Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 585

Side Story Chapter 32 – Searching for a Property.

The children’s academy, which is kindergarten.

An educational institution for children before they enter elementary school.

Although kindergartens and daycare centers seem quite similar at first glance…

The difference lies in the purpose; daycare centers focus on care, while kindergartens focus on education.

And we were searching for a kindergarten for Yumi and Yeonwoo’s education.


“We’re here to check out your kindergarten for the kids.”

“Ah, I’m glad you came.”

After finding a place with decent reviews online, we decided to visit in person.

This time, we weren’t all flocking together like a herd of geese.

The heroines and I took turns pairing off and moving around.

There were several reasons for this.

First, we needed someone to watch the kids at home.

Someone had to work as a hunter to keep the guild running.

And each individual had their own respective tasks piling up.

For example, Ayeon had her business management, and Caressy had her visits to the Beastman Kingdom, and so on.

Anyway, I was currently visiting a kindergarten with Hyeji and listening to a brief explanation from the director.

However, Hyeji seemed impatient and was being as straightforward as possible.

She probably wanted to gather as much information as quickly as she could.

“First of all, let me introduce our kindergarten.”

“Could you quickly highlight its strengths since we’re short on time?”

I felt like Hyeji was being a bit rude here.

Of course, I understood her feelings perfectly.

The more places we looked at, the better judgment we could make.

Whether it’s a house, a university, a job, or a kindergarten.

But wouldn’t it hurt feelings to hear that from someone trying to explain?

“Hyeji, is there really a need to rush?”

“It’s true we don’t have time, and we still have many more to see.”

“That’s fine. I’ll explain right away.”

Fortunately, the director cheerfully adjusted her attitude.

Maybe there were many parents like us who only wanted the highlights.

Or perhaps she simply wanted to avoid unnecessary disputes.

Well, either way, it wasn’t too important.

“Our kindergarten boasts a high enthusiasm for learning among the children.”

“Do you have any objective indicators for that?”

At least she was flexible enough to handle it well.

“Our kindergarten has an elementary school admissions rate of 70%!”

“Of course, they’ll go to elementary school, you crazy bastard.”

No, this wasn’t worth evaluating.

Bragging about something so obvious…

Even if she were a salesperson, that was pushing it.

Even though Hyeji unleashed a curse in her rush, it was hard to blame her.

“But the chance of entering the gifted class is a whopping 0.7%!”

“Hyeji, isn’t this a bit of a stretch?”

“Your daddy really knows a thing or two!”

“Kim Shinwoo, do you really want to die first?”

Regardless, the other kindergartens we eventually checked had their own problems.

Although they had great ratings online, once we actually visited, I wanted to find the person who gave those reviews.

What kind of reason could they have had to give such generous ratings to this trash?

At a kindergarten that claimed children master language, the conversation level was way off.

“Do adults really wear shorts this short these days? That’s basically underwear!”

“Should we just drop the vowels and call them ‘shorts’ instead?”

“Did you take lessons? Why do you talk so well?”

The reality of the kindergarten that claims to cultivate proper minds through cultural works was horrifying.

“Have you read this book? It really opens up a new world.”

“Oh, so that means sex is possible even if the genders are different.”

Rather than a spirit of challenge, it was a chaotic situation breaking down.

“Hey! Why did you hit the teacher?”

“I wanted to hit the sky.”

“……But why… the teacher…?”

It was a horrific massacre of kindergarteners hitting teachers for no apparent reason.

“So you hit a teacher that looked like the sky.”


Is this world crazy because there are hunters, or are hunters here because the world is crazy?

If the situation at kindergartens is this messy…

The only emotion I could possess towards the world was distrust.

I reiterated how difficult parenting can be.

Still, among them, there were not-so-bad kindergartens as good as the online reviews.

One kindergarten explicitly emphasized that children could be raised to be polite.

Besides that, they were a kindergarten established through Japan-Korea collaboration.

Thanks to that, there were quite a few kids from Japan, just as many as Korean children.

In other words, they caught two birds with one stone: manners and Korean-Japanese exchange.

Actually, before even having a meeting with the director, we saw children cleaning up by themselves.

Looking at their expressions, it didn’t seem like they were forced but voluntarily participating.

Moreover, there were no squabbles among the kids about their origins.

Seeing that sight, I initially felt a friendly emotion.

“Shinwoo, this place doesn’t seem too bad, huh?”

“Honestly, I didn’t think about stuff like this back then!”

“This is pretty unexpected.”

At that age, kids are virtually uncontrollable.

They always play around and break anything they can get their hands on.

It’s no small feat to make those kids clean up themselves.

And it was even more impressive that nobody was singled out or discriminated against.

In other words, it meant that the kids had been thoroughly educated to grow up politely.

And since it was a kindergarten that emphasized etiquette…

The trash can even had “Conscience” written on it.

It seemed to emphasize that accurately disposing of trash in the right place is a matter of “conscience.”

“You’re not getting it in, www just widen it a little more, www”

“Don’t worry, www if I push it in hard enough, it’ll all fit, www”

But it seemed like the kids tossing trash lacked the conscience they were trying to promote.

[Hey, hey www the hole of conscience is pretty tight, huh www]

‘My head hurts, so shut up, you fcking btch.’

Including that piece of trash.

It felt off due to the fact that many kids were from Japan.

It was my huge mistake not to preemptively filter that out.

The saying that anything done in collaboration leads to undesirable results really held true.

“Shinwoo, where’s the kindergarten we’re visiting today?”

“Well, we’ll have to walk a bit.”

“Husband, let’s go! We haven’t seen any yet!”

It was so bad that Caressy and Elcia even had to forcibly escape from that horrific scene.

Still, maybe all the wandering around was worth it.

Or perhaps there’s still a glimmer of hope in this sh*tty world.

Unlike the evaluations, we found several very decent kindergartens.

I was truly relieved that our efforts over the past several days did not betray us.

And from the short-listed kindergartens, we made our choice for the most reasonable one.

Though it wasn’t national, the facilities were quite good.

It was also relatively close to home, making it easy for the kids to walk to.

I liked that they recruited without regard to birth, race, or background.

Especially, they didn’t even discriminate based on the presence of abilities.

Of course, applicants had to write about their abilities.

But they didn’t separate them into different classes based on that.

With this setup, the kids would get to meet various types of people, right?

“Shinwoo, why did you choose this place when others are good too?”

“They have CCTV that shows the entire kindergarten inside.”

“That’s okay. If anything happens, I can step in.”

Above all, being able to see the kindergarten situation from home via CCTV was a big deal.

Since child abuse by teachers sometimes happens in kindergartens where kids are entrusted.

Of course, since Yumi had awakened her abilities, that was a concern I wouldn’t have.

But it was never bad to be prepared, just in case an accident occurred.

You never know what kind of human rights-violating incident could happen to children.

“I definitely think having CCTV is a good idea. It benefits my business as well.”

“Isn’t that just to monitor unruly customers?”

Even at Ayeon’s business place, it was being used actively.

“The profit from the monthly CCTV monitoring of the succubi dressing room has been pretty decent.”


Of course, that was different from the kindergarten because it ignored human rights.

“By the way, the subscription cost varies based on resolution, angles, and whether it has audio.”

“You crazy b*tch…….”

There was a reason why a succubi union had to emerge.

Even though Yeonwoo, who had been close to them, was negatively affected…

Still, compared to Ayeon’s actions, it was nothing.

Though it was called CCTV, it practically was a hidden camera.

At first, it seemed like the succubi union would only have bad things going for it.

But now that I looked at it, it was a form of rebellion on their part.

When dealing with something that isn’t quite human…

[Why don’t you ask for one too at this chance?]

‘I’m now a dad with a daughter. Does watching hidden cameras even make sense?’

One must give up on being human themselves too.

[Daughters are daughters, and that’s all they are.]

‘Let’s not speak anymore, you b*tch.’

That piece of trash seemed to have already given up on humanity.

Anyway, now that we decided on a kindergarten to send the kids to.

I figured it was time to let them know.

After all, as the parties involved, they should be informed, right?

“Dad, what do you want to talk about?”

“What did you call us for?”

“You two are going to kindergarten now.”

However, there was a slight problem.

“I don’t want to!!!”

“……Me neither…”

Both clearly showed their unwillingness.

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