Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 584

Side Story Chapter 30 – Don’t. Just don’t.

Since the troublemaker came by, things have been running pretty smoothly.

Was it because we got that cruel preventive injection called “troublemaker”?

Or was it because Yeonwoo had a knack for business?

Maybe it was all of those reasons combined.

Still, the customers coming after that Hunter were relatively normal.

We could run the shop much more smoothly than before.

I mean, we just had to sell simple lunch boxes like now.

“Please ring me up. And give me a bag.”

“Do you want chopsticks?”

“No, it’s fine.”

As the customer said they didn’t need chopsticks, Yeonwoo packed the lunch box into the bag.


“…Wait, why are you removing that?”

As Yeonwoo naturally detached the chopsticks attached to the lunch box.

“You said you didn’t need them. Then we have to recycle.”

“No, I need that to eat!”

This was going too far.

As soon as they said they didn’t need chopsticks, they went ahead and ripped them off like that.

Thinking this was excessive, I pointed it out to Yeonwoo.

“Yeonwoo, what are you doing removing the chopsticks from the lunch box?”

“Ah… sorry, Dad.”

“Ha… just hurry up.”

No matter what, this was too much.

“If you tear it like that, the chopstick wrapper will tear too. You need to be careful.”

“Just like you, Dad. I got it. I’ll be careful.”

“No, I’m saying give me my chopsticks back, you little brats!”

If you’re going to tear it off like Yeonwoo, you should be careful because recycling becomes tricky.

[Input the cash receipt under your number.]

‘Ah, I forgot.’

Anyway, the operation of the shop was surprisingly easy.

The stock wasn’t left unsold at all.

And there weren’t customers flooding in either.

Those two were in a delicate balance, creating perfect harmony.

“Dad, I’ll go check the inventory in the warehouse.”

“Okay. I’ll watch the counter.”

Once again, I felt Ayeon’s business sense was outstanding.


‘What’s up, Piece?’


[But why is there a book being sold here?]

‘How should I know?’

I had a slight suspicion about selling books.

Honestly, doesn’t it seem strange no matter how you think about it?

This place is where even sage time is covered by pleasure.

Who would read a book in a place with such characteristics?

Even if Ayeon’s hobby of reading influenced it.

I thought Ayeon’s business sense was mistaken on this matter.

“Could you ring up these books for me?”


I was the one who was wrong.

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s my first day working here, and I didn’t think books would sell.”

Just then, a man came in intending to buy books.

Not just one, but several kinds all at once.

My thoughts were completely denied.

“There’s nothing better to do while waiting in the lounge.”

“Can’t you use your mobile phone?”

“Since the Hunter took a photo without permission last time, cell phones are banned.”

“Ah, I see.”

That was Ayeon for you.

Operating three huge businesses.

Who was I to dare question that sense of hers?

If it seemed like it wouldn’t sell, all she had to do was create an environment where it would sell.

“Do you need anything else?”

“No, just ring it up.”

Just handing the books over into a bag made my heart feel a bit uneasy.

Honestly, the prices of the books were ridiculously high.

I suspected they were ripping me off.

At this price, one could read a lot more web novels or e-books.

“But the book prices seem too high even to me.”

“You know, that damn law.”

“Ah, fuck. Right.”

Indeed, it was the law that was the problem.

What kind of empty-headed idiot made such a ridiculous law?

No, was it just natural that an ass with no brains would make it?

Plus, those idiots supporting it were no different.

If they’re all happy and enjoying themselves, fine by me.

But why do these bastards keep eyeing the other side?

Right now, this novel was hiding in the shadows too, keeping its head down.

[It’s not ‘can’t’, it’s ‘must not’.]

‘……Anyway, it’s not going out, fuck…’

Before they stick straws on the other side, they should at least offer some incense at their mother’s grave.

Of course, if they had even a lick of intelligence to think that far.

When their parents were alive, they wouldn’t have even thought about it.

That’s why those empty-headed idiots shouldn’t be allowed to make laws.

How many people suffer because of just a few lines of legislation?

I thought there were indeed various ways to certify that one’s parents were dead.

[If the publisher makes a profit, book prices will definitely go down.]

‘This bastard really is brainless and just spitting nonsense.’

Anyway, coming back to the present as I was about to stuff the books in the bag.

“Yeonwoo, have you finished checking the warehouse?”

“Yes, done.”

Just then, Yeonwoo, who finished organizing the stock, appeared.

Then she glanced at the pile of books stacked at the counter and pointed at them, expressing admiration.


“So many books… customers could go to grad school with these.”

“Yeonwoo, what do you mean by that?”

The issue was expressing it in such a cruel way that should never be said.

Of course, not all graduate schools were bad in this world.

These days, grad students did get some rights, or so they say.

But graduate school is still graduate school.

“But reading all these books might just ignite one’s academic enthusiasm.”

“Yeonwoo, even if it’s true, that’s a bad thing to say to someone.”

“Ah, is that so?”

A place no one should ever casually tell someone to go to.

Then Yeonwoo made a sad expression and started apologizing to the customer.

Bowing her head as deeply as possible sincerely.

“I’m sorry, sir. I made a mistake.”

“I’m really sorry too. I should’ve talked to my child better.”

“Ahaha, it’s alright.”

Fortunately, the customer took Yeonwoo’s apology with a smile.

One might think this response was excessive, but it couldn’t be helped.

If you commit rudeness against someone, you should certainly apologize.

Especially for mentioning that dreadful place called graduate school.

Even if the parents’ enemy went there, it’s a hell they might at least try to warn seriously.

“I’m already a grad student.”

“Ah… don’t tell me a master’s…?”

But the customer was already in hell.

“It’s a master’s and doctoral integration.”

“Oh, wow…”

That was indeed a very deep hell.

At that moment, tears surged up uncontrollably.

How could such a wretched being be here?

What kind of circumstances did that person have?

[It’s true you came to take care of matters, right?]

‘Ah, fuck.’

At that moment, the man responded with a slightly pitiful smile.

“But graduate school isn’t that bad. It’s similar to marriage.”

“……I can’t deny that.”

That wasn’t entirely wrong.

Before reaching that outcome in marriage, you can experience living together first.

In grad school, as an undergrad, you can help with research and get a taste of the grad student life.

Of course, once you actually do it, the number of things to worry about is beyond imagination.

Many commonalities existed outside of that.

Not everyone can do it just because they want to.

Some conditions have to be met before engagement.

In marriage, mutual will between the partners is required.

Graduate school requires sufficient academic enthusiasm and at least minimal grades.

Additionally, allowance that barely helps you live is often given.

Total disappearance of personal time is also a phenomenon.

And there are plenty of anniversaries you must remember.

Graduate school has Teacher’s Day, marriage has wedding anniversaries.

Also, many of those who went first often suggest thinking it over again.

‘Sometimes, there are people who are glad they went…’

[Don’t. Just don’t do it, you bastard.]

And above all, there’s that mandatory defense.

I too had been squeezed for a while after getting married.

Grad students are also constantly squeezed every moment.

In meetings, presentations, thesis evaluations, it’s about mental strength, stamina, and knowledge.

“Are you preparing well for the mandatory defense?”

“……It’s a mess…”

“Dear me…….”

The customer before me probably wasn’t much different.

Soon after, the customer let out a big sigh.

With a heavy step, they left the shop.

As soon as the customer left, Yeonwoo grabbed my sleeve and tilted her head.

“Dad, what exactly is a grad student?”

“A poor soul caught by a professor.”

She seemed to understand something from my words, as Yeonwoo displayed a slight epiphany.

“It’s like how you get ambushed by moms, Dad.”

“Yeonwoo, it’s ‘ambush’, not ‘caught’.”

Given her lacking vocabulary, she was still a child.

“No, ‘ambush’ is correct.”


At that moment, a slightly unexpected voice was heard.

“Mom, you’re here?”

“Yes. How’s Yeonwoo doing?”

“Yes. It was a bit boring, but it was okay since Dad was here.”

“Glad to hear that.”

It was none other than Ayeon.

Of course, this was Ayeon’s business, so her coming here wasn’t that strange.

But why did she suddenly show up now?

And what was with this ‘ambushed’?

“I’m glad to see you as well. Have you been well?”

“I’m also happy to see you. But Ayeon, what do you mean by that?”

Then Ayeon whispered softly to me with a serious expression.

“Hyeji is going wild threatening to tear you in half.”

“Ah, fuck.”

Only then did it hit me.

Hyeji definitely said not to go out under any circumstances.

I must have forgotten that in the victory with Elcia.

Even if I helped Yeonwoo, it wouldn’t go away smoothly.

It remained an undeniable fact that I made Yumi cry and wrecked the house.

Oh no.

In a panic, while chewing my lip furiously.

Ayeon snuck close to me and began sweetly whispering in my ear.

“If you make a sticky mandatory defense with her alone, I can just say you were called.”


That was the kind of whisper that leads its hearer to ruin.

But this time, I had to grab the devil’s hand.

Even if the conclusion wasn’t going to be good at all.

Wouldn’t it be better than being killed by the grand demon?

[To sell your body to survive, how totally twisted.]

‘This fucking girl, seriously.’

Eventually, I reluctantly took Ayeon’s hand.

“What shall we do?”

“…….Let’s go…”

“Good choice.”

Yeonwoo seemed not to like that and hesitated, protesting to Ayeon.

“Mom, I still want to be with Dad a bit longer.”

“If I lend him out, I was going to reduce the number of academies Yeonwoo should attend… but it seems it can’t be helped….”

“Um… Mom…”

But as Ayeon spoke, Yeonwoo quickly made a sad face.

She wanted just a little more time with me but couldn’t ask for too much.

Going to academies must have been devastating news for Yeonwoo.

That’s why I decided to sacrifice myself here.

“Ayeon, can’t you just not send Yeonwoo and Yumi to the academy at all? They’re still young.”

“If so, will you take responsibility for that much?”

“……I’ll do it.”

In a world like this, academies are half-essential.

But honestly, sending them to the academy already feels like too much.

I’ve never even attended such an academy myself.

Is there any need for my child to go to one?

Even if they would have to go eventually, at least not right now.



Being healthy and growing up well is enough for them.

Soon, as I was being helplessly led away by Ayeon.

I turned my head and gave Yeonwoo the brightest smile I could muster.

Hoping that no more sadness would fill that face.


Then Yeonwoo wiped her teary eyes.

By crossing her two fingers, she replied to me.

“I will remember.”

That was a sorrowful yet beautiful, brief farewell.

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