IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 29

Jack got out of the mall with a smile plastered on his face, nevermind the fact that he was pretty much going back to his old life, he didn't care, he is somehow more excited and ecstatic about the fact that he now gets to have some time for himself, and to him, that was what mattered, not some petty thing like becoming some sort of monster by night. Oh, and Implant is pretty much just that annoying from time to time, he wouldn't leave the teen alone if it meant that the world would end. With a sigh, Jack walked out of the premises of the mall, he did not know what the symbiote is currently doing - probably trying to recover is his best guess - but he assumed it was something major, especially if he has been staying silent for the majority of the day, that didn't usually happen.

Weird, but eh, what isn't weird at this point? He has pretty much seen a blind man fight a green goo monster, he has probably seen everything right about now. And if he still hasn't then it probably means that he just has way too much shit to deal with, so he will leave those things for future him to take care of, for now, it was time to go to a club, find someone, take that someone home, and wake up with the sense that I just wasted my night.

And he will probably do it for three nights straight.

His shift ending at exactly 10 pm is the perfect thing that can reflect such a lifestyle, though he has not done anything like this before, and if he has to be honest, the only reason why he's even interested in going out for three nights straight is because he wanted to test out his stamina, and to see as for whether or not this whole heightened recovery bullshit is actually true, and what better way to do it than to waste his energy on having sex? It will recover in no time anyways.

The gym? What's that?

He eventually went to his apartment, it was still early, so he called in sick and watched TV, and immediately the news has spat something about more mutants going missing as we speak.

Jack changed the channel.

Cartoons, now that's more like it.

Time passed just like that, with Jack pretty much just watching TV and Implant still staying silent, the sun went from sitting at the top of the sky, to descending over the horizon. Jack sighed, turned off the television, prepared his work uniform, and took a shower. The feeling he felt earlier was no longer there as he put shampoo over his head, he had thought about what it was but he guessed it was probably just some sort of mental illness trying to take form, it was quite weird, because up until now, he hasn't really had any, not that he didn't believe in it of course, those type of things has run rampant over the years, and Jack was able to see one first hand at one point, so him suddenly getting one wasn't really a surprise, he has been overworking after all, and him staying up late for an entire month straight was pretty much the perfect recipe for his brain becoming much more chaotic.

And, even if he hates to admit it, him going to a club right now was pretty much him coping, he doesnt know from what, but he is certainly coping. Tears ran down Jack's face, they were hidden behind the curtain of rain that came from his shower, he released a small sob, and that was it. He needed to be strong, he needed to push through it, he has been doing so up until now, and he wouldn't just fail because of the fact that whatever it is that made him sad currently, was there.

Jack looked at himself in the mirror before he got out of the shower, his eyes were dead, and his face was sullen.

He needed a therapist.

"But before that," Jack's face lit up, "Time to go to a club!" his mask was now back,

and he wasn't planning on taking it off so soon.

Work has never felt so mundane for Jack, he has been thinking about things as he served the people that ate in the diner, was he sad because of the fact that Implant and him no longer worked as superheroes? Or he guessed vigilantes. Either way, was that the reason? Was he jealous about Peter Parker having more control over his life than Jack did? Was he mad that Implant has pretty much invaded his own little world, and now he has to become larger than he is supposed to be? These were the sorts of dilemmas he found as he thought through work, he was still able to serve the plates quite well and the more he did, the more he thought about how easy it would have been for him to just... have a simpler life.


A plate fell,


"JACK!" someone yelled, the feeling of dread came back,

"Are you okay?!" Someone yelled,

The teen felt himself hyperventilate, the people of the restaurant looked at him in worry, his face had gone pale and his lips were as white as a lotus,

and then, almost as if nothing has happened at all,

it all came crashing down,

in a good way.

His emotions got back to normal and his face regained it's color.

Jack looked down on the plate that was below him, the food, along with the floor had become a mess, he wanted to run away from this place, out of shame, and out of fear,

what has happened to him?

"You okay kid?" A man wearing a pair of sun glasses looked at him in worry, and following that came another one, he looked to be someone in his mid twenties, but he was already bald, and was sitting in a wheelchair, he looked at Jack in worry and then towards the manager of the diner, he then spoke- "Its fine, I'll pay for everything, and I'll just order a new meal." He said with a smile, Jack probably missed a few words that came towards him, and he worried even more.

Something is wrong, he can feel it.

Jack was was grabbed by a nearby waitress, Sheila, was that her name? He couldnt remember,

He was eventually led to the back of the diner, where he was tended to by the same waitress, "You okay there bud?" She asked him, and Jack replied with a nod, "I am..." he said slowly, "I don't know what came over me, but I was suddenly mad." He explained, "About something..."

"Okay then." Sheila said in an assuring voice, she was gentle, she patted Jack's back as she hugged him tightly, whispering assuring words on his ear,

the two sat like that for some time, with Sheila comforting the teen and with Jack staying silent.

Time eventually passed and Jack felt fine, he did not know how long they stayed in that position but judging by the fact that the surrounding area outside has been dyed black, they probably hugged each other for at least half an hour. With his mind recovered, Jack told his co worker that he was fine, and she let go of her grip. "I am always here for you Jack," She said with a smile, and then she stood up and left to serve.

With two of the diner's servers gone, business had apparently ran slow, and Jack was able to recognize that from the trail of food found on the counter, "Alright, can I take orders?" He asked the chefs at the kitchen, and they nodded, "Be careful dude." One of them said towards him. Jack looked around, trying to find the pair that he dropped the food of to apologize, but it seems they were already gone.

Work continued on as usual and it soon ended, going out of my workplace, I was greeted by the falling snow and my co-worker, Sheila. She stood there, looking like she was waiting for someone, and when I finally came around, her eyes lit up and she started to walk towards me, she started speaking when she was near-
"Are you okay now Jack?" She asked, I looked towards her, curious, "Yeah." I replied, and she smiled, "Thank the heavens." She says, clasping her hands together,

She would prefer it if she was clasping yours. Implant said, finally deciding to come back, I was curious as for what happened but as things stand I dont want to ask him yet, with my co worker in front of me and all that.

Of course, I wasnt dense, not in the sligthest, so when Implant said those words I immediately went out of my way and said- "Look, I am not really interested-" Sheila's eyes went wide halfway through my sentence, and before I could say any more her lips went directly to mine, "I've been looking at you for the better part of the year now." She says, her smile never fading, "And I no longer want to keep it that way."

for a moment, the two stood there, in silence, beneath the cloak of snow that started falling from the sky,

Well, youre looking to hook up with someone no? How about we start with this one? Implant said, and Jack didnt want to agree but-

"Sure," Jack replied, "maybe a relationship doesnt sound so bad after all?" He added,

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