IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 36

So, apparently Flash decided that we should hang out together, something that I didnt expect coming from the guy but hey! It happens. And with that I told my girlfriend that I will be away for the entirety of saturday, she was more than happy to oblige, stating that hanging out with my friends would somehow increase my ever so sinking mood, something that I didnt notice but eh, I guess she did? I guess? Did I start looking sad? My face in the mirror says that I'm fine but...

"Alright, see you!" I was pulled from my thoughts thanks to my girlfriend's energetic goodbye, nodding, I took off for the elevator.

The soft music soon resounded on the small contraption, which got me thinking- if flash invited me to go to his house, something I assumed is no less than a large mansion, it should be fine if I stay out late right? I mean, how bad can it possibly be if I go home at exactly 12 o clock midnight?
I mused such thoughts while standing on the elevator, up to the point when I finally reached the first floor, the lobby was full of people this time around. Some talked to each other like robots whilst most were pretty much just there to do their business, probably to pay their rent, to get a room, or to maybe just talk to manager about problems. It was quite nice, finally having time for myself I mean, I never really have that since back then, I spent my weekends locked up in my room, either studying or just trying to get a hobby, something that I have failed at for the better part of the last year but hey! Seeing as to whether or not I had talent for something wasnt a waste of time, unless you discover that you had no talent for anything, like, at all.

I havent reached that conclusion yet, since I still have to go through a piano and a guitar, so I'm hoping that I have talent for either of those, so maybe I can spend my freetime with actual decency, instead of just doing nothing.

Of course, I was actually told that should I have talent, I actually need to work hard and turn that talent into a passion, but it wasnt really that elaborate, some random stranger online just said that I should learn the basics of what I wanted first, like learning how each piano key sounded, or how to properly press unto the guitar strings to make music. Whatever that meant, I wasnt sure, all I know is that finding my own talent should have apparently taken months, and that it wasnt just decided in a heartbeat.


Anyways, I soon reached the bus stop, and with one of the massive vehicles stopping in front of me, I entered.

The bus ride was quite boring, nothing really interesting as of late has happened, and with Implant pretty much staying silent for most of the week, I didnt have anyone to talk to either, so I just waited patiently till I reached the place where Flash and I agreed to meet up in.

With a smile on my face, I waved at the massive teen in front of me, the guy clearly enjoyed body building, even at such a young age, which enabled him to have this massive frame that just overshadows me. Not to mention that he's 6 foot 7 as well. Still, I could probably overpower him with ease, should the need arise. Not that it was needed of course,

"Sup!" Flash greeted, he was standing at the mall's entrance, several people were with him, a few were girls but most were boys, all of them smiled at me the moment that I made I contact with them, they seem to be good people, despite their reputation. Neat.

"Hey." I said, putting one of my arms up, "So, where are we going?" I asked the approaching Jock, and he smiled, "Well, now that I'm 18, we're gonna buy beer and drink up the entire night." He said with a grin on his face, he was rubbing his hands together, like a jew that saw money in the nearby vicinity.
I wanted to disagree but, eh, who cares about Sheila? She was the one who reccomended this, so dont mind if I do?

There were 12 of us in total, 4 girls and 8 guys, I wasnt able to know the name of each one of them, and I didnt really bother, seems the others didnt really mind, we were just aquaintances, held together by flash, no more than that. Of course, that wasnt the case for everyone, a girl named Liv and one name Stephanie were kind to me, they introduced themselves the moment that we left the mall, and I started talking to them quite a bit, we went through several topics, like about art, something that Stephanie was quite fond of, and make up, which was Liv's interest, or maybe Olivia?

Eh, it was her who said to call her Liv.

After a while of walking, our group soon reached a small shop, a place called green-mart, we went inside, bought beer, and left.

After that Flash and his friends dragged us to a soccer place of sorts. Judging by how small the goal's are, this place is probably used by little kids.
"Alright boys!" Flash exclaimed whilst pulling out a rugby from his dufflebag, "We're playing football." He finished. And the other's agreed, smiling.

All 7 of Flash's friends, including him, went down to the field, leaving me and the girl's behind on the stands, three of the four girls soon started popping off beer bottles and started drinking, their faces contorted the moment that their lips met the bottle's mouth, first timers.

"So, Jack," Alisson, one of the girls, called out, and I looked towards her, eyebrows raised, "Hm?"

"I heard that you actually have a job?" She said, and I nodded.

"Uh yeah, its nothing much though, just some server at a diner." I replied, and apparently the girl's eyes sparkled, "Really now?" She replied, smiling,
"How about you hook me up with your boss?" She said, taking a small gulp from the beer bottle from her hands, she looked at the people below, a soft smile plastered on her face.

"I dont think that's how that works." A replied, "And even if it did, you still wouldnt be able to work there, since the place already has all the staff it needs."

She shook her head, "Well, that sucks doesnt it?" A small giggle entered my ears, "I'll be earlier next time then."

Our conversation was officially over after that, we didnt speak and just slowly drank beer.

Eventually, one of Flash's friends called out to me, telling me to stop hogging all the girls and actually play football with them, "Very well." I replied with a stoic voice, causing the girls to look at me as if I was some alien, "You okay?"

"Yeah." I replied, "I just wanted to act cool, that's all." A smile managed to form on my face,

Two guys met up with me the moment that I went down from the bleachers, they handed me a helmet and a vest of sorts, the typical football gear so to say, they told me to join the team that only has three members, which, fortunately, has flash on it,

"So, why is there a person missing from your team?" I asked him the moment that I reached them.

"Oh, that, it's because I wanted to win as an underdog." Flash replied, "it would still count even if your here. Your so scrawny after all." He teased, and I smiled.

"I see."

My position was surprisingly right behind flash, with two of the remaining team members right behind me, flanking my left and right respectively, I did not know what the hell this position does so I'm just gonna do what I'm gonna do and Improvise.

With a yell from the girl's the game started,

I simply ran, I don't know what's happening so I ran, I soon passed by flash and I immediately tackled the man in front of me blocking his way and preventing him from grabbing the ball, it was quite an easy task, seeing that I had super human strength.

I was eventually able to toss him off of me, and after that I didnt know what to do, I simply looked arond till Flash yelled at me- "CATCH!" He said, and I looked towards him, in front of him was a ball,

I ran towards it.

I managed to grap the oval object, and, in the true football spirit, ran towards the goal of our enemies. A lot of people tried to stop me, but I managed to tackle them all down, and soon, I was upon the goal,

so, not knowing what to do, I simply tossed the ball straight towards it, that's what I saw the other's do.

The ball entered the goal, and I looked around, Flash looked at me satisfied,

"I thought it was your first time?!" He said in an excited manner, he had a smile that he tried hard to hold back, and then he continued yelling-

"Good job Jack! Knew you could do it!" He yelled, seemingly genuinely proud, the hell was up with that? He was smiling too.

Anyways, we started another game after that.

And as the games went on, I was no longer getting called out about how it was my first time, and I was able to practice my tackles, should the need arise I would be able to fight well whilst controlling supposedly unstoppable charges, hell, one of them taught me how to effectively tackle someone that was only a feet away from me, which was great. More importantly though, I was able to learn the name of the last of the girl's too, Cindy Moon. A korean that apparently transferred here,


The games went on after that.

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