Infamous Shifter’s Genesis

Chapter 4

Damian was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the stranger. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. He had no idea why, but his priority was to ensure Cole's safety. "I'm trying to help him," Damian explained, his voice strained from the recent shock. "He looks badly injured and looks like the only survivor around here so I wanted to help. We need to get him to safety."


Cole’s lightning strikes had indiscriminately attacked everyone on the bridge causing vehicles to explode while killing the few civilians who were unlucky enough to get caught up in the strikes. The burly man's expression shifted from anger to concern as he glanced at Cole's unconscious form. "You're right. Name’s Zeke we need to get out of here before more weird stuff happens. Follow me."


"Damian," he replied, introducing himself briefly as he followed Zeke off the bridge. They walked for a few minutes before entering an intact building. It seemed this building had been turned into a makeshift hospital where injured people laid everywhere with nurses and doctors running back and forth helping whoever they could.


Damian set down the injured Cole, who remained unconscious in his arms. He looked around the room and saw many injured people, there he noticed a woman who stood out as a beacon of compassion and determination. She moved with purpose, a calming presence amidst the turmoil.


Her face was marked with a mix of worry and unwavering resolve. Her shoulder-length brown hair was slightly tousled from the demands of the moment, but it did nothing to diminish her air of quiet authority. Dressed in practical attire suitable for the task at hand, she wears jeans and a simple, dark-colored jacket. Her outfit is clearly chosen for functionality rather than fashion, with pockets that likely contain medical supplies, bandages, and other essentials.


Her hands were steady and skilled as she tended to the injured and sick. Her focus was solely on those in need, and her movements were precise yet gentle. She offered comforting words and a reassuring smile to those she helped, creating a sense of hope in a room filled with suffering.


Her eyes, a shade of deep brown, turned to face Damian and showed a worried expression as she practically ran over to him. “Cole, oh my god, what happened? What happened to him?”


“Easy there Trish. It looks like he got caught up in the blast and was injured. He was fine making his way to me when suddenly a freak lightning hit the bridge he was on. We brought him here to see if he’s okay.” Zeke stepped in to explain the situation, attempting to reassure the distraught woman named Trish.


Damian remained by Cole's side, his own thoughts swirling with questions about the cataclysmic event and the extraordinary abilities he had encountered. The woman named Trish had them put Cole on an empty bed and she took off his clothes to check on his injuries.


The makeshift hospital continued to bustle with activity as medical personnel tended to the injured. The atmosphere was one of urgency as more and more injured people poured in. Soon the medical supplies started to run low and they did the best they could for some people but it didn’t look like it would be enough.


While Trish worked with what she had, Damian couldn't shake the feeling that there was some knowledge he hadn’t fully assimilated into his mind. His vague knowledge of conduits and why he felt the need to save Cole was a sign that he was missing some crucial information on this whole situation.


As Damian delved into the recesses of his mind, he discovered the existence of five mysterious blue veins amid the myriad of black and red ones. These veins seemed to contain knowledge or memories that were hidden from him. It was a puzzling revelation, and he couldn't help but wonder what secrets they held.


Before he could explore these blue veins further, he heard someone call out his name—Reed. Startled, he snapped back to reality and found himself face to face with Amanda Turner, his former boss from the office. Her appearance was unexpected, and Damian was unsure how she had ended up here amidst the chaos of Empire City.


Name: Amanda Turner

Alias: N/A

Alignment: TBD

Power Level: 💡 (1/5)

Danger Level: ☠️ (1/5)

Power Status: 15% of Abilities Unlocked

Health: 90% (Moderately Injured)

Karma Level: Neutral

Faction: Independent



Photokinesis: The power to generate, control, and manipulate light. This ability enables the user to create and shape light in various ways. At the current level, the user can shape existing light to some extent. This includes the power to dim or brighten an area, create simple light patterns, and generate small bursts of light for distraction.

Holographic Projection (Limited): While the user can project holographic images, they are relatively basic and not very convincing. These holograms can only display simple shapes and have limited interactivity.

Illumination: The power to emit light from the body, effectively illuminating dark areas. This ability can be helpful for navigation or creating distractions.



The holographic interface appeared once again, revealing information about Amanda. It seemed that she possessed abilities related to light manipulation, including photokinesis, limited holographic projection, and the power to emit light from her body.


‘So Amanda’s a conduit. Whatever this thing is it tells me the powers of these conduits. Then I should find a mirror since I’m most likely one too. I guess we must have been activated by the Ray Sphere. Wait! Ray Sphere? What’s that? I really need to find a way to access those blue memories.’


"Reed, what the hell is going on here?" Amanda demanded, her expression a mix of confusion and irritation. "One moment, I'm in the office, and the next, there’s a massive explosion and then I'm in the middle of this nightmare. And what's with the way you look? Did you always look like that? Do you have any idea what's happening?"


As soon as Damian saw Amanda he was hit with a sudden urge to consume her. He however managed to fight down the urge because something else was telling him that now wasn’t the best time to do so. He knew she could get stronger and if he ate when she was then he would also get stronger.


Damian looked around to see everyone staring at them so he grabbed her arm which she tried to shake off until he said, “Ah, Amanda. Let’s talk outside it looks like we’re bothering the nurses and patients.”

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