Isekai Harem of Smut and Magic

Chapter 50 – Gnoll’s Unrest

In the previous chapter...

Milia’s team built a platform using the bridge’s rubbles. It stood near a wall of collapsed rocks, close to the cave’s center. The beholders and gnolls gathered around, waiting for the ceremony that would start soon.

The minotaur lit the braziers standing at the corners of the finished stage.

Stage preparation

Proud of her work, she jumped off to the back. “What’s up with the vibe?” She frowned, putting her hands on her waist.

There, Metiva was kneeling, pressing her forehead on the ground. “I apologize. I don’t mind what happens to me, but please spare my clan.”

The witches and Ranna imitated her gesture.

Shaki scratched her head. “Let’s recap. You went into the mine while your pawns held the entrance. But you failed, and your tribe was stuck there, trying to retrieve the warbanner so they could move the pawns to elsewhere… So what’s the problem?”


Sensing that the discussion touched sensitive topics, Milia strolled away, circling the small platform she was proud of.

f8129dc8-a329-4166-a03d-3118fc086e9b.jpg “Don’t you remember? Metiva told us their tribe was tightly bonded and spoke as if she held all authority over the tribe as matriarch.”

2193e2df-c53f-4dcc-af5e-205ce2ee9b3c.jpg “You would kill us on the spot if I told you that gnolls were ruthless beasts that would not hesitate to abandon their kins.”

b24db389-324d-4d97-bc00-68d679182341.jpg “And sure enough, you betrayed us at some point. But don’t worry, I didn’t trust you anyway.”

“I’m sorry.” Ranna ground her head on the floor with regret.

b24db389-324d-4d97-bc00-68d679182341.jpg “That was fair game. I would have done the same, but the Evil Eye offered the gnolls to surrender instead of us.”

Slade glanced at Griscent, who silently lurked around. “(You really did a number on them.)”

f9c69b80-12f7-4623-bdae-1a0b5adaf6f5.jpg “(Hah! It went well until Violet barged in. By the way, is she okay? It’s almost time.)”

“(She’s just doing the last repeat.)” Slade nodded.

a73f2c62-9dde-4a13-b77b-17f9567b0ca7.jpg “The tribe won’t support our clan nor the Dungeon. We even lost the king’s artifacts despite our bitter sacrifices.”

f8129dc8-a329-4166-a03d-3118fc086e9b.jpg “That was unfortunate, but we can still excavate it from the bridge rubbles later. It’s a simple job for our guardian golem.”

a73f2c62-9dde-4a13-b77b-17f9567b0ca7.jpg “That would be too late. It’s only a matter of days until someone else claims my title and warbanner. The tribe doesn’t believe any words about Lady Violet’s miracles and benevolence. They might leave the moment they get the banner.”

a0aef5c8-6f62-4be9-809d-d0bc03de6ade.jpg “It’s understandable that they don’t want to cooperate considering how we beat them up at the entrance.”

b63c8fad-97b8-43db-b1c1-eaacbeba3455.jpg “Why are you making such a big fuss about it? Losing your position as matriarch isn’t our problem.”

f8129dc8-a329-4166-a03d-3118fc086e9b.jpg “Right, our main issue would be the lack of sovereign points they produce.”

Griscent took out the sovereign book to support his claims.

They saw all the resources generated by the towns per day and the summoning ritual costs for buildings and pawns.

Sovereign Book pages

The unrest was at 37% and the morale at -2. According to Griscent’s guesses, they would earn 14 sovereign points instead of 25.

Troglodyte pawns cost 50 sovereign points. Thus, they could only afford a new pawn every four days instead of two days.

Basically, their pawn output was twice as slow.

Milia came back, curious about the book.

“Oh look!” She shoved her index finger on the page, cheerfully screaming. “Our platform was acknowledged as the village square! I can’t wait until the inauguration is over!”

“Great job, Milia! You're not slacking off for once!” Shaki slapped her butt.

f8129dc8-a329-4166-a03d-3118fc086e9b.jpg “Aren’t we getting sidetracked? What are we doing about the unrest and sovereign points?”

b63c8fad-97b8-43db-b1c1-eaacbeba3455.jpg “That’s such a trifling matter to worry about. Time or rituals can solve those issues.”

2193e2df-c53f-4dcc-af5e-205ce2ee9b3c.jpg “Rituals? You don’t mean…”

b24db389-324d-4d97-bc00-68d679182341.jpg “That’s right. The trials of the Dungeon can convert people into artificial artifacts or sovereign points. Unlike other towns, we don’t need our citizens to be happy, but greedy. We could put the matriarch title and the warbanner at stake, and the rebellious gnolls will fly straight to their demise like moths attracted to the flame.”

The witches exchanged looks. “Is that why Lady Violet resurrected us? To turn us into artifacts?”

“Not at all! Violet seemed concerned about everyone’s well being…” Slade shook his stumps to dismiss their worries.

b63c8fad-97b8-43db-b1c1-eaacbeba3455.jpg “Yes, that sounds like her. But Dungeons are resilient to high unrest, unlike other factions.”

“Even so… If you could avoid killing gnolls.” Metiva swallowed, realizing her dire situation. She was an expandable tool, who might discarded at a moment’s notice.

Her only hope wobbled in front of her. She needed to cling onto Slade and Violet’s mercy.

a0aef5c8-6f62-4be9-809d-d0bc03de6ade.jpg “Gosh, some gnolls didn’t want to come here at all. They were right all along.”

b24db389-324d-4d97-bc00-68d679182341.jpg “Look, your political conflicts are your problems. We already helped each other to escape the beholders, so you’re free to leave. Just don’t yap your mouth about this dungeon.”

“Really? You’re not turning us into treasures?” Metiva lifted her head, flabbergasted.

Shaki offered a merciful escape while any other sovereign would not hesitate to trample them.

b24db389-324d-4d97-bc00-68d679182341.jpg “Of course not, didn’t we let you keep your spell book and banner? I don’t see a reason to turn you into items unless you try freeloading. But you gotta help us if you stay here.”

“Yes, we’ll do our best… and thank you.” Metiva bowed again.

Shaki and Milia walked further away, gathering the troglodyte pawns with large pots containing Slade’s milk.

“Free food and drinks here! Everyone is welcomed!” Milia yelled.

A female burly gnoll with a scar headed straight towards the rooks, digging a path through the crowd. Chains dangled from her waist, connected to a steel ball.

Milia handed her a bowl stolen from the palace, filled with a thick white liquid.

The gnoll took her pipe out of her mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke. “What is this food?”

“Our dungeon specialty, slime milk!” Milia scooped some in her mouth.

“Slime milk, you say?...” The gnoll took a sip from the bowl and lifted it up. “This is too exquisite for mere milk!”

Her signal warmed up the tribe to the dungeon’s hospitality.

“It seems like not all the gnolls are hostile towards us.” Slade said.

“She’s one of our clan’s elders, a retired warrior who supported retrieving the relics,” Ranna said.

The old warrior was naturally favoring her clan’s decision to ally with the Dungeon.

860e8a70-e1af-418b-a33c-8d8f145d435f.jpg “I didn’t expect such leniency from Shaki’s stern conduct, but I am relieved that the situation isn’t as serious as I thought.”

f8129dc8-a329-4166-a03d-3118fc086e9b.jpg “It’s understandable why you twisted the facts, but I also expected a punishment. I guess she’s happy with the result and holds nothing against you for lying in the process. In the end, Violet couldn’t revive a few gnolls, so your clan suffered most losses.”

“What should we do? We can take her offer to leave this place,” Ranna said.

a73f2c62-9dde-4a13-b77b-17f9567b0ca7.jpg “Everyone is weary from the journey. Do you agree to settle here for the time being, dear sisters?”

“The tribe is shunning us, so we should stay here. We’ll be fine even if we lose the warbanner and the pawns,” a witch said.

“There’s nothing to worry about, as long as we work together,” a male gnoll said.

“We should build up our forces here. If we serve Lady Violet, she might allow us to take some pawns to conquer the South,” a warrior said.

a73f2c62-9dde-4a13-b77b-17f9567b0ca7.jpg “Since we’re staying, we should stall the tribe here as long as possible.”

“Are we… sacrificing other gnolls?” Ranna asked.

a73f2c62-9dde-4a13-b77b-17f9567b0ca7.jpg “It will depend on them, as Lady Shaki said. Either way, we’ll benefit from their stay.”

“But how do we keep them here?” a witch asked.

The gnoll matriarch stared at Slade. Her intense gaze puzzled him.

She broke the silence with an inspirational statement. “Master, my clan lost too many members while other families have grown too big. But if we work hard, we can bring the tribe together to build our new home here!”

2f40a633-12c2-4058-9ea0-fea530f0a7a8.jpg “Yes, I wish I could help you, Metiva…”

860e8a70-e1af-418b-a33c-8d8f145d435f.jpg “Would you listen to my plan?”

2f40a633-12c2-4058-9ea0-fea530f0a7a8.jpg “Tell me everything!”

Metiva picked him up. “It would only increase the unrest if Lady Violet meddled with the tribe’s affairs. Instead, my clan must solve this without external help.”

“That’s right, the tribe must protect its traditions.” The other gnolls nodded.

860e8a70-e1af-418b-a33c-8d8f145d435f.jpg “But there’s a way to borrow your strength… My clan can take you in if we mate.”

Slade glanced at Griscent. “I’m not sure if I should…”

f9c69b80-12f7-4623-bdae-1a0b5adaf6f5.jpg “(That’s a good plan. A pillar is meant to be shared.)”

b6263d6a-c7bc-4d4f-aa95-c89921ba4ee5.jpg “Count me in.”

860e8a70-e1af-418b-a33c-8d8f145d435f.jpg “W-well, I’m glad you are enthusiastic! As a member of my clan, you can show your strength with the golem and convince the tribe to stay.”

f8129dc8-a329-4166-a03d-3118fc086e9b.jpg “Isn’t the golem part of Violet’s magic, though? Will they accept it as the clan’s strength?”

a73f2c62-9dde-4a13-b77b-17f9567b0ca7.jpg “The tribe’s council might buy into it for a while. But the greedy clans can’t be convinced peacefully. They’ll avoid a clash of raw strength with the golem, that’s for sure.”

f9c69b80-12f7-4623-bdae-1a0b5adaf6f5.jpg ”(That should be enough to delay their leave.)”

A system window popped up.


2f40a633-12c2-4058-9ea0-fea530f0a7a8.jpg “Alright. Let’s do it!”

“We’ll look forward to it, dear husband! The ceremony will begin soon. Let’s go!” the witches said and scattered.

“Whut?” Slade blinked.

860e8a70-e1af-418b-a33c-8d8f145d435f.jpg “Aren’t you familiar with Gnoll customs? It’s common for our women to mate with the same male.”

2f40a633-12c2-4058-9ea0-fea530f0a7a8.jpg ”Wow, being a gnoll is cool.”

2193e2df-c53f-4dcc-af5e-205ce2ee9b3c.jpg “On the other hand, unpopular males have it rough, especially past a certain age.”

2f40a633-12c2-4058-9ea0-fea530f0a7a8.jpg “Are female gnolls that straightforward in every relationship?”

860e8a70-e1af-418b-a33c-8d8f145d435f.jpg “I have no need for complicated courtship. I just have to snap my fingers to have males at my feet.”

Milia had served most of the audience with slime milk when Lorely flew down from the palace, carrying Violet in her arms.

The sovereign’s face was stiff in nervousness.

Honk honk!

I only shoved 6 buildings per page, but there are other pages. Violet and Griscent might improve the UI since the sovereign book is customizable…

Thank you for your attention, fav, comments, ratings and reviews!

Special thanks to our subscribers: Eternal_Havoc, LabRunner, JK, GM, TB, MS, S2, SD, Moose, U8, XCER, thedemongoku, Panthara, Nova69, PandaDaoist, Xerias, Vex, DivinePoodle, TheMuffinEmpire, Ua2, U0e, JoeyCrab, Jake Wolf’s stories for generously funding our degeneracy (´▽`ʃ❤ƪ).

See you Saturday,


SubStar 51

SubStar 52 NSFW

Preview of chapter 51



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