Infamous Shifter’s Genesis

Chapter 8

Damian, in his biomass form, navigated through the air ducts of the mostly deserted zoo, making his way to the different animal enclosures. His plan was clear - to consume specific animals that possessed unique skills and abilities, which could potentially aid him in his quest to locate the Blast Cores and navigate the challenges of Empire City.


He first targeted an eagle and a hawk. As he merged with these majestic birds, Damian's perception of the world shifted dramatically. He felt the rush of memories of when the wind was beneath his wings as he soared high above the enclosures. His vision became incredibly sharp, allowing him to see minute details from great distances. The world below him took on a new clarity, and he could spot the smallest of movements with precision. It was a sensation of power and freedom he had never experienced before.


Next on his list was a dolphin. Merging with this intelligent marine creature was a transformative experience. Damian experienced the sensation of what the deep blue world of the ocean was like. He felt the coolness of the water on his skin and the gentle echoes of sound bouncing off underwater surfaces. It was as if he had become part of an intricate underwater symphony, and he marveled at the complex social interactions and communication that unfolded around him.


He then sought out a cheetah, drawn by the allure of their legendary speed and agility. Merging with one of these big cats was like stepping into a world of sheer velocity. Damian's body tingled with newfound swiftness, and he could practically feel the thrill of racing across open plains, dodging obstacles with ease. It was an exhilarating sensation that left him yearning for open spaces to test his newfound speed.


The colony of ants was next, chosen for their exceptional teamwork and organizational skills. Merging with the ants was an exercise in harmonious cooperation. Damian experienced the meticulous way they organized their tasks and communicated silently through chemical signals. It was as if he had become part of a well-coordinated collective, able to handle multiple objectives simultaneously.


A chameleon was next, offering the ability to blend seamlessly into one's surroundings. Damian felt his skin adapt and shift in hue to match the colors and textures of his environment. It was an uncanny feeling of camouflage that left him practically invisible to the naked eye.


Bats, with their echolocation skills and ability to navigate in complete darkness, were next. Merging with them was like stepping into a world of darkness unable to see normally. Damian sensed the vibrations in the air, the echoes bouncing off objects, and the contours of his surroundings. He could also see the heat radiate off others. It was a disorienting but fascinating way to perceive the world around him.


Lastly, Damian sought out an electric eel for its ability to generate electric shocks. As he merged with this creature, he felt a jolt of power coursing through him. It was as if he could summon electrical energy at will, and the sensation was electrifying, quite literally. Although he was still no Cole MacGrath this would allow him the ability to imbolize some people.


With each acquired ability, Damian felt a deeper connection to the animal kingdom and a profound sense of empowerment. These experiences were not just about unlocking new skills but also about embracing the essence of each creature. It was as though he had become a conduit of the natural world, merging aspects of both humans and animals into his own being. His newfound abilities expanded his perception and physical capabilities in ways he had never thought possible.


In a weird sense, now that he had consumed these creatures he felt closer to them more so than most humans. Embracing the essence of these creatures had given him a deeper appreciation for the intricate beauty of the animal kingdom.


Having gotten what he needed Damian retreated back into the ventilation ducts. Once inside he focused his consciousness on his body and felt the changes going on. It seemed his biomass body was stripping the DNA of the animals he absorbed and was automatically melding it with his cells. He was evolving into something he didn’t understand.


Unable to do anything about the process Damian delved back into his mind and those blue veins of memories he could not access except one of them had become slightly red like all the others. He touched the vein that was a mix of blue and red again.


As Damian delved into the memories of the vein, he unlocked a new flood of information, revealing not only the past events he had missed but also the events that occurred in Empire City after Cole MacGrath had defeated Kessler. The memories were like a whirlwind of events, offering glimpses into the future of the city and the path that Cole had walked.


He saw the challenges that Cole would face after defeating Kessler, including his first battle against The Beast, the subsequent defeat, and his powers being broken. It was a struggle of epic proportions, one that would undoubtedly leave its mark on Cole and the city itself.


The memories continued to unveil the story of Cole's journey, from his travels to New Marais to his eventual victory. The battle against The Beast was a defining moment, a battle for the fate of the city and the world at large.


As the memories rushed into Damian's mind, he felt a profound sense of connection to the events that were yet to unfold. He understood that he had become privy to a narrative that was larger than himself, a story that encompassed the destinies of Conduits, the fate of Empire City, and the looming presence of The Beast.


When the memories had fully transferred, and the blue veins had dimmed, Damian found himself armed with knowledge about what lay ahead. The question was what to do with this knowledge? Should he like Cole become a hero saving this world and its people? Or rather become a villain and take what he wanted?


The options of becoming a hero or a villain, mirroring the choices that Conduits like Cole had faced, didn't seem to resonate with Damian. His journey so far had been one of self-discovery and understanding, and he needed to forge his own path.

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