I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 21: Caught II

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 21

「Caught II」


"I couldn't reach it." 


I frown. The tip of the sword skewers the goblin fighter's neck, killing it. A magic stone appeared, yet no notification about leveling up was heard or felt. 


Looking at the time on my smartwatch, it was half an hour before dinner. Going back to the 5th floor itself would take me half an hour, so I changed my plan. 


I should go to the 10th floor. 


It may appear dangerous, but it wasn't. Fighting one or two monsters on the 10th floor for a recall stone would be easy to achieve. I wasn't grinding like on the 9th floor. 


Yes, it would waste more of my stamina, but it was better than running from the 9th floor down to the 5th floor and using a recall stone there. 


With that thought in my mind, I made my way toward the 10th floor. 






I swallow a mouthful of saliva. The 10th floor. I had reached it. If you were planning on making a living as an adventurer, the 10th floor was the start in earning a sustainable income. Now, reaching it with my very own eyes, I was left flabbergasted at the scene in front of me. 


A market. That was the only word to describe it. 


Stalls of various categories laid bare on the main road. Adventurers of all races flocked the road like a busy work day. And, the shopkeepers of their respective stores shouted their bargains and sales stridently. 


Lining my sight, my eyes landed on a tavern, filled with drunk patrons eagerly talking to one another. Despite their different races and diverse culture, they seem to be getting along quite well. 


Further back, guards were stationed across the entire location, probably there to take care of any monsters that strayed towards the main route.


I'll be honest, this wasn't in the game. 


I mean, it was in the story mode, but never in the MMORPG. The reason is simple, the existence of the recall stones. 


The deeper you dive into the labyrinth, the more time it takes for you to go back to the surface. Usually, if you walk from the surface to the 10th floor, it would take a couple of hours. 


For adventurers who don't have a convenient way to go back to the surface without wasting an enormous amount of time or money, it was better to create a location where adventurers could rest and recoup. 


A place to buy equipment, lodging, and other necessities. 


That was the 10th floor. 


I snicker. Now that I think about it, how many businesses would I ruin if I told them the existence of the recall stones? 


It would improve the quality of life in the labyrinth, but it would also have its consequences. Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised if they tried to kill me if I publicize such information. 


Capitalism at its finest, ladies and gentlemen. 


Shaking my thoughts off, I make my way towards the stray routes of the floor. I only needed to fight one or two monsters, then find a scripture nearby. That's it. 


The 10th floor was naturally larger than the other floors. The size was big enough to let people set up full-blown taverns and shops.


Of course, They were built on the main route which was designed to be bigger than the stray routes. Despite that, the stray roads were around two times wider than the ones on the 9th floor and below. 


I would like to indulge myself in some of the items here. But the prices were off the charts. It was crazy how a bottle of water would get you in this place. The price was akin to a can of soda on the surface. 


Finally finding a suitable path, I continue my saunter. The lush grass wiggled around my boots. The dirt would bend slightly with each step, suggesting it was moistened to a degree. 


The air was refreshing. It was odd since the labyrinth was underground, but alas, game logic — or reality logic? I don't know anymore. There should be a convincing explanation for this phenomenon, I wasn't much of a scientist so I couldn't provide much of an explanation. 




I halted. Normally, I would continue, ignoring whatever conversation they were having. However, the desperation and helplessness in that person's voice made me rethink. 


Curiosity got the better of me as I follow the direction of the voice. It was barely a whisper, yet I could make out the distinct emotions in it. 


Turning around the corner, I got to see a peculiar sight. Three men, An orc and a devil side to side whilst the last man, a human was bowing his head to them. I narrow my eyes as my mind turned to the worse possible scenario. 


"Kid, we're telling you, going there is suicide. It's too dangerous." 


"Please! My classmates and girlfriend are there. I can't leave without them!" 


"I'm telling you, we can't." 


The desperate cry of plea of the boy and the harsh, bitter reply of the devil man. With just that quick exchange between the two, I already got a gist of the situation. 


Faking nonchalance, I walk over to them. My footsteps echoed in the corridor we were in. Immediately, the three notice my presence, turning their heads to me. 


The two older adventurers were in their late 20s or early 30s. The orc had regular equipment, the standard leather armor. He looked intimidating with his massic stature, fur planted on his leather pants and chestguard, giving off a tribal look. 


The devil was much more pleasant to look at. A dark gray coat hung below his knee with plated armor guarding most of his vitals. Compared to the orc, he looked refined, his hair tied to a small ponytail. 


Finally, the human. He looked to be about a year or two older than me. He was a head taller than me, black bushy hair trimmed to an even length. A sword holstered to the left side of his waist, a leather breastplate accompanied by thick boots and gloves to complete the look. 


"What's the problem here?" 


I asked, my voice neither polite nor aggravated. The two older gentlemen flashed a bitter expression. The human boy's eyes dimmed as his expression darkened. He looked demoralized. 


"It has nothing to do with you boy, it's better if you just go on your way." 


"I could, but I wouldn't want to leave an upperclassman who's clearly in trouble." 


A gleam of surprise glossed over their face. I already knew the boy was a senior at Vanitas High. It made sense since he had a party, is around level 10-11, and is all alone right now. 


The perfect description of an average 2nd-year class 1-6 student. 


"So, what's wrong?" 


"Uhmm…" The 2nd year student looked reluctant to say anything. I raised a brow and looked at the two older adventurers. Sensing my gaze, they only said two words. 


"Ogre chieftain." 


My eyebrows immediately furrowed. It was more dangerous than I expected. 


Ogre chieftain. 


A floor boss monster on the 10th floor. The alpha wolf I had fought was at level 9. However, the ogre chieftain was level 13.


A whole 4 levels higher than me. 


Even I wasn't confident at beating it. That's considering if I use my MP manipulation and skills to their fullest extent. Even if I won, I would be lucky to come out without breaking a limb or two. 


"See, even the kid knows how dangerous it is." 


The devil spat out. His words were harsh, but it was abundantly clear that he was concerned about the boy's safety. If there was an ogre chieftain there, I would be skeptical if they were alive. 


The senior in question kept his head low. I could visibly feel the frustration and helplessness enshroud his body like a snake. 


I bit my lower lip. It was too risky. I didn't want to pointlessly lay my life over some stranger. However… 


I closed my eyes. I wasn't optimistic about their survival, but if they were, by some miracle, still alive. I wanted to save them. I didn't necessarily have to fight the chieftain and win, just stall enough time to get them out of there. I could pull it off. 


A cold whisper told me to ignore him. I would have followed it in my previous life. After all, I was their son. Those deplorable, selfish human beings or whatever they present themselves to be were just like that. Narcissistic and exploiters.


They would go so far as to use their own blood-related child to fuel their avarice. 


What's stopping me from throwing away this man's glimmer of hope to ensure my survival? 


I shook my head. Going over to my senior, I held his arm. Startled, he looked up at me, meeting my eyes straight on him. 


"Take me to where they are." 


"Kid, don't risk your life over some stranger." 


"You're just getting yourself killed." 


The two adventurers tried to convince me, but I turned a blind eye to it. Seeing my intention, the senior spoke:


"You don't have to." 


"Your girlfriend is going to die if you don't hurry up, you know?" I shrug my shoulders, using his girlfriend's name to agitate his emotions. It worked as he immediately stood up and started leading the way. 


Silently augmenting my body, I catch up to him. 








The small crunches of grass resounded. We were skipping and sprinting, turning around every so often. He was faster than me, but I was capable of catching up with body augmentation. 


My initial plan was to get help. However, it was too much trouble. For one, we were running out of time. Secondly, no one would help, especially in this place where death looms at the nearest corner. 


Guards were also no good. They were here to protect the market, they would only do as they were paid for. Also, your life was your responsibility in the labyrinth, no one else's. 


"Shit, where are they?" 


"Didn't you know the way?" 


"I was in a hurry. I'm going by memory." 


Sighing, I expanded my Magic Power. The feedback came immediately as I was able to discern the distinct pulses of MP in the surroundings. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to detect any of the MP in his classmates or the chieftain. 


Frustrated, I increase the output of the detection technique, not caring about the consumption rate or my mind's protest. 


My head snapped to the left as I felt the weak hums of three individual points of MP followed by a menacing, blazing presence. It was them. 


"Follow me." 


"Wait wha—!?" 


Ignoring him, I dash towards their destination. The grass below bent and pieces of dirt scattered as I rush, leaving behind my upperclassman. He could take care of himself, his classmates could not. 


I kept the manual technique active, using it as a sort of GPS to tell me where to go. I could visibly feel their MP go weaker by the second. The thumps in their presence dulling the more time passes. 




Turning around a corner, my vision flooded with the back of a person. I only got a moment to react, spreading my hands as I catch him. 


The soles of my feet plant themselves in the ground, misshaping the dirt and grass beneath. I lessen the momentum of his fall by swirling, the force making me stagger. 


Fortunately, I kept my balance, oughting to keep spinning until almost all of the impulse was gone. I breathe a sigh of relief, but that quickly turned to vigilance as I got a closer look at the man I caught. 


Blood gushed out of his right shoulder, soaking my entire torso in a sea of red. He looked to be conscious, but barely, eyes fluttering as his body temperature was getting colder by the minute. The soft tempo of his chest moving up and down meant that he was, in fact, still alive. 


Taking out a health potion, I guide it to his mouth. Luckily, he was still aware enough to force the drink down his throat. Had he been asleep, he might have choked from the potion. 


Seeing his wound heal up, I place him against a wall. He leaned back, breathing erratically as he struggled to keep his consciousness. I couldn't afford to pay him any more attention, so I focus my gaze on the source of all our problems. 




Standing at a staggering 3 meters tall, the ogre chieftain looks terrifying. His gargantuan stature accommodated his equally enormous muscles. It had forest green skin and its eyes a shade of bright red. 


In its hand was a battle axe. The size comparable to its height. The handle was made of wood, a gradient of reddish-brown and light brown. the axe head looked to be some sort of metal, but it had long since rusted, probably from the amount of blood that stained the weapon. 


Leather armor smothered with bits of fur protected both the ogre's neck and torso. Worn-out pants covered his lower regions and broken sandals cushioned his feet. 


My eyes shifted to its soon-to-be victim, two girls no younger than me. The ogre lifts the battle axe to the air, letting out a battle cry as it sprinted toward them.


I concentrated my MP. It responded, exfoliating out of my body, drowning the entire corridor of malice. Everyone in the near vicinity jerked from the sudden killing intent, the ogre included. 


Sensing my animosity, the ogre switched its target from the girls to me. The lychnis-colored eyes bore into me, glaring as it raced toward me. 


In response, I ready my sword, the MP in my body stirring as it reacted to my intent. I cast the body-enhancing technique, suppressing each question and doubt that surfaced. 


Immediately, a cold dose of power sprayed across my body, the strength lying within the body augmentation cleansing my mind like a cold towel. 


In a few seconds, the chieftain was in front of me, the axe plummeted, the sharp axe-head a few feet away from crushing my skull in half. 


Activating Barrage, the active skill launched, all five stabs hurled towards the side of the axe. 




The axe landed mere inches away from my left foot. A crater formed at the center of the attack, bits of grass and chunks of dirt flying everywhere.


The sheer force of the attack was enough to form crevices in the dirt. The shattered pieces of earth formed like a spider web, the crater being the center of this arrangement. 


My lips pursed as sweat gathered on my forehead. Despite Barrage's nature of being a powerful skill if all five thrusts landed, it could do nothing but redirect the ogre's attack by a few inches. 


Quelling down the anxiety creeping into my heart, I aim for a sequence of slashes and stabs. I pivot, twist, and turn, using my entire body to support each attack. Despite that, each strike I land bounced off the thick skin of the ogre. 


Amid another thrust, my mind reeled as it alerted me of an attack. Without hesitation, I tug my sword out of the way and stepped back, narrowly avoiding the air-rifting slash of the ogre. 


My eyes snapped back to the girls. They were recouping but had not left the area yet. The same could be said for the boy I caught earlier, the vibration in his dormant MP was light, yet still firm, suggesting he was still here despite not looking at him. 


Another presence came up in my detection, it was the senior from earlier. My body intuitively moved as I dodged another strike from the chieftain, the force making me slightly fumble. I launch another stab at its legs, oozing blood. However, it clearly wasn't deep enough. 


"Get them out of here!" I ordered. My goal was never to beat the chieftain, it was to get them out of here. That held the highest possibility of success. 


"What about you—!?" 


"I'll be fine," I urged, dodging another slash from the axe. A second later, another strike hurled, this time, a fist came. I shifted my body slightly, using the blade of my sword to take the impact, reducing as much force as possible. "The faster you get them out of here, the faster we can leave!" 


Although reluctant, he did as I said, helping his classmate out first. I continue my defensive stance. I couldn't do much other than that. The ogre was superior to me in every way other than skill. A simple mishap could end me. 


I weave and duck, avoiding the string of violent onslaughts by the chieftain. He would use both his axe and fist to pummel me, yet I manage to barely steer clear from each hit. 


Beads of sweat started running down my chin. It was starting to get tiring. It had only been a few minutes since our fight started, but I was nearing the end of my stamina. 


It made sense. I was using the most MP I could to physically enhance my body to its limits. I had to. My reaction time and speed were barely able to keep up with those absurd strikes, even with my augmented state.


The burden placed on both my mind and body was extensive. 


A visible look of frustration started forming on the ogre's face. A twisted expression bloomed in its mouth as its eyebrows furrowed. The already heavy wisps of bloodlust exuding from its body became even heavier, towering over me. 


A sideways swing came hurling. I swerve under the menacing mass of the axe head as I plunge the sharp end of my sword to its right knee. Blood flowed from the torn flesh, a roar of annoyance leaving the chieftain's drool-filled mouth. 


A fist catapulted in my direction. Pivoting, I pluck my weapon sidewards, invoking more greenish blood to ooze out. The next moment, the fist landed; however, I had already positioned myself behind the ogre, avoiding its attack. 


Reversing the grip of my blade, I dug it straight into the calf of the ogre, it shrieked as the tip sunk deeper. When I felt resistance, I pull it out and thrust it around the Achilles tendon. 


My movements were concise and precise, without waste. 


I drag the weapon away as an overhead swing came plummeting. Despite my legs aches, I took a step back.


Soon, the axe fell, shattering the even terrain, the lumps of dirt and grass hurtling in every direction. Mid-step, I twist. My cloak fluttered as it deflected the debris. 


The ogre lifted his axe, grunting. A look of madness and indignation donned its face as it noticed I was still alive. Then, with a battle cry, it rushed toward me. 




The ear-piercing shriek of the chieftain reached my ears and shot down to my core. I immediately stiffened as a detestable feeling crawled inside my entire body. My mind raced, realizing what just happened. 


Shit. It used a skill. 


A skill that incapacitates the opponent for a set amount of time by applying a status effect. The so-called stunt skills. 


I pleaded my body to move, yet it did nothing but produce slight twitches. The ogre barreled towards me, the axe leveled to slice me in half. 


When it approached me, it swung with an underhand strike. The terrifying force behind the attack left a mental shudder down my heart. 


At the last second, the skill's duration ended. I circulated my MP, forming a thin protective layer in front of my torso and neck. Lifting my sword, I block the swing with the edge of my blade. 


Then I was hurtling. 


My vision blurred. Every part of me ached and screamed in protest. I was flying. Somewhere, there was screaming, thumping, and more. My mind shut down for a second as it struggled to process everything in such a short amount of time. 


I crashed. I knew it wasn't a wall as my momentum continued. That something— someone skidded with me. My face planted on the ground as I got to taste the fresh grass. 


My mind kept spinning. I couldn't hear anything as a constant ringing kept pulsating in my ears. Fresh blood oozed out of the upper left side of my forehead, adding a metallic taste to the grass I was currently eating. 


I urge my eyes to open. It did. To my right, it was the two boys. The senior and man I just saved. Not paying them much attention, my gaze landed back on the ogre. However, instead of racing toward me, it paced itself somewhere else. 


My face paled considerably. It was going for the two females. Despite limping, it was skipping there at a speed fast enough to catch up. I push my wounded body, forcing it to do more work. However, it was clear I wasn't going to make it. 


Letting out a string of curses, I thought of everything— anything to save them. Suddenly, as if entering a state of an epiphany, cold flashes of a plan formulated in my mind. I gulped, thinking of the implication of this technique. With no other options, I betted on it. 


I siphoned my MP. Stirring in my body, it started coalescing to my desired location—to my legs. I felt my lower regions tremble in pain as I added and condensed the MP inside. My entire concentration placed on maintaining and proliferating this state.


From my entire femur down to the soles of my feet, each and every inch of my legs were filled with Magic Power. My bones rattled in protest as the muscle started aching. Focusing through the pain, I weave my MP to evenly distribute it through each leg and compressed it to an absolute degree. 


When the pain reached the point where I couldn't hold it anymore, I flashed, the MP stored releasing almost instantaneously. Like a coil spring under pressure, my legs shot out of the ground with a speed, unlike any other attack I've produced. 


Then, my vision warped. 

Hello. Sorry for the late upload. Anyways, I'll cut to the chase. Life is catching up to me. In a few weeks, school is about to start and my mind is focused more on there, especially since I'm at a year where I have to pay attention to my grades.

Don't worry, I won't stop writing this story. I promise that if I ever do stop, I'll inform you all. That is, unless I die. Can't exactly tell you from the afterlife. 

Anyways, I'm just here to tell you guys that chapters may not be constant. I'll try my best to get atleast one chp per week. I know it sounds lazy of me since each chp is only 3k to 3.5k words, but my writing speed isn't the fastest. Pairing that up with life, school, and other hobbies, it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to gush out 6k to 7k words per week. 

Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I do want to force myself to write, but I don't want to write a story that's rushed and forced. I hope you understand and thank you in advance.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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