Imprisoned in armor within a fantasy world

Chapter 18

Shortly before 12 o'clock hhhhhhh

Within the juxtaposition of rustic sorcery and the refined serenity of a timber-laced earthen abode, the guest parlor found itself graced by a human presence. An elderly gentleman occupied one of the settees, his gaze affixed upon the guest of honor seated across. The tranquil ambiance infused the room, inviting moments of serene reprieve while the silence held its dominion, unbroken.

Then, a venerable woman entered, bearing a tray laden with tea, meticulously placing it upon the table that demarcated the divide between the two men—or rather, the man and the enigmatic entity. A palpable sense of gratitude adorned the old man's countenance, and his response came forth with a subtle smile, a gesture mirrored by the elderly woman before she discreetly departed, leaving the guest ensconced in the company of the elder. Yet, her farewell was accompanied by a welcoming yet subtly tense smile, hinting at a latent unease.

The metallic guest replied through gestures, lacking the ability to speak. Simultaneously, the elderly man poured tea and engaged in conversation. He addressed the guest, stating, "I assume enjoying a cup of tea might be a challenge for you."

The armored figure gestured, implying, 'Do you really wonder?' The old man playfully responded, "Indeed, I doubt you can... Sadly, this tea won't be to your liking." A hush fell over the room, until he continued, "The delay of that child will complicate our conversation, but feel free to intervene as I speak."

The armored entity signaled agreement with a hand movement.

"You're a strange... yet not entirely unfamiliar," the elderly man reflected.

Darius lowered his head in bewilderment as he awaited the old man's response to his visible confusion.

"From what my grandson has told me, you are of advanced age, or at least from a much earlier era. My words may sound perplexing due to this. Around 453 years ago, much occurred that unveiled our world's incompleteness, riddled with errors, making strangeness the norm."

This conversation only heightened Darius's bewilderment.

Since when was he referred to as old?

Since when did he become a living fossil from a bygone era?

Cursed that child. Yet, a greater sense of curiosity arose regarding the old man's final statement.

The old man appeared oblivious to his guest's disconcertion as he pressed on, "I've encountered beings reminiscent of you in the past, yet none as distinct as you. You appear to be a fusion of diverse elements I've come across, and I'm intrigued by how these disparate elements have melded so seamlessly within you, especially in an era where runes held no significance."

His voice resonated with a mixture of fascination and unrestrained enthusiasm as he continued speaking.

The surge of enthusiasm was contagious as Darius caught onto the old man's fervor, especially with the last paragraph.

"The era where runes held no significance," echoed in Darius' mind, seeding numerous assumptions. Yet, before he could begin sorting through them, a second voice intruded into the room, prompting him to mentally note the occurrence for later investigation or inquiry.

Shifting his focus, he observed the new arrival, none other than Cedric, holding a metal plate etched with runic symbols. It was intriguing how, similar to other items he had seen here, these runes were imprinted. What fascinated him even more was that the old man's voice permeated his consciousness without physical touch as soon as the boy entered.

"Now, we can have a smoother conversation," old man words sliced through the air, prompting Darius to shift his attention to the impending discussion.

The armor concurred as Cedric placed the parchment near them, his glances flitting towards it intermittently until his grandfather engaged him in dialogue.

"My boy, I want to enjoy your company even more before tonight's celebration, but you've brought an unexpected guest. So, while I speak with him, you can stay here or join your cousins and siblings. They are eager to see you," his grandfather's words unfurled gracefully.

Cedric pondered momentarily, his gaze oscillating between his grandfather's eyes and Darius' enigmatic gaze, eventually reaching a decision. "Kindly conclude your discourse; I'll prepare myself in tandem," he announced, initiating his departure. A soft sigh escaped the old man's lips, "Today's youth, even with ample time, always make foolish decisions."

Darius surmised that the youth might have caught wind of the old man's comment, which explained Cedric's fleeting pause before he resumed his stride.

"And now, Darius, what path shall you tread? I'm reluctant to leave you unattended among the other villagers,"

Amidst the quiet, the fires within the helmet danced with contemplation. The question posed by the man caught Darius off guard, but he replied, "Honestly, sir..."

"Younes, call me Younes," the man clarified.

"Younes... Honestly, I haven't quite mapped out my path yet. Since I took possession of this body, time hasn't been generous for deliberating my next move. My mind is teeming with thoughts about this era, driven by curiosity that sparks countless questions. However, what I'm truly eager to uncover right now is the world's appearance 500 years ago. Was it as I remember, or were there differences?"Indeed, as those he conversed with thus far believed him to have lived in ancient times, he chose not to correct this assumption. It conveniently aided in justifying his unfamiliarity with the world, allowing him to pose questions about it. More importantly, this presumption might indeed hold some truth. Through his distorted vision, he managed to catch a glimmer of curiosity sparking within Younes about his query. He couldn't fathom how he could discern such emotions, even as he struggled to see many facial features of the people around him.

"Unusual question, but I grasp its essence. Five hundred years ago... explaining it in detail is complex. There were differences compared to today, but to be precise, the core shift was the absence of runes. Was the foundation drastically different? I doubt it. Governance, weaponry, and societal structures remained largely unchanged, albeit influenced by runes. New territories emerged, landscapes transformed rapidly – mountains crumbled, islands surfaced, deserts turned into seas, and oceans froze in a few short years. Peculiar phenomena arose – creatures with extraordinary traits, people wielding flames, restoring forests, leaping great heights, and curing deadly diseases. Novel ailments appeared... in essence, circumstances evolved, for better or worse, without erasing the familiar foundations for someone who lived before that era."Younes took a deep breath after sharing all this, while Darius leaned back, his solitary hand absentmindedly touching his chin, lost in thought.

Certainly not his world, or at least not his era. A different realm? Temporal distortion? Parallel universes? Just an extended, ironic dream? Surely not a dream, but what then? He had never believed in parallel worlds, despite possessing some foundational physics knowledge that allowed him to grasp certain scientific theories. However, no scientific discipline could elucidate his current reality – if his predicament could even be categorized as such.

He sighed with resignation, rubbing his face out of habit, the clanging of metal collisions filling his consciousness before he relinquished pondering the matter. Then, he answered the unasked question, "What you mentioned resembles things I recall, but it diverges from what I hoped to hear." No, he wasn't lying. What Younes said mirrored various eras he had studied and read about, yet none of it came close to his personal experience. He felt relieved that Younes didn't press further, leaving him to navigate the maelstrom of his thoughts.

And here we are, one step closer with Darius to understanding this world

Chapter 19 tomorrow on Patreon and three days later on the site 

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