IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 37

"So, Jack," Felicia narrowed her eyes, "Why the hell did you miss practice yesterday?" Her body language spoke about how it wanted to beat me to a pulp and turn me into a vegetable that would never be able to fight back against her. That was how dedicated Felicia Hardy was on our little club, that, and our physical health as well, which is one of the reasons why she wanted me to not really missed practice, its so that I could be in shape.

Easy for her to say. Damnit.

In fact, she has such a weird obsession of our members not missing practice so much that she went ahead and came to my apartment the moment that she learned I wasn't there yesterday. Which resulted in the situation I am currently in right now, with my club president interrogating me in front of my girlfriend, who was just observing the situation with a smile on her face.
We of course, don't really have practice for the day, given that it's Sunday. Which also means that me and Sheila wouldn't need to go to work today, and that means that me and my girlfriend would go on a date later tonight, but unfortunately, Felicia had all the more reasons to actually go ahead and visit me today, which sucked, because I assumed that I would be going on a break today.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared to answer, "Well-"

"Oh I know!" My girlfriend cut me off, "How about you and Felicia train together today? You missed an entire day yesterday after all!" She said, excitement visible within her voice. Of course, I would disagree but-

"Good idea." Felicia said with a smile on her face, it seems that she actually would love to force to train! Great!

I can of course, just say no, but then I actually wouldn't have reason to do so, I won't let myself be pushed around but genuinely speaking, Felicia only wants the best for me, and I don't really want to respect that.

Yeah but it's sunday though. Implant's voice cut off, he finally spoke, I thought he was dead. We're supposed to eat ice cream, he added, and I couldn't help but agree, all of us are supposed to take breaks during this time, and that includes Felicia.

And once I thought of that an idea popped inside my head, how about I just let the girl enjoy her time today? With the reason of practicing? I mean, both of us could probably spend two hours in the dojo and then we can both go out. Not as a couple of course, just as friends.

I nodded my head, yep. Just as friends.

"Fine!" I yelled, "I'll practice karate with you or something!" I added, "but only for two hours!" I finished. Felicia beamed, "Good!" She replied.

I told the two that I'll prepare my clothes and take a shower, and they agreed.

The shower opened up my mind to thinking, I pondered whether or not I was still attracted to Sheila, seeing that the girl's I talked to yesterday were quite attractive and interesting in their own right, and Felicia herself didn't seem so bad, her white hair and well toned body was a thing to behold, not to mention her well built features and attractive eyes, she was pretty much a model pretending to be a student, and that's saying something.
Not to mention her breast actually still being big despite her still being a student AND working out. I didn't know much but I read about how girl's who workout have smaller breast because exercise burns fat, and well, it just so happens to be that the inside of a mammal's mammaries were nothing but fat. It wouldn't take a genius to make that connection and google just hastened the process.

Ignoring all that, I probably wouldn't cheat on my girlfriend.

For the time being.

I'll probably ask her about an open relationship though, and see how it goes from there.

Going out of the shower now, I put on my clothes, and to my surprise, standing at the doorway was Felicia, looking at me like I was some sort of weirdo.

"Get out, I'm about to put on clothes." I said, looking at her with disinterest,

"Your body is well built." She complimented. Going straight to the point I see. I thought to myself, "it would be a waste to make that thing go to waste." She didn't show signs of embarrassment as she said this, almost as if she was disconnected from emotional connections or something.

"Are you a psychopath?" I asked her, and she scoffed. "Of course not, now go ahead and change. I'll see you in the living room. Or the kitchen," She said sarcastically as she closed the door

Ignoring her comment, I continued to change, but not before asking Implant to lock the door, and a massive tendril shot out from my back, effectively locking the door. And fortunately too, as the symbiote immediately said that someone tried to turn the doorknob halfway through.

I got out of the room soon enough, fully changed and more than happy to practice karate, my karate unifrom was already in my bag and I was ready,
"So Felicia, when are we going?" I said out loud.

"Now." She replied, standing up.

"Good luck Jack!" Sheila, right behind me said, and I looked back at her, "Yep." I replied nonchalantly.

Felicia and I soon left my apartment building, we went to the bus stop and waited, and as we did she spoke- "Your girlfriend's nice." She said,

"You could do better though." She added.

I didn't say anything, but I got the message.

We soon rode the bus in silence, it was probably pretty awkward for her seeing that she just confessed, and I didn't do anything about it, I just let it be, but, as expected, Felicia took it in great strides as she once again started talking halfway through the ride, about how it's fine for us to not really go to school today, and I-

"Wanna run around the place then?" I asked her, Felicia smiled, shook her head and replied-


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