Isekai Harem of Smut and Magic

Chapter 51 – Inauguration

In the previous chapter…

Violet got off from Lorely’s arms. She scanned the audience while standing reverently at the center of the stage.

The new gnolls stared at her with a mix of curiosity and hostility. But the beholders and Metiva’s clan looked at her with warm smiles. Embers of hope burned within their heart and shone through their gaze. Their warmth rekindled Violet’s forsaken passion.

Spreading her arms wide as if to embrace their wishes, she started her speech.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “I am Violet Ylenward, sovereign of the Dungeon. On this special day, we are gathered to celebrate a wonderful miracle… The rise of our new home, Holloweye!”

The troglodyte pawns cheered at Shaki’s signal, prompting the rest of the crowd to applaud.

One of Slade’s blobs was wrapped around Violet’s neck, disguised as a fake scarf. The second one was with Metiva.

Unpleasant memories of Griscent’s illusion surfaced. Slade saw the inauguration of another Dungeon sovereign right after conquering a Stronghold town.

Forget it… Violet would never mess with a town hard enough to meet the same end as her. He drove his fears away to focus on her speech.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “This town couldn’t exist without your combined efforts. So let me thank you, starting with the beholders, who share their nest with us.”

Griscent climbed the stage and floated at Violet’s side to represent all the beholders. Her gleaming purple eye intimidated the gnolls, who couldn’t read the expression of her alien face.

The beholders let out cheers. The strident whistling and clattering noises terrified the rest of the audience. Some pups cried in fear, while others growled fiercely in the arms of their caretakers.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “Let me thank the gnolls, who share their ancestors’ resting place to breathe a new life into it.”

Metiva joined Violet’s side. She stood tall despite the other gnoll clans heckling her.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “And my rooks, who carried out my will.”

Metiva raised a slime blob high.

Lorely spread her wings wide.

Shaki hopped on the platform from the audience thanks to her powerful legs.

Milia climbed up with a bowl of slime milk, offering a cheer to her new gnoll friends before taking a sip from it.

5915e878-90ca-4abc-ab20-6c2a80a1a0e7.jpg “Crown, say hi!”

The golem sitting on the wall of rubbles lifted its head. Hearing Slade’s call, it walked closer and crossed its arm above the stage.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “Right, let’s not forget the guardian protecting us!”

The baby gnolls screamed in awe at the towering giant. “Au! Au! Au! Woaaah!”

The adults lost the presence of mind to calm the younglings.

The odd, harmless statue turned out to be a golem. Though it could wipe the entire tribe, it was also trapped inside the cave because there was no exit large enough to accommodate it.

A few gnolls trembled in hesitation, feeling the urge to run away.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “Despite our different origins, we put our grudges aside to build a beautiful community, a bridge between species that will pave the way to a greater future where our interests meet! And as you can see, we hold the strength to protect this dream.”

Violet gestured to the golem to sit down, relieving the audience.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “I know the gnoll’s dearest wish is to return to their homelands in the South West, but the journey proved to be challenging. How many days have you gone without eating? How many children were left behind? How many nights have passed since the last time you slept without fear?”

The gnolls clenched their jaws, reminded of the bitter memories. Some hugged their child. Bereaved husbands sighed, left behind by their partner.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “That’s why building a home that could offer logistic support is a necessity to pursue this dream!”

The gnolls nodded, warming up to Violet’s speech.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “This town is a crucible of hope where our combined efforts shall turn dreams into reality. Let’s embark on this ark to escape the dark days and light the future! Let’s cheer for Holloweye!!”

Her hands reached out to the dark sky, as if to send her wish to the heavens.

On that signal, Griscent wriggled her tentacles around a floating spellbook.

Magic arrow, Slashing skies

Countless birds rose from behind the stage. They headed to the hole at the center of the ceiling and faded into the night, forming a short-lived column of light.

The cave cheered loudly at the powerful magic.

Gnolls rarely saw flashy spells, as their usual water magic was closer to warding voodoo. The show of force convinced them of Holloweye’s military strength. Maybe they could entrust their safety into Violet’s hands...

The warlock resumed her speech after the calm returned.

“To reward your efforts, Holloweye shall use a new currency system.” She held up a paper adorning handwritten patterns.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “The ‘pawn note’ lets you rent pawns in an auction system. To ensure the stability of the currency, only two thousand notes will be issued per pawn. Further details will be explained by my vassals. From doing house chores to scouting safe paths to the South West, these notes hold limitless potential!”

“(I want some ‘Slade notes’.)” Griscent whispered.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “These rewards shall be granted in a fair manner by the town’s leaders. In order to govern Holloweye, Griscent shall represent the beholders while Metiva shall speak for the gnolls. Those two stand as equals.”

A wave of complaints spread through the displeased crowd. The sovereign directly appointed Metiva, but it was redundant with the role of Matriarch.

“(Hmpf, I’m more equal than you.)” Griscent scoffed at Metiva.

The latter couldn’t understand her language, so only Slade caught on the barb.

4c1514c6-1cbb-494c-87ab-794e92ba621e.jpg “But this government cannot run well without an arbiter to settle disagreements. In order to iron out conflicts, I appoint this slime as Holloweye’s supreme ruler! Slade shall mediate between the beholders, the gnolls and every other species that shall join us henceforth.”

Metiva crouched, letting the slime down at the stage front.

The gnolls blinked in surprise. “This gotta be a joke, right?”

The blob shapeshifted into a puppy gnoll. “Hey evwyone! I am Slade, the new wulew! I’m looking fowwawd wowking with you!!”

The crowd was speechless.

An angry elder roared. “I shall not bow down to mere pup-“

Crown slammed its arm on the ground, interrupting the gnoll’s rant.

The terrified crowd fell on their butt.

“Even though I am the golem’s mastew?” Slade-gnoll smirked.

“Listen everyone, master Slade conquered the beholders by himself! Do not disrespect him!” Metiva howled.

“No way!” “I’m way bigger than him!” The children jumped all over the place, challenging Slade to become the top puppy.

The adults stared in disbelief at the shapeshifting slime. They still stopped their cheeky kids, fearing the golem’s wrath.

Metiva took Slade in one arm and struck the ground with the warbanner.

“As you know, the Matriarch must announce their substitute in anticipation of fatal labor. Therefore, I formally announce that Ranna shall replace me so that I can bear master’s children!” Metiva said.

Violet spat in surprise, wheezing after her saliva went the wrong way. “Ex...cuse me?!” Her hoarse mustered a few complaints.

The gnolls were dumbstruck, hit by one surprise after another.

Ranna kneeled outside the stage. “It’s an honor, Matriarch!”

Her clan applauded. With that, their authority over the tribe was partly restored.

“L-let’s enjoy the party.” Violet concluded, and everyone walked off the stage.

Her limbs shook with adrenaline. She forgot how many decades passed since the last time she stood in front of a crowd.

“Good job, Violet!” Her scarf rubbed her neck with fluffy fur.

She sat down, ignoring his praise.

“Are you okay, mistress?” Lorely fanned some fresh air with her wings.

“Y-yeah I just need to sort my mind.” Violet sighed.

Metiva’s elder approached the backstage. “Well done, my girl! You found yourself a superb partner!”

860e8a70-e1af-418b-a33c-8d8f145d435f.jpg “Thank you, grandmother.”

“Everyone in the clan is eager to learn more about sir Slade.” The old gnoll warrior patted the puppy-slime.

Violet looked at the crowd growing around Metiva and Griscent. She felt an awkward distance between her and the subordinates, especially Slade who became the center of the attention.

Yet, his other blob was wrapped around her neck so he couldn’t be physically closer to her.

Lorely flew away, noticing Milia charging towards her.

The minotaur kept chasing. “Stop running, damn chicken!”

The party went on while Violet quietly retreated to the palace, escorted by pawns.

Perched on the stairs carved in the walls, she gazed at the party to “Damn, those stairs are no joke… I should have waited for Lorely!”

Honk honk!

The end of the volume is near. Next chapter is NSFW! (Foreplay ends at 53)

Thank you for your attention, fav, comments, ratings and reviews!

Special thanks to our subscribers: Eternal_Havoc, LabRunner, JK, GM, TB, MS, S2, SD, Moose, U8, XCER, thedemongoku, Panthara, Nova69, PandaDaoist, Xerias, Vex, DivinePoodle, TheMuffinEmpire, Ua2, U0e, JoeyCrab, Jake Wolf’s stories for generously funding our degeneracy (´▽`ʃ❤ƪ).

See you Tuesday,

( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )trucked

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