Infamous Shifter’s Genesis

Chapter 52

With the soldiers' uniforms and badges in hand, they carefully dressed themselves in the attire of the First Sons. Damian and Sasha used their mimicry powers to adjust their appearance, taking on the likeness of the soldiers they had just killed.


Satisfied with their disguises, they emerged from the alley and made their way back toward ECU. The once-vibrant university now resembled a fortress, crawling with guards and surveillance equipment, but this time, they blended in seamlessly with the other patrols. They walked with purpose, mimicking the movements and routines of the First Sons' soldiers, acting as if they were just another part of the security detail.


As they approached the main gates, the guards barely glanced at them. Their uniforms, along with the badges and equipment they had taken, allowed them to slip through the checkpoints without raising any alarms. Damian felt that so far, their plan was working.


"We need to be quick," Sasha whispered as they walked, her voice barely audible over the distant hum of surveillance drones. "The longer we stay here, the higher the risk of things going wrong or being found out."


Damian nodded in agreement. "Just lead the way."


Sasha guided Damian through the campus, taking a route that avoided the busiest areas. She moved with the knowledge of someone who had been here many times before, her familiarity with the layout clear. Damian, despite all his knowledge of the First Sons, was impressed. He hadn't known about this underground facility beneath ECU, a secret even the game had kept hidden.


After navigating through the maze of hallways and courtyards, they reached a secluded area behind one of the old lecture halls. The building, like many others on campus, had been repurposed by the First Sons. Its once-stately facade was now marred by rusted fences and security cameras. But it was here, in this forgotten corner, that the entrance to the underground base was hidden.


Sasha led Damian to a small, inconspicuous metal door, partially obscured by overgrown ivy. It was unmarked and looked like it hadn’t been used in years, but Sasha knew better. She reached for a hidden panel beside the door and keyed in a sequence on a small, barely visible keypad. With a soft click, the door unlocked, and a set of stairs leading down into the darkness was revealed.


Damian raised an eyebrow, impressed. "So, this is where they hide."


Sasha nodded, a cold expression on her borrowed face. "This is just the entrance. Their real operations are far below, where no one would think to look. I’m surprised that they haven’t changed their codes since I last worked here."


Together, they descended into the dark stairwell, the door quietly clicking shut behind them. The air grew cooler as they made their way deeper underground, the walls around them becoming more sterile and metallic, a stark contrast to the university above. Dim, flickering lights lined the corridor ahead, casting long shadows as they moved.


As they ventured further, Damian felt a sense of intrigue settle over him. The First Sons had always been dangerous, but now they were entering the heart of their operations. This was where the real experiments happened, where the Ray Sphere and other things were created. Whatever they were planning next, it would be here, deep in the bowels of Empire City University.


The corridor eventually opened into a large, cavernous room. It was a stark, industrial space, filled with high-tech equipment, computers, and containment units. Scientists in white lab coats and armed guards moved about the area, seemingly oblivious to Damian and Sasha’s presence, their attention focused on their work. In the center of the room stood a massive structure, something Damian recognized immediately—the Ray Sphere.


Damian’s eyes widened as he took in the sight. "They're still working on it."


Sasha narrowed her eyes. "Of course they are. The First Sons never stop. Besides Cole’s activation most likely shorted it out and it needs to be repaired."


Before Damian could respond, a group of soldiers entered the room from a side door, their voices echoing through the space. They were talking about the experiments, mentioning subjects and conduits in cold, clinical terms.


“We need to find out more,” Sasha whispered, her eyes scanning the room for any useful intel.


Damian nodded, his mind already racing with the things he was curious about. They needed to figure out what the First Sons were planning, where the blast cores were being kept, if the First Sons had documented any other conduits in Empire City, and most importantly Dr. Wolf’s schematics for both the Ray Sphere and the Rayfield Inhibitor.


If they could it would also be best to consume a scientist or two and gain their knowledge and expertise if they could manage it without being seen.


Sasha looked over to Damian her expression sharp. "Let's split up. I'll see if I can get close to the data terminals. You focus on finding someone with information—preferably a scientist. Avoid Kessler he may also have Cole’s sight to be able to differentiate conduits from humans."


"Got it." Damian's voice was low, almost a growl, as he walked over to what he saw as a blind spot in the surveillance camera angles and he activated his camouflage once again. He melted into the shadows, his body blending with the metallic walls of the facility, becoming nothing more than a shimmer as he moved. Having consumed soldiers and DARPA agents he now had the skills necessary to figure out such things.


Sasha, walked confidently toward a nearby console, acting as though she was supposed to be there, scanning the scientists and technicians who were absorbed in their tasks. Damian, meanwhile, crept silently through the room, his eyes scanning for his target. He moved with precision, avoiding any attention as he zeroed in on a scientist who appeared to be taking notes near one of the containment units.


The man was unremarkable—average height, graying hair, and the demeanor of someone who had spent more time in labs than out in the world. Perfect. Damian waited until the scientist was momentarily alone, waited for the camera line to sight to shift, and then struck. Moving with inhuman speed, he grabbed the man from behind, his hand covering the scientist’s mouth as he dragged him into the shadows. A brief struggle ensued, but it was over quickly as Damian snapped his neck. The scientist’s body went limp as Damian’s biomass enveloped him, absorbing his memories, knowledge, and expertise.


Damian sifted through the influx of information that was now flooding his mind. He saw flashes of research data, schematics for the Ray Sphere, and experimental procedures. More importantly, he gained critical knowledge about the First Sons’ plans—what they were preparing for, and why they needed the Ray Sphere operational again.


His eyes widened as he realized the full scope of their intentions. They weren’t just repairing the Ray Sphere. They were altering it making it capable of creating a massive amount of Rayfield Energy by channeling a bunch of human’s bioelectrical energy into the nearest conduit. The original Ray Sphere was just a prototype that needed to be charged and then used. This new version could be used as many times as necessary.

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