them. This means that they should be walking in the opposite direction to us. That's the one leading to the Slytherin common room."

(The route to the basement should be a C-shaped road. Go down from the first floor, pass by the Slytherin House lounge, pass the Potions classroom, and then go out through the exit of the C-shaped road.)

After hearing his reasoning, Harry immediately continued to chase the steering wheel in front of him without saying a word. Rudy and Hermione looked helplessly at the dumbfounded young man and could only continue to follow.

Sure enough, not long after the three ran, they saw the knight's armor decoration scattered on the ground again at a corner not far ahead. Judging from the broken and pitiful body fragments, it must have been struck vertically by a giant monster before it was alive. cut.

Harry pointed at its remains in surprise and shouted: "Look, Rudy, you were right! They did come here!"

"What are you waiting for! Let's follow him quickly! I think Ron must be waiting for our support now!"

Rudy didn't want to talk anymore. He just gave Harry a pair of eyes and made a crazy mental complaint: "You support a hammer!"If Wang Xiang hadn't taken action before, I would have almost ended up under that stupid big man's stick.It's just the two of you who have to deal with damage. If you don't deal with damage, you need equipment. If you don't have equipment, you need defense. At most, you two are a scumbag. What can you do to support us? '

'I'm afraid it will be a linkage between the middle and jungle later, and one will die and the other will be given away. '

But Harry couldn't hear his voice, and even if he heard it, he probably wouldn't stop and give up his rescue operation.


At this moment, Comrade Ron, the heroine of our "Hurricane Rescue" drama, is hiding in a corner of the corridor on the fourth floor, panting.As for why he is here...this matter starts with the Charms class...

In the morning Charms class, he was ridiculed by Hermione and lowered his head in frustration. He had no choice but to do so. As a noble descendant of a pure-blood wizard, he was not as strong as a child from a Muggle family, and in every aspect!This made him feel ashamed and angry.

Especially when he saw that his former best friend, Harry, was also doing all kinds of "provocative and mocking" actions in a sarcastic way!The humiliation in his heart almost made him stand up and roar, "30 years from Hedong, 30 years from Hexi! Don't bully young losers!" However, when he thought of Hermione's strength to "conquer people with virtue", he still chose to bow his head. Pretend not to hear. (At that time, Harry tried to get his attention, but Ron mistakenly thought that Harry was mocking him)

After class, for fear of being teased and ridiculed by a few people, he ran out of the classroom and ran with his head down.In the end, he didn't know how long he ran. He didn't stop until his legs were sore and had no strength left.

At this time, he found that he had arrived on the eighth floor without knowing it!What was in front of them was the Room of Requirement that Rudy had brought them to before!

When Ron thought of this magical house, he completely forgot about the humiliation just now. All he could think about was what Rudy said to them a few days ago, which kept echoing in his mind - "Fred and I and George, spent an afternoon here to complete the production of the new broom.... This is George's secret base...."

Swallowing excitedly, Ron stretched out his hand tremblingly and touched the smooth wall. He knew that this wall was where the door to the Room of Requirement appeared.And he remembered Rudy saying that the room where they made the new broom was in the Room of Requirement!

Does that mean that there is now a new broom that they have finished making? ?

"Okay, since you are not willing to give it to me, then I will take it myself!"

"Huh, Harry, who values ​​sex over friends, I really want to see what your expression will be like when you see me riding a new broomstick and killing everyone."

Ron was mumbling to himself, all he could think of was the scene when he successfully counterattacked and slapped Harry, Hermione and others in the face.Harry begged himself to give him another chance to be friends, while Hermione apologized and begged to do his homework for him...

Unfortunately, the development of things completely ran counter to his fantasy.

Rudy did tell them how to open the Room of Requirement. Ron didn't know what Rudy, George, and Fred were thinking when they faced the door.He could only guess that "I want a hidden place", "I want a place to make brooms", "I want a very high-end place", but no matter how he guessed, what he saw after opening the door was not What he wanted made him very angry, thinking that Rudy and the others had locked the 'door'.

Ron kicked the wall angrily and was about to leave. After all, he had to attend the next class.

But when he just walked to the corridor not far from the door of the common room, he saw the three Rudys from a distance who were going back to the dormitory to get books. He felt awkward and didn't want to meet them, and gradually took over his reason. So...he skipped class.

When the bell rang for the next class, he was extremely panicked, but as time passed, he no longer felt this way.In fact, Ron felt that he now felt a sense of pleasure after skipping class!

Just like that, he skipped another afternoon class.When he wasn't going to class, he first went back to his dormitory to catch up on his sleep, and then played wizard chess for a long time.He got bored playing chess with himself and started wandering around the castle again.

As he walked, he came to the corridor outside the underground classroom. Not far ahead was the entrance to the Slytherin common room.Having just skipped class, Ron feels like he is not afraid of anything now and dares to do anything!So, he looked at the entrance to the common room not far away, thinking about sneaking in and causing trouble.

It's a pity that the idea is good, but the method is very ordinary.He lowered his head and followed the previous young wizard who was entering the lounge. He tried to use this method to get through, but he didn't realize that there were three more people following behind him...

Draco and his two younger brothers were coming back from outside and were about to go back to the dormitory to change into robes and prepare for the Halloween dinner that evening.But I found that the red-haired man in front looked particularly familiar!If you look carefully, you can see that sneaky figure. Who else could it be if it wasn't the poor guy from the Weasley family?

Draco, who had found the fun, immediately stepped forward to expose Ron, who was trying to sneak into the Slytherin lounge. Then Ron, who was discovered, could only bite the bullet and said that he had gone the wrong way and quarreled with Draco. stand up.Seeing that he was in a disadvantageous situation at the gate of their home stadium, Ron tactfully shouted in a horrified voice, "Oh my god, Professor Dumbledore, why are you here!", successfully attracting the attention of Draco and the other three. , and immediately ran away without saying a word.

Ron ran all the way to escape.He turned whenever he saw a corner or someone, without even looking at where he was. Anyway, he saw a door, pushed it open and rushed in.After a long time, he was relieved when he was sure that Malfoy was not chasing him.

He looked at the dark environment around him, feeling a little panicked and took out his wand, and then chanted 'fluorescent flash' to illuminate the surroundings.It doesn't matter if you don't see the results. As soon as you turn on the light, you suddenly see rows of glass jars placed not far in front of you. The corpse specimens of various animals in the jars are soaked in them, which looks particularly permeable.

His eyes widened and then he remembered that in the entire basement, apart from Slytherin's lounge and Snape's office, the only place in the basement that could be entered at will by pushing the door open was the Potions classroom!

Resisting the urge to scream, Ron blushed and used the small ball of light on the front of the wand as a light source to touch the stool he sat on during class.He planned to wait here before going out. If he went out now, Malfoy and his henchmen might be looking for him nearby.

After running up and down for so long, Ron felt a little sleepy. He glanced at the wall clock in the Potions classroom. It was still early, so he simply lay down on the table and planned to take a nap.

Who knew... just by squinting, he reached the beginning of the dinner party. (The circus dance troupe has started performing now)

Ron, who was sleeping soundly, felt that the tabletop he was lying on seemed to be shaking. He stood up and looked around unhappily. He was about to get angry, but found that his surroundings were completely dark.

When he came to his senses, he exclaimed "Oops", then groped in the dark and found the wand.After summoning the 'light ball' for illumination, Ron glanced at the wall clock and confirmed that he had missed the dinner. He quickly got up and ran out of the classroom.There was still time, there was still time before the dinner was over, and it was only one floor away for him to go back now. He could reach the auditorium in five minutes at most.

However, as soon as he opened the door of the Potions classroom, Ron found that the corridor outside was in a mess. The various ornaments that were originally placed on both sides of the corridor were now scattered on the ground in pieces.

Only then did Ron remember that he had been awakened by an inexplicable shock.What caused the vibration?You actually made everything in the corridor look like this?

Recalling Rudy's usual 'detective mode' reasoning skills, Ron felt that he could do it too, and then he walked out of the classroom and came to the corridor.He wanted to collect clues, and then use the only clues at hand to deduce who the murderer was!So handsome!

Then...he saw a dark figure moving around the corner in front of him in the passage on the left side of the corridor.

He immediately guessed that he was the murderer and was very excited. His mind was filled with the idea of ​​rushing forward to discover the identity of the other party. He could not care about the question of whether he could defeat the other party or whether he would be silenced if he failed.

Ron, who was deeply afraid that the other party would run away, rushed to the front of the passage with all his strength. As soon as he turned the corner, he wanted to shout "I found you!" towards the passage behind the turn, but he did not shout out.

Because...in the passage, a huge figure holding a huge mace was slowly turning around. A huge pumpkin head was placed on its head, and its pair of big yellow triangular eyes, combined with the mace in its hand, A huge and thick mace, this shape is as scary as it looks!

If Rudy were here at this moment, he would probably couldn't help shouting: 'Damn, is this too much?Do trolls have limited Halloween skins? '

Ron had never seen such a monster before, especially one with a pumpkin head on its head. It scared him so much that he made a dolphin sound like crazy.The troll in front of the corridor originally just looked at him in confusion, and had no intention of turning around and going back to kill Ron, because its owner ordered it to create chaos, the bigger the better.

Who would have known that Ron's dolphin-sounding scream was particularly powerful and aroused the troll's ferocity on the spot, especially because it was particularly sensitive to sounds!

Previously, it was paralyzed by Wang Xiang's 'Wind King's Hammer', and its central nervous system was shattered, which was equivalent to being scrapped.Afterwards, its owner used the heart and organs of the unicorn to replace its lost 'parts'. Although it regained the ability to move freely, it also lost its little intelligence and was completely reduced to a mere A demolition machine that operates on intuition.

With a twist of its waist, it turned around, and with a wave of the huge mace in its hand, it easily hammered a very strong-looking medieval knight's armor into iron filings on the ground!

Now Ron finally knew who was responsible for the mess in the corridor outside the Potions classroom.Ron was so frightened that his voice became intermittent, and he hurriedly ran upstairs.

[Tickets/...The Philosopher's Stone chapter will probably end in Chapter 54]

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