IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 23

Seeing that Implant has found his weakness, it wasn't a surprise that the symbiote has decided to hide, and, it has been one month ever since that incident happened, and well, a lot has gone down since then, and Jack means A LOT. That guy that they apparently met inside that alleyway? Yeah, now a well known vigilante that has struck fear in the hearts of criminals, Peter Parker? Oh you know, the guy just turned into a freaking SUPERHERO that is currently saving new York city each night, and that was just the tip of the ice berg! Apparently mutants have gone missing from the streets, Oscorp has released some sort of drug enchancing serum on the market, which was immediately shut down after it has been released in just a day! Jack could not find the proper words to describe that! And then there is them, a monster, they called them, a lot of people have wondered what they were, and why did they stop crimes, and the vigilante commonly known as DareDevil and the superhero known as spider-man have spoken out to the public about their experiences with the monster, for one, the two said that they have seen him kill two people, hell eat them even, which, was well, bad. And that caused their reputation on the city to shrink, and well, Jack has heard street rumors that the criminals have talked about avoiding that monster's Quote on Quote, "Shift."
So, everyone knows that the two people currently stopping crimes pop up at certain times of the day, DareDevil showed up every afternoon and he would hunt till it strikes midnight, where as Spider-Man would show up every 6 o clock in the evening, it was fairly obvious that the two had lives beyond their superpowered persona, and well, so did the monster that everyone calls "The New-York Demon." or so they said, this demon would often go out every midnight, which cemented the fact that it is indeed some sort of creature from the Darkness, and apparently, due to this, criminals have decided to not go out during 12 o'clock to 1, which was his hunting time apparently, this was further proven when one of the people they saved said everything about what they did, how they humiliated her rapist and how they made her punch him till he was a mess, apparently she said they weren't all that bad, but everyone believed she was mind controlled, though they did all thank Implant for saving her, which, of course, happened at exactly 12 o clock, funny stuff.

And now, no criminal had gone out every 12 o clock, except for the more ambitious ones. But, since Implant did not technically come out, it has faded into rumors and bed time stories.
Not that there wasn't any proof that they exist of course, Apparently people have taken photos of them when they flew, and some have even taken photos inside the buildings they clung to, which of course, further cemented the fact that they indeed exist, and they WILL eat criminals that go out every 12 o'clock, but other than that, Jack found nothing that was related to them.

On some other note, Peter Parker was now quite active in school, but so was Jack, ever since Implant decided not to run around, Jack had been getting some time to himself, which, amounted to him working out for the entire day during Saturdays and Sundays, which of course led to amazing body gains, Jack was well toned, but not so much that he would look like some meatheaded body builder, just enough for him to stand out should he somehow take off his clothes in public.
And due to this, Jack has entered some sort of Karate club, one that taught self defense and attacking, the club president was kind, and even supportive of him, and he figured that the 17 year old Felicia Hardy wasn't so bad, but Implant, the ever so fearful symbiote had noticed something off about her, just like how Peter Parker himself was off as well, and well, that led to some investigation, and what Jack saw was quite the nice catch, although Implant feared the outside, Jack's separate persona was still well hidden, and he pretty much aloes the thinner teen to run around the streets at night.

A shift he didn't come to and a good stalking session later, and Jack was able to figure out that his club president was also some sort of Vigilante, someone commonly known as Black Cat. Which was quite interesting because that makes it to three superpowered individuals inside his school, well, ones that go out at night to stop crimes anyways. The mutants were pretty much scared to use their powers, due to public backlash and all that.
Anyhow, that didn't stop the three of them though, and speaking of which, Jack was making good progress on that side of things, he was able to apprehend a criminal four nights ago, one that didn't get eaten. And so, when the cops came he was obviously asked as to what he was, and Jack well, answered, "I am not a mutant, but something else," Was his answer, and apparently the public didn't take that to kindly, if he wasn't a mutant, what else would he be?

Unfortunately, Jack couldn't exactly explain what, but, it's the thought of him willing to talk to the police men that counts.

He still didnt make the news though, which was quite sad but eh, he technically already did soooo...

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