In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 7 – Time Skip (Part 3)

*knock, knock, knock*

“Mm?”-I was reading an anatomy book when someone knocked on my door. “Come in!”

“Hi, Logan.”-Said one of the caretakers of the orphanage. “Isabella is calling for you… She’s in the receiving area.”

“Oh, all right, thanks Ma’am.”-I answered the fairly old caretaker before standing up and walking out of the room.

I went all the way to the receiving area, which was only a small room with a few couches and around a circular table, where people could sit to talk.

It was normally used for the truly small cases of people coming here to adopt.

{This is weird… Why would Miss Isabella call me there?}-I thought before knocking on a wooden door on the first floor of the orphanage.

“Miss Isabella, it’s me.”-I called to her.

“Oh, Logan, come in!”

Without wasting any time, I opened the door and go inside the room, only to be surprised with who was there with Miss Isabella.

Sitting across from her, was the one and only Minerva McGonagall. The movie’s version really made her some justice. She’s identical. It was impossible for me not to recognize her the moment I entered the room…

“Mm… Why did you call for me, Miss Isabella?”-I ask the caretaker while closing the door behind me. Trying not to look too much at Minerva.

“Well, come sit here beside me. There’s someone here who would love to talk to you.”- Isabella smiled at me while pointing to the couch beside her.

“Oh… Okay…”-I said while walking towards the coach and sitting there. “Mm… May I ask who she is?”

“Well. This here is Madam McGonagall; she came here today to give you an invitation letter. From a school.”-Said Isabella while presenting Minerva.

“Hello, Mr. Taylor. I’ve heard good things of you.”-She said to me.

“Mm. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss McGonagall.”-I answer shortly.

“Well, may we have some space so we can talk about his acceptance to Hogwarts?”-She asks towards Isabella.

“Sure! No problem. If you need anything, I won’t be far, so you can just call for me.”-Isabella said while going out of the room.

“Well.”-Minerva said before taking out her wand and making a few movements with it around while mumbling something. “I guess we can now talk with calm.”-So she says.

“What do you mean?”-I said, hiding the fact that I could perceive the change in the environmental magic, an ability that I discovered when my ML increased to 20.

“Well, first of all, Mr. Taylor. Hogwarts it’s a special school. Not something that anyone can go.”

“What does make it a special school?”

“It’s a school for witches and wizards.”-She says with a smile. “People with the ability to do magic.”

{I’m a Sorcerer… Does that count?}-I thought to myself, chuckling a little in my mind.

“So… I’m that? A wizard, I mean.”-I ask her.

“Exactly, Mr. Taylor. You’re a wizard.”-She answers. “Tell me, haven’t you noticed strange things happening around you? Things impossible for other kids that you can’t explain?”

{Oh… The tricky question… Well, apart from rage-quitting life, some kind of ‘Greater’ demon appearing and sending me here with an asshole, Dark Lord-wannabe system, and me being able to use spells from a 2D game and stuff, nothing abnormal happened to me.}

“Yes… There have been some things that were… impossible to explain…”


“I can make things {myself} levitate sometimes {whenever I want}. Also… Sometimes, I can turn on the lights {summoning some shining orb} just thinking about it… {Thank god, or demon, for my chanteless incant} Things… would also come to me sometimes {whenever I wish for}, with only moving my arm {and summoning a magic rope}. Are those… Things a wizard can do?”-I ask, trying to put my best pondering-face.

“Oh, indeed. They’re sure things any wizard can do. And going to Hogwarts will teach you how to control that power you carry in your blood.”

{I doubt it. But it sure will help me increase it.}

“Then… What do I have to do to attend that place?”-I ask.

“Well, for starters, you’ll have to buy all the things you’ll need for school. Everything on the list here in this letter.”-Minerva said as she handed me a letter.

{It’s weird… If I’m not mistaken… The letter should’ve arrived before even Minerva came to look for me.}-I thought while grabbing the letter.

It was made of some kind of parchment, with dark green letters, opening it, I could find what should be my acceptance letter.

carta de aceptación de Hogwarts

The letter had more things written on it, but I didn’t care about it. Also, inside there was another parchment, that had everything that I would need for my first year.

“Oh… But Ma’am… Where can I find all these things? I don’t know where to buy these books, or the cauldron, or the wand…”-I said while reading the list of things I need to take there. “Also… I’m sure you know this… But I don’t have the money to buy any of this…”

“Do not worry about that Mr. Taylor. I’ll be your guide and take you somewhere you’ll be able to buy all of that. Also, about the money, Hogwarts will help you with the payment needed for the required list of books and equipment, so you don’t have to worry about it.”-She said with a smile.

“I guess it’s okay then… So, when would we go to buy all these things?”

“In two weeks. I still have a few things to do Mr. Taylor, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to look for you before then. So, for the moments, I hope you can wait patiently for these two weeks.”-She says while standing up.

“It’s okay Ma’am, I’ll wait.”-I said while following her and standing up.

“Well, excellent then, I’ll talk with the ones responsible for you, I think she was called Isabella, am I right? She seemed to like you pretty much, so I’m sure she would be delighted to hear about your acceptance into the school.”

“She would know too? That, I’m a wizard?”-I ask while lifting my eyebrow, genuinely curious about it.

“Oh no, not for the moments Mr. Taylor. You see, we of the wizarding world are forbidden to reveal our magic to muggles.”

“Muggles?”-If you’re playing. You better play it all the way.

“Non-magical people, Mr. Taylor. That’s how they’re called in our world. With that said, I expect that you won’t tell your caretaker, or any muggle for that matters, about Hogwarts’ real identity, unless you get permission for it.”-She says somewhat sternly.

“Don’t worry, professor, I’ll keep the secret. Though I’m curious, what will you tell them? About the school.”

“That would be easy, Mr. Taylor. I just need to tell them the truth, that you’re going to a somewhat special school for special people like you. Which, from what I’ve heard about you, won’t come as a surprise to them, right?”-She says while smiling and lifting one eyebrow.

{Must be talking about that genius parade about me.}

“Yes… You’re right Ma’am…”-I finally said.

“Well, if you would excuse me, I would like to finish my conversation with Miss Isabella, and I’ll be coming to look for you in two weeks, that is, June 26th. Monday, I’m sure a great way to start the week, wouldn’t you agree, Mr. Taylor?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I do agree.”-I said. “Then, I’ll take my leave and I’ll go call Miss Isabella here, Ma’am.”-I said, while slightly bowing towards her.

Don’t get me wrong. I do respect her, and every teacher in that school, or at least, the main ones. Including Snape, even if his teaching method isn’t actually a good one. So, this show of respect isn’t only a mere act.

After that, I went out, called for Miss Isabella, and went towards my room. It seems like my plans are starting in two weeks.

First. I have to say that once I get my own wand from Ollivander’s, I’ll make a few tests. I know that normally you wouldn’t need a wand to incant spells from Tibia. But maybe there’ll be some effect once I have my wand.

Depending on the results, I’ll postpone the idea of getting a wand from the system’s store, and focus the points on other things, like buying blank runes so I can finally make my own runes. I’m insanely curious about them, and how they work here.

Then, I plan on training my ML to get into stage 2. Which should make me as powerful as the teachers of the school, taking out Dumbledore, of course. At least when it comes to my magic core. About dueling and using magic to fight, well, I guess I’ll have to train that.

For both things, increasing my ML and learning to duel, I’m planning of making full use of the Room of Requirements or so-called RoR. That space will basically let me use and train every spell I have in my arsenal, make runes, practice new magic from this world, and even give me a chance to train my dueling with the dueling puppets in there. So, that will be a sure way to get my ML over 33 in a short time.

And talking about my ML, right now it got to 21. It’s still not much, but with even fewer spells to practice, it’s kind of hard to get it to increase more than once… And one of them was even because I turned 11…

So, with that said, I acquired new spells to use, which is even the reason I could get my ML to 21.

So, the first two, the only ones I could use, are Strong Haste or Utani Gran Hur, and Intense Healing or Exura Gran. Both of them are pretty obvious. The first being a more powerful version of the haste spell, and the latter being a more powerful version of the light healing spell. Now, I don’t know exactly how much I can heal myself with that spell, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want to test my limits here. Maybe once I’m inside the RoR I’ll try to use them.

Then, finally, the last spell was recently learned, and it was the Disintegrate Rune Spell, Adito Tera, a spell that’s able to disintegrate any inanimate object that it hits. Sadly, I haven’t tested it here, because I haven’t made any rune, but… Once I test it. I’ll be able to have a clear vision of what I’m able to do with it.


After talking with Minerva for the first time, I waited the next two weeks just reading, or practicing with my newest spells, though, there wasn’t too much to do, as they were pretty much simple to understand, and I wasn’t going to hurt myself in the orphanage just to test the limits of the intense healing spell.

With that said. Now’s the day. Today is June 26th, and here I am, walking with Minerva towards the famed Leaky Cauldron, the only known entrance in the muggle side of the world, at least for me.

“Now, Mr. Taylor.”-Said Minerva while we were entering the Leaky Cauldron. “This place here is undetectable by muggles, and it’s called the Leaky Cauldron, it’s the entrance to the magical side of the world here in London. Whenever you must go to the place we’re currently going, you just have to come here.”-She said while we passed through the currently empty place, as it was really early in the morning, only saying hello to what I assume if the innkeeper Tom and another wizard who I don’t know at all.

After that, we got to a chilly courtyard at the rear side of the place, and there, McGonagall tapped three times a brick, which then started to move, as all the wall suddenly started reorganizing itself to show a path.

Once we went through, we got into the most famous and popular alley of all fans of Harry Potter. The Diagon Alley.

“Welcome to the Diagon Alley, Mr. Taylo, here, you’ll be able to find everything and anything a young wizard or witch, would need. So, do you have the list of necessary things with you?”-She asks while walking inside the place. But I didn’t pay any attention to her.

“…”-I was stupefied, looking all around me, towards all the different buildings.

Looking at everything you saw in a movie or read in a book come to life in front of you. That, for sure, should be one of the most spectacular things that could happen to you.

{Now I know why people would pay insane amounts of money to get into Disneyland, Universal Studios, or any of those thematic parks.}-I thought to myself while looking around me.

“Mr. Taylor?”-At least until I hear Minerva’s voice once again.

“Oh, oh right! The list. Yes… I have it with me, Ma’am.”-I said towards my soon-to-be professor while taking the list out of my pants’ pockets. “So… Where do we start?”-I ask while reading the list.

“Well, first, we need to get you dressed as a wizard, Mr. Taylor.”-Said McGonagall. “So, come with me. I know just the perfect place for that.”-She then started to walk.

And I followed her. Looking at her back and thinking how I’ll be able to finally start my journey in a few months. And today will be the day I’ll start preparing myself for that.

{Voldemort. Dementors. The bitch Umbridge. Shitty pure-blood wizards. Bad werewolves like Greyback. All of you… I’ll teach you, what a cheating sorcerer can do in this world. And just wait, because that’s just the beginning.}-I thought to myself while following behind professor McGonagall.

Hi! I got this written from before, but I waited for the chapter of my other novel to be ready and upload them both. So... Here it is! I put a Hogwarts letter there, don't know if leave it like that or write it manually. Leave your feedback and comments as usual! And thanks for reading!

Also, here's the letter with the list of books and that stuff, if you want it.

carta de hogwarts expandida

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