IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 16

To Jack' surprise, it didn't take long for Peter to adjust, he has observed the teen ever since their little talk in the cafeteria, some may say he has stalker tendencies but Jack would like to say otherwise, sure, he did observe Peter and his crew for half an hour but he did it because he cared, or something,
"Ah, who am I kidding?" Jack said to no one, "What's so different about him dude? Just tell me," Of course, with Implant in the lead, he was also suspicious but apparently, for some major reason, Implant could feel that the teen has changed since last night, and to what degree they didn't know,
He is changing constantly Jack, I do not know what happened to him but he changes, even now I could feel his scent being different than it was when we talked to him last night,
Jack sighed, "Let's just leave him be yeah? I mean, how major could that change be?" He said, he had thought that the nerd had some secrets and he probably wouldnt pry it open even if he could, still, if Implant is this curious what does it mean? He doesn't know, Ignoring that fact for now, Jack stood up and left the cafeteria, classes would start in a little over a few minutes from now, it was best if he could get there as early as he could.

Eventually reaching their classroom, Jack released a tense breath, it was close but he almost got lane, and it seems that Peter Parker isn't here yet, how sad? He guessed, well, it did not matter, what mattered is Jack caring about Peter and whatever it is he is currently dealing with, the teen had just lost his uncle, it was probably hard to bear through that shit at his age, given, Jack didn't really have parents but hey at least he has empathy.
With the class settled, their teacher eventually came into the front desk, the guy was quite lax in his movements, and with said movements he eventually stood in the podium, and declared that everyone will give out their presentation now, Tomorrow would be the same so everyone should expect to just stand at the front and do what they were supposed to do, and with parting words of good luck, the teacher left the front of the class, and going back to his small little lounge at the back.

Jack and Peter was still a few students away, so Jack took that time to memorize the essay that he wrote,

Amidst all his focus Peter apparently entered class, and in spite of Implant's words, Peter looked fine, perhaps even better than ever, so to Jack, it was no surprise when the teen eventually came his way and said that he was the one to present, Jack waved him off, stating that he would just owe him one, surprisingly, the nerd agreed and told him that he would leave Jack to it, guess he isn't as competitive as I thought he was, Jack thought, he honestly thought that Peter would just go out of his way and say that he would rather participate or something, huh, that was a surprise.

Eventually, it was Jack' turn, and he stood at the front, he looked around, seeing that all the students were bored, he saw no reason to actually be energetic himself, he took a deep breath and started his presentation-

"So! my choice for the presentation today is the small genome research Oscorp had related to those genetically enhanced spiders," Jack, stated, "As you all may know, Oscorp dabbles in genetics, and the result of this specialization are the spiders we saw back then, they all belonged to the same, newly introduced species but, all of them were modified in a way that it wouldn't be far fetched to say that those spiders were more akin to their forebearers, as they have all their traits-

Jack eventually finished his presentation, and when he was about to sit back down, he heard Implant mutter about how Peter was listening intently, and how the guy was apparently releasing pheromones that were associated with curiosity, and as the symbiote spoke, Jack remembered his presentation intently, to figure out as for why the guy was so curious, what the hell did he talk about that got him that way? was his question to himself, all he did was name out the different traits the spiders have gotten from their forebearers, and possibly introduce his small theory as for why those modified spiders may not survive in the wild, but hey, what does he know? "I don't really think there was anything that would grab Peter's attention," Jack whispered, and Implant responded,

yeah but his expression didn't lie did it? it wasn't just normal curiosity Jack, I felt his curiosity from that distance, I feel like something is going on with him, was what he said. Of course, Jack didn't really want to believe Implant for now, given that the alien was probably just getting used to its new environment but Implant didn't really act the same towards the different students, he was only acting this way when Peter was involved, and that got Jack curious, "What are you hiding Parker?" he said to himself, and Implant suggested that they should stalk the kid after school, and Jack almost wanted to say yes but-

"I have a job dude."

Of course, class just ended and nothing really happened, Implant kept suggesting that they should stalk Peter for the night and Jack was putting those sentences at the back of his head, the guy was a murderer and probably found Peter as some sort of delicacy, that was what Jack assumed, the guy was after all, smart.

Just like that, School ended, and Jack went home, eager to go to his job, Sunday was still a few days away and he doubts that he can get exercise during school days, Jack has thought about his new situation quite well, assuming that he can heal faster than normal, that would mean that muscle recovery might be possible during workouts, and with that as a conclusion, Jack assumed that it wouldn't take long for him to become well toned.

Heading home, the bus ride was quite boring, it didn't really offer anything to the table, just another mugging that made Implant want to eat and that was pretty much it.
Going to the front door of his apartment, once in, he turned on the TV and switched the channels to the news, nothing special was apparently going on so Jack headed for the showers right after he has prepared his work uniform.

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