I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 53 The goal is to dominate the Quidditch Cup (2)

November NO.12, Friday morning.

After Rudy ate the takeaway breakfast delivered by Red early in the morning, he jogged all the way from the dormitory to the outside.

I don’t know why, but the symptoms that I had before have not only not alleviated, but have become more and more serious as time goes by.

The biggest change is that his appetite is getting bigger and bigger now, and eating just one breakfast can no longer satisfy him.There was no other way, so he asked Red, who often came to chat with him in the morning, to bring him some breakfast the next time he came in the morning.

The kind-hearted house elf Reid agreed without hesitation without even thinking about it. He even made breakfast rice balls filled with roasted vegetables and rice according to his request!Rudy almost burst into tears after eating.

Since being shown off by Voldemort with Apparition last time, Rudy has begun to study the spells that he chose to give up. The first ones he studied were the brothers 'Apparition' and 'Apparition'.The difficulty of these two spells is different, and the second one, 'Appear', is easier than 'Transmigration'.

The Advanced Charms book describes in detail the pros and cons of the 'Apparition' spell, as well as the two most important points in learning it.

First, if you want to learn to master the spell, you must keep the "3D" element in mind.Namely: Destination, Determination, and Deliberation!

As long as the caster keeps the 3D elements in mind and has absolute confidence in himself, then the spell will basically be successful.

Second, there are precautions. The book emphasizes that this spell is recommended for students over 17 years old to learn, and it is best for beginners to have someone supervising them when practicing, in case there is no one to rescue them when the practice goes wrong, leading to death.

This made Rudy very distressed. He had always been alone when practicing magic. Most of the magic was basically learned by following the tutorials and guidance in the book.Even if you encounter something more difficult, you will quickly master it after practicing a few times.So the question is, at his current age, where can he find a teacher who is willing to teach him and can perform 'Apparition'?

Simply speaking, this problem did not bother him for a long time.

When he saw Reid coming to deliver breakfast on Thursday morning, his eyes immediately lit up, isn't this the case?

House elves are born masters of Apparition. They are not affected by the anti-Apparition wards in the castle and can enter and leave Hogwarts at will. If you are looking for someone to teach Apparition, they are definitely the best. s Choice!

As soon as this idea came to him, he couldn't help but grab Red, who wanted to go back to the kitchen, and made a fool of him... Oh no, it was a friendly request.After a while, the kind-hearted Red agreed to deliver breakfast an hour early every morning and go to the Quidditch pitch to teach him how to apparate.

No, this morning, Rudy trotted to the court after breakfast. Today was their first teaching training. He came over early to exercise for a while.Reid needs to go back to the kitchen to finish his work before he can come over. This will probably take about 20 minutes.

After arriving at the stadium, the bored Rudy rubbed his hands and started running circles around the stadium to warm up. Damn the weather, it's not only cold at night, but also cold in the morning!

While running, Rudy saw a familiar tall figure pushing a trolley to the stadium.He was wrapped in a large and long moleskin coat, rabbit fur gloves on his hands, and a pair of beaver leather boots on his feet. His thick hairy beard and this outfit made him look like a Brown bear?

Rudy waved his hand and shouted to him, "Hey! Hagrid!"

"Why are you here so early in the morning?"

Hagrid shouted with a smile, saying that he was here to clean and defrost the stadium and the brooms. There was a Quidditch match tomorrow. In order not to affect the game and the viewing effect, he came here in advance to clean and repair it.

"Hey Rudy, what are you doing here so early?"

"You know, I have to get the brooms out to defrost, oh, and the auditorium needs to be swept too."

Rudy ran to him, took a small breath, and after regaining his composure, replied: "I'm here to learn magic, but my teacher hasn't arrived yet, so I'm going to run and have fun first."

"Do you need me to help you? I have to run anyway, so helping you can be considered exercise."

Hagrid immediately beamed when he heard this and praised him as a diligent little wizard who loved learning and helping others. One of the two of them cleaned the auditorium, and the other took the brooms off the trailer to defrost them, and they were finished in a short time.

After the work was completed, Hagrid still needed to go to his hut to feed his hunting dog Yaya, so he said goodbye to Rudy and left first.

Not long after Hagrid left, Red appeared not far from Rudy with a glass of hot milk in his hand, and the two began their first Apparition teaching course.


After the second Transfiguration class in the morning, Professor McGonagall stopped Rudy who was about to leave, called him to the corner, and asked with a worried look: "Tomorrow is the first game for Harry and the others, are you still there?" Remember our agreement, right?"

Rudy replied very confidently: "Don't worry, Professor McGonagall. The four Koenigsegos were completed the night before yesterday. We will conduct final inspection on them tonight and customize them by dedicated personnel."

Professor McGonagall immediately smiled brightly after hearing that it was completed, and then asked in confusion: "What is customized debugging?"

Rudy explained: "Conesego can make corresponding adjustments according to the players' personal preferences and habits. For example, if Harry is the seeker, we will adjust the speed and stability to the extreme, so that when the snitch is discovered at the same time, Harry can definitely throw the opponent's Seeker so hard that he can't even see the taillights!"

Professor McGonagall was overjoyed when she heard it. Although she didn't understand what the taillights meant, she was very happy when she heard it!She was so excited that she patted her chest to calm down, and finally gave the instruction: "That's okay, you and Wood will decide on the distribution of brooms. It's time for me to choose robes. I have to appear elegantly and gracefully tomorrow, in Flitwick." And you have to give a big sigh of relief in front of these two guys Snape!"

After saying that, she happily pulled up the hem of her robe and left quickly.

Rudy looked at Professor McGonagall walking away and smiled helplessly, then turned and went to the auditorium. It seemed that he would sit in the auditorium for a while at noon, waiting for George and Fred to finish class.

They must make sure again and again that there will be no problems with the new broom before the competition, otherwise if there is any problem... He is sure that Professor McGonagall will make the three of them miserable!

By the way, I remember Red said in the morning that he prepared hamburgers for himself for lunch.

Thinking of the smell of hamburgers, he unconsciously quickened his pace...

It was lunch time in a blink of an eye.

In the auditorium, Rudy was chewing a hamburger and reading a book. He had not made any progress in learning the art of sealing so far. This thing seemed to occupy very little presence in the world of wizards. There were legends about seals in the library. , there are quite a few classics.But he has never seen a book that can really teach you how to use sealing techniques. He has read dozens of books so far.

Closing the book in his hand again, Rudy sighed. This book was not what he was looking for.

"Wait, if I remember correctly, I remember that there seemed to be a lot of books in Dumbledore's old fox's principal's office?" Looking at the books on the table, Rudy suddenly thought of the previous times he went to the principal's office. At that time, there seemed to be a lot of books on one of the walls!

The books in the principal's office must be the most advanced magic books in Hogwarts, right?

emmm, it looks like I need to find a reason to go to the principal's office again~

Maybe I can rub Fox’s fur by the way~

Considering the widespread use of phoenix feathers, Rudy had planned to pluck the feathers many times, but unfortunately he couldn't catch the stupid bird every time.

He put the phoenix feathers he collected last time into the Conesego broomstick he prepared for Harry.The feathers of the phoenix can not only withstand powerful spell attacks at critical moments, but can also unleash 200% of the Conesego's true speed after unlocking the safety limits of the broom!

A few nights ago, after he, George, and Fred successfully completed the broom prepared for Harry, they immediately went to the golf course secretly to test it out.At that time, Rudy set off from the stadium and headed towards Hogsmeade Village. The speed of Conesego with safety performance restrictions turned off was simply unimaginable.

The speed was so fast that it was like a meteor streaking across the night sky with a slender tail of silver light flames.

In less than 10 seconds, Rudy returned to the stadium from Hogsmeade!This speed is almost twice the maximum speed of 'Conigsego' under normal conditions!That’s a terrifying figure approaching more than 2 miles per hour!George, who was responsible for counting the clock, was so excited that he almost cried while hugging Fred.

But just because the speed is too fast, a fatal problem arises...

That is, what should the driver do if he can't bear it?The broomstick doesn't have the cockpit of a fighter jet, it's an open-top thing...

You must know that when the speed exceeds 590 miles per hour, it can break the speed of sound. Under normal circumstances, normal people will never be able to increase to this speed directly in the air. The high-frequency resonance with the air at rapid speed may cause the person to break the speed of sound on the spot. This man was suffocated and lacked oxygen, and even disintegrated on the spot...

Even if it is 300 miles per hour, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear. With Rudy's body strengthened by the blood of the red dragon, he only went to Hogsmeade Village and back. After getting off the broom, his face turned pale. Pale and bloodless.This is not to mention Harry. Although he is rumored to be the savior of the wizarding world, he is actually just an ordinary human with outstanding flying talent.

Rudy and the twins hesitated for a long time, and finally decided not to tell Harry that his Conesego had the ability to fly to death.

That night, Rudy and the twins stayed in the Room of Requirement until after 12 o'clock before returning to the dormitory carrying boxes containing four customized Koenigsegos.As soon as they entered the common room, they saw the three Harrys waiting here who were still awake.

After Rudy handed Harry's box to him, Harry was so excited that he couldn't help but open it on the spot.

When Conesego, finished in Gryffindor's gold and red paint job, appeared in front of Harry and the other three, they all had wide-eyed and mouth-open expressions of surprise.

After introducing his exclusive broom to Harry in detail, Rudy motioned to George to take out a parchment contract, which clearly stated that Harry could only use this broom for the Gryffindor team's Quidditch Cup match. , and may not be used for other purposes without permission. If it is damaged or lost for other purposes, he will need to compensate 3200 galleons according to the price.

Touching the new broom excitedly, Harry didn't care about these things. He signed the contract without looking at it, and then took out his broom from the special box stuffed with velvet cushions.

Harry couldn't put it down because of the gold-red paint on the broomstick. Looking at the instruction manual included in the box, he wished he could fly around the court now and experience the peak speed!

Looking at the broom in Harry's hand, Ron was filled with envy. Then he rubbed his hands and looked at his two brothers, and asked expectantly: "Where's mine?"

George and Fred looked at each other and said to him with a strange expression: "Your broom is at Professor McGonagall's. It will be delivered to you tomorrow morning. Don't worry."

When Ron heard this, he immediately looked happy and expectant. He never thought about why he would only post this question tomorrow.

Compared to Harry and Ron, Hermione's reaction seemed calmer.At first, Harry only walked over to take a look at it when he was unpacking it. After that, she returned to the sofa and continued reading, as if the new broom had no appeal to her at all.

This made Rudy very curious. Generally speaking, there shouldn't be any little wizard who can resist Conesego like him, right?So he was puzzled and went up to ask this question. Unexpectedly, as soon as Rudy finished asking, Ron said with a smile: "Because our Miss Know-It-All is very good at every subject, but the flying class is just average~ Hahaha~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a chill on his back, and when he looked back, he met Hermione's murderous eyes...


Early the next morning, Harry and Ron couldn't wait to have breakfast in the Great Hall, which surprised Hermione who had just arrived: "You are not late today?"

Everyone in the auditorium is discussing this morning's Quidditch match, because according to "informed sources", the Gryffindor team will send the famous Harry Potter to play!At the same time, some members of the team will be equipped with the flying broomstick that has recently caused a sensation in the entire Quidditch world - Conesego!

Everyone was looking forward to this destined to be a wonderful game, and everyone's eyes would always turn to the Gryffindor table from time to time, making Harry excited and nervous at the same time.Especially when he noticed that his goddess, Senior Sister Qiu, was also looking at him, at that moment Harry wanted to go back to the dormitory and bring the box containing the new broom to her!

Of course, he could only dare to think about this idea. After all, Rudy had signed a contract with him last night. If there was any deviation on that broom outside of the game, no matter how much inheritance his parents left him, I'm afraid there won't be much left after paying off the 3200 Galleons compensation.

Not long after they started eating breakfast, an owl flapped its wings and slowly flew into the auditorium along with the large force delivering couriers. When it spotted the target, it dropped a bomb and accurately pointed the object on its talons towards the target. Wipe the red hair and throw it away.


Here Ron was eating toast and drinking soup, when suddenly a stick fell from the sky and hit him hard on the head.Angry, he picked up the stick and wanted to find the person who threw it and throw it back, but Hermione's words made him ecstatic.

Hermione calmly flipped through the books on the table, picked up the black tea and took a sip: "Are you sure you want to throw it away? That's the broom you've been waiting for a long time..."

When Ron heard this, he immediately looked carefully at the stick that hit him. The slender body and the tightly wrapped tail looked like a flying broomstick!

He cheered in surprise and hurriedly unpacked it. However, when he saw clearly the model number of the broom engraved on the front of the handle, his excited little face immediately collapsed.

Because it says - "Nimbus 2000".

The baby broom he once dreamed of had finally appeared, but Ron was not happy at all.He turned angrily to look at Rudy, who was sitting on the other side of Harry reading a book and eating today, and asked: "You agreed to give me a broom this morning!? That's it! Are you fooling me!?"

Rudy rolled his eyes at him angrily, put down the book in his hand, and had a good chat with him: "First of all, we never said we would equip you with a Conesego, right?"

Ron was speechless: "This...but!..."

Rudy interrupted him with a wave of his hand and continued to blame him: "Secondly, our agreement with Professor McGonagall is to provide four Conesegos for the school team members to use, but who will use them will need to be discussed collectively. decided."

"The final decision was to have one Seeker for Harry, one Beater for George and Fred, and one Chaser for Angelina. Even Wood himself was not assigned one, and the ones provided by the school team were used. Basic broom.”

"And you were assigned Nimbus 2000, which Professor McGonagall bought with her own money. What are you dissatisfied with?"

Ron was speechless by the question and could only repeat with a blushing face: "I...I...I..."



[Sports tickets...]

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