IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 38

Felicia and decided to pass school by, instead we went to a mall on the other side of town, a place where no one would recognize us for sure. "So, where do we go first?" Her hands were in her pockets, and from Implant's words she seems to have carried a wallet with her, but who doesn't nowadays? Of course shes gonna carry a wallet with her. Though what Implant meant is that she took it with her in anticipation of something like this, I don't know what made the symbiote so sure of his assumptions but I guessed it was probably just him trying to find something that isn't Sheila. Which, to be honest, I would have expected since I don't really like how relationships get stale over time either, the magic has been lost and I'm staying because of the fact that should I leave, it would mean that I just wanted to have sex with Sheila and be done with it, which in essence, is technically the truth since I really didn't want to have a relationship in the first place, something forced me to do it definitely, my plan from the start was to hook up with women on clubs, have one night stands and then go back to the life of being a vigilante. and that should have been it! And yet I am stuck here not wanting to look like an asshole, and not wanting to make my work place awkward all because of a stupid decision.

Sure, I am able to perceive the fact that should I break up with Sheila, she would probably leave the diner, which would open up a path for alisson to work there, effectively making me the benefactor of my own mistake, but there also lies the problem, what the hell did Sheila do for me to do such a thing to her? And what about who I will date afterwards? What, I'm gonna two time Felicia-

Wait, why am I thinking that Alisson is gonna date me again? Because she asked me about the diner?


Your better than that.

"You okay there?" Felicia asked, concerned, I forced a smile as I looked at her, "Uh, Yeah. I am." I replied, my voice nonchalant and showed no signs of my distress.

"How about we go out and actually get to our little date shall we?" I said, not really caring about calling this a date anymore,

"So you do know this is a date." She frowned, "Why bother then? Just so you know, I have no plans on dating you while you're in a relationship."

"I know, I know. Now lets just enjoy our time for the time being alright?" I said with a smile,

The place that we went to was quite large, several shops lined the premises of the entire thing. Looking around, I was able to find a restaurant on the east side of the place whilst I was barely able to make out a book store resting on the sidewall of the upper floor, if I want Felicia to enjoy this little break, I probably should plan things out before I go ahead and take her anywhere in this place.
I looked at her with a careful gaze, "so, do you like books?" I asked out of the blue, breaking the silence that was starting to descend unto us,

Felicia and I made eye contact, "Uh, yeah, I guess. Never really been that interested in them though, since the only one's I've read are textbooks from our school." She replied.

"Good, Good," I say as I take her hand, "So I guess we start at the book store then. I have some things I can recommend." Felicia looked at me surprised, almost as if I have said something she didn't expect.

"Really now?" She replies, and I looked at her, which made me notice that several people are looking at the two of us, every passerby, from men to women turned their head when they passed. And now that I am looking at the glass behind Felicia, I was able to see our reflection, and I couldn't really blame them. The two of us looked handsome and beautiful enough that we could probably warrant as models, and for good reason,

Because thanks to me working out, I was actually quite built, and the shirt that I wore didn't really cover up that fact, hell, it actually looked tight on me, which of course, revealed even more of my body. And Felicia's case was the same too, her curves were shown quite well thanks to her wearing skinny jeans and a small T-shirt. A t-shirt that is small enough that when she puts her arms up above her head, it would reveal a part of her stomach.
And to at icing to the cake, we were basically together, and we look like a couple too, one that looks to perfect to be true. Well, I guess those are actually my words and not everybody else's but eh, its good to feel a bit narcissistic once a while.

Most of the looks directed at us were actually scowls, Felicia and I didn't actually mind though.

Both of us started walking to the bookstore soon enough, and on our way there I plan to discuss our entire trip with my 'Date.', I was planning on quite a lot of stuff as I observed the surroundings, most of it though is us just spending time on some fast food joint. Anyhow, the date that I planned consists of three phases, one for the morning, which was now, two for the afternoon, which we will go to a restaurant and eat, and three for the evening, I heard there was an amusement park nearby and that's where I plan on taking her. I moved closer to Felicia, to the point that our bodies were basically touching.

"So, where do you want to go next? After the bookstore I mean." I say, I had plans sure but asking the girl for where she wants to go first is a good idea on any date, it helps you gouge out on what they want for the occasion, and even lets you know whether or not they are excited for the entire day, of course that depends on what kind of answer that they have but eh, you win some and others are simply vague.

Felicia put her finger on her chin, and started to think, "Hmmm... Maybe we go eat after this?" She commented, it was more of a question than an answer but okay,

"And?" I asked, leaning into her a little closer,

"Maybe we both run around shopping or something? I mean, we have a full stomach after all." This helped me gouge out on what she wanted, so she's currently hungry and that she doesn't mind hanging around for a bit after we eat, that's good, it means that I can probably drag on the time till evening.

I nodded my head, "Sure, sounds great." I replied, "How about we both then go to the movies, probably watch three or two of them?"

"Hmmm..." She pondered,

"Sure," she answered after a while,

"But are we actually gonna watch movies one after another though?" she asked me, and this time it was my turn to think.

"Well not really? I mean, we take breaks in between, then we watch again." I replied.

"Good. Good." She responded. "Anyways, we're here." Felicia gave me a shit eating grin, "So Mr. I will choose a bookstore, what kind of books will you recommend to me?" She was probably expecting me to actually not know anything about books but little did she know-

"Of course, how about we go inside?"

Immediately after opening the door, my nostrils were greeted with the stench of fresh paper, the place was well organized and looked clean enough that a person wouldn't have a headache running around the place trying to find a book they were looking for. I was also able to notice that the books themselves were organized from A to Z so finding something to recommend shouldn't be a problem.

"Alright Fel, how about you scour the place while I try to find something to recommend, to you know, get you started."

"We're with nicknames now huh?" Felicia smiled, "Its gonna take more than that to Impress me." She said with a wink,

"I wasn't trying to-" I tried to explain myself but Felicia was already off.

So, books, I have read a few during the course of my life, and now I am sitting here trying to find the ones that I liked in order to reccomend it to Felicia. And eventually, I did-

"Say Fel, I have something for you," The girl stopped reading whatever it was she was holding and made her way towards me,

"And what would that be?" She asked,

"Well, this." I presented her with a book, and she grabbed it from my hands to read the title.

"The loner? Really?" She asked, looking at me with curiosity, "I mean, could you have atleast picked something that didn't sound edgy? Like, at all?" She was smiling when she said this, thinking that she had the upper hand, but thankfully-

"Actually, the book is good, despite the title, its about two people that were forced to-" Felicia put her finger on my lips,

"I know, I know. Ok?" Her blue eyes looked at me as if I was crazy, "Don't spoil it." her smile by now was beaming, "I didnt expect you to actually know this sort of stuff." Felicia twirled her hair with her fingers, and then she tried to check her pockets for her wallet,

"Whoa there," I said, stopping her, "I'll pay for this." I said, pulling out my own wallet,

"How much is that again?" I asked her whilst checking the cash on me,

"Well, it's only 9 bucks so... If you're still thinking of letting me pay for it I gladly would," She said.

"Here," I replied, handing her the required money, she took it without complains and we both went to the counter, the man serving the place looked at us with tired eyes and proceeded to scan the book, we paid him, got the receipt, and then left.

"So, where to now?" Felicia asked, carrying the plastic bag on her hands,

"How about we go shopping?"

The two of us walked around the mall, attracting gazes along the way. It felt quite weird, going out like this, apparently, people just paid attention for no reason, which caused me to be uncomfortable, the way they looked at us and scowled was starting to get on my nerves, if I could, I would go up to some people and just downright punch them straight in the face. Their gaze feels like they were seeing me and Felicia naked and having sex.

"How many times do you think they go at it every night?"

"Do you think the girl is satisfied?"

"HAH! What a joke, I bet she cant even make him cum,"

Were just the few comments I heard while we were passing by, I don't know what's up with the people here but they feel robotic, like... Normal people don't act like this,

at all.

"Ooh! I wanna try that shop right there," Felicia, breaking the silence exclaimed as her body made a 180, she headed for a shop that sold accessories. From what I could gather from this distance, the place was filled to the brim with jewels, things that most middle aged women would want, and different types of make up.
The place was quite girly and I didn't expect the tomboyish Felicia to actually go here. Nevertheless, I followed her in and took in the fresh air of the store, if I could describe it, I would say that the place smells like roses and fresh spring.

Felicia looked around the place, seemingly enamored by the different types of jewelry found here. I noticed the clerk look at us from the counter, seeing my gaze, the woman adressed us with a soft voice- "Hello sir, madam." the woman seemed to have been in her mind twenties, she had snow-white skin and wavy green hair, it looked natural enough that I assumed that she probably didnt dye it, lucky. The clerks black pupils continued to observe us for quite a bit before Felicia spoke to her.

"Hey! How much does these ones cost?" She asked, eyeing the crystals inside the glass large box right beside the clerk, which looked at her in fascination, and with a face that said - "Ah, this cheap bitch, she thinks that she can afford it." - Or something. Her scowl pretty much visible, she answered Felicia's question,

"Ah, these? They cost around $500-"

"I'll take it." Felicia cut her off before she could say five thousand dollars, which both surprised me and the clerk, though her's was much more visible. The woman looked at me with a hungry gaze, she probably thinks that I was the one who's gonna pay for it.

But to her dismay, Felicia was the one who checked her wallet, pulled out a silver credit card, and handed it to her.

She took the card and slid it in the scanner, a beep resounded and she asked what Felicia wanted from the box,

"That necklace looks nice." She said, pointing at a chain of silver and gold, the necklace had a blue crystal at it's end, and several smaller, green shards could be seen hanging from the silver part of the chains, each one gem shone brightly underneath the light of the pedestal. The clerk scoffed, and once her back was turned from us I spoke to Felicia,

"I didn't know you were rich." I tell her.

"You should pay more attention then." She replied.

The two of us left the jewelry store carrying her necklace, one that she apparently didn't wear. The girl surprisingly wants to add it to her collection or something.

"So, where to?" She turned and asked me,

"We eat." I replied.

The two of us soon made our way to the fast food diner I saw earlier. Upon entering it, Felicia and I looked around, trying to see if their were any seats available for us to take, after a while, the two of us found an open table, Felicia agreed to take orders while I sat around and prevented people from taking our table. I of course, argued that we switch roles but she was really adamant about it so I let it be.

She soon left to buy our food.

I pulled out my phone and watched whatever it was that interested me while I waited for her, I didn't really pay attention to anyone by this point, and the people around here didn't really care about me either, I didn't know why I was self conscious of that fact but eh.

You should really be more aggressive. Implant said, prompting me to put my phone on my ear and act like I was in a call.

"Oh yeah? What do you know?" I asked him,

Enough. he replied.

"Quite vague their buddy, how about you just let me do my thing and I'll see to it that this turns out great."

"Who are you talking to?" Felicia, who has come back by now asked. I put down my phone and looked at her in the eyes,

"Nobody." I say,

"Really now?"


The two of us ate in silence after that brief exchange. Felicia brought me hamburgers that I said I'll pay for while she got herself some vegetable salad.

We left the diner after we finished eating. Both of us then agreed to watch movies afterward.

When we arrived at the cinema part of the mall, the two of us looked for anything good to watch, and we both decided that we will just pick whatever it was that got our fancy, and those were apparently two superhero movies called "Vampire man" and "Green Flashlight.", along with a horror movie about some haunted doll and two supernatural experts.

Our movie trips eventually ended, which now brings us to night, I sent a text to Sheila about how I was gonna be late and she agreed with an added bonus of her saying that I should use a condom.

She was surprisingly quite tolerable to this sort of thing,


Anyways, Felicia and I soon made our way to an amusement park near the mall, she and I planned on spending 2 hours here and then calling the day off, after that it would eventually be a success.

For me atleast.

"Hey, you've been silent for the entire day you know?" Felicia suddenly said as we bought tickets for a roller coaster ride.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, licking the ice cream on my hand.

What she means is that you've been holding back! Implant's words echoed.

"I mean, you haven't talked about anything, all we did was go on several things and we didn't even get progress." Felicia said with a frown,

"I was hoping for some sort of story while we were eating on that diner." She added.

How the hell was I supposed to know that? Was what I wanted to say but I let her continue,

"Here's to hoping that this night wouldn't be the same." She said with a smile.

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