I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 20: Caught I

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 20

「Caught I」


'I'll never get used to this.' 


Who in their right mind gets up at 7 in the morning every day? It's physically and mentally taxing for me. Just like yesterday, I woke up earlier than usual to dive longer. However, this time, I was more cranky.


Fortunately, no one came to see my irksome appearance. Mom and Amy are both asleep. My father was already at the store, preparing to open it. Normally, my mother would be awake. But, she was more tired from doing the chores she withheld to do until yesterday. 


In spite of that, she was caring enough to prepare lunch for me in the fridge. A sticky note saying 'Here's lunch, Lukas. Stay safe and have fun - Mom'. It was sandwiches neatly packed in a plastic container. She was a loving mother. My only complaint is her mischievous side. 


Stuffing the Tupperware into my bag, I head to our yard to take out my cloak. Unlike my clothes and armor, the alpha wolf's cloak would be too suspicious to bring with me. So, with added caution, I hid it in the hole I made. 


I didn't wear the cloak immediately, instead opting to fold it to wear later. Wearing such a flashy item would surely attract attention. 


I was nearly done. Nearly. I needed just one more thing before I went to the labyrinth. After making sure the door was locked, I started treading to the nearest retail store, one with a class change crystal. 


I couldn't use the same excuse of wanting to see the crystal back in my father's store. It may have been free, but it posed a greater risk of getting caught. I wasn't ready to tell them yet. So, I was striding to the nearest store. It would cost money, yes. However, it wasn't enough to hurt my wallet. At least, I hope so. 


I quickly arrived at my destination. It was a smaller store than my father's, but it did say it had a crystal ready. Entering the shop, I asked the shopkeeper for their prices regarding class changes. My face twitched when their number was 1.5 times greater than the Adventurer's guild. Defeated, I pay the amount. I was paying for the convenience and accessibility. 


Heading to the crystal, I did the same thing. The only difference was that the MP being drained was much faster and more consistent as I had control over my Magic Power. The texts or symbols scrambled before turning into the same set of words I was all too familiar with. 


Since my caster class had reached the max class level — that being class level 10 —, it was better to level another class in the meantime. Coincidentally, I had another class in mind I wanted to level up. 


Following my intentions, the crystal lost its light, indicating a successful switch in my class. Then, I open my status. 




« Name » Lukas Gasper


 « Level » 8


 « Class »「Fighter」


 « Class Level » 1


HP : 40/40 

MP : 29/29


STR : 10  

AGI : 14  

STM : 12   

VIT : 12   

INT : 16




「Inspect I」



「Disguise I」    

「Detection I」




Satisfied, I thanked the shopkeeper and went out of the store. My goal for today is level 10. Weekends are the only days where I have enough time to earn two levels. And, I was planning on making use of all that time. 


It's only a matter of time before I catch up to them. 




The 8th floor of the labyrinth. 


The 8th was unique. Well, most floors of the labyrinth were unique. The developers made it so that every few floors would be a new experience, not making it repetitive for the players. 


The 8th was such an example. There were no more dripstones hanging from the ceiling. Instead, an uneven, rough-looking formation replaced the old ceiling. The height was higher, at least twice as high as any of the previous floors. 


The usual rough pavement was nowhere to be seen, replaced by smooth dirt and soft grass. The only variable that didn't directly change were the walls, being the same gritty, rough patterned stone structures. Well, the material didn't change. The size did. It was wider than before, allowing more freedom of movement. 


Overall, the terrain was perfect to fight in. Contrary to the slippery, damp rooms of the previous floors, the 8th floor was the best environment to fight in — to grind in. 


My Detection skill alerted me of a presence nearby. It was a dozen or so meters away from me. Calmly walking over to it, my right hand was holding the hilt of my sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. 


Once I turned at an intersection, my eyes landed on the familiar green-skinned red-eyed humanoid. Did you guys miss the goblins? Because I sure as hell don't. The 8th floor had goblins. However, just like the 5th floor, they had beginner classes.




A spear of pure MP hurled towards my direction. Tilting my head to the right, the spear missed by a few inches and struck the wall behind me. The corridor trembled followed by a loud boom resounding. 


This was the 8th floor. Where goblins are level 8. And, have class level 10 skills.


Wearing a tailored robe that was cleaner than I thought, the goblin caster wielded and swirled the wooden wand in its hand. The attack used just now was 「Magic missle」A more powerful version of Magic bullet learned at caster class level 7. 


Five orbs of greenish Magic Power started to converge in size, each the size of a regular bullet. Enhancing my entire body with the minimal amount of Magic Power, I sprint at the caster. 


The five bullets swayed, hissing as the wind parted to make way for the spell. Frowning at the speed, I coalesce MP to my eyes, making the already ocean-like color of my iris shine deeper. My vision expanded, allowing me to perfectly scrutinize each bullet. 


I pivot, twist, and swirl. The four bullets all failing to hit their target by a hair's breadth as they hit the ceiling, wall, or ground in small bursts. Drawing my sword, the edge of my blade collided with the final bullet, exploding on impact. 


Continuing my chase, the goblin caster grimaced, forming two spears whilst creating distance. The pointed, menacing spears catapulted, their momentum faster than the prior spell. 


Planting my feet on the ground, I rotate my entire body as I clash with the first spear. The force of both the spell and its speed made me stagger. My fingertips went numb as my right hand trembled from the impulse. 


With the second one incoming, I spun around, using my newly acquired cloak to take the hit. 


The spear collided with the tough exterior of the cloak. I felt the weight of the spear bore into the cloak as it tried to pierce through. Fortunately, the cloak stood firm, unwavering despite the power behind the spell. 


Soon, the spear flickered, losing its touch. The once menacing presence of the deadly spell dematerialized into nothingness, leaving only a shed of Magic Power behind. My cloak still standing, impervious to the damage caused by the attack. 


My legs burst with energy as I dash toward the goblin caster. A panicked look glossed over the green humanoid's face as it tried to cast its spells. Sadly, it was too late. 


Igniting Barrage, the skill shot out, sending four thrusts at the defenseless caster's body. Flesh and blood flew in all directions as the goblin's body went limp. Soon, black clouds of smoke started to consolidate where the corpse is. 


After a moment, a magic stone emerged. My tension died down as the muscles in my body relaxed. If you don't see a body — or a magic stone in my case —, then it isn't dead yet. I abided by that rule. 


Picking up the magic stone, I examined it with a cursory glance. Then, without much thought, threw it in my backpack. 


Suddenly, a shiver ran down my spine. Instinctively, I spun around and slash at whatever sent me goosebumps. Soon after, I felt my sword strike home. 




Green and red blood oozed out, dousing the grass beneath. I bit back the pain that was etching in my left shoulder. Checking the damage, my lips pursed as I grimaced. 


A deep gash appeared in my left shoulder, profusely bleeding out. I willed my MP to the wound, preventing it from spilling any more blood than necessary. With a mental sigh of relief, I look at my opposition. 


It was in a much worse state than I. Similar to me, a noticeable lacerate was seen on its green flesh. From my vision, I could see that its left shoulder was limp, broken from the impact of our breakneck exchange. 


Unlike me, who could coalesce and freely move my Magic Power, the goblin couldn't bandage up its wound. The green blood gushed out in large quantities, spilling the grass into a deeper shade of green. 


Similar to the goblin caster, it also wore a robe. However, it was more ragged, and dirty in appearance compared to the pristine look of the caster. A dagger appeared out of its right hand, the tip red from my blood. 


I'll be honest, I didn't expect this. I wouldn't call our exchange careless on my part since I could do nothing against the skill it used. It did a perfect job sneak attacking me when I was picking the magic stone up.


After all, it used 「Stealth I」, a skill obtained at bandit class level 10. It was a deadly skill, allowing the user to hide their presence. It only had two counters, that being Detection of the same level and natural senses with MP manipulation. Other than that, there was no other way. 


Calmly eyeing the bandit, my hand tightened the hold on the hilt. Sensing my intention, the goblin also swiftly brandishes its dagger. 


We both dashed. As the goblin bandit specialized in speed, it was faster than me. Fortunately, it was a pace I could react to.


A series of exchanges rang out the corridor. Sparks flew in each rattle. The air hissed as the sharp edges of our weapons slashed through. Some missing, the rest landing. Green blood seeped out of the goblin's body the more our fight prolonged. 


I pivot my left foot, my right hand twisting as I add more strength to my swing. The rotation and momentum of my footwork added more power to my attack. The slash clanked as it met the dagger. The goblin, taking the blunt force, staggered as it took a step back. 


Again, I repeat the process, hurling numerous strikes at the goblin. I was a sword saint in the game, something of this magnitude was possible despite my lacking stats and skills. I didn't lessen my momentum, opting to continue this vicious onslaught without leaving any opportunity to strike back.


Suddenly, the tip of the bandit's dagger turned an auburn brown hue. A plan— experiment bloomed in my head as I took a deep breath. 


Just before the active skill triggered, I twist, my cloak fluttering as it enveloped my entire body, protecting it. A breath later, the skill launched forth, directing three accurate stabs at me. 


I felt the substantial strength of each stab knocking at my cloak, threatening to pierce through. Trusting in the defensive power of the resilient fur, the soles of my feet planted themselves on the ground, adjusting to the sudden impulse so as to not lose my balance. 


The exchange lasted a single second. 


Recovering my stance, I swing my sword, aiming at the neck of the bandit. The slash connected, drawing blood as I took a step back, distancing myself. 


The goblin held its neck with its free hand. Eyes bulging as its movement started to dull. It made sense, I had hit the jugular vein. The one vein that connects blood to your brain. The amount of blood oozing was no joke. 


The bandit's sense of direction and depth seemed to elude, stumbling easily. After the third attempt at balancing itself, it tripped, losing all strength in its body as it convulsed uncontrollably on the ground.


Taking pity on it, I decided to end its misery. I thrust at its skull, a crunching sound and slight resistance felt as I dug deeper. A sigh of relief left my nostrils as I notice the black clouds converging. 


Crouching down to pick up the magic stone, my Detection skill started ringing, alerting me of another presence. Can't catch a break, huh? 


Taking out a health potion, I down it in one go. My gaze landed on a goblin no more than the height of a child. A steel sword, the size similar to my own, was tightly gripped by the goblin's fingers as it glared at me. 


Noticing the bottle had emptied, I toss it aside. The glass broke the moment it hit the ground. With a crack of my neck, I point at it with the tip of my sword. 






[Level increased] 


Resheathing my blade, I started trudging to the 9th floor. When I reached the main path leading to the next floor, I took out one of the sandwiches my mother made me. I noticed that it was packaged with a thin plastic wrapping, making it so I can open and eat it without touching the food itself. 


It was a subtle yet thoughtful detail my mother did. Gently unwrapping the plastic, I munch on the sandwich. A hum of delectation left my mouth as the mouth-watering taste of the sandwich sated my hunger. 


My pace was slower than usual. I reached level 9 an hour later than my estimated range. Even then, I wasn't disheartened.


I was already satisfied earning three levels in the weekend. 


After finishing my meal, I drank water from my canteen. Then, wiping the liquid off the side of my cheek, I took out another one. The previous fillings were the standard lettuce, tomato, cheese, and ham. However, this one had spicy seasoned chicken and some sort of sauce. It tasted as good as the first one I had just finished. 


By the time I finished all three sandwiches, I had reached the 9th floor. The stairways leading to the floor didn't have ventilation, so the moment my feet landed on the final step, a gust of cold wind caressed me. 


Similar to the 6th to 7th floor, the monster is the same but a level higher. It may seem repetitive but considering how the game had thousands of assets made specifically for the game, it would be a no-brainer to reuse some assets to save money. 


My senses picked up something in the corner of my eye. My hand blurred as I instantly drew my sword. The next moment, an ear-piercing clatter vibrated. The edge of my blade rattled as it met face-to-face with the razor-sharp metal of the dagger. 


Both our robes fluttered. A look of bemusement forms on the goblin bandit's face. In the next second, multiple lightning-quick stabs hurled at me. 


Taking a step back, I lifted my sword, blocking or redirecting each stab. The dozen or so thrusts struck nothing but air as I made sure to take advantage of my longer reach. 


As if agitated by its lack of ability to damage me, the goblin activated Barrage. However, before the skill activated, I gave a low kick to its shin. 


Tripping from the sudden attack, the skill missed as all three stabs were aimed at the ground, slight crevices forming from each thrust. I wielded my sword, attempting to behead it. 




I intuitively raise my sword, blocking an arrow that was mere inches from hitting my head. Taking a step back, I spun around. My cloak swayed and spread, blocking the half-a-dozen arrows. 


I tighten my grip, swinging at the bandit's head. However, another set of arrows came rushing, preventing me from finishing it off. The cloak could only deflect so much. Clicking my tongue, I sprint towards the goblin ranger, using my cloak to fend off the projectiles. 


The goblin ranger on the 9th floor was faster, stronger, and smarter than the one on the 5th floor. Instead of nocking one arrow at a time, it would use two, sometimes three arrows in one session. 


Pushing more power into my legs, my speed increased exponentially. The distance that would normally give the goblin enough time to shoot more arrows was quickly closed. 


Sensing my approaching figure, it nocked a single arrow. My eyes furrowed as I realized what it was doing. The ranger's red eyes glistened in excitement as I could see a visible smirk emerge from its small mouth. 




Releasing the string, the arrowhead beamed a pristine yellow hue. The one single arrow split as five distinct beams of yellow light hurled toward me. The bombardment of such a fast skill left me with little time to react. 


But that didn't mean I was helpless. My mind raced, figuring out the best course of action. My senses expanded, taking note of another presence behind me. Immediately, my body went to work. 


I pivot my foot, the cloak swayed in accordance with my sudden turn. The five arrows were weaker than a magic missile, enabling me to repel the skill. However, I couldn't do anything about the scalding force almost knocking me off my feet. 


As I spun a full 180 degrees, ruby red met ocean blue eyes as I met the goblin bandit head-on. Slightly smirking, the tip of my sword beamed as I activated Barrage. 


At the last second, I adjusted the direction of the skill. A flurry of high-speed thrusts launched towards the bandit's right arm and shoulder. The consecutive stabs connected as the goblin dropped its dagger. 


The multi-shot skill had already ended, but I could still feel the residual heat as my back was partially numb from the power. I direct a kick to the chest to the bandit. I could have killed it, but I needed it alive a little longer. 


With my back towards the goblin ranger, I willed my Magic Power. The dormant MP in my body stirred as it followed my intent. Soon, it exfoliated into the atmosphere, connecting with the nodes of ambient MP in the air. 


A cascade of arrows hissed. Using my temporary connection with the atmospheric MP, I sensed the trajectory of the projectiles. Then, relying merely on this state, I sidestep and pivot, dodging the arrows. 


A slight smile bloomed on my face. This technique was similar to Detection, although slightly inferior. Prior to getting the passive skill, I've been using this same technique to sense presences and attacks. Detection was a powerful skill, but it didn't pick up projectiles and other similar attacks. 


Grabbing the hilt of the dagger from the ground, I rotate my body and threw it at the ranger with pinpoint accuracy. With the added help of MP reinforcing my arm, the dagger catapulted, hissing as the air drifted. The goblin, perceiving my attack, hurriedly raised its bow to block the projectile. 




The pointed tip of the dagger clashed with the wooden bow. The force of which knocked the ranger's hold on its only weapon. I dashed, stopping in front of the goblin as I behead it. 


Immediately, I took a step back, avoiding the fountain of blood spewing chaotically. Without looking back, I started running backward, to where the goblin bandit was. 


Without its only weapon, it wasn't much of a threat. I easily killed it with a thrust to the head, ending its meager life.

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