In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 8 – Picking my wand

I went behind professor McGonagall, who took me first towards Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions.

There, after telling them I was from Hogwarts, they measured me and sold me the necessary clothes for Hogwarts, including the gloves made from dragon-hide. It was, in some way, a hellish experience, getting fitted into my robes felt oddly weird.

Getting out of there, professor McGonagall then took me to buy some books. Now, the thing is, I asked if I could buy a few more books apart from those that are on the list, as I was planning to read as much of this world as I could.

For one, it would help me increase my ML with more spells and theoretical knowledge I could use to experiment with my spells, and also because I truly want to read everything I can from this world. Everything’s so new, that it just seems amazing to be able to look into something I just saw in movies and fanfics.

“Well… You see, Mr. Taylor, Hogwarts, lends money to those that need it… So, while it could be done, it will be in the condition of a loan. And while it does almost no interest rate, it does exist. With that said, are you sure you would like to ask for more money for your loan?”


{Well… I could actually ask for a loan… Then go to Gringotts, being a bank they for sure should have some investment program, even for muggles’ companies… With that said… There’re a few companies that I’ll be able to invest in and get a lot of money in return… Well, that sounds a great plan.}

“Ma’a… Professor McGonagall, when would I need to pay for the said loan?”-I ask her after pondering for a bit.

“Well, Mr. Taylor, we in Hogwarts, don’t expect that an 11yo child like you would be able to work to pay for the loans immediately. So… I would say, that you have time, a lot of time, to pay for that loan, as you would first need to find a job either in the muggle world or our world to start paying the loan.”

“Well… Then I would like to ask for a loan… To buy as many books as I can…”-I said to her.

“Very well. But first. I do recommend you, Mr. Taylor, that you buy those books that you need first, then, we should go and buy the rest of your required equipment, only then, you should be able to buy those books you want so much. Would that be okay?”-She asks.

“Yes, it’s fine for me, professor.”-I finally agree. After all, I’ll get to buy more books than needed. Though I don’t know what are the books for the other years apart from those on the first one, and that’s thanks to me receiving the actual letter, so I’ll have to check once there in case I can find anything useful.

After that, we went everywhere buying things, except for a mascot. As it wasn’t obligatory. Until we finally got inside the final destination. THE Ollivanders’ shop. Now, I was awestruck when I first entered. The place looked old as hell, probably to add to their “Makers of fine wands since 382 B.C.”. Which, honestly, was strange, as well… That’s even before witch hunts even happened… Heck… Jesus wasn’t born, so saying they had a long history was selling it short. That’s more of two whole millenniums…

This time, I entered by myself, while Minerva told me that this was kind of a special ritual for every 11yo child, so it would be better for me to go in alone.

“Hello…?”-I called.

“Can I help you?”-A voice asked behind me.

“MOTHERFU-!!!”- I shouted out of surprise, almost breaking my whole 11yo acting. “You scared me!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I was just walking towards my store’s counter, when I saw you standing there calling for, who I assume, should be me. Garrick Ollivander.”-Said an old man with a disheveled face full of white hair.

What’s more intriguing, are his eyes, as they seem to look through your own soul, with a somewhat faint light running through them.

The guy’s ghastly as hell…

“Mm… I’m here to buy a wand…”-I said, almost murmuring, while he looked directly at my eyes.

“Oh, perfect. I love to help a wand find its new owner. And… I have the feeling that you won’t be that easy to match with a wand, Mr…”

“Taylor, Logan Taylor.”

“Excellent, Mr. Taylor, come here to the counter and wait for me.”-Ollivander finally said as he went behind the counter and started to look among the hundreds or thousands of wand cases stocked in the shop.

“Well, let’s start with this one first. Yew, dragon’s heartstring, 10,5 inches, rigid.”-He said as he gave me the wand.

“Mm… What do I do with this?”-I asked.

“Just agitate it.”-He said with a smile.

After doing it, nothing happened.

“Oh… Well, guess it’s not the one for you, Mr. Taylor.”-Says Ollivander as he retrieves the wand, before going towards the back of his store.

We went testing wand after wand, but not even one of those did anything, being a show that it wasn’t matched for me.

{Oh, man… I wanted them to make things blow like in the movie… Who would know that they wouldn’t do anything…?}-I thought to myself while giving back to Ollivander the wand number 35.

“Well… this is certainly a surprise… I do love a good challenge… But, it’s surprising that not even one of these wands matched with you, Mr. Taylor… And I’m afraid, that if that’s the case… There’s not much I can do for you… Except maybe, creating a wand only for you…”-He says while pondering for a little while looking at me with his hand rubbing his chin. “Still… Let me try one more wand, but I wouldn’t set my hopes up yet, Mr. Taylor, as this wand has been in the family for a really, really long time, and it hasn’t found its match yet.”-Said Ollivander before going all the way to the back of the store and disappearing from sight.

{Shit… I wanted a phoenix feather or a dragon heartstring wand… I don’t really know about the other stuff like the wood or the flexibility. Heck, I would prefer a rod or a staff…}

While thinking about it, Ollivander came with a really old case. It was made out of a jet-black wood, full of dust and with no name on top of it, totally different from every case that he has brought here.

“Now, Mr. Taylor. This wand… It’s particularly hard to find a match… It’s been on the family for a thousand years, maybe even more than that… It’s made of acacia wood, has 13 inches, and great flexibility. Its core, though, it's one of the most difficult ones to work with, rare as no other in this store, and even extremely hard to find outside, except for basilisk’s horn, of which only one wand existed in all history. The core I’m talking about is thestral tail hair.”-He said while giving me the wand.

For the first time, I felt the wand warm, not like the other ones I’ve tested. Holding it, the feeling of agitating it just came to my mind, as an instinct.

I did it in a trance, and my spell Utevo Lux activated, right in front of the wand, I didn’t even incant the spell in my mind, it just appeared. As to how I know it was that particular spell, well, I’ve used it hundreds of times trying to figure out new ways of using it. Of course, I’ll recognize it.

Moving the wand, and along with my will, the spell started to circle all around the shop, until I got out of the trance that caught me while holding the wand and turned it off. Turning then to look at Ollivander.

“Amazing… Truly amazing… In all my years, I haven’t seen such a reaction from a wand… It seems, Mr. Taylor, that you have found your ideal partner.”-He says as he looks between me and the wand. “And… It somehow, matches you perfectly… Which is something really hard, considering not only the material but the history said wand had in my family. I’m pleased to see that a thousand years of not finding an owner, are finally over for this particular wand. Also…”-He then looked straight at my eyes. “I’m hoping great things from you, Mr. Taylor… That wand, for sure, won’t choose just any wizard or witch, of that, I’m totally certain.”-He says.

“…”-I just looked at the wand.

{Well, in a certain sense, I’m indeed unique… As more than being a wizard, I would be better called a sorcerer for the moments…}-I thought while looking at my wand.

“Kuhum… It will be 7 galleons, Mr. Taylor. Though, maybe we can make a deal, and get it as low as 5, if you compromise to come here each year. You see… Wands change and grow alongside their user, and I’m truly excited to see how this wand will grow. What do you say?”

“I accept, Mr. Ollivander.”-I said while taking out five galleons.

“Magnificent!”-He exclaimed while taking the five galleons from my hand. “It sure was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Taylor. And I hope to see you here the next year.”

“It was a pleasure, sir. Now, I’ll be leaving.”-I said, before turning to leave.

“Oh, wait, Mr. Taylor. Here, take this as a parting gift. From an Ollivander who finally got to sell one of the deemed impossible wands.”-He said while giving me a wand holster of a silvery-blue color, the perfect size for my wand. “It’s made from dragon hide, from a Swedish Short-Snout Dragon, to be precise. I hope you like it.”

“Yes, I like it.”-I said while looking at my new holster, before putting the wand inside of it and strapping it on my arm. “I like it very much, Mr. Ollivander. Thanks for it! Now, I’m leaving!”

“Good luck, Mr. Taylor, though, luck is not something you’ll be needing much. Of that I’m sure.”-He said with an enigmatic smile.

Once outside, I found professor McGonagall waiting for me.

“What took you so long, Mr. Taylor?”-She asked once she saw me.

“It was hard finding a matching wand, Professor McGonagall. I had to test a lot of wands until I finally found my own. And Mr. Ollivander also gifted me this holster.”-I said while pointing at the holster on my arm.

“Oh, it sure should be a special wand if it took you so long for Ollivander to actually match a wand to you. And it was such a nice gift, to give you that beautiful holster. You can consider yourself lucky, Mr. Taylor.”-She said while smiling. “Now, you already know where everything is, right?”

“Yes, Professor McGonagall.”

“I guess you’ll like to take your time watching through the books while buying, so why don’t you go by yourself, while I wait for you inside the Leaky Cauldron? I’ll bring your stuff with me, so you can go with ease.”

“Thank you, professor.”-I slightly bow to her.

“Well, here you go. For now, I’ll lend you 50 galleons, which I think would be more than enough for you to buy anything you may need. Am I right?”

“Thank you, professor, it will be enough for sure.”-I said to her while taking the small bag.

“Then, I’ll be waiting for you in the Leaky Cauldron.”-Professor McGonagall said before leaving. Taking my stuff with her to the Leaky Cauldron.

Got this chapter ready before going to sleep! So, why not upload it!? Here it is. Finally, he got his first wand, and in a hit of surprise, the wand invokes the illumination spell after putting our MC in a trance! Also, any miss information (of canon and stuff) you find, please tell me! Thanks for reading, and any feedback you may have. 

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