Is It Wrong To End Up As A Quincy In Danmachi?

Chapter 5: Encounter

Looking at my updated status sheet in my hands I smiled.

Name: Jugram Haschwalth

Level: One

Strength: H189-G220

Endurance: H170-G209

Dexterity: G210-G243

Agility: H191-G218

Magic: G235-G272




Schrift B

The Last Successor Of Yhwach

Reishi Conversion

Developmental Abilities:

Luck: I

Only a month and half has passed since I've become an adventurer. Yet my growth is already this far.

All thanks to my skill "The Last Successor of Yhwach" I'm sure. Even if I'm still not entirely sure how it works. Though I do hope to figure it completely one day. Regardless things are looking good.

Once I was done looking over my stats I handed the paper too Loki and she disposed of it.

I am also sure she's a female now. Since the other night she got super plastered and decided to run around the manor and the grounds completely but naked. During that time I happened to come across her and catch a full view of everything, and I do mean everything.

So yeah, she's female.

At least now I know.

Even if I did learn in one of the most awkward ways possible.

Speaking of, Riveria gave her quite the beating for that little stunt. Our goddess's screams could be heard throughout the entire manor when it occurred, and they definitely weren't screams of pleasure that's for sure.

Recalling the incident I chuckled as I put back on my shirt.

"What are you laughing at?" Loki asked me.

"Oh nothing, just recalling your screams and the fact you're banned from drinking alcohol of any kind for the next three months." I explained.

As I did so I looked at Loki and saw her visibly shiver.

"So Jugram, looks like your stats are coming along nicely." Loki said. Changing the subject.

I decided to go along with it. "Yes, they are. Which means I'll be able to achieve my goal if things keep progressing as they are."

"Oh, and what might your goal be?" Loki asked.

"Simple. I'll level up in a year." I told her.

"Are you serious?" Loki asked me.

I nodded. "Yep, I sure am. And I realize it's not that easy to level up. But since I've said I'm going to do it I am. It's the first gift of many I plan to give the Loki familia for taking me in and accepting me as one of their own. Also don't worry. I won't be as reckless in doing this like Ais." I explained.

Since people have told me just how truly reckless that girl is.

Which is why when I'm able I'll pound some common sense into that head of hers.

Since we're part of the same familia now. We need to take care of each other.

Hearing my declaration Loki simply nodded.

"Ok then. See you later." I said.

I then left Loki's room.

3rd Person: POV

As Jugram closed the door to Loki's room the red headed goddess lied out flat on her bed and looked up at her bedroom ceiling. Her thoughts focused on the young man who just left.

Mainly on his declaration of leveling up in a single year, and how casually he addressed the matter.

Loki knew the difference between confidence and pure arrogance, and when Jugram spoke of his goal she knew it was the former.

Which made Loki start to wonder just what kind of monster Jugram would become in the future.

Especially given his connection to Yhwach.

Back in heaven Loki had heard rumors of a god who created a unique race of people in the mortal realm. Blessing them with incredible powers. She had never heard the gods true name, only rumors about them.

But now after meeting Jugram she started thinking that she finally learned that mysterious gods name.

Giving a sliver of truth to the rumors she heard.

Loki wondered if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

But in the end she knew only time would tell.

Jugram: POV

Moving through the streets of Orario I looked around at all the various stores and stalls situated all around me.

Today I am taking a personal day from the dungeon to explore the city itself.

Which I haven't really done since coming to this world.

As I walked along I saw people of all races. As well children playing in the streets and families enjoying a nice outing. I also saw adventurers from other familia as well.

Seeing all this gave me a sense of leisure.

A far cry from the tension I felt every time I stepped into the dungeon.

Seriously, it's like night and day between the two places. But I guess that's just what makes Orario what it is.

Stopping in several stores I browsed around looking at weapons, potions, and even several books. Where I stumbled across a particular series called "The Dark Wizard Rises". It's about a human knight who ends up betrayed by the very king he serves. Framed from a crime he did not commit after discovering his kings treachery to the nation he governs he and all his comrades are branded traitors and executed.

However thanks to a unique magic the human knights possesses he rises from the dead, and then goes into hiding to study dark magic and dark arts.

Then after a few decades pass the knight returns to his homeland and using his vast knowledge of dark arts conquerors it. Then once he does he has his revenge against the king who betrayed by preforming various hardcore sexual acts with his daughter.

The undead knight also makes the kingdom a better place in the end despite the methods he used to do so.

So it's not just a smutty book series featuring hardcore BDSM. It has betrayal, action, adventure, and drama.

Once I read a chapter or two I purchased the entire five book series without hesitaiton.

Exiting the bookstore, which I marked down to come back to later, I felt hungry. Upon realizing this I decided it was time to get something to eat.

The only question is where.

Truthfully I want to go to the Hostess of Fertility.

From what I've heard from Raul and the others is a popular place for adventurers even now.

The only thing is if I go there I'll have to deal with Freya.

Which I don't want to do, under any circumstances.

"What to do, what to do?" I asked myself as I walked.

Go to the Hostess or not not go? That is the question.

I'll definitely go there in the future since Loki familia are regulars at the place. But going with my familia members is different walking in there alone.

After a few minutes of thinking I came to my decision. I am going to go there.

Since I'll encounter Syr/Freya eventually I might as well get it over with.

My decision made I got ready to head to the Hostess, only to bump into someone and fall on my ass.

'Looks like I wasn't paying enough attention.' I thought.

Quickly standing up I offered the person I bumped into a hand. "Sorry about that. I was lost in thought." I said.

Only for anything else in my throat to die down the moment I got a good look at the person I just bumped into.

Ryuu Lion.

Another of my top waifu in this world, and a girl I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with like Riveria.

I won't lie, I sort of have an elf fetish. No, I definitely have one.

Even though their race has a policy of no touching basically. Actually that only makes going after them more exciting. Since it's like tasting forbidden fruit if I can charm them.

Which now I actually have a chance to do.

Looking up at me Ryuu then glanced at my hand.

As she did so I immediately pulled it back. "Again, sorry about bumping into you." I said.

"It's no trouble at all. I am not hurt in the slightest." Ryuu said.

She then stood back up to her feet and rejoined her comrades.

Who I just noticed are Lyra, Kaguya, and Alise.

"Hello there ladies." I said to them.

"Oh, so you finally noticed us huh handsome?" Kaguya questioned, a coy smile on her face.

"Come on Kaguya, don't be mean. You know the only reason this guy didn't notice us is because his gaze was fixed solely on Lion." Lyra said.

'Was I staring at Ryuu that hard?' I thought. Feeling a light blush on my cheeks as I did so.

"Eh Lion, isn't that nice? This handsome guy was looking only at you despite the rest of us being here." Alise said. "You know if you don't snatch him up I'll be glad to take them then."

"Alise. Don't say such things, you're making him uncomfortable." Ryuu said. Despite looking embarrassed herself.

"Oh, I'm making him uncomfortable am I?" Alise asked. Giving Ryuu a knowing smile as she did so.

"Am excuse me ladies." I said, drawing all eyes to me. "First off my name is Jugram. And secondly I am once again sorry for bumping into your friend Lion. Well then, please excuse me." I said.

I then left the four girls from the Astraea familia behind.

Since I'm sure if I had stayed any longer their teasing would've made me red in the face.

But man, seeing Ryuu in the flesh was just as good as seeing Riveria.

I like them both.

So then the question is, do I feel up to making a harem or not?

I pondered this question as I continued on my way to the Hostess of Fertility.

A/N: A brief detail.

Jugram Haschwalth: Age 15 years old.

Seven years left until canon begins.

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