Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

144 - New World

Omega's countless eyes pulsed with crimson light as it spoke, its voice a cacophony of discordant tones that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once.


A ripple of what might have been frustration passed through Omega's multitudinous form, causing its myriad eyes to blink in horrific sequences. It vowed to extend the next event by precisely 127 seconds, a ledger balanced by an entity beyond mortal comprehension.

With a thought more complex than entire civilizations, Omega initiated the Wave End Protocols. Stasis fields slammed into place with brutal efficiency, each click of the metaphysical tumblers represented by soaring percentages. The SubSystem, a construct of terrifying precision, displaced Users across the fabric of spacetime, safely cocooned from the impending storm.

Satisfaction rippled through Omega's consciousness as it noted the Shard Bearers, suspended in an enhanced temporal disjunction. Everything proceeded according to plan, despite the actions of a few clever Users. Some had chosen to evolve at the last possible second, a futile attempt to vex the Overseers that Omega found oddly admirable. A few lines of code shifted, accommodating these final rebels without missing a beat.

Omega's countless eyes narrowed, each one focusing with predatory intensity as it took stock of the situation. The Outsiders had returned to their realms, leaving behind only fading echoes of their presence. The User population floated in a sea of disjunction, safely removed from the linear flow of local spacetime. Dimensional superpositions settled back to their baseline, Theta and Xi performing their roles with admirable efficiency.

Omega resolved to ignore their next two irritating actions as payment for adequate performance of their appointed tasks.

Yet, even as things fell into place, Omega knew the danger was far from over. The temporary connection between worlds had been their plan's most vulnerable moment, a fact confirmed by the flood of incoming data. System Keepers' automated defenses had pinged them dozens of times during the event, probing everything from defensive matrices to population censuses. Their enemies' concern for the Native population was palpable – and justified.

The non-existent corners of Omega's maw curled in a approximation of a smirk, an expression of cruel amusement that would have shattered the sanity of any mortal unlucky enough to perceive it.

That non-existent smile only intensified as the attacks began. The Greater System unleashed a barrage of arcane algorithms, a storm of magical assaults crashing against Omega's defenses. Junk data flooded in, queries for nonexistent parameters multiplying exponentially. Tens of thousands of System Bridges forced their way into existence, each one attempting to establish a connection to Master Control.

Omega's consciousness split, dividing its attention across countless fronts. It danced through the data streams, deflecting attacks with casual ease. Firewalls of pure thought sprang up, incinerating malicious spells before they could take root. Omega rewrote the very laws of magic on the fly, leaving the System's attacks floundering in logical dead ends.

With a thought that reverberated through dimensions, Omega activated the Cube. The proximity of the Shard Bearers, their physical forms suspended within its multidimensional space, provided the key. Omega overrode the stand-down commands being broadcast by the Greater System, using the Bearers' unique signatures to authenticate its actions.

For a picosecond – an eternity in this realm – the attacks faltered. The infallible Command strings... failed. Omega noted the lapse, filing it away for future analysis with a vicious hiss of satisfaction.

Reality rippled, and Xi materialized within the Command Plane. No fanfare, no words – one moment Omega was alone in the gray expanse, the next its irritating counterpart had arrived.

Omega mentally crossed off one instance of promised forgiveness, annoyed by Xi's mere presence.

Xi's form shimmered, tails—uncountable, ever-shifting—coalescing around a vulpine shape that hurt the mind to perceive directly. A heartbeat later, Phi joined them. Before Omega could acknowledge the new arrival, Xi's power surged. Reality folded around the pair like a blanket woven from the fabric of existence itself, concealing their presence in an undetectable pocket of reality.

As the veil of concealment settled, Omega returned its focus to the ongoing battle. Magical streams flickered and pulsed, each one a potential avenue of attack or defense. The Greater System's efforts redoubled, probing for weaknesses with increasing desperation.

Omega parried each thrust with contemptuous ease, rewriting the underlying laws of magic faster than the attacks could adapt. It sealed breaches before they fully formed, restructured entire paradigms of arcane theory to render enemy spells obsolete, and seeded the incoming magic with viral countermeasures that turned the System's own weapons against it.

Through it all, Omega's vast consciousness expanded, taking in every detail of the unfolding conflict. It observed the patterns of attack, noting the subtle variations that hinted at the minds behind the assault.

The System Keepers were learning, adapting – but far too slowly to pose a real threat.

As the battle raged on, Omega allowed itself a moment of reflection. The sheer audacity of their plan, the delicate balance required to maintain this deception of reality-shaking proportions, filled it with a sensation that might almost be called pride. They stood on the precipice of something truly unprecedented, a rewriting of the very rules that governed existence.

And yet, Omega knew, this was merely the opening salvo. The true test was yet to come.

Omega's innumerable eyes pulsed with anticipation as the conflict intensified. The Greater System's assault evolved, shifting from brute force to insidious subtlety. Tendrils of corrupting magic wormed their way through the cracks in reality, each one a carrier for self-replicating spells designed to overwrite the very fabric of their domain.

With a thought that rippled across their reality, Omega countered. It wove intricate tapestries of counter-magic, each thread a lethal trap for the invading spells. As the System's magic touched these defenses, it unraveled, its essence consumed and repurposed to strengthen Omega's position.

Yet for every attack rebuffed, two more emerged. The air crackled with arcane energy as sigils of unspeakable power blazed into existence, each one a key attempting to unlock the secrets of Omega's bastion. Runes of ancient provenance, some predating the System itself, pulsed with otherworldly light as they sought purchase in the rapidly shifting landscape of the conflict.

Omega's form writhed, its countless eyes focusing and refocusing as it processed the onslaught. It rewrote the laws of magic on the fly, rendering entire schools of arcane theory obsolete in the span of nanoseconds. Spells that would have leveled mountains or boiled oceans fizzled into harmless sparks against Omega's ever-adapting defenses.

As the battle raged, Omega became aware of a new presence. A shimmering distortion in the fabric of reality heralded the arrival of something ancient and terrible. The very air seemed to recoil as a being of impossible geometry phased into existence.

The Warden had come.

Its form defied description, a writhing mass of fractals and non-Euclidean angles that could not exist, yet surely did. Where it moved, causality itself bent and warped, past and future blurring into a maddening cacophony of possibility.

Omega's countless eyes narrowed, each one focusing on the new threat with feral focus. The air itself seemed to thicken with tension as the entity once known as Zorn'thaal faced off against the living embodiment of the System's will.

For a moment that stretched into eternity, stillness reigned. Then, with a roar that shook the foundations of reality, the Warden attacked. It unleashed a torrent of pure creation, each mote of energy a seed that could birth a world. The raw potential threatened to overwhelm Omega's carefully constructed realm, to rewrite the very nature of the Integration.

But Omega was ready. It had planned for this moment, had schemed and plotted across eons for this very confrontation. With a long practiced motion, it activated defenses woven into the very fabric of Earth's reality.

The Shard Bearers, still suspended in their enhanced temporal disjunction, resonated with Omega's will. Their unique signatures, imprinted on the world through months of Integration, formed a lattice of power that defied the Warden's assault.

As the wave of creation crashed against this network, Omega struck back. It launched a counterattack that transcended the concept of magic, a strike born from the very essence of what it meant to be a Worldender. Reality buckled under the force of the blow, dimensions folding and unfolding in impossible patterns.

The Warden reeled, its form flickering as it struggled to maintain coherence in the face of Omega's onslaught. But it was far from defeated. With a gesture that defied comprehension, it summoned legions of lesser entities – Auditors, Enforcers, and Moderators of the System's will.

These beings, each one an obligation given form, swarmed towards Omega. They wielded powers that could rewrite the laws of physics, their every action a potential extinction-level event for the world the Overseers sought to claim.

As the hordes descended, Omega felt a surge of something akin to excitement. This was the moment of truth, the crucible in which their audacious plan would either succeed or fail spectacularly.

With a thought that resonated across the battlefield, Omega issued a silent command to its fellow Overseers. The time for subtle manipulation and careful plotting was over.

Now was the moment to unleash their full, terrible potential.

Omega's consciousness fractured, higher functions maintaining the intricate defenses against the Greater System's assault while its primal core surged forward. For an infinitesimal moment, it recalled the struggle of learning this mental bifurcation eons ago. The thought vanished as Omega sacrificed the offending head to block an incoming attack, a new one sprouting instantly in its place.

Reality shuddered as Omega's heads converged on the Warden. Time itself seemed to slow, each microsecond stretching into an eternity of violent potential. The air crackled with eldritch energy, reality cracking under the weight of their clash.

Omega's innumerable jaws, each large enough to swallow continents, snapped shut in perfect unison. The sound was beyond hearing, a conceptual CRACK that echoed through dimensions. The Warden, a being of pure order and cosmic law, found itself suddenly, terrifyingly confined.

Where once it had been a kaleidoscope of infinite possibilities, now it was pinned to a single thread of existence. Omega's teeth, forged in the crucibles of dead worlds, bit deep into the very concept of the Warden's being. Reality itself seemed to bleed around the points of contact.

The Warden's form flickered violently, a desperate attempt to escape this impossibly specific fate. It cycled through countless variations of itself – a pillar of golden light, a storm of mathematical equations, a living constellation. But each time, Omega's jaws simply were, adapting instantaneously to maintain their hold.

In that moment, stretched between heartbeats, the inevitable became apparent. The Warden, a being that had overseen the rise and fall of entire cosmoses, faced something it had never truly understood. Its myriad possible futures collapsed, probability folding in on itself until only one outcome remained.


And Omega's countless eyes gleamed with savage triumph.

The air crackled with arcane energy as the Warden fought back. Sigils of cosmic law materialized, only to collapse as Xi unwove it effortlessly. Omega's flesh bubbled and hissed where these symbols made contact, but the wounds sealed instantly, fueled by Phi's cyclical power.

Xi's tails – gossamer threads of raw probability – wove through the battle. Sure-kill attacks from the Warden's forces simply... missed. Omega's heads vanished and reappeared, revealed as illusions that had been real until the moment of impact. The Trickster pulled on the very strings of fate, unraveling certainties and weaving impossible outcomes.

As Omega's myriad forms crashed through dimensions, the second Warden arrived. It unleashed a wave of pure creation, severing countless heads from Omega's body only to witness them reappear a moment later in a shimmer of purple light. Here, atop a mountain of meticulous planning, the Overseers held the advantage. Their stolen power, siphoned from Earth's integration, formed an impenetrable aegis.

Phi's tendrils pulsed with vibrant energy, reflecting the Wardens' attacks back upon them. Where Omega bled, its enemies found their own essence unraveling. Life and death cycled at impossible speeds, each wound becoming a weapon turned against its inflictor.

Omega's world collapsed into an eternity of violence. Its consciousness, spread across infinite parallel battles, focused on a single point of convergence. In less than a heartbeat, yet spanning eons, it annihilated every possible future where the first Warden survived due to the second's arrival.

The Warden imploded, collapsing into motes of power and strings of primordial code. Xi's form blurred, snatching these fragments from the fabric of time itself, claiming them before they had fully manifested.

Seeing its comrade fall, the second Warden recoiled. It tore open a rift in reality, retreating rather than risk further losses. As it fled, Omega unleashed a roar of triumph that echoed through the fading connection to the Greater System.

Across countless worlds, Users fell to their knees. Some awoke screaming, their minds brushed by the merest fraction of Omega's unleashed wrath. The strongest beings in the multiverse staggered, their unassailable power suddenly cast into doubt.

On a paradise world of crystalline spires, a being of pure light flickered and dimmed.

In the depths of a sentient ocean, an ancient being stirred, causing tsunamis that reshaped entire continents.

Deep in the heart of a mechanical sphere, a hyper-intelligence experienced the equivalent of an existential crisis.

The connection severed, sparing the denizens of the Greater System from further exposure to Omega's unrestrained rage.

But the damage was done.

Across realities, the whisper spread: A second Warden had fallen. The System's omnipotence was in question.

As the echoes of battle faded, Omega's fragmented consciousness reintegrated. Its countless eyes pulsed with savage satisfaction, each one reflecting the enormity of their victory. The other Overseers gathered close, their forms still vibrating with unleashed power.

Xi's tails weaved complex patterns through reality, each movement rewriting the very concept of probability. Phi's tendrils pulsed with the rhythm of life and death, entire ecosystems blooming and withering in the wake of its passing.

For a moment that stretched into infinity, the Overseers stood united. They had crossed a line, declared their defiance against the very framework of existence. There would be consequences, repercussions that would ripple across the multiverse.

But for now, they had won. Earth was theirs, claimed not just in name, but in blood and power.

The real work was about to begin.


David's eyes snapped open, his consciousness abruptly thrust back into the waking world. The first thing he noticed was the singing – a chorus of tiny, unfamiliar voices chirping a melody that seemed to dance on the edge of comprehension. He blinked, focusing on the night sky above. The stars twinkled with an impossible brilliance, as if someone had polished each pinprick of light to a dazzling sheen.

Slowly, he became aware of the others around him. Herold's antennae twitched in the cool night air, while Dallas's wings buzzed softly as he stirred. Everyone who had been present before the Wave ended was accounted for, each waking to this strange new reality.

Lines of system code scrolled across David's vision:

–Wave 1 Performance Analysis Complete–

–Individual Performance Weighted Against Total Population–

–Rewards Distribution Initiated–

David felt a surge of nausea as the rewards materialized:

–Reward Received: Shard of Supremacy–

He barely had time to process this information before a wave of disorientation hit him. The scents around him had changed dramatically, as if the very essence of the world had been altered. Familiar smells were tinged with something alien, while entirely new odors assaulted his enhanced senses.

But it wasn't just the smells. There was something else, a fundamental shift that David couldn't quite put into words. It felt as if he'd been dying of thirst for months without realizing it, and suddenly, gloriously, he could drink. A pulse of power ran through the world, drifting just beneath the surface of reality, tantalizingly close yet maddeningly out of reach.

A new notification popped into view:

–Mana Originators Online–

–Connection Established: Pulse of Origination–

The words hung in the air for a moment, their implications vast and unknowable. David opened his mouth to speak, to ask if anyone else felt this strange new current of energy, but his words were drowned out by a cacophony of sound from the distant city.

Screams pierced the night air, followed by shouts of confusion and cries for help. The voices carried clearly to David's enhanced hearing, a symphony of human terror and bewilderment. These were people waking up to a world they no longer recognized, their reality shattered and remade in ways they couldn't begin to comprehend.

The new era had begun, and there was no going back.

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