I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 67: I have a big project to discuss during the summer vacation.”

It’s a Saturday in early March.

Sitting in the auditorium of the Quidditch stadium, looking at the slightly unbridled sun in the sky.

Rudy stared blankly at the broomsticks flying around in the stadium. He felt that he was in a trance and everything in front of him felt very unreal at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost a year since I came to this magical world inexplicably. Thinking about how I originally aspired to become a famous detective, it feels a bit ridiculous for no reason.

Just as he was looking back on the unreal experience of the past year, Harry lived up to expectations and won the Golden Snitch on the court.In the impassioned celebration of commentator Lee Jordan, the game came to an end.

In the end, Gryffindor won its seventh victory in the league this year with a huge score difference of 210 to 30. If this continues, this year's Quidditch Cup will undoubtedly be in Gryffindor's possession.

Marcus, the captain of the Snakes team who had been brutally beaten for the third time on the other side, was reluctantly trying to reason with Mrs. Hooch, the referee. In any case, he refused to accept the outcome of the game and insisted that Gryffindor use a new broom to completely break the situation. The balance of fair play.

To be honest, he actually argued after every game, trying to use his verbal offensive to reverse Mrs. Huo Qi's judgment.

But no matter what he said, Mrs. Huo Qi always said 'No! ', this short word made him speechless every time he was full of hope.

He had no choice but to go to Dean Snape and try to get him to come forward to persuade the leadership, but the results were minimal.

Although Snape didn't want to see Gryffindor win the championship, judging from the way Professor McGonagall's lioness was already preparing for the celebration banquet after winning the championship, if he made any small moves now, the other party would definitely fight him. It's...not cost-effective, not cost-effective.

As winter turns to spring, this period is finally not as cold as the period around Christmas. Rudy can clearly feel that his lethargy is much less, which makes him more energetic in going to and from get out of class, studying, and doing experiments every day. A lot of children.

The end of the semester is approaching, and there are only three months left before the final test.Hogwarts will conduct the final test in the first week of June every year, and announce the results in the second week. A 'final dinner' is held on the last night of the third week to announce the ownership of the House Cup and Quidditch Cup. This celebrates the successful end of the previous semester.

The final exam is divided into practical and written exams. According to George and Fred's confession, Rudy learned that during the written exam, the professors will distribute a special quill to each person, which has the ability to prevent candidates from cheating, so every year Written examination is a grueling ordeal for most students.

Of course, there are also all kinds of scumbags who refuse to accept their destiny, try to change their destiny, and find ways to cheat.Among them, George and Fred are representatives of the technology faction in addition to the potion faction and the curse faction.Many cheating artifacts that appear to be powerful but are actually useless are produced.

And Rudy finally understood what Hermione, who often followed him, was doing some time ago.

When they were having dinner in the auditorium two days ago, Rudy curiously asked Hermione what she was busy with recently.Hermione replied: "I went to the library to study harder for my final exams."Good guy, when these words were spoken by a top student, God knows how Harry and Ron reacted.The two of them had their mouths open, and they forgot to put the food in their hands into their mouths. They just looked at Hermione blankly, and the expressions on their faces even made them doubt whether they heard correctly.

In the next two months, in order to avoid getting a lot of bad results in the final exam, the two of them began to force themselves to follow Hermione to the library to study every day.Especially Ron. Mrs. Weasley wrote a letter a few months ago saying that she would take them to Egypt to visit his eldest brother Bill during the summer vacation. It is said that he works as a Curse Breaker in Gringotts over there.

Mrs. Weasley made it clear in her heart that if the grades of any of the twins or Ron did not satisfy her, then that person would spend the summer vacation at home alone.

Ron, who knew the news, was worried for several days, until Hermione agreed to his and Harry's request to help them with tutoring. Until then, Ron suddenly felt that there seemed to be hope for his wonderful foreign vacation?

two months later...

When the morning of the final exam came, Rudy looked at Harry and Ron who were devouring their breakfast frantically in the auditorium, and for a moment he was a little confused about what was going on.It was as if they were having their last breakfast.

Although there were not many items that needed to be tested in the first grade, in order to allocate the test time loosely, they still took two days to finish them all.

In various examinations, Rudy obtained full marks in the four subjects of Transfiguration, Charms, History of Magic, and Potions.Among them, after the Transfiguration and Charms tests, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick gave him full marks on the spot, especially the Charms test. His smooth wandless spellcasting shocked Flitwick. In addition to full marks, I also added 20 points to Gryffindor.

After the exam, Harry and Ron returned to the common room with expressions of despair on their faces. They saw Rudy and Hermione sitting by the fire reading a book. They took out the wizard chess and started fighting while discussing their summer vacation. s arrangement.He was probably trying to divert his attention from paying too much attention to the results of the final exam.

Ron pushed the chariot forward and asked casually: "By the way, what are your plans for the summer vacation? To be honest, although my mother said she would leave me at home if I didn't do well in the exam, I think she was just being tough and would still take care of me. I went."

"This is my first time leaving London. If I hadn't been in school last time, I would have gone to Romania with them to see Charlie's fire dragon."

Harry pushed his soldiers forward to block Ron's chariot, and then said with an envious look: "I haven't been out of London, and I'm afraid I will spend my holidays at my aunt's house."

Looking at the frustrated Harry, Rudy asked doubtfully: "Can't you go out and play by yourself, Harry?"

Harry shook his head with a face and explained: "They will definitely not take me out to play. Maybe they will lock me up except when cleaning."

Rudy frowned and said: "Is this considered child abuse? Do you need help? I still have some connections in the London Police Department. As long as you wish, I will write and ask them to send someone to your door to educate and trade your aunt and uncle."

Harry was a little moved when he heard this, but for some reason, he still shook his head and declined.

After the two of them finished talking, it was Hermione's turn. According to her, she was going abroad during the summer vacation, and her parents were taking her to France.

After saying that, the three of them looked at Rudy who was reading a book with some concern, because he once said that he no longer had family in London.

Hermione hesitated and asked, "Rudy, how about you go to France with me if you have nothing to do during the summer vacation?" She felt that her parents would not refuse her to bring another person with her, although it might take Rudy Di paid for it herself, but with Rudy's financial strength, she was not worried at all.

Seeing this, Ron also invited: "Hey, buddy, if you don't want to go abroad, do you want to come to our house? You can study new brooms with George and Fred. - I mean, I can be a driver for you for free. member."

I don’t know where he got the news from. Recently, Ron has always been actively seeking qualifications for the new broom to be tested for flight testing, although Rudy has no intention of launching it too early.

Finally, with the kindness of his friends, Rudy thought about it and casually listed a long list of summer plans.

I saw him taking out a piece of parchment and an automatic quill pen from his small pocket. He clasped his fingers and said while controlling the quill pen to write: "emmm, the first thing during the summer vacation, I have to go back to my apartment in London. Then I’ll take stock of my assets. Then I’ll go to Rocks to talk about cooperation and orders. After that, I’ll go to Woking to visit McLaren’s factory and see if I can provide some suggestions and sketches to speed up their production of supercars. The progress. - Then, I may have to go to Merigan with Rocks. There is a person I have always wanted to meet. Maybe, there is still a big project to talk about. "

"Finally, I have to go back to Nepal..." (He wanted to show Ancient One the magic ring he made to see if it was safe)

As he said that, Rudy sighed and said, "Calculating it this way, I'm still quite busy. At least it seems that my summer vacation life is already full before it even begins."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the common room opened.George and Fred walked in quickly, and after seeing the four of them, they immediately gathered around them enthusiastically.George patted Rudy on the shoulder and shouted: "Rudy, look, here is a letter from my father. He invites you to come to our house during the summer vacation. He said that the application certificate bookshelf you need can be obtained." .”

"When the time comes, you can just come to our house to pick it up."

Rudy wailed: "It's over, here's one more thing..." His dramatic look made several people present laugh.

Sunday night of week three.

Today is their last day at school. In Rudy's words, tonight's dinner is the year-end meeting, so there may be something good to watch.

First of all, Slytherin, the overlord who originally defended the Academy Cup continuously, may be kicked off the stage. As for the reason, Rudy had this premonition when he saw Dumbledore's coquettish look in the morning.After all, the battle between the lion and the snake before the start of school was still vivid in my mind. At that time, the snake academy was gradually moving away from the top, and it is still at the bottom among the four students until now.

Secondly, there is the Quidditch Cup. This honor may also be handed over from Slytherin to Gryffindor this year. After all, the existence of Conesego is like a nuclear deterrent. It hung over the heads of the teams from the other three academies, weighing them down.Not to mention that a Harry Potter appeared out of the blue and used all kinds of magical postures and movements to catch the snitch, which was completely unreasonable.

After the dinner party starts.

Rudy and others came to the auditorium together. Unlike usual, the auditorium tonight was decorated and decorated like Halloween and Christmas.

The Great Hall was decorated with the colors of sky blue and bronze representing Ravenclaw to celebrate them breaking Slytherin's six-year monopoly and becoming the new House Cup champions.Behind the guest of honor's chair hung a huge banner depicting the Ravenclaw eagle.

As soon as Rudy walked out of the auditorium and saw the overwhelming strangeness, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Well, he forgot that even if Slytherin went in the opposite direction, Gryffindor did not deduct many points in the early stage. Even if it now rises to second place with the help of the top student Hermione and his own extra points, it is still the same as No. 1 passed by.

He glanced resentfully at Dumbledore, who was chatting and laughing with Professor McGonagall at the guest of honor seat, and secretly scolded the old fox for his lack of loyalty. It was only a few points short of him. Couldn't you give the first place to the Lion House? ?How can I have the illusion of saving the world with you like this?How can we keep up the good work?How else can we become bigger and stronger and create greater brilliance?

Harry, Ron, Hermione and the twins who came in behind him pulled him and sat him down on the bench, and started chatting.Obviously, even if they didn't win the Academy Cup, as long as Slytherin didn't continue to defend the title, they were in a very good mood.

Seeing this, Rudy despised their lack of fighting spirit. He bitterly picked up two fish steaks and stuffed one into his mouth, and the other over his head and stuffed it into the mouth of Master Meow lying above his head.

Rudy originally thought that pets were not allowed in the auditorium, but he found that Ron often brought his mice to the auditorium to eat and drink, so he also brought Master Meow.Anyway, if you don’t eat it, you won’t eat it for free, and you can save some dried fish.

Looking at the other side of the long table, the Slytherins were not in a good mood today. Due to the stupid behavior of the freshmen, their supreme glory of winning the championship for seven consecutive years was ruined right at the beginning of the semester.This made many senior students who will graduate next year feel uncomfortable, and even looked at the lemon-headed young master a little differently.

It is said that the news that spread at that time was that he was the one who took the lead in provoking the stupid lions, which led to the fight between the two groups.

Students from various houses in the audience were talking a lot. Of course, more importantly, the other three students were happy about Slytherin's defeat.

Of course, maybe this joy made the little snakes very unhappy.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Dumbledore to stand up in front of everyone and calm the noisy discussion.

"Another year has passed!" Dumbledore shouted happily in a loud voice. "Before you indulge in these delicacies, I must trouble you to hear some of my old man's platitudes."

"What a wonderful year it has been! Your little minds must be a little richer than before... There is a whole summer vacation waiting for you, so that you can digest those things and put them in your brains before the start of the next semester. Make some time..." (Yes, I am having sex for free. Original word count)

(Okay, the scoring part is irrelevant, just skip it)


As the Ravenclaw table erupted into astonishing applause and cheers, Harry saw Draco Malfoy tapping his goblet on the table to vent his anger.That look is really exciting...so happy!

Then his eyes drifted unnaturally to Ravenclaw... the beautiful Senior Qiu was still as gentle and charming as ever, sitting there eating elegantly.Harry was mesmerized by the beautiful smile that bloomed because of the Academy Cup.He even thought it was great that Gryffindor didn't come first!

Unlike everyone present who was celebrating enthusiastically, Rudy and Meowth were working hard to cook. During this period, Rudy raised his head to take a breath and glanced at the position of the teacher's chair. Professor Flitwick's face turned red with excitement. He grabbed Snape's hand and kept saying something, but the old bat could only continue with a dark face, and after noticing his gaze, he glared at him threateningly.

It should be a great night for everyone.

Because after tonight, there will be no more classes, no more homework, no more listening to the professor’s nagging!

The official holiday starts tomorrow!And this also means——

Rudy's first-grade Little Gaga career is finally coming to a successful end.



[Sports tickets]

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