Infamous Shifter’s Genesis

Chapter 6

Damian made his way back inside the building from the roof. He found a vacant restroom and quickly locked the door behind him. Once inside, he approached the mirror with a sense of anticipation, hoping to see if he had a status screen like the one he had seen for Cole and Amanda.


As he stared into the mirror, his reflection remained unchanged for a moment. Then, just as he had hoped, a holographic interface appeared before him.


Name: Damian Reed

Alias: N/A

Alignment: Neutral

Power Level: 💥💥 (2/5)

Danger Level: ☠️☠️☠️ (3/5)

Power Status: 25% of Abilities Unlocked

Health: 100% (Healthy)

Karma Level: Neutral

Faction: Independent



Biomass Shapeshifting: Damian can transform his body into various forms, including blades, shields, claws, and more. He can also disguise himself as other people.

Consuming: By consuming other beings, Damian gains their memories, skills, and appearance. By consuming other conduits, Damian gains their powers. He can gain access to their memories, but only after a certain amount of time, as their brain structure changes upon becoming a conduit.

Minion Creation: Damian can create minions using his own memories. These minions can be left without memories, becoming savage and instinct-driven creatures. Alternatively, he can choose a set of memories to upload to the minion, giving them a personality and a sense of values based on these memories. They are absolutely loyal to Damian but will carry out their loyalty differently based on the memories they possess.

(Savage Minion 0/3)

(Superior Minion 0/1)


Now able to see his stats, Damian had a better understanding of his ability. Although, when it came to his Minion Creation he had no idea how to go about such a thing. Wasting no time he dived into his mind again he needed to access those blue memories before someone interrupted him again.


As Damian delved into his own mind once more, his thoughts sought out the enigmatic blue memories that had eluded him until now. He navigated through the complex labyrinth of his consciousness, determined to uncover the missing pieces of his identity and abilities.


As he ventured deeper, he began to notice faint glimmers of the five blue veins among the sea of black and red veins that represented his consumed memories. These blue memories seemed elusive, hidden away in the recesses of his mind. Damian reached out, attempting to grasp one of the blue veins.


Damian Reed was abruptly jolted out of his mental exploration as the blue vein he had touched turned black with shades of red. The rush of memories and information had overwhelmed him, and his consciousness was forcibly ejected from the depths of his mind, back into the present moment.


As he returned to the real world, the memories he had glimpsed continued to flash through his mind. He had caught fragments of a different version of himself, one that had been immersed in a video game called Infamous, where names like Cole, Blast Cores, and the Ray Sphere had held significance.


The abrupt end to his mental journey left Damian with a sense of disorientation and a lingering feeling that he had only scratched the surface of these memories. The transformation from blue to black and red was puzzling, and he couldn't help but wonder about the significance of this change.


Damian's thoughts swirled as he pondered the newfound information. It was clear to him now that the blue memories he had accessed were a part of his own past, knowledge he had somehow lost or been unable to access until recently. The fact that these memories revolved around video games like Infamous and Prototype provided crucial insight into the origins of his abilities and the nature of his powers.


He understood that his transformation into a living biomass had somehow unlocked these dormant memories, granting him access to a wealth of information about his abilities and the world he found himself in. It was a revelation that left him both intrigued and perplexed.


Damian's newfound understanding of Conduits and their abilities had opened up a world of possibilities. He now knew about the existence of Blast Cores, also known as Core Relays, and how they could be used to strengthen his powers. However, the challenge lay in finding these scattered Blast Cores throughout the city.


As he contemplated his next steps, Damian realized that he needed a plan to locate and acquire these valuable resources. His own memories, combined with the information he had gathered from the blue memories, suggested that Blast Cores were instrumental in enhancing the abilities of Conduits.


"I need to find those Blast Cores," Damian muttered to himself, his mind racing with thoughts. "But where do I even begin looking? The city is in chaos, and these things could be anywhere."


He understood that finding the Blast Cores, the key to enhancing his Conduit abilities, was a task that couldn't be undertaken haphazardly. As he pondered his next steps, Damian couldn't ignore the importance of seeking out Conduits who might possess knowledge about the locations of Blast Cores. Among them, one name stood out - Kessler.


The enigmatic figure who had orchestrated the explosion that had triggered this chaos, he not only knew about the locations of each Blast Core, being a future version of Cole. He was intricately tied to the fate of Cole MacGrath.


Kessler's actions were a complex puzzle. On one hand, he seemed driven by a desire to prepare Cole for a looming threat known as The Beast, which suggested a sense of responsibility. On the other hand, his actions had a ruthless edge, as he had been willing to sacrifice Trish, the woman Damian had seen moments ago, for the sake of eliminating one of Cole's weaknesses.


The decision involving Kessler wasn't one to be taken lightly. Damian knew that dealing with him would require not only cunning and strategy but also a willingness to delve into a morally ambiguous world. He would also need allies and power both of which he currently did not have.


There in laid the problem, to take on someone like Kessler he would need to absorb Blast Cores, but Kessler being a future Cole, was the only one who knew where they would be located. So it was a problem with no solution, currently. The only thing he could do was search around the city for one, hoping his luck would be good enough to find one.


With the knowledge that the city's situation was deteriorating rapidly, and with the impending threat of quarantine and the rise of gangs on the horizon, Damian understood the urgency. Time was not on his side, and he needed to act decisively.


He decided that for now, he would focus on finding a single Blast Core, even if it meant venturing into the unpredictable and dangerous streets of the city. Every step he took, would be a calculated risk in pursuit of his goals.

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