IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 14

Jack sat at a faraway alleyway, far from where they had killed that man, and yet, the memory felt so close, chomping down that man's head, he had felt every bit of it, the cracking skulls, the soft flesh, the metallic taste of blood, everything. And it didn't feel good, "Especially if I am still reminiscing about it," the teen said to himself, "Gotta move on Steph, you know this," He said, he was good at that, moving on from stuff he meant, and well, perhaps this one might be the worst thing he had to go over with, and that's saying something, he had to move on from the fact that no one would have to take care of him when he was only 11, from there he worked hard, learning tools of the trade that would earn him as little money as possible, and from there he had risen, mostly because fortunately, although his age was still somewhat young, his face had always said otherwise, it didn't take effort for him to fake his identity to work at times, and it had worked, he has managed to live off of it for some time, with all that considered, this was different, extremely so, when he experienced his shitty life he was at least living in honesty, he didn't rob, didn't kill, didn't do anything that would amount to him becoming a criminal and yet, despite all that, he still managed to kill someone, or maybe that wasn't him but rather-

"Implant,.. Jesus Christ dude you need to hold yourself back, I thought that when you eat chocolate you don't need to eat humans?" Jack complained, he had a leading theory as for why this symbiote of his decided to become a hero, with it eating all that chocolate, it undoubtedly knew that the man he was going to chase wouldn't be missed by anyone should he die, or maybe he would be missed, if he had family, but that did not matter, what mattered is that Implant killed someone, "We need to work out some ground rules for that man, come on,"

I did the right thing, that man killed someone, he needed to be punished, were his exact words, Jack did not know if this alien actually meant all of it or if it simply saw an opportunity to feed but if this thing is this dangerous then it may mean that he could potentially die from it, and that was worrying, "You won't kill me right?" Jack asked, his voice filled with terror,

Of course not, you think I am that stupid? Like I said, that man needed to be punished, I used human morals to judge what to do in that situation, the symbiote replied, it probably meant those words, probably,

"I don't care anymore," Jack responded, "I am gonna go home and enjoy my remaining time, what do you say? Wanna watch some TV shows?" Ignoring the situation as best as he could, Jack could only sigh as the symbiote asked what TV was, and well- "TV is uhm, I'll show you," He said with a smile on his face,

When they reached Jack's place, the teen turned on the TV and sat on his bed, "This, this is TV." he heard Implant grunt and focus on what was in front of them, "Tomorrow is a new day friend, best get to whatever it is we are doing and enjoy our time, because it will wait for no one," He said as he grabbed the remote and changed the channels,

The next day came by in a flash, the two didn't watch anything related to the news but seeing that the robbery has reached the outside of their apartment, their little outing last night has apparently become popular, talks about the robber being found headless and a mutant being seen gliding right above them had been connected, and anyone who has seen that mutant should immediately report to authorities, lest they risk the safety of their peers,
Of course, the two responsible for the entire thing simply readied themselves for school, with Jack showering and Implant giving him information about the symbiote being capable of extending himself as tendrils and not just act as some sort of suit, which was good, and it was even taken into consideration as the symbiote prepared toast for Jack as he showered, and when he got out, the cooked bread was already out of the toaster, ready to be eaten.

Implant being a tendril had helped out really well, as expected, making toast wasn't his limit, he was also capable of taking out the trash, cleaning the apartment, and tidying his bed. Barring it's murderistic tendencies, Implant had proven himself to be the most useful parasite there is, to the point that Jack felt bad about him calling it a parasite, maybe the term symbiote was better,


When he was ready to leave, Jack put on his pants and proceeded to go out of the apartment, after he checked the door three times to see if it is locked, Jack left.

Seems that you moved on from last night quite well, the symbiote said, Most people wouldn't be able to eat let alone walk outside after their first murder, did you know that? It complimented. Maybe the symbiote wanted him to see signs but Jack digressed, Implant was clearly teasing him so he didn't see the reason to actually fight back, so, in the lowest voice that he could muster, Jack replied, "Look, I know that I moved on from it quite well but still! You killed a guy!"

Yeah, yeah, I'll make sure to detain them next time, he replied, and a hint of hopefulness resonated through Jack, but eh, I don't want to, it is such a waste, they are already lower than humans when they do crimes, I don't see the problem when I eat them,

His voice once again low, the teen responded, "because some of them don't have a choice man!"

You survived, was Implant's reply, and Jack didn't talk back, ignoring that the symbiote had somehow known about his past without him telling Implant about it,

The bus ride after that exchange was boring, as always

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