Infamous Shifter’s Genesis

Chapter 5

Damian's sudden suggestion to move the conversation outside seemed to resonate with Amanda, who was already quite confused and disoriented by the inexplicable turn of events. She nodded, allowing Damian to lead her out of the makeshift hospital, away from the prying eyes and the chaos within.


Once they were outside, away from the bustle of the makeshift hospital, Amanda turned her attention back to Damian. Her expression was a mix of curiosity and concern as she examined his transformed appearance. "Reed, seriously, what's happening here? Did you change somehow? And do you have any idea what's going on?"


Damian looked for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts and questions. "I don't have any answers, Amanda," he finally admitted. "Something strange happened during the explosion. It was like an electrical blast and it killed many people but a few people survived. I don’t know why but I was one of them and I’m guessing you were too. I know it sounds crazy, but I've seen some things since the explosion. I need to find out what's going on."


Amanda's eyes widened at Damian's revelation, and she took a step back. "How did you know?”


Damian considered his response carefully. He had learned about Amanda's powers and abilities through the holographic interface, but revealing that information might only further unsettle her. Instead, he chose a more cautious approach.


"I... I saw it," Damian replied hesitantly. "There was a man who I brought in he was also in the explosion like us and he somehow now has the ability to control electricity. Therefore, if that blast did that to him then I can only assume it also did the same to you and other people. However, what's important right now is figuring out what happened and how to navigate this situation. So I thought I’d stay near that man and that’s all I know."


Amanda listened to Damian's explanation, her expression a look of confusion. While his account of what had happened was strange and hard to believe, she couldn't deny the reality of the situation due to the fact that she knew she had powers too, a reason why she was freaking out.


"Okay," Amanda said, trying to process the information. "So, we have these... abilities now. And there are others like us. That's a lot to take in, Reed. But what do we do next? How do we find out more about these powers and what happened to us?"


Damian was about to respond when he noticed a woman approaching. Damian recognized her as Trish, the woman who had been helping the injured earlier and seemed to have something with Cole.


Trish approached Damian and Amanda. " Damian, right?" she said, her voice firm, "Sorry for interrupting your talk just now. I wanted to thank you for saving Cole. Cole's condition is critical, and anything you can tell me about what happened to him could help me treat him."


Damian nodded in response to Trish's gratitude. "Of course, Trish. I don't know much, but he was caught in some kind of electrical blast on the bridge. It looked like he was struck by lightning multiple times. I found him unconscious in the middle of the lightning storm, and I brought him here because he was badly injured. I wish I knew more."


Trish's expression was one of deep concern as she listened to Damian's account of what had happened to Cole. She seemed to be absorbing the information, her thoughts racing as she considered the best way to treat him.


"I appreciate your help," Trish said sincerely. "I'll do everything I can for Cole. But we're dealing with something unprecedented here. The electrical burns and trauma he's suffered are like nothing I've ever seen. If you or Amanda have any information about anywhere... we can find more medical supplies, please share it with me. It might be the key to saving him and many other people."


Damian nodded in understanding. "I don’t have any such connection honestly I just moved here recently so I’m not too familiar with anything here. I'll keep an eye out for any supplies or information that could help. What about you Amanda?"


Amanda, who had been silently observing the exchange, chimed in, "Well there’s this shop that should be heavily stocked in the Neon District. I know the shopkeeper, so I’ll give him a call and see if he wants to donate. If not you’ll have to get some cash ready."


Trish's expression showed a glimmer of hope upon hearing Amanda's suggestion. "That would be incredibly helpful, Miss. We're running low on supplies here, and every bit helps. Please make that call as soon as possible. We'll need all the help we can get."


Amanda nodded, her determination clear. "It’s Amanda I'll contact him right away and see what I can arrange. Ah, give me your number so if I can find some more I can send you the information."


Trish's expression softened, and she gave them a grateful smile. "Thank you Amanda and Damian too. I  really can’t thank you enough. Oh, here’s my number. " Once she finished exchanging her phone number with both Amanda and Damian she went downstairs


Amanda accepted Trish's phone number with a nod and a warm smile. "Thank you, Trish. We'll do our best to get those supplies to you as soon as we can. Stay safe, and take care of yourself."


“You’re nicer than I remember. This isn’t the Amanda who would always yell at me and demand I work overtime to complete enough work for three people.” said Damian


As Trish went downstairs, Damian's comment about Amanda's change in demeanor caught her off guard. She chuckled softly and shrugged. "Well, I guess we're in a pretty different situation now. Survival tends to bring out either the best or the worst in people, or at the very least a less irritable side. Besides, I owe Trish, I cut my leg pretty bad and she helped me get here and treated me."


Damian nodded in understanding, "It's good to know there's still kindness in this world, even in the midst of all this chaos. I'm really glad she was there to help you."


With their conversation winding down, Damian turned to leave when Amanda asked for his number. With their numbers exchanged, Amanda dialed the store to secure medical supplies for the makeshift hospital and help those in need. As he left Damian glanced back at Amanda with a look of hunger in his eyes.


As Damian left, a look of hunger in his eyes went unnoticed by Amanda. She was too focused on the task at hand, making arrangements to secure medical supplies for the makeshift hospital.

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