IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 17

Work, as per usual, was quite boring, and Jack had gotten accustomed to that. Thankfully though there was a slight bit of entertainment going on as he ran around serving food-

That guy is currently feeling excited! Apparently, this is their first date since... ever! Was one of Implant's quips as Jack passes by a young man that is no older than 19, the guy was wearing a loose leather Jacket that revealed his V neck T-shirt underneath, and right in front of him sat a woman that was probably in her twenties, she wore a one piece gown that had a slit at the legs, revealing a small part of her thighs to the on lookers around her, the two talked casually, and judging by their conversation, they seemed to have clicked when the two first met, that was not a surprise to Jack, most of the people who dated inside the diner had said the same about their respective partners. Not that he listened to every single one of course, he wasn't someone who did that, he just couldn't help but overhear their conversations as he passed, that's all.

Time passed and Implant continued on with his little spying game, whilst Jack continued to work, the two passed their time respectively, and after about a few hours into his work, Jack's shift ended, exactly at 10 o clock in the evening, the two still had time to do whatever it was they were gonna do for the night, and Jack, the ever so callous teen said that apparently no murders for the time being, and Implant complained, the symbiote didn't stop talking all throughout his work so Jack had to go to the bathroom to make a deal with his symbiote buddy, in which the two of them agreed on the contract that Implant is allowed to kill people every three days, given that they find criminals of course, criminal activities were quite scarce already, so Jack hoped that they simply wouldn't be able to find anyone during the times where the symbiote is indeed allowed to kill, and with that being said-

"I don't think I see anyone," Jack said, already wearing his thing symbiote suit over him, he had already gotten home from his apartment to change, because his work uniform got messy the last time he didn't, his get up made him look like some sort of teenage vigilante, with a thick hoodie and thin sweatpants that the symbiote decided not to go over of. Jack watched the streets of new tork with keen eyes, the people seemed fine and unaware of his presence, Jack took a massive leap and reached for the skies, his body immediately getting a glider-like composition when he did.

Jack flew atop the streets of new york, sometimes he would anchor himself on one of the buildings, at other times he would let himself fall, Implant would catch him before he hit the ground, effectively pulling him up with great momentum straight to the skies, he would then spread his legs and arms in order to glide. And using that routine, Jack flew around the dark streets of new york, and due to this, he was able to cover more ground,
Eventually, Jack managed to find a mugging, as per usual, it happened inside a dark alleyway, one that no one would pass through for long periods of time, Jack observed the people below, the victim was struggling hard, fighting for his possessions as the knife-carrying man chased after him, the two soon reached the middle point of the dark alley, and Jack prepared to jump down when-

"Stop! right now!" A man that wore a red jacket confronted the two, his face wasn't shown but judging from his voice, the guy was most likely a teenager that's no older than him, for a moment, Jack thought to jump down but decided not to, he just wanted to observe, all due to the fact that his little friend said so, so he watched. But, judging by Implant's words, Jack knew who this kid is, and a rough guessed based on the symbiotes interest later, Jack came to a conclusion- "Peter Parker," A hoarse voice muttered. curiosity overtook him, so Jack left everything be, "Now, what does a nerd that can't fight a school bully do against a mugger? And why hide your face Peter? Why?"  he asked to no one in particular, the answers to his questions soon came, in the form of the mugger suddenly charging Peter, Jack thought that the kid would get stabbed but against all his expectations-

Peter dodged, "Calm down dude! I don't wanna hurt you!" he told the mugger, his Spidey sense rang again, telling him to dodge, he did, but not before instinctually punching the guy in the gut, the man fell down with a THUMP! groaning, and Peter sighed, looked at the guy that was mugged and said- "Its okay now mister!" The man looked at him in horror,

"You're one of those freaks aren't you?" He said, and Peter didn't say anything, perhaps right now he really was a mutant? but tha didn't matter, if he wasn't here this man would have ended up like uncle ben, "So what?" He replied before going to the other direction the man was going to, the man yelled at him, calling him a freak, but he did not care,

Peter left the alleyway.

- "Interesting," said a voice above him,

wanna observe now? Implant said, and Jack moved his head up and down,

The two followed the teen wherever he went, he eventually took off the hoody that was covering his face when he walked the streets of new York, but that did not matter, Jack already knew who he is and what he did, and things were getting interesting, with silent flight, Jack took off into the night.

It happened once again, Peter finding another mugger inside an alleyway, "It's like he knows where they are..." Jack muttered, and perhaps he was unto something, because after he stopped the mugging on this one, he managed to find another one in a short time span, now THAT was interesting.

"Can you do the same?" Jack asked his friend, by now they had gotten home, once the clock has struck 1 o clock Peter decided to call it quits and head home, so Jack and Implant did as well.

Of course, I can, pheromone detection is such an easy task for me, The symbiote replied, Jack raised his eyebrow, suddenly getting an idea, "Well, since you're so fixated on Mr Parker, how about we hunt him down each night?" he mused, and Implant agreed.

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