IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 30

Jack woke up with a groan, and as his drowsy eyes looked at the back of the woman he had slept with last night, he sighed, he did not expect that he would stop going to bars when he said that he would specifically go to them for three nights straight, and I bought new clothes too. He thought to himself. This was an unexpected development, quite literally. He didn't expect to agree to Sheila's request so easily, hell, he didn't expect him bringing her to his apartment, and yet here they are, sleeping together in his bed after an entire night of sex.
Jack sighed, "Goddamnit, what the hell came over me?" He thought to himself, he wasn't one to readily agree to relationships, he was more of a do a thing then kick the bucket kind of a guy, hence why he preferred to go out to clubs rather than actually find any meaningful relationships, sure, a roommate would be nice, sure, paying rent at half the price would be even better but at the end of it all, these kinds of things took commitment, and Jack didn't want that, he cant really stay with someone for so long, he knows that he could readily get bored and more importantly, he knows that he doesn't feel any affection towards people. It feels like he has built an emotional wall around himself, one that pretty much ignores the feelings he may feel towards others, sure, he can feel scared, and he can certainly feel anger, those were pretty much a good indication that he is capable of feeling emotion, but this? -

Jack looked at the sleeping form of Sheila, pain visible in his eyes. - This simply isn't possible.

Standing up, Jack readied himself to make breakfast for both of them, he has always done this in good nature of his 'Guests,'.

Going to his kitchen now, the teen opened his mini-fridge and pulled out four eggs, along with five strips of bacon. He then proceeded to grab a frying pan from the counter and opened up his electric stove, he put the frying pan on top of it. With that done, Jack opened the only cabinet in his kitchen and pulled out a loaf of bread, putting it in the toaster, he plugged the machine to a socket, after that he put oil on the pan and cracked eggs on top of the sizzling oil, the sounds of frying soon entered his ears. He placed the bacon strips right beside the egg once it has hardened.
"I wonder how she likes her yolks? Cooked or raw?" The teen asked himself as he waited for the food to cook.

About ten minutes into cooking, Sheila came out of his room, the bedsheet covering her naked body, Jack looked at her and nodded, "Yo." He said casually, and the girl shook her head, before timidly making her way towards him. She hugged him from behind, the bedsheet falling to the floor as she did, Jack felt her bare chest on his back, "Last night was pretty fun, wasn't it?" She said, kissing him on the cheeks, "Can't wait to do that again."

And Jack wanted to say something, he knew what he had said last night when they were both done, he agreed to her request of living here with him, so easily too. And that was a problem, Jack wanted to open his mouth but the symbiote spoke first-

Come on Jack, give this life a chance will you? Lets lay low for a bit, and besides, new year is about to come, it's best that you have some company around that time.

The teen wanted to refute his words but wasn't able to, he thought about it, long and hard.

And then he decided,

Jack looked sideways, Sheila's face meeting his own, with a smirk he said- "So braggy, wasn't it your first time last night?" - he felt a small punch on his left shoulder, then he felt his girlfriend nibble on his ear, "Yeah? So what?" she whispered.

Once the food was cooked, the two went on to go on their separate ways, with Sheila putting on her clothes and Jack preparing breakfast, they met at a small table once they were both done.

"So, how come you just went up to my apartment last night," Jack said, "Isnt it custom to like, tell someone you like them before hand or something?" He asked,

"Well, for one, I don't think I needed to introduce myself to you do I? We have worked together for at least a year now, I don't think introductions are necessary." Sheila replied as she bit down another piece of bacon,

"Yeah, I guess your right,"

The two ate silently after that, with Sheila sometimes starting up a conversation or two. Their breakfast eventually died down when the two finished eating, Jack suggested that he was the one to clean and his girlfriend agreed, saying that she had to leave to grab her things from her apartment, she was moving here after all.

"So, what are you planning for the rest of the day?" His girlfriend asked as she was about to leave the door,

"Working out why?" Jack replied, prompting the girl to look at his arms, "You sure you still needed to? I mean, looking at your body last night..." she wandered off before muttering something incomprehensible,

"Yep." Jack answered,

"Well, I guess I wish you luck." the door to his apartment slammed shut,

He was once again left alone, but his Sheila, his girlfriend would undoubtedly come back.

The teen sighed, questioning why he agreed to such a thing in the first place, and why he is agreeing even now.

Jack continued washing the dishes silently.

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