In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Back at Herdstone. Bigger beastmen herds start arriving. From a few dozens to a hundred at most. They also carried unfortunate humans and dwarves on their way. On the base of the Herdstone, a slab sacrificial altar was made. Lak oversees the sacrifices offered as the chief shaman of the Golden Herd. Those who offer much are first to receive the adoption ritual given by Mal. By the time the dawn of the next day come, the Golden Herd number have almost doubled.


This brings back memories. Me and all who were still at the tavern when the guard arrived are now sitting in individual cells. Even the barmaid and the old man are also locked up. Courtesy of the witch hunters that arrived late. We are taken here in case of corruption they say. Apparently similar rapid mutation cases are happening all over the city. How do I know about that? Courtesy of the two clearly nervous guard who sat on a table near the stairs up. Chatting or drinking in an attempt to ignore the Amber wizard who is glaring at them while growling nonstop. This has gone on since they put us in the cells. His companion, who is actually his wife, keeps trying to calm him down. Back then too when the witch hunter arrived. I’m sure he will attempt to kill them if the wife did not interfere.


Lives sacrificed on the Herdstone

24 souls acquired


Finally, I get to try to forge something. Sitting down and leaning on the cleaner side of the cell, I returned to Sanctuary. Back within Sanctuary, Valariel already finished grieving and currently inspecting the soulforge.

“Are you alright now?” She gasp in surprise as I asked

“Maybe. I don’t know”

“Good enough.”

“What happened?”

“Oh this?” I look at my soul body that now have the red taint too

“I was… attacked. Partially my fault. But you are outside at the time so it’s good” I said as I approached the soulforge. 

But then I felt stupid as I needed material to forge something. And there is no material here. Thankfully Valariel decides to not pry further.


“What is this?”

“It's a Soulforge. For warpsmithing.”

“You mean like enchanting?”

“Similar, but this is more powerful.” I touched the anvil.

Then it notifies me that I have materials. The Screamers that I captured back can be used as one. Picking a Screamer as the material, it instantly appears on the anvil and shrieks as it burns. Valariel recoils in surprise but watches intently from a distance. Let’s see. Making it soulbound and can be taken in and outside the warp only cost one soul. That much I somehow know for sure.. The rest is trial and error. Focusing on an image of a spear I throw five souls into the fire. 5 more voices join the chorus of screams.

“Wait!” Valariel voiced.

I ignore her and start hammering. Emphasizing on sharpness and piercing while also trying to make it have 3 edges. The screaming silenced with each hammering. Growing even more distant until it stops at the last hammer slam and the spear is finished. The end result is a bluish long spear with three edges. Precisely what I imagine it to be. Thankfully soulforging is more of an image and willpower thing rather than skill and practice. Because if so, the result will be really bad.


“Did I see right? Did you use human souls to make that?” Valariel asks with a tinge of fear in her voice

“Well, yeah. It’s a soulforge.” I put the spear down and start making a new one.

Another Screamer screams as it burns on the anvil. But Valariel grab my hand before I can continue

“What are you doing?”

“Stop this at once.” She demanded as she wedged herself between me and the forge.

“Out of the way.”

“No! I won’t let you use those souls.”

“Why do you care? It’s just some souls.”

“That’s precisely the reason! They are souls for Isha’s sake! They weren't supposed to suffer anymore!”

“I have to do this for us to survive.”

“Then why do you care so much about me!? But not them?”

“I made you. You-you are like a daughter to me.” I tried to explain


She frowns, conflicted on what I said.

“Then you must know. They are someone’s parents or child or someone’s loved ones.”

“I know.” I looked at the flame on the soulforge again

“But you can’t understand, do you?” I looked back at her in surprise

“No. Not anymore.”

Quiet reigns between us as I realize. It finally clicks. What’s been missing from me. How I could keep up in this world. My empathy is gone. It made so much sense now. How I barely connect to everything that is happening. Even to Kal, Lak, and Druig. The aloofness to the point of uncaring. 

“I-I can stop for now if you want” I relent.

Her pained face is unbearable for me. My motivation for making things is now gone. I turn back and sit somewhere. Now only waiting for dawn as there is little to do even on the other side.


Valariel then sit a distance beside me

“You said you made me? Can I ask how?” She finally ask

“Asahane… was not exactly a good mother figure. She asked for my help to ensure you are conceived. Also some more help before.”

“So Tyrion being my father is true then?”

“Yes. Did Teclis tell you that?”

“No. It was a daemon that disguised itself as Lord Tyrion. Then he kills my mother.” That was a horrible way to find out who your father is.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I told Teclis. Figured the news coming from your uncle will be better received than from me. He didn’t get the chance to tell you?”



Quiet returns again for a while

“Is this soulforging really necessary?” She start again

“Yes, when the daemons of Khorne attack, I have no weapon other than my magic. I cannot bring weapons from outside and Soulbound weapons are the only thing that can be freely brought in and outside the material world.”

“I see. You have no other choice then” She took a deep breath. “I won’t stop you anymore”


“Yes, you are the only one I have now. And I don’t know what to do anymore” She sighs. “I… apologize for my outburst.”

“You did nothing wrong. Normal people would do the same thing you did.”


I stand.

“I will make you some. So at least you can defend yourself if something happens” I said and went to the Soulforge again.



“I still don’t know your name”

“You know my name, I gave you mine.”


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