Infamous Shifter’s Genesis

Chapter 53

Taking on the appearance of the unremarkable scientist he had just consumed, Damian walked confidently through the lab, blending seamlessly into the environment. He had assumed the identity of Alex Smith—a man of average height, with graying hair and the air of someone who spent more time among data than people. As he maneuvered through the sterile halls, a female scientist approached him.


"Alex, have you checked the latest numbers from the Ray Sphere tests on the last subject?" she asked, her voice cutting through the low hum of the equipment.


Damian, fully inhabiting his disguise, replied smoothly, "I haven’t had a chance to look at them yet."


Then, an idea struck him. "But I’ve been thinking—what if we could use debris charged with RFE—Rayfield Energy—to manufacture new components? It might lead to a more potent device. Or even leaving a component inside the containment area where we store the debris—could the residual RFE alter it?"


The female scientist let out a laugh, dismissing his thought. "Pseudo-science like that belongs in a comic book, not the lab, Alex."


Before Damian could respond, a cold, commanding voice interrupted. "It’s an intriguing idea. Perhaps we shouldn’t dismiss it so quickly."


Both Damian and the female scientist turned. Standing before them was Kessler, the infamous leader of the First Sons. He cut an imposing figure in his white trench coat, white trousers, and a gray hood, with a matching gray scarf wrapped around his neck. Kessler’s cybernetic enhancements were hard to miss, especially on his chest and right arm. Beneath his hood, his bald head and deeply lined face gave him a weathered, menacing look, but it was his bright, pupil-less blue eyes that truly stood out, glowing with a dim, eerie light.


"Sir," the female scientist stammered, quickly straightening up as she greeted Kessler with a nervous smile. Damian followed her lead, bowing his head slightly.


Kessler walked closer to Damian, his piercing eyes locked on him. "What's your name?"


"Alex Smith, sir," Damian replied, using the identity of the man he had consumed.


Kessler stepped forward, placing his cold, cybernetic right hand on Damian's shoulder. The weight of the touch was heavy, but Damian maintained his composure.


"Tell me more about this idea of yours," Kessler urged, his voice cold but curious.


Damian, thinking quickly, elaborated. "The current components break after each use. We’ve been struggling to make a material durable enough to withstand prolonged exposure to Rayfield Energy. So, I was thinking—why not use debris that already contains it? Maybe we can harness that stability, hypothetically it could solve our durability issues."


Before Kessler could respond, the female scientist interjected, her tone shaky, "But those rocks are unstable, Alex! We can’t just use them to make components—they could backfire."


Kessler turned his icy gaze toward her, his expression hardening. "Has it been attempted?"


The scientist blinked, then faltered, "No, but—"


Kessler interrupted, his voice sharp. "Then how do you know? Can you see the future?"


Beth Riley, now visibly pale, looked down, clearly uncomfortable under Kessler’s scrutiny.


Kessler’s tone grew colder. "What is your name, and what is your rank?"


She swallowed nervously. "Beth Riley, sir. Lab Technician."


Kessler shifted his attention back to Damian. "And you?"


"Lab Assistant, sir," Damian answered, maintaining his calm.


A smile, sharp and devoid of warmth, tugged at the corners of Kessler's mouth. "Not anymore. From now on, you two will switch ranks. Mrs. Riley will be your assistant, Mr. Smith. She seems better suited to running errands than contributing any meaningful ideas."


Beth's face turned even paler, but she didn’t dare protest. Damian simply nodded, hiding the satisfaction creeping into his thoughts. Kessler had just handed him more influence, and with that, more access to whatever secrets this lab was hiding.


"Make sure you prove me right, Mr. Smith," Kessler said, his gaze lingering on Damian before he turned to leave. "I’ll be watching your progress closely."


Kessler’s piercing blue eyes lingered on Damian for a long, tense moment before he finally turned and left, the weight of his presence dissipating like a storm cloud drifting away. The sterile hum of the lab seemed to grow louder in his absence.


Beth, her face pale and her lips pressed into a thin line, finally turned to Damian, her eyes burning with barely concealed frustration. "What do you want me to do?" she asked, her tone grudgingly obedient but laced with venom.


Damian could see the fury simmering beneath the surface. He glanced around the lab, noticing that the other scientists had gone back to their work, distracted by the tasks at hand. Beth, too, took a quick look around to make sure no one was listening before she leaned closer, her voice dripping with quiet hostility. "Enjoy this position while you can, Smith," she hissed, her eyes narrowing. "Because when you fail—and you will—I’ll have it back. This little power trip of yours won’t last."


Damian’s lips curled into a slow, deliberate smile. "Well then, I guess I better make sure I don’t fail," he said, his voice smooth and unruffled, a quiet challenge in his tone. "Now, why don’t you lead me to the lab?" He paused for a beat, savoring the moment. "Or should I say your ex-lab—since it’s mine now."


Beth gnawed at her bottom lip, her teeth grinding together audibly before she let out a frustrated huff, turning sharply on her heel. Without another word, she stormed off, leading the way through the winding halls of the facility, her posture rigid with barely contained anger. Damian followed her at a leisurely pace, his eyes scanning the environment, already assessing what resources might be at his disposal.


As they approached a large set of glass doors that opened into a well-equipped lab, another woman in a white lab coat hurried over. She had a youthful energy about her, with wide green eyes and dark hair tied back in a neat ponytail. She smiled brightly at Beth, seemingly unaware of the brewing tension.


"Mrs. Riley! I was wondering when you’d get back," the woman said, her eyes flicking to Damian with a hint of curiosity. "Who’s this?"


Beth shot a quick look at Damian, clearly waiting for him to explain. But Damian remained silent, his expression passive, letting the awkward pause stretch uncomfortably. It was clear to both women that he had no intention of speaking first, forcing Beth to address the situation. She clenched her fists briefly, then took a breath, her voice brittle as she spoke.


"This is… Alex Smith," Beth said through gritted teeth. "From now on, he’s in charge of this lab. We’ll be assisting him."

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