IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 22

The yellow-green monster released a primal growl, causing the man who wore red to back off, the two were a fair distance away from each other, and yet, that did not stop the tension from rising. Two combatants, one, a monster made of biomass, and the other, a man that had been chemically altered due to an accident. None of them spoke, because standing there was enough to understand their situation, though there was one onlooker that thought of the entire situation as it unfolded, that person was a human teen, no older than 16, and he observed thorough, he told the monster that it was best to consider options, to talk for the time being, and it agreed, and so, it spoke- "What do you want human?", the creature's voice was deep, unnerving, and somewhat playful, that confused the man, it knew how to speak? Perhaps it did negotiate with that robber before he ate it? Is it a mutant? from what he felt its frame resembled that of a human, just taller, bulkier, and more... fibrous. For Matt, it did not have any shape, but now that he listened to the vibrations it emitted, it seems that it is more human than it let out, wanting to resolve this in a way that would just involve authorities, Matt decided to speak as well- "Why did you eat that man?", he asked, his voice was a little bit high, he was cautious, and the symbiote felt every single bit of his emotions, they swirled up and down, from high to low, and that got the symbiote to listen to Jack, he knew that the man in front of him meant no harm, not that he could harm him of course.
Implant did not speak, simply observing his emotions, the man was quite patient, it seemed that even after the unnerving silence he still held his ground, the symbiote thought of putting off his heal for the time being, for now, he wanted to play along with this particular human's games, "Fine then human," He muttered in a growl, "I ate him because I am hungry, and YOU are looking tasty," the monster's sadistic tendencies had kicked in, it reveled in the fact that the man just now felt a sharp pang of fear course through his very being, he has always enjoyed it when they feel that way, not that he has seen them do that many times of course, he was just born a few days prior, and he has yet to experience the world in a meaningful manner.

Oh but he will.

But that is for another time,

Implant once again spoke - "But do not fear me, because I find you... Interesting." the man this time backed off, and yet, he felt the man's will be resolute, his emotion was different from his action, and the symbiote found that suspicious, "If you want to attack, then do it young man,"

And he did,

The man ran straight towards Implant, his host has said something about not killing him as he himself was interested about this "Cosplayed Freak" as he put it, and Implant could not help but agree.

The symbiote charged, the alleyway shook with each step, but the man did not stumble and fall, instead he ran even faster,

And once they were near each other, he swung at the monster,

it did the same, its massive arm swiped its front, and yet the man easily ducked as he canceled his own swing,

Implant grinned,

"Interesting." He uttered, and inside him his host complimented the blind man.

So Jack knew,

No wonder.

Implant once again struck, the man dodged once again, giving a small hit of his own towards the monster's stomach, the hit connected but the symbiote did not feel a thing, and yet he acted like he did, he grasped his belly in the same fashion someone who has been hurt there would,

the man seemed to have taken it as a chance as he once again swung straight towards Implant's head, the symbiote took the hit, and acted like he had gotten beaten, with a small huff of air released from his mouth, he hissed. "Wow human, you are SUCH an interesting specimen. So much for a blind man eh?" He spoke, not in awe, but rather, curiosity.

Implant's enemy simply stayed silent and hit the symbiote with all he had, and he didn't waste those hits either, because each one had struck his vitals, from his ligaments to his chest, to even his head, and each blow was more powerful than the last,

But the monster simply did not fall, it stood against him, trying to Parry his attacks and yet, deep in his mind, Matt felt that this beast was trying to play with him, and the words he spoke echoed inside Matt's mind, his tone was that of interest, not out of fear, and as he continued to speak whilst Matt gave it his all, it was obvious that the monster was still playing around,

he wasn't even worth the creature's sweat.

Matt yelled, then hit the monster once again, and it blocked, pretended to be hurt, and spoke, another taunt for another hit, Matt knew that the monster wasn't even fazed, let alone damaged, and yet he continued to strike.


and Again.

And Again.

the monster did not falter, it simply continued to speak with that... voice of his, but Matt did not care, he once again struck, and it was easily blocked, and the monster spoke once again- "Why are you trying your best to hit me to submission!" it yelled, "IT WILL NOT WORK!" this time it sounded pissed.

Implant had tried to make it sound so obvious time and time again, that he wasn't damaged! he wasn't fazed! AND YET!


"What is wrong with you human?!" It asked, curiously, "FORCE WILL NOT WORK ON ME!" it yelled, it then prepared to grab it's prey, it's mouth watering, Implant had ignored Jack's words, stating that he should think things through, Implant did not care. And then, from the darkness, another voice came out-

"Oh yeah? then maybe this will." The speaker was female, and her voice was soft and understanding. Implant waited for her to speak once again, so that he can find where she is, but no voice came only-


- an extremely painful sound that threatened Implant to go back inside his host, but he resisted the urge, and fought the pain, he looked around, he still couldn't find the attacker, and yet, that pain just now, he knew what it was, his kin's weakness.

"I shall leave for now." the symbiote said, Implant knew how to pick fights, and this one was something that he can never win.

With a jump, the monster left. And Matt Murdock should have felt glad, if not for the fact that his brain had felt like it had been hit by a baseball bat a hundred times over.
Matt tried to pick himself up, the attacker just now is more dangerous than the monster, he wasn't fond of loud noises, and they were, in his case, his one main weakness. Good thing that the monster left, Matt wasn't able to see anything, but he did feel it's entire body shiver in a weird manner, almost as if that sound was painful for it as well.

"Looks like I just saved you," The voiced once again said, and Matt was able to locate her, he looked towards her general direction, "Who are you?!" He yelled cautiously, and the woman replied,

"Relax. I won't hurt you," She said, "The name's shriek," She added, "And I have been trying to find that monster for some time now," she finished, and Matt could feel her smile.

"Anyways, I'm leaving, I need to find it after all. Good luck with your little superhero gig!"

And with that, she left.

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