Is It Wrong To End Up As A Quincy In Danmachi?

Chapter 6: Hostess of Fertility

After my encounter with Ryuu and the other members of the Astraea familia it didn't take me long to arrive at my destination.

The Hostess of Fertility.

Entering I was greeted by tables full of cheerful adventurers as well as the smell of delicious foods. Which only made me even hungrier.

As I stood a the entrance a familiar face came to greet me.

Syr Flova.

Aka Freya.

"Welcome." She said. Flashing me a smile. Which I'll admit is super effective. It's no wonder Syr is the poster girl for this place and if I didn't know her true nature I might've even fallen for her a bit.

But since I do I'm not touching that particular path with a 1,000 foot pole.

"How many?" She asked.

"Just one." I responded.

"All our tables are full right now, so would you mind sitting at the bar?"

"Not at all." I replied.

"Then please follow me." Syr said.

She then led me over to the bar and I took a seat.

Syr then excused herself to go handle another table. So while I waited to place my order I looked around more and noticed the Hostess is a bit understaffed.

Which makes perfect sense. Since the Astraea familia is still alive the events that led to Ryuu, Chloe, and Luniore working here haven't taken place yet.

Speaking of Ryuu, I wonder if I might be able to save the Astraea familia from their fate in a few years.

Since in the original story they got screwed over hard.

Ryuu in particular suffered horribly. Which I always felt she didn't deserve.

So if I can I'll try and change her fate.

Sure canon will be fucked sideways if I do but I don't really care. My own presence here has already caused several butterfly effects I'm sure. So the only thing I can do is move forward and carve my own path.

Besides having the Astraea familia around to help deal with future events would be a great help. Since they are one of the few decent and powerful familia in Orario.

'Yep I've decided.' I thought. I'll make sure the Astraea familia lives.

The only question now is how the fuck I'm going to do that.

Since the Juggernaut decimated them in canon and they were a group of level four and level three adventurers. Even Bell struggled against that beast and he has the protagonist aura.

So I ha

ve no idea how I'm supposed to deal with it.

Maybe if I can pull off Quincy: Vollstandig I might stand a chance.

Although Jugram never showed his off in the Bleach manga all Sternritter were able to perform the technique. So it stands to reason since I have Jugrams powers and abilities I should be able to preform it as well.

I just need to figure out how.

As various thoughts rolled around in my head someone from the other side of the counter stepped up in front of me.

Looking at them I saw it was Mia Grande Also known as Mamma Mia. The owner of the Hostess as well as the former captain of the Freya familia.

"Hey there boy." She said.

"Hello mam."

"Polite aren't you. That's rare amongst adventurers." She said.

"Oh, and how do you know I'm an adventurer I asked?"

"Why everyone's already talking you. The young man dressed in white who recently joined the Loki familia." Mia explained.

"I see." I said.

Looks like adventurers love to gossip.

"Eh you shouldn't worry about it. It comes with the territory of joining a well-known familia. And it will only get worse as your fame grows. So better to get used to it when you're first starting out. That is if you don't kick the bucket." Mia explained.

"Thanks the free advice." I told her.

"No problem kid. Now eat up." She said.

Mia then placed two plates in front of me. One with a sizzling steak and potatoes while the other was filed with a huge serving of orange pasta.

"Am, I didn't order this." I said.

"Its fine. You'll love it. Trust me. Now just enjoy the food and feel free to order as much as you want." Mia said.

She then walked off before I could say anything else. I put a wry smile on my face at this.

She's definitely trying to squeeze my wallet. But she is a business owner so I understand.

Deciding not to let the food get any colder I dug in and found Mia's words to be true.

The food is delicious.

Before I knew it I cleaned both plates and then ordered even more.

I finished four servings before I felt satisfied.

A smile on my face I noticed I was running low on alcohol so I looked for a waitress and spotted a familiar cat girl.

"Excuse me." I said.

She then came right over. "Nya~ Hello customer. I'm Anya. What can I help you with? Nya~"

"I would like a refill on my drink please."

"Coming right up." Anya said.

She then took my mug and walked off with a smile on her face.

Really that girl is so sweet. It really makes me wonder how she ended up with such an asshole brother with a Napoleon complex who wants to spend his life chasing after a woman who will never truly "love" him like he loves her.

Fucking love gods.

In no time at all Anya returned with my mug.

Once she did so I simply nursed my drink while enjoying the ambience.

Until eventually I saw how late it was and decided to take my leave.

Paying the bill I said farewell to the Hostess and returned to Twilight Manor.

Having thoroughly enjoyed my day off.


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