IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 32

It didn't take long for lunch to come by, and with his classes done, Jack was able to absorb at least some of the things that were taught, even if they were partial.

Jack proceeded to sit down in a table that didn't have that many people after he picked out his food from the counter. And, as he sat there, eating, he was greeted by a rather surprising visitor, and that was the new transfer student. Cessily, was it? The teen thought observing the metal bodied woman in front of him. And then he continued eating lunch, and the mutant did the same. And so, they both sat their, in silence, eating their food to their hearts content.
Surprisingly though, the silence was broken up by the mutant- "So, I heard that you are an independent person." She states out of the blue, prompting Jack to look at her, "Yeah, so?" He replied, grabbing a piece of chicken from his tray, after that the girl sat there, seemingly thinking about something,

"I have a proposal." She finally spoke, "I want you to meet me outside the school later. Once classes are over of course." Jack nodded, "Is that all?" he asked, and Cessily confirmed it by giving him a small nod in return. Silence came back on the two and they both ate their meals, all the way till the bell rung, which both took as an indication to leave the cafeteria.

The classes after that weren't noteworthy, all the same boring things over and over again. From the start of civilization in their history class to the genetic structures of plants in their science class, the things were quite simple, even for Jack. And so, he just let Implant memorize the rest.
Time passed and eventually school ended, Jack put all his things back in his locker, eager to go to his job, and then he remembered that his new aquaintance wanted to meet him after school, with her not really specifying when and where. So, leaving it to his instincts, Jack went ahead and waited for the mutant in front of the school gate, and to his surprise, she eventually came, al beit a little distressed. Jack noticed this and asked her what was up, she answered with- "Oh, I ran all the way here, I'm just tired. That's all." the smile on her face never left as she said this.

All the more reason to suspect her.

"So, where do you want to go?" Jack asked, his eyebrows raised,

"Oh, I wanna see the place you work in, so I guess I'll just meet you there?" She replied, scratching her head,

"I'll see you there then."

The two departed ways from there.

When he got home, Jack saw Sheila stationed in front of the TV, the girl was eagerly watching the news to the point that her mouth started to fly open, Jack came in and closed her jaw, "So, what got you so interested?" Sheila looked at him in discomfort, "Jeez. You could have just told me."

Jack place his hand on his chin, "Hmmm... That so?" He asked her,

"Yes so!"

"So anyways, what has gotten you so interested?" Sheila looked at Jack in annoyance, she then slapped his wrist, "Haven't you heard?" She says in a rather high pitched tone, "More mutants started go missing!" Her voice was that of worry, and seeing that she was clearly concerned of the situation, Jack asked her what was up.

Sheila looked down, "My little brother is a mutant, I dont know if he's gonna get take or not." her voice started to fall down, almost as if she didnt want to say those words in the first place, words that only confirmed her fears, Jack patted her head, reassuring her, "I'm pretty sure he's gonna fine!" The teen said with a shrug,

"It seems that they're only targeting independent mutants, one that has been officially cast out by society. Ones that no longer have families."

His words gave Sheila a slight tinge of relief, if that was true then, her brother, a mutant that isnt at all an outcast may be safe. She looked at Jack, she stared at him for a good ten seconds before hugging him, "We don't know that for sure though." She said, her voice muffled by Jack's shirt.

"I know. I know." He replied, rubbing her back.

The two soon prepared themselves for work, both of their shifts started and ended in the same hour. And it didnt take long for the two to get ready for work, with both soon meeting up just outside the door of their apartment. They both left the building whilst holding hands, Jack felt Sheila's warmth as the another batch of snow descended from the sky.

Reaching their work place, the two clocked in and did their shifts.

As he served, Jack looked around, trying to find a single clue of Cessily, but it seemed that she still hasn't arrived. Not really that big of a surprise at this point, it seems that she wasn't serious about the meeting, and Jack was fine with that, he just wished she didn't initiate him in the first place.

Especially if it went on like this.

An hour in, and she still wasn't here, so with a sigh, Jack ignored his mind's pleas of wanting to look for her and continued on with his shift.

And soon enough, his working hours ended with no sign of Cessily anywhere. He has already given up on waiting for her some time ago, and he already had low expectations to begin with, so he just left it be.

Sheila greeted him in front of the diner as he walked out, they both grasped each others hands and went back to their apartment.

"I saw you looking around earlier," Breaking the ice, Sheila said when they were halfway through, "Were you looking for something?"

"uh yeah, a classmate of mine was supposed to go to the diner today, but I guess she didn't show up."

"I see."

The two walked in silence after that brief exchange.

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