I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 66: The Demon Sealing Wave and the Lord of the Rings (3)"

Two days later, following his daily journey, Rudy was heading to the library when he was stopped by Professor McGonagall, who was walking towards him in a hurry.

She told him to go to the headmaster's office, where Dumbledore was waiting for him, and the password was "ice lemon juice."

"Oh, this stuff doesn't taste good." Rudy nodded to show that he understood. After saying goodbye to Professor McGonagall, Rudy went to the principal's office and met Harry and Ron again. They didn't know what they were doing. His mysterious expression looked panicked, giving people the impression that he was up to no good.

At this time, the two of them were hiding behind a large stone pillar, peeking at something in front of them.

Rudy curiously walked up to someone and tapped him on the shoulder and shouted, "Hey!"

Harry's expression suddenly changed and he shouted loudly: "Ah! I didn't peek!"

Ron was the same, except he shouted louder: "I didn't peek at her either!"

Good guy, these two shouts immediately succeeded in attracting the attention of several passing students, especially two female students, who were so frightened by Ron's words that they ran away with a scream.

Rudy twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at the two of them speechlessly and asked, "So, what are you doing?"

The two of them blushed, one on each side, and grabbed Rudy and dragged him to the entrance of an empty corridor.Harry looked around and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure there was no one around, while Ron angrily asked Rudy what the hell was going on, almost killing them.

Rudy looked confused: "You two are lying there like idiots, who are you looking at?"

Ron heard Rudy's question and said proudly: "Of course I'm looking at the goddess!" Harry next to him looked in agreement, but didn't say it out loud.

Rudy was stunned when he heard this. He remembered that Harry seemed to like Senior Sister Qiu, but what about Ron?We haven't seen each other for a few days, why did a goddess show up to him?

Seeing his friend start to bubble pink bubbles in the air again, Harry whispered to Rudy speechlessly: "It's Angelina from the team, do you remember? - Ever since the game against Ravenclaw , Ron is like this. - To be honest, it’s so embarrassing, I can’t stand it anymore.”

Rudy put his hand on his forehead, looked at Harry who despised Ron, and complained in his heart: 'You have no right to talk about him...'

At this moment, Rudy, who remembered that he had to go to the principal's office, hurriedly said goodbye to the two of them, and then left quickly.

Jogging all the way up to the eighth floor, Rudy secretly cursed the Big Four for why they built the principal's office so high on the eighth floor when they were full, and shouted the password to the gargoyle statue: "Cold lemon juice! "

After the gargoyle jumped away, Rudy was just about to go upstairs through the spiral staircase behind it, when Morgan's voice came in his mind, 'Be careful, there is a stronger guy up there. '

Rudy smiled and replied: "Don't worry, the person above is the principal of our school, one of our own." '

Morgan snorted coldly: "It's good that you know, sister, I'm really afraid that you will be pinched to death suddenly." '

Rudy: 'Can't you just wait for me? ? ——How strong is that? '

Morgan smiled and said: 'Why, are you scared? ——Not as strong as the Supreme Mage. Compared with her, your principal is still in the human category. '

After a few minutes of verbal quarrel with Morgan, Rudy finally arrived outside the principal's office door.

He knocked on the door, got permission, opened the door and walked in.

After a Christmas vacation, Rudy finally met Dumbledore, the old fox, at school.He is still as energetic as before, wearing a crooked little hat on his head, and his eyes are bright and clear, as if he can see through your heart. ...Well, I can really see through it. Later, when he was reading in the library, Rudy learned that there was a spell called "Legilimency" that could be used as a mind-reading spell!

Recalling the way Dumbledore, an old thief, looked at him for a while, his pupils always glowed with silver, Rudy couldn't help but secretly cursed this old thief for being very evil.

At this time, Dumbledore was bending over the desk to read as usual. He saw Rudy come in and greeted him with a smile. Then he waved for some snacks and drinks and said to him: "It seems that you had a great time during the holiday, right?" ?"

Rudy thought about his fulfilling daily practice during the holidays, nodded and said, "It's not bad... I mean, the Supreme Mage is quite friendly."

Dumbledore smiled and asked: "So have you got the answer to your question?"

Rudy nodded excitedly, and then he told Dumbledore about Ancient One's request not to use dimensional magic outside, and asked Dumbledore if he could break the seal.

Dumbledore nodded and shook his head, but said vaguely: "This seal will untie itself when it needs to be untied."

Then the two of them chatted again, most of which were useless things. After talking for a long time, Dumbledore finally revealed the main purpose of calling him here today: "Well, actually, the main reason why I called you here today is because ..."

As he spoke, Dumbledore scratched his head helplessly. He had a headache. This was the first time that a student had actually made a prop that could capture Peeves. If Peeves hadn't come to complain, he wouldn't have believed it. There was such a thing, so he specially called Rudy over for this...

After considering his words, Dumbledore said awkwardly: "That's it, child."

"Actually, it was Peeves the other day. He just hoped that you would stop catching him."

Rudy was stunned and secretly scolded Peeves for not being a martial artist and actually snitching on him. He nodded and agreed to Dumbledore, promising that as long as Peeves no longer provokes him, he will never take action against him.

After chatting happily, Rudy thought of Morgan's existence, so he reported it to Dumbledore. After getting the other party's permission, he left the principal's office safely.

Lunch time, in the auditorium.

Rudy was eating crispy fish steak when George suddenly and mysteriously came over with Fred, handed him a list and asked: "Hey, Rudy, look at this is what we collected yesterday." New order arrived.”

Rudy pushed it away with a mask of pain on his face, and said vaguely: "Didn't I tell you that I won't accept new orders recently? - I feel like vomiting when I see the magic text now. If you can't, please give me some time. .”

George hurriedly continued to explain: "We don't want to take it, but you can take a look at it. This list is very interesting."

Rudy glanced at the two brothers in confusion, then rubbed his oily little hands on the tablecloth twice, took the order and started reading.

It didn't matter. Rudy almost dropped the half piece of fish he was holding in his mouth to the ground.

On the customization request column above, someone actually wrote 'Request to install guardrails', 'Add kicks', 'Add seats', 'Seat ejection device', 'It is best to install Gatling gun' 'Waiting for a bunch of strange requests.Rudy doesn't look like any of these things that a wizard would want to install, especially the Gatling gun!

So, he took off the fish steak from his mouth and asked George: "Who wants this thing?"

George hurriedly said: "It was attached to a letter that Dad sent us back two days ago. He said that a colleague asked him to ask for help."

Fred nodded and replied: "Oh, yes, I remember, its signature is [MI[-] - Supernatural Incident Response Team, Mr. Johnny English]. - Rudy, what kind of MI[-] is this? What department is it? Why haven’t we heard of it?”

Rudy had a look on his face at the moment. He never thought that his business would be able to go to MI[-]. Does this count as being on the line with the military?And this Mr. Johnny English...why does this name sound so familiar?

While thinking about who this Johnny was, he organized his words and tried to explain to the two brothers what the 'Secret Service' was: "This MI[-] is a part of the Muggle government...well, how should I put it, it is...emmmm , let’s put it this way, it is equivalent to the elite Auror team of the Ministry of Magic! - Well, that’s right, that’s it, the Auror among Aurors! Ooooo!”

The two brothers heard it in confusion, but this did not prevent them from understanding the meaning of the elite Aurors. After all, they were just very powerful Aurors, right?

So George asked excitedly: "Can we accept the order placed by such a powerful person?"

Fred quickly answered: "Yes, if it succeeds, will we also have a market in the Muggle world in the future?!"

As he said that, the two brothers jumped up excitedly and high-fived their hands and shouted, "That's great! Weasley's Magic Workshop is about to go to the world!"

Rudy raised his forehead and said, "Brothers, are you serious about going out into the world? Do you want to be sent to Azkaban by your father?"

George: Uh-huh.

Fred: ...Ah this.

Obviously they didn't expect this. The two people were immediately struck by lightning and gave up the idea in dejection.

But Rudy looked at the order in his hand and suddenly stopped the two people who were about to leave and said: "We have taken the order."

The dejected two people were stunned when they heard this, and said doubtfully: "But didn't you say..."

Rudy rolled his eyes: "Can't you just ask the Ministry of Magic to take care of it? As long as the goods don't pass through our hands, who will he arrest?"

Upon hearing this, the two brothers shouted in surprise, "That's great! Wuhu!" and ran away happily.

After sending the two brothers away, Rudy took a quick breath and wondered why he didn't see Hermione today, but he checked the time and hurriedly left the auditorium.He made an appointment with Snape in his office after dinner. He had some questions he wanted to ask him.

Ten minutes later, in Snape's office.

Rudy rubbed his hands flatteringly and flattered Snape, who looked disgusted, and said, "Professor, you are truly a potions master. I later found out that the thing you gave me for Christmas was actually a elixir! I was really flattered."

Snape shook Liu Hai on his right side and asked impatiently: "Just tell me what you have to say, don't beat around the bush."

Looking at the elegant flowing sea, Rudy concluded that he must have used Head and Shoulders!

Rudy quickly asked: "Professor, if there is a magic potion that can immediately increase a person's magic power or increase the power of a spell?"

Snape, who was looking impatient, suddenly changed his expression, looked at him seriously and asked, "Why do you want such a thing?"

"Kid, I have to warn you, magic is a profound knowledge, and your eager pursuit of speed and power will only plunge you into darkness."

Rudy was confused by him and could only explain: "No, you misunderstood. This is what happened..."

After telling Snape about the last time he faced Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest and almost lost, Rudy said distressedly: "After that, I have been thinking about whether there is any way to improve my magic power. , or what about the power of the curse?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Snape and boasted: "At that moment, I immediately thought of you, Professor! I'm afraid there is no potion master more powerful than you in the entire Hogwarts."

Although Snape still had that ice face, the proud smile at the corner of his mouth still betrayed him. He crossed his hands on his chest and said duplicity: "You kid, don't be alone, so I will give you the potion. Then Planting things is only temporary and cannot permanently improve your magic power. In the end, you still have to rely on your own cultivation to truly be your own."

"If you want to increase the power of magic or spells, I have other ways..."

Rudy's eyes lit up after hearing this. He didn't expect there would be extra gains today!

Half an hour later, Hagrid's hut.

Because the next experiment did not require tools and might be dangerous, Rudy was afraid that it would damage the Room of Requirement, so he simply sneaked out of the castle.

It was already past 7pm when he came out of Snape's place. Rudy, who was inspired, took the necessary things without stopping and came to the outside of Hagrid's hut through the secret passage.

After telling Hagrid what he wanted to do, Hagrid very enthusiastically found a quiet place for him where no one would disturb him.There is a small wooden house located on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid said that this is a small warehouse where he occasionally stores things. It is empty when not in use and can be lent to him for experiments.

Rudy was very grateful for this and said that he would definitely get him a perfect car in return!Hagrid just laughed at this, and then went to look around for him.

The experiment began. Rudy took out an ornament ring bought from Diagon Alley, placed it on the only table in the small warehouse, and then summoned Morgan.

Morgan complained unhappily: "Hurry up, don't disturb my sister, I'm watching dramas. Really, these recent dramas are so cruel..."

Rudy had a black line, and then explained to Morgan what she needed to do.

According to Snape's opinion, the simplest and most direct way to obtain magic power or increase the power of a spell is to increase one's own magic power.This improvement can be either internal (that is, Rudy is thinking of taking drugs) or external!That is, an additional 'power supply' is attached outside the body to provide power!

The main reasons why Rudy couldn't defeat Voldemort were that, firstly, Voldemort was stronger than him; secondly, Voldemort's magic power and curse power were stronger than him.

And his advantage is only that the Dragon Blood Furnace can provide magic power very quickly and continuously. He is not a real magical creature, so it is impossible to store too much magic power.

So the way he came up with it was to make a 'battery' that could store magic power, and unlock the battery's seal at critical moments to allow it to provide explosive power.

After explaining it to Morgan, the two began the experiment.

The first is Rudy himself. He turned on the level of 'Dragon Transformation' to over 70%. Any higher than that, he was afraid that it would attract Dumbledore. After all, he was creating something very dangerous, and if he didn't do it well, it would explode.

When the crimson magic coat enveloped the outside of his body, Rudy nodded to Morgan beside him, and the other person "exploded."Full of terrifying purple thunder, Morgan drew the power of thunder from the purple dimension and condensed it into Rudy's body.

After the power of the purple dimension approached him, Rudy breathed it into his body by releasing magic power, and then spread it out through the magic coat again.After such a cycle, the magic power integrated with the power of the purple dimension began to continuously condense in the hut.

After this continued for half an hour, Rudy waved to Morgan with a pale face and said, "That's enough, I can't bear it anymore."

Looking at the dense thunderclouds that filled the room, Morgan, who temporarily controlled them in the small room, pointed to the small ring on the table and asked: "Are you sure this ball can be eaten?"

Rudy looked at the ring uncertainly, and then said: "Break the jar, I'm going to start!"

Morgan looked a little panicked: "What does breaking the jar mean? What does it mean? Hey!"

Before she could finish speaking, Rudy formed a seal with his hands and began to cast the spell.

The Ancient One just didn't let him use dimensional magic, and didn't seal his ability to cast spells. As long as it was magic that didn't borrow power from other dimensions, it could be used.

I saw him twisting the golden magic circle ring with both hands, forming the last seal, swinging his left hand back, extending his right hand forward with his fingers, pressing it in the air against the ring on the table, and shouted: "Destiny in all directions!" (I After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find a suitable sealing technique, so I had to borrow it from someone.)

With a loud "boom", the power of thunder filled the room like a surge, and under his guidance, it rushed crazily into the ring on the table.

As the huge amount of magic power continued to be integrated into it, even the shape of the entire ring changed.

The original silver ring slowly became covered with purple patterns, and the white gemstone inlaid on the front was dyed bright purple due to the infection of magic power.

After 'Thunder Cloud' was completely stuffed into the ring, the room finally returned to calm.The ring also seemed to be full, exuding arcs of electricity and surging magic power, and just floated quietly in the air.

Rudy straightened out his slightly smoking clothes and hesitated before reaching out and touching the floating ring.

With the magic power he output just now and the purple dimension power provided by Morgan, that kind of powerful and violent power is simply difficult for ordinary people to control.If you don't control it well, it may explode for you at any time. Even if this thing exploded now, Rudy would feel like he would die on the spot without even having a chance to look back on his life.

Just in case, Rudy hurriedly applied a protective spell and seal to it. After more than ten layers of seal rings, the breath of the 'terrifying energy source' finally subsided.

Carefully putting it on the middle finger of his right hand, he made a fist with his right hand. The purple light flowed on his right fist. Rudy could clearly feel that the powerful and violent force was coming up as he continued to unlock the seal according to his will. !

This feeling of power gave him the illusion that he could punch through Hogwarts with one punch.

Looking down at the purple shimmering gemstone ring in his hand, Rudy took a deep breath to calm his tense nerves.The thing in his hand is now like a low-end version of the Power Stone. He can finally understand why Zishu Tou insists on getting all six stones. Whoever wears this thing knows, the powerful stone in his hand Power, it feels like you can crush the world!

And this is just a fake forgery. If you collect six of them, wouldn't it go directly to heaven?



[Sports tickets...]

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