I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 52 The goal is to dominate the Quidditch Cup (1)

"Do not!!!--"

Boundless screams suddenly resounded throughout the entire underground space.

I saw Voldemort, who was majestic and evil a second ago, but now he was grief-stricken, staring at the fragments of the Sorcerer's Stone broken into several pieces on the ground and screaming. His desperate tone almost made Rudy cry. (Happy)!

Voldemort couldn't believe that the legendary treasure, the Sorcerer's Stone, which could create the elixir of life,... it actually did!It breaks when touched!

"How is that possible!? No...no...no! This is impossible!"

Voldemort, who was shaking his head crazily and muttering "impossible", looked a little dazed. He couldn't accept that his chance of resurrection was ruined like this. It was as if God was joking with him. !

"Harry...Potter!...Sure enough, just as the prophecy said, you are the biggest obstacle to my conquering the magical world! Today, you must die here!" Voldemort, whose expression was twisted to the point of madness, slowly He raised his head, stared at the bewildered Harry with black eyes, and roared angrily.

Unable to bear it, Voldemort felt murderous intent rising in his head. Unable to control his boiling murderous desire any longer, he suddenly raised his wand, screamed and unleashed the killing curse on Harry: "Avada Kedavra!"

This shout shocked Harry and the three of them. As we all know, villains always yell before using their special moves, which makes them look very evil and terrifying.

But... the three of them waited for a long time, but the other party's wand did not release any frighteningly powerful black magic.

Voldemort fiddled with his wand in confusion, expecting the penetrating green light of the Killing Curse to come out without even the slightest intention of coming out.Angrily, he kept shaking his wand towards Harry. Under the infusion of his powerful magic, Quirrell's wand finally had some reaction, and the tip of the wand... it actually began to gradually crack from the tip of the wand. Got it!

Voldemort looked at the cracked wand and almost went crazy!First the magic stone cracked, and now the wand cracked!What does this mean! ?

His majestic Dark Lord was defeated by a little devil!

First, at the peak of his career, he gnawed the big melon on his head and devoured himself.Then he was forced to experience the hard life at the bottom of the food chain in the Albanian forest. After finally getting out, he had to go to the forbidden forest to drink the fishy and cursed blood of unicorns!Finally, today I have the opportunity to prove myself again.The results of it! ?The Philosopher's Stone that he had obtained with so much hard work and effort was shattered on the spot. He wanted to kill the damn Harry Potter, and the wand even split open to show him!

Damn it, why are you playing with this? ?

The angry Voldemort had suffered such humiliation. He had no choice but to blame everything on Quirrell, and began to absorb Quirrell's life force regardless of who he was. Today, no matter who comes, he will let Harry Potter stand side by side. Get out here!

Throwing away the cracked wand, the controlled 'Quirrell' was unable to struggle at all. He could only scream and beg Voldemort for mercy, but Voldemort had obviously taken hold of him, so how could he care about his feelings?Quirrell's only use to him now is to drain the last bit of value from his body.

A large amount of vitality was lost, causing Quirrell's body to start shaking uncontrollably. His eye sockets were sunken, his skin became dry and gray, and veins were visible to the naked eye, clinging to his skinny body, giving people a very zombie-like feeling. .

This horrific scene combined with Quirrell's screams frightened Harry and the three of them so much that their legs became weak and they couldn't help but want to step back.

After the screams lasted for about three minutes, Quirrell, who was constantly twitching, finally lost his movement. He was like a corpse, lying there lifelessly, his eyes wide open, staring at Lu. Dee et al.

Looking at Quirrell who was motionless, Ron was trembling as he spoke. He grabbed Harry's sleeve and asked in a trembling voice: "He...he, is he dead?"

Harry looked at Rudy nervously with questioning eyes, which made Rudy very depressed.He has never encountered such a situation. This "please daddy" tricked him to death. So is this guy half dead and turned into a zombie now?Or... is it completely cold?

Just in case, Rudy said nothing and followed the traditional Eastern customs. He raised his wand and pointed it at the motionless mummy and fired "Fire!"

The blazing flames instantly devoured 'Qi Luo's body. This pile of skinny mummies was unexpectedly resistant to burning. It took more than ten minutes for the flames to be extinguished reluctantly.

Smelling the weird 'barbeque smell', Rudy sighed speechlessly.

'What a shame, in the end I didn't even say a harsh word, and the person was gone. '

'That's it, it's the Dark Lord, he doesn't have any style at all. '

'Pooh!Bad review. '

In his heart, he complained that this villain was too rubbish. Rudy said to the shocked Harry and the three of them: "Let's go, it's over." Then he took the lead and turned around and walked towards the entrance.

When they were approaching the door, an orange figure trotted in along the passage. Looking at the noble steps and the tail that stood upright like an antenna, wasn't it Rudy's beloved pet Meow Meow who disappeared for a whole episode? ?

Squatting down and picking up the cat, Rudy stared at its innocent little eyes and asked, "Where did it wander off? Huh?"

Meow: "Meow... Meow~ Meow~!" (Stupid humans, let go of the noble Meow! Be careful I lick you!)

Rudy frowned: "What? Say it again?"

Meow Meow was shocked: 'He understood! ? '

Rudy: "You actually dare to quibble! Tell me! Did you get seduced by Mrs. Lorris's stinky cat, huh!?"

Meow meow:...

On the other side, the three of them bypassed the pile of black residue left by Quirrell's burning and came to the Mirror of Erised. Harry picked up the fragments of the Magic Stone broken into four pieces on the ground, touched them distressedly and asked : “Can this still be fixed?”

Ron nodded frantically and asked Hermione and Rudy, who were the most knowledgeable people present, "Do you think you can make pure gold if this thing is broken?"

"I mean, if you can only make pure silver, I can accept it."

Hermione rolled her eyes, while Rudy was having a serious human-cat conversation with Meow Meow. The two of them were completely too lazy to pay attention to the money maniac.

Hermione looked at the tall mirror curiously and reached out to touch the surface of the magic mirror. She wanted to know what it was for.Just one mirror in such a big room?What does it do?Is it just to hide the magic stone?

Hermione touched the spot where Harry's spell hit it, and asked doubtfully: "Harry must have hit it just now, right? Why is it intact?"

Touching and touching, Hermione was surprised to find that Rudy and herself slowly appeared in the mirror!In the solemn church, she was wearing a pure white wedding dress and she and Rudy were having a sacred wedding!I can’t believe that Principal Dumbledore is the witness and priest!His parents were hugging each other excitedly, and Harry and Ron sent them their blessings...

Just when Hermione was staring at the mirror in a daze, Ron also discovered the mirror with the Sorcerer's Stone falling out. He wanted to see if shooting it twice with a magic spell would make the Sorcerer's Stone fall out.

He quietly took out the wand and was about to use it in the mirror, but found that his own figure actually appeared in the mirror!

Oh, no, it should be said that he is the one who attracts the most attention!

He looks handsome in the mirror, especially the shining prefect medal on his chest, and the adoring eyes of the students around him... Oh!George and Fred also handed him a brand new 'Conigsego'!Professor McGonagall gave him an award!It was he who led Gryffindor to win the Quidditch Cup!


After several attempts to put the Philosopher's Stone fragments back together failed, Harry sighed and could only carefully put the Philosopher's Stone fragments back into his pocket, intending to give them to Dumbledore to see if the almighty headmaster could repair it.Standing up helplessly, Harry comforted himself in his heart. At least the Sorcerer's Stone did not fall into Voldemort's hands. This was the greatest luck.He turned back to the two people in front of the mirror and shouted: "Hermione, Ron, let's go."

After taking two steps, Harry realized that the two of them hadn't followed him?

He looked back at his two friends in confusion, only to find that something didn't seem right about the two of them at the moment?

Hermione covered her face with her hands, looking shy (nympho face).And Ron was even more outrageous. He just drooled proudly and waved from time to time, as if... he was greeting people?

"Hey, what's wrong with you guys?"

When Harry received no response, a series of question marks popped up on his head. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with these two people. What's so good about this mirror? It can look like a devil?One is obsessed with both.

Harry walked up behind the two of them, patted their shoulders and asked, "Hermione? Ron? What are you looking at?"

Hermione blushed and muttered in a low voice: "I hate it, didn't you see it yourself? You still ask."

Harry: 'What do I see?' ? ? '

Harry: "Ron, can you... wipe your mouth first."

Ron came back to his senses and shouted to Harry excitedly: "Hey! Harry, look! We won the Quidditch Cup! Professor McGonagall gave me the award! And George, they gave me a brand new The Koenigsego!”

Harry looked at the mirror with wide eyes, but there was nothing on it except the three of them. He put a wordless hand on his forehead: "It's over, another one is crazy." '

At this moment, among the pile of black residue on the ground next to the magic mirror, a dark green energy body invisible to the naked eye slowly rose up and gathered into a group of evil faces without noses. It laughed sinisterly, Harry suddenly rushed towards the defenseless Harry in front of the mirror.

Voldemort: 'I, the Dark Lord, do what I say!Harry Potter must leave here sideways today!I said! '

Just as he was about to rush to Harry's side, Rudy held the lifeless meow in his hand. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Voldemort running out from behind Rudy.What pure energy!Isn't this what it has been searching for! ?

Without saying a word, Meow Meow immediately used up all the energy he had saved during this period. He opened his small mouth, and in the next second, countless tentacles and claws with sharp hooks and barbs sprang out from it and rushed towards Voldemort. go!

Voldemort, who was in mid-air, also noticed the strange stuff that suddenly spurted out of the cat's mouth.If this were the case in the past, she would definitely dodge it or attack it with a magic spell.But today is different, he is now a pure energy body!he! ....'Why!Hey!What's the matter with you! ?You can’t touch the promised energy body!Why!Brother!Wrong, wrong!Isn’t it okay to be wrong?Give up! '

'I!Damn Harry Potter, and you stinky cat!The Dark Lord will not let you go! '

'I will definitely come back! ! ...'

Countless tentacles wrapped around the dark green energy body, and then pulled it back into Meow Meow's mouth.After a delicious meal, it happily "meowed" and stretched out its little tongue to lick the corner of its mouth, looking like it was still unfinished. It scared Rudy and made him stiff.He never expected that the orange cat he kept as a pet would actually be an element-devouring beast! ! !

At this time, although Rudy looked as stable as an old dog, he kept holding it with both hands.But in fact, I’m so panicked!He didn't even dare to move his hands, for fear that the cat in his hand would be unhappy and swallow him up.

As if he had guessed what Rudy was thinking, Meow Meow no longer pretended to be a silly house cat. The energy body he had just absorbed allowed him to acquire the language of the indigenous humans on this planet and also regained some of his strength.It simply said to Rudy: "Don't be afraid, kid."

"I am not interested in low-energy, indigestible indigenous life like you and will not eat you."

"How you treated me before is still the same now, you're welcome."

As he spoke, he waggled his tail and jumped onto Rudy's right shoulder, settling down like an orange scarf.

Rudy wanted to say something more, but Miaomiao looked in the direction of the magic mirror and said, "Something is coming." and stopped talking.

Rudy looked at the magic mirror behind him in confusion. Sure enough, within a few seconds, a fiery red fire flashed and Fawkes appeared riding Dumbledore!

Meow meow proudly said "meow" to Rudy, as if to say, "Look, I am accurate, right?"

Later, after being explained by Dumbledore, who was "belatedly arriving", the four of Rudy realized that he should have arrived a long time ago, but he was attacked by members of the circus dance troupe on the way. It was not until then that he knew that he had arrived. These guys are actually Death Eaters in disguise!

After asking Fox to take Harry and the three of them to the infirmary first, Dumbledore sighed to Rudy with a kind look on his face: "You are worthy of inheriting the king's blood. In the future, you will definitely inherit the king's will and protect Britain. I have always believed that." That's it, Rudy."

Rudy had goosebumps all over his body. Could this old thief be a G?What kind of ghostly look is this? It made him panic.But he still said politely: "You are too polite, principal. I just did what I should do according to the guidance of my heart."

Rudy was right. In terms of being rude and nosy, he was no different from Captain America now, and his sense of justice was so swollen that it almost exploded.The only difference is that Captain America is active, while he is passive...


A few days later, the library.

At the end of the night, Rudy was the last to return to the infirmary with Dumbledore.Under the resentful look in Madam Pomfrey's eyes, who had been working overtime all night, she gave him a thorough physical examination and made sure that nothing happened to him before letting him go back to his dormitory.

Along the way, Harry and Ron kept discussing tonight's "Exciting Adventure", while Hermione glanced at Rudy from time to time with evasive eyes, making him confused and thinking there was something dirty on his face. Woolen cloth.

For several days after that, the days seemed to be back to normal, calm and peaceful.

Rudy is immersed in books every day and can't extricate himself. Now he is eager to improve his knowledge and expand his 'skill list' every moment.

I have classes during the day and come to the library to read whenever I have time.After class in the afternoon, I went to the Room of Requirement to practice magic. At night, I stayed up late and worked overtime with the twins to make the 'Conesego'.

It is worth mentioning that after Halloween, the new season of the Quidditch League is about to begin!In fact, it had already started in early November, but Harry and Ron were still intensifying their training at that time. Professor McGonagall and Wood were preparing to use them as secret weapons. Quarter of the second week of November I’ll release it again during the finals!

When the time comes, together with the four 'Conigsego's that Rudy promised and Professor McGonagall spent huge sums of money to purchase the recently arrived Nimbus 2000, Gryffindor will be the best in both speed and technology. It will crush the other three colleges with absolute advantage!

In Wood's words, this year we have Porter!Three Weasleys!Four Koenigsegos!When the time comes, we will not kill those novices indiscriminately! ?

What else can stop us from winning the championship! ?What's to stop us from dominating the Quidditch Cup! ?

He even issued a "military order" to his very arrogant team Professor McGonagall. If he didn't win the championship this year, he, Oliver Wood, would stand on his head and wash his hair!

[Sports tickets...ahhhhhh]

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