IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 15


When he reached school, Jack immediately set off to find peter parker, to not only give his condolences, but to also, insensitively ask about the presentation, sure the guy's uncle just died but who cares? He didn't, he was insensitive that way. Or so he thought but, "Why the hell do I get the urge to suddenly want to fuck with parker?" He muttered to himself, suspicious that it must be the symbiotes doing, he was a proud person when it comes to him knowing what social cues are, and if that very thing is somehow starting to fall apart, then he may need to discuss things with Implant, though he is only suspicious for now, if this sort of thing continues he may as well be no different from a mental patient that has episodes from time to time, and now that he thinks about it, it really does feel like some sort of mental illness, from what he has read about them, getting a sudden urge to do something is associated with the things, so maybe Implant wasn't at fault, and it may rest with his biology, but, he still has the feeling that maybe, just maybe, it has to do with the symbiote's influence, after all, it hasn't really said anything related to side effects, just that it can somehow affect his biology in such a major manner that he gets superpowers,

And maybe that's why, maybe his hormones are getting fucked up as we speak.

With time to spare to talk to Peter and his friends, Jack went to the cafeteria to find them, he will give his condolences and he will probably wait for the teen to make amends with his emotions before he asks the guy to make some sort of presentation for them, seeing that he himself wasn't able to make one, given that he was more focused on watching TV and ignoring his stress than his homework. So, when he reached the cafeteria, a place where parker usually hangs out on, he walked with light steps, he didn't feel guilty about last night, for some unknown reason, he just feels neutral whenever he thinks about the guy's uncle dying, sure, it was due to his indecision and petty ness that pretty much led to such an outcome but at the end, Implant did do something about it, and though he could have prevented the entire situation, he felt that his identity is so much more important than some stupid robber,

And, at the end of the day, justice was served in the form of Implant eating the guy's head, not he encourages such behavior of course.

When he reached the cafeteria, Jack found the small group composed of three individuals, most of them were top scorers of the school bar for one, but even she is a social butterfly that's quite popular in this campus. Approaching them, Jack readied himself, don't tell them that you could have done something, he reminded, this is not the time for you to act like some dumbass.

Once he was near enough for the group to hear his voice, he introduced himself, "Hey parker," He said, "I just wanna say that I am giving my condolences," He added, and the teen looked at him, his eyes dead and defeated,

"Yeah..." Parker replied, "Can't say that you didn't warn me," He added, "Honestly it may as well be my fault, I could have done so much and yet-" His voice trailed off, he looked into the distance, tears forming in his eyes, from the corner of Jack's eye, he saw Mary Jane fighting the urge to stand up and help her friend, but he guessed she wanted him to just let it loose, comfort would come later, is what she is probably thinking, "if I didn't fight with him, if I simply stopped that robber, if I wasn't so bitter." Peter said, "Yesterday, when I woke up, I realized something right then and there," Peter took a deep breath, shuddering, by now, Jack wanted to leave but seeing that the current situation is helping the kid, he let it be, "I realized that I could finally change, do things," Peter mumbled, "But that very thought lead to the death of my own uncle," a small tear had ran down Peter's cheek.

"Dude, it's fine, even if you could have done something, maybe-" Jack was cut off, Flash suddenly entered the scene, "Parker! I heard what happened," The jock announced, Peter looked at flash as if he has seen the end of the world, Jack saw that he wanted to do something but it seems that he stopped himself midway through, "What do you want flash? I don't want to deal with anything right now, screw off." He said, his voice solemn,

"Look man, I don't want to do anything, I just wanna say I'm sorry," Flash replied, then he sat down on the table where the three gathered, "To be honest man, if I could do something, I would, and, I will, I will probably stop messing with you till all this settles down yeah? that's probably good right?" Peter looked down, clearly thinking of something, then flash spoke again, "anyways, I'm gonna leave you be, see you around,"

And with that flash left, Jack took this as an opportunity as well, "Sorry again for your loss, I am gonna go now as well, I'll probably let you in, in my presentation later, see you dude."

With that, he left the grieving teen, and as he walked, Implant spoke-

What did you want to say to him earlier? Jack sighed, realizing that what he was about to say to the teen would have probably been bad,

"To ignore consequences," He muttered under his breath,

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