Imprisoned in armor within a fantasy world

Chapter 19

Younes finally spoke after a long silence, "Cedric told me that you want a map. I have a lot I can give you one if that's what you want." Darius moved his hand away from his face and stood up straighter, distancing himself from the conflict of thoughts before answering, "I would be happy to have a map, but I believe I still need more time to understand my situation before wandering aimlessly." A glint of excitement spread across Younes's face upon hearing the beginning of Darius's words. "If it doesn't bother you, can I partially stay here, at least during my sleeping times?" Younes responded, placing his hand on the table, "In fact, this is a good idea. I can help you and explain things to you, but I won't let you get close to the town. You can stay near my house only."

For some reason, Darius sensed a tone of enthusiasm in his voice, but he let go of these thoughts as he gestured towards the old man's kindness. "They say that a fallen branch doesn't stray far from the tree."

Younes took a few seconds before bursting into a heartfelt laugh in response to the directed words, causing the old man to smile as well. "You are my guest, whether you like it or not, and we don't treat our guests with coldness. However, what I give to you is not my possessions, but just a little knowledge. What's the point of knowing how to build a house if you don't actually build it?... But I would have scolded that child if he had stopped communicating with such a strange creature."He concluded his words with a jest mixed with a touch of seriousness and enthusiasm, leaving Darius mentally stunned before letting go and standing up. "Thank you for your generosity. I want to wander a bit."

Younes didn't hold him back, gesturing towards the door in agreement as Darius made his way out of the house and headed towards the forest, all while sinking into deep contemplation about himself.





"Potatoes, five for five potatoes."

"Winter clothes, only20 Aurum Just 20."

"Three, just 3 Aurum, no overpricing for the poor."

Khaled scanned his gaze left and right, surveying all the products laid out on the ground and displayed on tables. He pondered over a potential gift he could buy for his family. 

Idris the merchant stood in this town to sell his goods, replenish his stock, and continue on. Thus, Khaled found himself wandering the streets of this town called [Thornville], the first time he had ever laid eyes on it. Though it didn't differ significantly from other villages in the kingdom, its proximity to the coast and its position at crossroads made it a bustling trade hub, distinctively diverse in population compared to the more conservative nature of other regions. This charming atmosphere enthralled Khaled as he strolled aimlessly, leading him to a relatively large square encircled by houses in a semi-circular manner, with a small lake near the center.

Here, there were no shouting vendors or price disputes, just a handful of three or four individuals—men and women—occupying certain spots, either for discussion or to engage in board games. The only loud voices emanated from a group of young girls singing composed verses—a well-known tale across the realm, if not the whole known world.

In a hamlet nestled by fields so green,

Lived a young peasant with a heart unseen.

He gazed upon a noble girl so fair,

Love bloomed within, beyond compare.

He toiled and strived, his hands in soil,

Dreaming of love's sweet embrace and toil.

He sought her heart, climbed life's steep hill,

For love, he'd cross any chasm or rill.

But her father's heart was cold and stern,

He scoffed at love, let none discern.

Their lives diverged, paths torn apart,

Forbidding the union of two hopeful hearts.

One fateful day, the father met his fate,

The noble house crumbled, sealed their fate.

The girl, once high, now faced despair's grasp,

Till love revived, pulled her from the clasp.

The peasant saved her, their destinies twined,

Healed her heart, a bond refined.

Archery she taught, a gift of trust,

A bow, a symbol of love, both just.

In time, his skill matched legends old,

Archery's prowess, stories told.

But fate's cruel twist took his strong hand,

A loss that made the world less grand.

The bow stored away, dreams cast aside,

He tilled the soil, humble and wide.

Black beasts descended, havoc they wreaked,

In ashes and grief, his love's light peaked.

He blamed himself, his heart torn apart,

Love's agony pierced through his heart.

With his wife's ashes, the bow he anointed,

Her spirit within, his soul's light appointed.

With her as his strength, they rose as one,

A fight against darkness, newly begun.

He became a legend, a story that's told,

A hero whose courage never grew old.

The bow, now his lifeline, held his wife's soul,

Together they battled, a purpose made whole.

A saga of love, courage, and fight,

A beacon of hope in the darkest of night.

As he listened to the spirited and tenderly sung verses by the girls, Khaled approached one of the larger gatherings where a considerable number of men and young adults had gathered around two elderly men engrossed in a game of checkers. Amid the intense match and discussions among the men, no one paid him much attention as he joined the group. He greeted them, and they reciprocated the greeting before resuming their conversation. To his surprise, their topic shifted to the latest conflict involving Lord Gawain.

"As I told you, my cousin was involved in the battle, and it reached the lord's own town... The attack even reached the castle!"

"Oh, there will be plenty of casualties."

"God rest their souls, poor souls."

"May God rest their souls... I fear for those who remain, mere children, women, and some elderly. Winter is approaching."

"It's truly heartbreaking... Is there a solution?"

"I don't know, but has anyone of you noticed something strange?"


"Consistently, Lord Gawain's realm suffers losses beyond just the soldiers... Always, it's those outside the ranks who bear the brunt of the losses."

"Hmm, you're right. It seems to have the highest number of casualties compared to others."

"Don't forget that, despite this, his realm stands as one of the oldest among all the realms, even with all the losses. It hasn't fallen to this day."

"Kyle, are you now justifying involving the public in this matter?"

"What! No, no, no, the issue and what's invol—"


Most of the young men were taken aback by the scream and the old man's slap on the table. She declared, "Idle gossip is like a group of elderly women. I have enough headaches from my wife. Instead of talking about who did what or didn't, does anyone have a solution to the problem, or is it all just talk?"

Khaled found himself grappling with his emotions, some of which were appreciative of these individuals' willingness to help the town he had lived in for a while. Others carried regret for having abandoned the town.

Suddenly, the other elderly man across from the previously shouting senior spoke up, " I won." This left the formerly shouting elder flustered, his gaze fixed on the board. "Wait, what? Cheater! You moved the pieces!"

"No, I didn't.I merely acknowledged your failure and let someone else play Just admit your loss and leave the seat for someone else to play," the man responded, motioning towards Khaled. "Hey, you rascals! Can't one of you bring a chair for the elderly? The man is in your grandfather's age."

Khaled quickly intervened to resolve the issue. "No problem, I'm fine."

The old man shook his head disapprovingly. "Just admit that your bones are creaking, man. I understand. This old man in front of me would need to get hemorrhoids before confessing he's above 60." Laughter erupted among the men.

While the expression of embarrassment graced the face of the person in question, the elder continued, inviting Khaled, "Would you like to play a match?"

Khaled nodded in agreement, causing the embarrassed elderly man to rise from his seat. As he moved away, he declared, "Enjoy yourselves. I'm going to talk to the town leader about finding a solution for this predicament." This led several young men to feel awkward and follow him.

_What do you think of the novel so far?

_The next chapter will be the first contact with the magical system side of the world and will be released as soon as possible on Patreon and after three days on the site

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