In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character


Within the slum, within a zone cleared for the refugees. Faint gasps can be heard within one of the rundown buildings at the corner of the place.

“Slow down.” But the gasps and the sound of fervent poundings of sex grows louder. The plea for slowing down seemingly results in the opposite. Then it stops. Muffled grunts and moan replace the sounds. Some time later, a figure draped with black cloak exits the building. Shuffling through the labyrinthine alley of Middenheim with familiarity, the figure stops behind a small chapel. The figure removed its cloak. Revealing a feminine figure wearing white robe. A symbol of bleeding heart on the left chest denotes her faith in Shallya, the Goddess of Mercy. She removes a brick within a wall and hides the cloak inside the crevice along with a stained cloth before placing the brick again.


Then she stealthily entered the chapel from the back door. Careful to not make any noise, she tiptoed to the room repurposed to house the increased numbers of nuns of Shallya to help with the refugees. Not knowing that another nun witnessed her return behind the door of another similarly repurposed room. This nun is visibly shaking in fear. Sweat trickled from her face. Her hand gripping the other, struggling in an attempt to stop it from shaking. Anxiety and uncertainty clouds her thoughts.


It was Tallia. She is certain. While the hallway is dark, she knows that walking gait and figure everywhere From where she’s from? Is she one of the daemon her goddess mentioned in revelation? Should she denounce her? But she did not have proof and accusing someone just because they went somewhere at night is too far fetched. Should she investigate? What if she failed again? She grips her head as she shakes even more in fear The thought of failing her goddess again is far more terrifying than anything else. She has to try. This is her chance for penance.


“Lin?” She screamed in fear from the sudden voice. Gripping her head even tighter

“It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s me. ” Someone hugged her from behind but that did not stop her trembling. The nuns inside the room all woke up. Lanterns lighted.

“What happened?” Another asked

“Lin had a nightmare again.” A chorus of groans and sighs.

They know they shouldn't be judging as is the strictures of Shallya. But the frequent episodes are starting to become unbearable, grinding at their patience. Those who still have patience gathered around Lin in support while a few cover their eyes and ears with blankets and pillows. Determined to salvage any minute of rest they can.



I woke up. Still in the cell. Also, I end up spending every soul I have gained in one go. Made four soulbound weapons that all cost 20 souls. Then one artifact that cost 4 souls. The soulbound weapons are a spear, a sword, a hammer, and a bow. As for the artifact, it is a black wolf necklace. Its purpose is to detect magic within a 20 meter radius by shaking and vibrating. Like what a certain witcher wears. If directly detecting daemons and other entities are impossible, this might go around the restriction. I wear the necklace under my shirt. Also, how did my clothes get wet though?


Then I start to look around. The cells are empty. Where did everybody go? I stood and saw that the cell was no longer locked. So I just exit the cell and go through the stairs up

“Hey you. You’re finally awake.” A guard beside the stairs said

“Yeah, why didn’t you wake me up?”

“Oh believe me we tried. Shaking you didn’t wake you up, throwing a bucket of water didn’t wake you up.” He counted with his fingers.

“Then Bron over there has a nice idea to slap you awake but hurt himself instead.” He said with a chuckle as other guards who were playing cards also laughed. I turned to see this Bron who shrink from my gaze as he massaged his palm.


“So where’s the others…”

“Just call me Howard.” Of course it is someone named Howard

“An Inquisitor came by with a Hierophant to check. Everyone is released while the shaman and his wife are recruited by the inquisitor to help with the outbreak. Oh, the inquisitor also asked me to escort you to him when you woke up.” He gestured for me to follow him.

“What for?” I followed closely behind.

“Probably recruiting you like what she did to the shaman and his wife.” Oh, a female inquisitor. Nice. Also, this might be a good excuse to search the other two daemons.


We exit the barrack. There are noticeably less people outside on the roads.

“You mention an outbreak?”

“Rampant mutation. Four of them in a single night. People suddenly and instantaneously turned into chaos spawns.”

“That’s why there’s fewer people outside?”

“Yea, most people nowholed up in fortified taverns and inns. You know what those are right?”

“Of course I did.” It’s where people hunker down when Geheimnisnacht arrive.

“I’m surprised the shaman and his wife agreed to help.”

“Don’t know about them. Though I hear, the wife convinces the shaman to help since the festival is coming soon. It will be good if the matter is resolved, summer equinox is a major festival here.” We took a turn to a road with even fewer people.

“What’s the current date again?”

“18th Erntezeit, two weeks before summer equinox.”


“2519. Why, you don’t have a calendar in your village or something?” (basically 18/08/2519. Also a week in WF is 8 days not 7)

I inhaled a deep breath.


I looked up. The twin tail comet has not appeared yet. Archaon is yet to receive the crown of domination. If I remember correctly, the comet appeared during Archaon’s coronation as the thirteenth and the last everchosen. Late 2519 but no exact date. So somewhere this winter then. I have two and a half months to prepare at most.


“You okay there?”

“Hmm? Oh yeah. Just remember something.” I said and swallow my thought for now

“Good then, we’re almost there.” I followed Howard towards the alleyways.

There are many forks and Howard led me by taking random turns. Started to get suspicious. But eventually Howard knocks on the backdoor of some building.

“The wolf’s head is here.” He then said

The door opened. Revealing a dimly lit hallway

“The inquisitor is inside.” Howard said and point inside

“By the way, do you remember the way back to the main road?”


“Oh well, welcome to Middenheim. Just take random paths, you will eventually stumble back to the main road.”


“It just works.” Then he left

Sighing, I duck and enter the building. Here goes nothing.


A scarred witch hunter closes the door and beckons me to follow. The necklace starts shaking. He led me to a room. I was immediately greeted with disappointment as I entered the office. The inquisitor is an old lady. She wears the usual trench coat, graying hair cut short, the hat put on the desk. She looked 40s to 50s. The shaman still has his usual angry face. His wife waved to greet me. The inquisitor squints at my chest. Specifically to the visibly shaking necklace within my shirt

“Something happening there?” She ask calmly


“Oh this. This is an heirloom. Could detect magic. Don’t know how it works though. Sometime it work sometime it don’t” I said my prepared excuse

“I guess I didn’t get to shoot you.” She put down his pistol on her desk

“I will make this direct and clear.” She starts

“I need extra hands and since you three have proven yourself capable, I have authority to enlist temporary help. These two have agreed. Now what about you/”

“Will I get paid?”

“There will be compensation of course, and other things if you show any sign of corruption.”

“Alright then.” I immediately accepts

“That’s it?” She slightly raised one of her eyebrows

“Can you make a recommendation letter to the Graf when this is over? Instant promotion sounds nice.” I already said I am going to join the Graf’s army. Might as well roll with it.

“I could.”

“Sold.” A small smirk grows on the inquisitor’s lip

“I thought you would ask something funny like the two here.” I look at the other two within the room. What could they ask that an Inquisitor find funny?


“I suppose this is a time for introduction. I am Inquisitor Nora.”

“I am Maria.” The shaman’s wife offers her name

“And he is Ludwig.” She then introduces her husband

“May Sigmar and Ulric bless our endeavor.”


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