Infamous Shifter’s Genesis

Chapter 9

Damian traveled through the ducts until he reached a deserted bathroom. There he reformed into his human form, taking a moment to ensure his appearance was normal and inconspicuous. He adjusted his clothing and ran a hand through his hair before walking out of the bathroom.


As he stepped out of the restroom, he heard an unusual commotion that seemed out of place in the otherwise deserted zoo. His interest was piqued, and he followed the sound, navigating his way through the quiet pathways until he reached the source of the disturbance.


The commotion Damian heard piqued his curiosity, and he decided to investigate. As he made his way towards the source of the noise, he discovered a strikingly beautiful woman with braided hair that cascaded down to her waist. Her presence was captivating, and she exuded an air of confidence.


She was dressed in a red tank top, which accentuated her figure, blue jeans with a few rips here and there, and a black leather jacket casually wrapped around her waist. Her style was a blend of edgy and casual, making her stand out in the midst of the city's chaos.


Next to her, on the wall, a vibrant spray painting depicted children with joyful smiles, surrounded by calm and content animals. It was a scene that contrasted sharply with the turmoil that had engulfed Empire City. Damian had never been much of an art enthusiast, but he couldn't help but appreciate the skill and beauty of the mural.


As Damian observed the mural and the woman, he couldn't help but overhear their conversation.


“Hey! No tagging in the zoo. You’re making our job harder,” one of the three zoo employees yelled at the woman, who was in the middle of spray-painting the mural.


The woman didn't seem to be fazed by the reprimand. She stood her ground, her posture unyielding, and continued to work on the mural. It was clear that she was passionate about her art and the message she was trying to convey.


“We need to keep this place looking nice, even in all this chaos,” another zoo employee chimed in, trying to reason with her.


The woman finally paused her work, looking at the employees with a sense of determination in her eyes. She spoke with a confidence that held a touch of defiance. "This is my way of trying to bring some beauty and hope back to this city, amidst all the destruction. The world needs art now more than ever."


As Damian watched the interaction, he couldn't help but appreciate the woman's spirit. She was an artist with a cause, trying to inject a bit of positivity into a world consumed by chaos. It was a small but powerful act of resistance.


The employees appeared to be torn between enforcing the rules and understanding her perspective. Damian was curious to see how the situation would unfold and whether he would play a part in it.


The biggest of the employees tried to grab her violently which made Damian draw closer. When he did the familiar screen popped up again.


Name: Isabella Castiego

Alias: N/A

Alignment: Neutral

Power Level: 🎨🎨 (2/5)

Danger Level: ☠️ (1/5)

Power Status: 35% of Abilities Unlocked

Health: 100%

Karma Level: Neutral Good

Faction: Independent



Artkinesis (Ink, Spray Paint, and more): Isabella can manipulate various artistic mediums with her mind. She can control the flow and properties of ink, spray paint, and other materials, allowing her to create intricate works of art with ease.

Creation of Living Art: Anything Isabella draws or paints comes to life as a living entity under her control. These creations can be used for various purposes, such as assistance in combat or solving problems creatively. (Limit 2 minutes)


It seemed this woman Isabella was a conduit and a strong one at that. While her power didn’t have a high danger level its power level rivaled his own. Further intrigued Damian decided to intervene.


“Hey! What are you doing to sister?” said Damian as he briskly walked over to them


“Your sister?” asked all three employees confused as they looked at Damian’s white skin and Isabella’s dark skin.


The woman named Isabella looked confused as Damian answered, “Yes my sister. Have you never seen adopted siblings before? Now let her go before I get mad.”


Isabella was equally puzzled by Damian's statement. It appeared that he had made up the story on the spot, and Isabella was not sure whether to play along or correct him. Nonetheless, Damian's intervention did cause a brief distraction, providing Isabella with an opportunity to free herself from the grasp of the largest employee. She wiggled out of his grip and stepped back from the trio of workers. Damian taking this chance grabbed Isabella’s hand and ran.


The two of them darted through the zoo, quickly putting distance between themselves and the employees who were left momentarily baffled by the turn of events. As they continued to run, Damian realized that he had effectively dragged Isabella into the situation, and he glanced at her.


"Sorry about that," Damian panted as they ran. "I couldn't stand to see them trying to stop you from painting that mural. Nice tag by the way."


Isabella, her braided hair flowing behind her as they ran, managed a smile. "It's alright. And thanks for stepping in. It's not easy being an artist, especially in times like these. Although I do understand where they’re coming from. I’m glad you liked my art."


"I really did," Damian replied, not out of breath even after all that running. "Your art has a message, and I think people would like to see it. In times like these, people need to hold on to hope and beauty wherever we can find it."


Isabella nodded, her eyes filled with a quiet determination. "That's exactly what I believe. Art has the power to inspire, to bring people together, and to remind us of our humanity. In times of crisis, we have to help one another. This was one of the buildings not hit by the blast so I assumed many people would come here so I left a message for them."

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