IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 18

When he reached school the next morning Jack couldn't stop thinking about Parker, the guy was back to his regular old self, although flash no longer touched him, he was still quite depressed but it seemed that he was now recovering, Gwen and Mary Jane, like always followed him around, and due to this, some unexpected outcome had come out of Jack's stalking, and that was Mary Jane pretty much confronting him about how he was following Parker around, of course, Jack played it off but after that he pretty much did his stalking to a minimum.

Night soon came and Jack once again left work, he changed his clothes, this time it was just a regular T-shirt and a pair of pants, so to say, they were clothing that would Implant can go over, and now he was in a skin tight yellow-green suit.

Jack flew off into the night,

"So where is he?" He asked Implant, and the symbiote soon answered,

let me take over for a bit, he replied, and Jack agreed. His body mass soon increased several times, his small figure becoming a behemoth in the middle of the sky,

They started falling,


a thick viscous fluid came out of Implant's chest when they were about to fall to the ground, the membrane soon pulled them up to the sky and catapulted them above the skyline, "It is easier this way," Implant's voice echoed out, another membrane came out of his body once again, pulling them down straight to the ground before they were once again carried into the sky, the membrane removed itself from the building the moment that the momentum of the sling has given them enough leverage to fly,

The symbiote spread it's arms around, gliding structures formed in between his limbs, then a thin sail-like appendage formed on their back, enabling Implant to easily steer. They were now flying, a single flap makes them gain more flight.

After a few minutes of flight, Implant finally spoke, "We are here." he said, then he tucked his limbs in and they started sky diving, their body quickly plummeting to the ground. The symbiote caught themselves before they fall to their death, and Implant went back inside Jack, the teen's body mass soon shrunk, and he was back to being a 6 foot tall individual with a skin tight suit.
Jack looked around, trying to find Peter Parker, wherever he may be, seeing that there was only an alleyway, Jack made his way towards it, before proceeding to perch atop the building when he finally reached it, and when he looked down- "There you are," - Peter was there, clearly fighting some sort of criminal, and by the looks of it, just another mugger, what was up with those? they seem pretty common around here, do people just-

"ARGHHH!" Was a yell that entered his ear, cutting Jack off from his thoughts, he once again looked down, and to his surprise, Peter was there, getting headlocked, "So much for changing," Jack mused, he really was just a kid, Jack jumped down,

in his memory, back when he did the same thing, he was an 8 foot tall monster, but this time he was just a kid, someone who didn't know how to fight, and yet here he is, trying to save his classmate,
Jack lifted up his hands in a sledgehammer like fashion when he was halfway through the fall, he tried his best to properly gouge out the perfect way to hit his target in such a short time. When he was finally atop the man, Jack hammered his hand down,

and he struck, hitting the man straight to the back, he heard a small grunt came out of his mouth the moment that he hit.

Proud of himself, Jacked watched the situation unfold, with the man letting Peter go and focusing on the new arrival, his mouth bleeding, the mugger spoke- "Oh great, another one." the way he spoke was casual, almost as if he has dealt with this situation before, "Come here then!" He said, his arms now in a fighting stance, Jack readied himself to fight and he went forward, and as he did, Implant spoke-

Let me! his body mass slowly grew, he became larger and larger, until finally, he was once again the massive Symbiote,

Implant grabbed the mugger by the neck, he flailed as he lifted him up from the ground, "Pathetic," he said, "You are nothing," Implant opened up his mouth, from within him he heard Jack speak, DONT! WE HAD A DEAL! but he ignored him, there is no time to waste, he was getting hungry, and the mugger looked delicious, the man soon reached his maw, but as he was about to chomp down he felt a tug on his legs. Implant stopped, looked down, saw that there was a line of web currently attached to his calf, looked back at the mugger, then to his back, and spoke- "it is hopeless boy, you cannot overpower me with your strength," he taunted, Implant then proceeded to once again put the man near his maw, and then he heard it,

"YES. I. CAN!" were the furious words of the boy, he then pulled with all his strength,

and succeeded,

Implant fell to the ground, anger in his eyes, he threw the mugger to the side, "What is wrong with you boy?" he asked, and Peter answered,

"If I can do something about things, then I will!" He said, his eyes resolute and his arms ready to fight, "then so be it." Implant stated, and then he charged, with all the force he could muster, it seems that he would have this meal earlier than he thought,
Peter leapt, dodging the monster with ease, he then clung to the wall before shooting it with thick webbing, trying his best to lock it in place, the monster shrugged everything off, as if the web that can hold a 100 pound man was nothing but cotton, it then glared at him.

Peter got ready to continue the fight, and when he did, the monster once again shrunk down, becoming a thinly built 6 foot tall man once more, it spoke, "We are sorry," it said, before climbing up the wall just as he did, soon disappearing from sight.
With a sigh, Peter looked around, the mugger was still there, looking afraid, muttering the words "I didn't have a choice man, what the hell." as he rocked his body back and forth.
Peter got near him, "are you okay?" He asked, and the man looked at him, "Of course not! I could have died tonight!" he said, his voice shaking, Peter sat beside him, but not before calling the police, "What is your name?" He asked,

"Flint, Flint Lockwood." was his answer.



In another side of the city, a young man raced back in forth inside his apartment, "What the hell man? I told you not to kill!" He yelled, looking around, there seems to be one else inside his room, he stopped for a bit, then once again yelled- "Of course I'll kill myself! better than being associated with a freak like you! what kind of life do I have for me when YOU do what you want?!"

He then paused, looked around, and sat on his bed, "Fine then! But make sure that you also follow MY rules." Almost as if he was done talking, the young man relaxed all his muscles and let his body fall into his bed, he never spoke after that, and never did, as sleep soon overtook him.


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