I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 74 Pegasus Project and the Power of the Rubik’s Cube (2)”

After the three people left the nominal reception room, they made their way down.

Just now, on a certain information indication area in that room, Carol discovered that the archives room is located on the fifth floor, which is, of course, the fifth underground floor.

After a soft "ding" sound, the elevator door opened.

The three of them walked out of the elevator together and walked towards the corridor leading to the archives room. Halfway there, an orange cat stared at them curiously and slowly walked out of the corner.

When Fury saw it, he was immediately captured by the cuteness of the cat. He leaned down and picked it up and started petting it.

While petting the cat, he looked at the name tag on the collar: "Oh, little cutie, what's your name? Huh? - Oh, your name is Gugu?"

Carol looked at Fury speechlessly, who was addicted to playing with cats. She was about to remind him, but she didn't expect Rudy to join in.

He squatted down, took out the sleeping meow in the hood, held it up to the orange cat named Gugu, scratched its belly twice, and shouted, "Look who this is."

Meow closed his eyes and raised his paws to pat Rudy's troublesome little hand. Meow meowed and murmured: "Don't make trouble, emmm. I dreamed that Blackie came to save me." (Wandering in the universe at the moment. A certain black cat sneezed)

Hearing Meow Meow's cry, Gugu, who was in Fury's hands, suddenly reacted. It struggled and jumped out in front of Meow Meow, then raised its right paw and slapped Meow Meow in the face.

The stunned meow opened his eyes and became so angry that he vowed to swallow this guy who disturbed his sleep!

Then... after staring at the orange cat in front of him quietly for a while, it suddenly rushed forward with tears in its eyes and threw Gugu down, crying loudly: "Little aunt!!"

Rudy just wanted to give it a try and asked Meow Meow to come out and see if he could get to know the orange cat from the movie.

Unexpectedly, not only do they know each other, but they are also relatives?

Gugu, who was thrown to the ground by Meow Meow, helplessly raised his paw, slapped Meow Meow aside mercilessly, sat up and stood up, stuck out his tongue to sort out his messed up fur, and glanced at it calmly. He said calmly: "Great nephew."

Miaomiao twisted her waist, climbed up, and rushed to Gugu again and cried: "Little aunt, how did you get here? Are you here to take me back?"

Gugu rolled his eyes, sighed and replied: "Nephew, do you still remember your aunt and I's interstellar travel?"

Meow Meow nodded blankly.

Gugu continued: "At that time, I was attacked by a dog. The spacecraft was forced to perform a space jump and came to this unknown galaxy. I was rescued by a passing Kree and came here."

As she said that, she suddenly leaned into Miaomiao's face and shouted loudly: "If I could go back, I would have gone back a long time ago. Are you still waiting for you to come! Huh?"

Just like that, the two cats looked at each other for two seconds and sighed together.

This scene made Carol and Fury look confused. In their eyes, the two cats meowed together for a long time, then suddenly started fighting, and finally sighed together. Tone?

"This world is so crazy," Fury lamented.

Carol finally couldn't help shouting: "Fury, we still have business, remember?", and took the lead towards the archives room.

Fury shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands and said, "Okay, I'm here, I'm here."

Rudy stood up, told Meowth to follow them, and then followed them.


In front of the archives door, Carol, who was looking for Zhen Zhen, directly raised his hand and punched out, breaking the door lock on the spot.

Amidst Fury's teasing "It's so useful", the three of them entered the archives room.

After some searching, Carol and Fury found archival information about the "Pegasus Project" and Dr. Lawson. Carol even learned who Dr. Lawson was based on the Cree writing in one of the record books. A Cree.

During the search process, Fury received a page from the BB machine, left the archives room with the words "Be right back".

Rudy looked around casually on the file racks around him. If he wanted to, with his "photographic memory" ability, it might not even take 20 minutes to record all the files here.

But most of the records here are just useless things, such as: pilot information, aircraft model, functions of various accessories, experiments conducted at the base, and other messy and useless things.

The bored Rudy took the "Lightspeed Engine Design" from Carroll's hand, looked at this thing that looked like a rocket head, and began to recall the main plot of "Captain Marvel".

Since this movie came out relatively late, less than 3 years before he traveled through time, he can probably remember most of the content.

Regarding this aircraft called the photon engine, if he remembered correctly, its power source should be-the Rubik's Cube! (space gem)

If he can get the energy of the Rubik's Cube, can he create a second Lord of the Rings with the power of the Space Stone?

Or even apply its energy to the upcoming "flying car" plan?

So, at this point in time, the Rubik's Cube should be on a certain spacecraft in outer space?In other words, as long as he follows Carol and the others, he will have a chance to come into contact with the power of the Space Stone!

Thinking of this, Rudy remembered the drawing at a glance, returned it to the place where Carol had just placed it, and began to search for files on the 'Cosmic Cube' on the file shelf.

I don't know if the scientists here are from the crazy group of Hydra. It would be best if there should be very mature experimental records and files about the application of Rubik's Cube energy.

At the same time, Fury, who took the elevator back to the top floor, received reinforcements. Several cars of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived, led by a man with silver hair and glasses.

Fury welcomed him into the elevator, but his casual remark: "Well done, Nicholas." revealed his identity.

The astute Fury immediately judged that the other party was a fake Skrull, so he tricked him in the elevator, which further confirmed Fury's suspicion.

After deceiving the other party, Fury strode back to the archives room on the fifth floor, only to find that only Rudy was here looking at the archives, and "Firth" (Carol) was not here.

Fury looked at Rudy's injured file, hesitated for a moment and then reminded him: "Ahem, the one you are looking at is a confidential document..."

Rudy didn't even raise his head and replied casually: "I know."

Fury coughed lightly and asked, "Where are the Firth people?"

Rudy pointed to the entrance to the corridor on the other side: "Go over there."

Fury was about to rush over, but heard the sound of the archives door being opened.Knowing that the agents were coming down, Fury hurriedly wanted Rudy to hide with him, but found that Rudy, who was by his side just now, had disappeared!

He cursed "Damn", then turned around and ran towards the other side. He took advantage of the disadvantages of the voice-activated light on the way and successfully used the sound of things falling to lure away several agents.

Unexpectedly, at the corner, he met Talos Kohler, the silver-haired and bespectacled man he had deceived before.

At this moment, he was pointing his gun at Fury's head and asked, "How did you find out?"

Fury raised his hand and took advantage of the other party's inattention to seize the pistol, only to find that there was no bullet!In desperation, he could only engage in hand-to-hand combat with the opponent.As a result, he tragically discovered that he couldn't beat the opponent at all!

After being beaten violently by Kohler, who was transformed into a Skrull, Fury lay on the ground panting and struggled to get up, but the Skrull behind him was about to give him the final blow.

Seeing that Fury was about to meet God, a dazzling beam of light shot from behind the two of them, knocking the Skrull away on the spot. The person who came was none other than Carol who had returned.

Pulling Fury up from the ground, Carol punched the ceiling above her head and shouted to a file rack in the back right: "Let's go, kid."

Then, a scene that was difficult for Fury to accept occurred.

Rudy actually walked out from behind the file shelf with a report in his hand!

Fury almost vomited blood and asked loudly: "Were you there just now!?"

Rudy nodded matter-of-factly and said: "Of course, the Disguise Curse cannot move instantly, so of course I am still where I am, but I can't see it with the naked eye."

Fury scratched his scalp in panic and asked, "Then why didn't you come out and help me just now?"

Rudy tilted his head and asked, "Didn't you say you were the king of agents when you came here? I thought you were good at fighting?"

Fury was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but thinking about it carefully, he really said this...

Feeling that more and more people were coming around, Carol stopped the two people who were arguing, grabbed one of them, jumped into the big hole above his head, and fled towards the top floor.

On the way, they met Phil Coulson who led the team down. In view of his trust in the commander, he pretended that he had not met anyone and let Fury and the others go.

Running all the way up to the floor where they first took the elevator down, the three of them ran all the way to the tarmac where planes were parked.

In front of a seemingly high-end plane, the three met four soldiers with guns. Carol was about to punch them one by one, but was stopped by Fury.Upon seeing this, Rudy waved "Collapse!" and the four of them fell to the ground on the spot.

Fury almost fought with Rudy anxiously, but only after he explained that he only made them unconscious and not dead, Fury let him go.

As soon as the three of them got on the plane, Kohler, dressed as a Skrull behind them, rushed over with people.

Rudy looked at Carol and Fury who were sitting in the cockpit of the plane. He had no choice but to choose to stay behind. Several "armor protection" blocked countless bullets.A few seconds before the plane took off, he suddenly remembered that something was missing, so he raised his hand and shouted: "Come on, meow meow!"

The plane's engine roared, and the next second, before it sprayed out flames, two orange cats "swooped" out of the open door and scurried straight onto the plane.

After the door closed, the plane glided into the sky and flew straight into the sky.

After chasing Kohler who had emptied his pistol, he could only throw away the pistol with anger in his eyes.


In the sky, Carol flew the plane skillfully. After discussing what she found in the archives with Fury, they decided to go together to find the last witness of the year, 'Maria Rambo'.

Under Fury's guidance, the three of them took a plane to Maria Rambo's home in Louisiana.

Outside a secluded and scenic forest cabin, Carol landed the plane very smoothly on the edge of the forest.In a small workshop not far from the house, the three met Maria Rambo, Carroll's former teammate and best friend.

After retiring, she settled here. When she had nothing to do, she liked to repair and fiddle with airplanes. Maybe she couldn't let go of her past as a pilot.

After the sisters recognized each other, Carol recalled many fragments and memories that had only flashed in her mind based on Maria's prompts and memories. She became more and more sure that her guess was right.

She was the pilot who participated in the "Pegasus Project" with Dr. Lawson back then. For some reason, Dr. Lawson died after the plane crashed, but she was brought back to the Kree Empire by the Kree people who arrived. .And her memory was modified, causing her to stay on the alien planet for so many years.

And just when they were feeling 'sisterly', someone knocked on the door, and two Skrulls came to the door.

They walked in openly without any pretense and told Carol their intention.They repeatedly emphasized and stated their purpose and position in coming to Earth, as well as the truth that the Skrulls were persecuted by the Kree.

In the end, they begged Carol in tears to help his race and help them decode a coordinate where their tribesmen were rescued and hidden by Dr. Lawson.

Now that the plot has reached this point, it is as bloody as it gets. Fury doesn't even know what he has experienced today.On the contrary, it is Carol. She has now begun to partially trust the words of the Skrulls. The reason is because of the gradually reviving memories.

In the cabin, when Carol gradually recalled all the incomplete memories based on the black box recording provided by the Skrulls, she told what happened at that time.

Rudy listened and quickly stretched out his hand to interrupt: "Wait, wait! You mean, you thought you used a beam weapon to attack the Rubik's Cube!?"

Carol frowned and asked, "I told you, I attacked the energy source."

Rudy was silent. He had thought about using Carol's method to test it to see if he could get a power similar to that of Team Shock. But if he needed to use external force to attack the space gem to take risks, he thought he might. ..

Just when Rudy was about to give up, in his mind, Morgan, who had been silent for a long time, heard a voice: 'Do you want to give it a try?Sister, I can help you~'

Rudy frowned: 'How can you help me?That is a space stone. Who knows what will happen if you hit it with external force? What if it explodes? '

Morgan smiled and said: "Anyway, if you can get the things, sister, I have a way to help you, just go ahead and do it." '

Rudy said a dubious 'Hmm', and then turned his attention to Carol and the others.

In the hall, at the request of the Skrulls, Carol finally decided to help them find the Skrulls hidden by Dr. Lawson.

However, just then Carol's interstellar pager rang.

The opponent is none other than the Kree who originally came to Earth to try to seize the power of the Rubik's Cube - Yong Rogge.

Recalling the scene of her shooting the energy source, Carol couldn't help but want to kill the guy who brought her back to Kree and deceived her for so many years!

On the sofa, Rudy held his chin and said to Fury: "I'm talking about braised eggs. How about you help me get a name in your S.H.I.E.L.D.? I can be your magic technical consultant."

Fury frowned and asked, "Why do you call me Braised Egg? What else is a magic technical consultant?"

Rudy raised his brows, laughed and said, "Well, um, it's nothing, it's just...emmm, a nickname, you know."

"As for the magic technical consultant, obviously, didn't you realize that I am a magician?"

Fury asked back: "But didn't you say before..."

Rudy waved his hand quickly: "Aren't we not familiar with each other before?"

Fury: "Are we familiar now?"

Rudy: ...

. . .

. . .

[Sports tickets]

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