IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 33

Implant growled as he scanned the surrounding city, trying to look for signs of emotional discomfort, his face contorted as he heard the teen inside of him complain about his current relationship. He snickered at the thought of him needing to comfort his girlfriend should they get home.
A few minutes ago, a stressed out Jack had to explain to Sheila as for why he needed to go out during this time, the girl, obviously worried, asked a lot of questions about his well being, things like how is he going to sleep? Will he be fine? What is he gonna do since its so late. The teen, obviously trying to find a way out, explained to the best of his ability, stating that he will be back in two hours or so, and how he's gonna do this every three days. Of course, this caused Sheila to raise her eyebrows, "Every three days?" She asked, clearly suspicious, and of course, Jack, not wanting to cause trouble so early on with his relationship said that he goes out during this time to...

"Jog? I guess?" He muttered to himself, it wasn't an answer to Sheila's question, more of like an addition to the already raising suspicion. What else can he say anyways?

Not that it mattered, at the end, Sheila allowed him to leave on the condition that he will go back in two hours, and Jack agreed, excitedly even.

So that means that Implant now has 1 hour every three days to go out and patrol, which means that he, by some miracle, will be able to eat and scout simultaneously, dodging that woman was first of his priority, and if he manages to properly memorize the city then he would be able to run around and dodge her should she try to look for him, all he needs to do in the meantime is find a single trace of her whenever he hunts.

Implant leap from the building, then with quick movements, he started to glide.

But that was easier said than done, since he can't even detect the woman approach him at times, no matter how hard he tried to do so.

Implant has never experienced something so weird before.

He flapped his arms, giving him a higher altitude in the process.

Of course, the girl may potentially be some sort of psychic as well, or maybe she has a natural resistance to such things. And given that she is technically superhuman, Implant wouldnt be surprised if that was a possibility, one that he cannot obviously ignore. Because if that's ever the case, then that girl may very well be the antithesis to his species.

A shudder ran through his spine at the thought of that.

Implant looked around, the lights of new york shone brightly beneath him, the place was still lively despite it being night time, people still walked around the streets in large groups, oblivious about the danger that flew above them. And from here, Implant could hear some of them laugh. He grinned as well. He flapped his wings, and continued to survey the city for any criminal activities.

Ignoring the girl for now, there is also the problem of Peter Parker, or spiderman if he's being generous. The kid has made quite a name for himself, and is even considered as some sort of hero within new york, though the police doesn't really agree with him all that much, Spider man still does what he can for the city. Which was quite a lot, ever since he came here, crime has dropped to an all time low, the statistics that were shown in news stations every single morning on how many people called for help after getting robbed, mugged, or even raped have almost become null. And not that Implant himself didn't have an image, because apparently, whenever the clock strikes midnight, crimes just...


It was almost as if everyone knew that should you encounter the symbiote, you wouldn't have a fun time.

And that was with him only having a few cases to his back, that being two muggers that were eaten and a single rapist that had come out of an encounter with several bruises on his face. These were apparently enough to make some people avoid his patrol time altogether. It was only 11 o clock and Implant still isn't able to feel any emotional distress.


Still, it wouldnt be weird if he's here though, that person was capable of blocking the psychic part of his arsenal, and if Implant's assumption was correct, he may even be capable of actually fighting him one on one. That was concerning. Another problem managed to land itself on his feet before he has dealt with his current one.

Implant released a sigh. And then he positioned his body in a way to make it fly lower. He wasn't able to detect anything related to emotions but he was able to smell something. if his face could scowl, it certainly would at this very moment. He was being blocked, and he didn't know where his suspect currently is.

He wanted to descend even further but chose not to, he is currently being followed, and potentially, his enemies may be down there,


But then it would also mean that they will follow him and Jack when they're gonna go back home.

A growl came out of Implant's mouth, "Guess I'll need to deal with this." From inside him he could hear Jack talking, he was worried. Implant decided to ignore him.

The symbiote looked down, the place he was about to descend too was an alleyway, and it didn't look inviting. He no longer smelt the scent of blood from that place, and if his eyes didnt deceive him then he flashing lights on the distance were police cars, judging by how they are starting to look small, it seems that they were going on the opposite direction from him,

Him pondering has enabled his followers to stop the crime he wanted to stop.

With a smirk, the symbiote began his descent.

In contrast to the loud noise outside, the alleyway was quiet, almost to a fault. Implant couldn't sense any emotion in here, and he could not hear anything in spite of his better senses, each step he took yelled out danger, and yet, feeling impassive, he continued.

"What do you want?" A low growl, not threatening, but also unfriendly, he wasn't here to negotiate, he was here to let these people know that he wasn't one to be messed with.

The sound of popping echoed behind his back, prompting Implant to turn around, and upon doing so he saw a group of... powered people. just standing there, looking at him. He saw a few familiar faces, mainly the bald man at the restaurant, his friend, and Spider man. Luckily, the screamer wasn't here, or else he would have treaded with caution. Still, it was best to not underestimate these people, one of them can go toe to toe with him in terms of strength, an Impressive feat given that he was a biomass made up of high dense muscles that could easily punch through steel.

Implant hardened his body. A new trick he has learned ever since spider man managed to bring him down.

The man in the wheelchair spoke first- "Hello. Symbiote."

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